genius puppeteer

Chapter 315 Alchemy Test

Not long after, the large Hu Yuan plant at the bottom of the alchemy was roasted by the temperature of the flames and slowly melted out large pools of juice, and it itself also slowly curled up into a small solid piece due to the loss of juice. residue.

Chi Yunzhi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly hit the cauldron with his left hand, using his spiritual power to shake out the residue at the bottom of the alchemy cauldron. Then he took a mountain mother from the stone platform and threw it into the cauldron.

At the same time, Chi Yunzhi's eyes suddenly sharpened. In the Ling Mansion, the fire attribute spiritual power surged out again. The gestures of the right hand covering the tripod suddenly changed. The figure inside the tripod was originally like a crouching dragon clinging to the inner wall. The flames above suddenly jumped up like an enraged fire dragon, instantly engulfing the mountain mother that had just been thrown into the cauldron before it had time to fall.

Under the high temperature, the mountain mother quickly turned into tiny particles of powder and fell onto the Hu Yuan juice at the bottom of the alchemy cauldron, completing the refining of the first mountain mother. Chi Yunzhi was not in a hurry to continue. Instead, the flame temperature was reduced, leaving only the flame that clung to the inner wall of the alchemy cauldron at the beginning, and continued to slowly refine the juice at the bottom of the alchemy cauldron, completely merging it with the mountain mother powder.

Seeing this, the old man on the side nodded slightly.

Chi Yunzhi's control over flames was somewhat beyond his expectation. However, to some extent, the art of alchemy and puppet-making are similar in controlling spiritual power. Perhaps she is the same as her mother. , due to his superb puppet-making skills, even if his training in refining medicine is temporarily delayed, he can still control the flames freely and decisively when refining medicine.

Chi Yunzhi's eyes were fixed on the situation inside the alchemy cauldron. He saw that the juice in the alchemy cauldron was gradually boiling and bubbling. At the same time, a sweet fragrance came out of the alchemy cauldron. , At this time, Chi Yunzhi's eyes relaxed, he took another mountain mother from the stone platform, and followed the same method. After refining five mountain mother in succession, the juice at the bottom of the alchemy finally became thicker. Chi Yunzhi then reached out to the stone platform again and took out the third medicinal ingredient for refining Su Xin Dan, sand agarwood.

Throw two sand agarwood into the alchemy cauldron, and at the same time control the temperature of the flame with your right hand. The flame rises from the bottom of the alchemy cauldron, completely covering the viscous liquid and sand agarwood, fully integrating them together.

A quarter of an hour later, the three medicinal herbs in the flames had begun to take shape.

Chi Yunzhi breathed a sigh of relief, his face was covered with sweat. The long and tense time of manipulating the flames to refine the elixir was really not much easier than when outlining the meridians for the puppet.

Just when Chi Yunzhi reached out and was about to take the red blood ginseng leaves, the fourth medicinal ingredient for refining Su Xin Dan, the old man on the side suddenly raised his hand, and a burst of flames struck, burning all the red blood ginseng leaves on the stone platform. Burned down.

Chi Yunzhi's hand was frozen in mid-air.

She looked at the only trace of ashes remaining where the red blood ginseng leaves were originally placed on the stone platform, blinked, and then looked at the old man with some confusion.

However, facing Chi Yunzhi's questioning eyes, the old man did not give any explanation. He just put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky.

Seeing this, Chi Yunzhi seemed to suddenly understand something.

Her eyes flickered as she looked at the more than ten kinds of medicinal materials placed on the stone table.

At first she thought that the old man wanted to test whether she could immediately identify the medicinal material she really needed among several similar-looking medicinal materials, but then she realized that what the old man wanted to test was not her familiarity with the appearance of the medicinal materials. , but when refining the elixir, if one of the required medicinal materials is missing, is it possible to quickly find another medicinal material that can replace it in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Chi Yunzhi pursed his lips slightly and glanced at the medicinal materials on the stone table one by one. At the same time, the corresponding properties and efficacy of this medicinal material and its relationship with other medicinal materials immediately emerged in his mind. The compatibility and conflict between them.

Soon, Chi Yunzhi's eyes stopped at one of the medicinal materials.Maoshandan has the same properties as red blood ginseng leaves. Although the effects are not completely similar, it has most of the effects of red blood ginseng leaves. The most important thing is maoshandan and other medicinal materials used to refine Su Xin Dan. Hu Yuan, Shan Mu, Agarwood and Centennial Cicada Skin are all incompatible with each other. Therefore, within the range of options available, if red blood ginseng leaves are missing, then Maosandan may be the most suitable. chosen.

Seeing that Chi Yunzhi finally chose Maoshandan, the eyes of the old man who had been paying attention to Chi Yunzhi's actions moved slightly.

Chi Yunzhi put Maoshandan into the alchemy cauldron. In the blazing flames, the bright juice of Maoshandan quickly merged harmoniously with the elixir that had already begun to take shape. Nothing happened. any rejection.

Seeing this, Chi Yunzhi also raised the corners of his lips slightly, feeling relieved. It seemed that her choice was right.

Then, there is only the last step left to refine Su Xin Dan.

Chi Yunzhi picked up a piece of century-old cicada skin on the stone platform. The century-old cicada skin is not a cicada skin in the true sense, but it is named because it is as thin as a feather and its shape and color are similar to that of a cicada skin.

Chi Yunzhi put a piece of century-old cicada skin into the alchemy cauldron. The century-old cicada skin covered the embryonic elixir. Under the high temperature of the fire, the century-old cicada skin seemed to have put a layer of feathers on the embryonic elixir. , making the elixir become more lustrous and the fragrance of the elixir becomes richer but lighter.


Chi Yunzhi's eyes brightened slightly, and he suddenly shook the alchemy cauldron with his right hand. The formed elixir was knocked out. Chi Yunzhi quickly put it into the transparent elixir bottle with quick eyes and hands.

Across the transparent elixir bottle, Chi Yunzhi carefully checked the integrity of the elixir.

The elixir was beautifully formed, and there were no problems with the control of the heat or the timing. All the medicinal materials were used to ensure the integrity of their efficacy during the refining process. The only regret was that due to the lack of red Even if the blood ginseng leaves were supplemented with Maoshandan, which has similar effects, the efficacy of the final Suxindan would be greatly reduced.

Chi Yunzhi sighed with regret, and then handed Su Xin Dan, which had been checked and found no problem, to the old man for comment.

The old man took the elixir bottle, looked at it briefly, and said, "The elixir is very well made."

Hearing this, Chi Yunzhi was slightly happy. After all, it was not easy to be praised by a master of alchemy.

However, the smile on Chi Yunzhi's face only lasted for a moment, and the old man continued: "It's just a pity that the Su Xin Dan made by using Mao Shan Dan instead of red blood ginseng leaves only has [-]% of the original efficacy. Why do you think Is it the best choice to replace the red blood ginseng leaves with Mao Shandan? In terms of efficacy, isn’t the effect of ice grass seed more similar to that of red blood ginseng leaves, so why not choose it?”

(End of this chapter)

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