genius puppeteer

Chapter 319 Written Test Results

"The examination room has been arranged."

"Okay, Elder Wu." Elder Song nodded.

Then, under the guidance of Elder Song and Elder Wu, all the candidates took their seats one after another.

After the bell rang, the written test officially began.

Chi Yunzhi opened the densely packed test questions, and with just a cursory glance, he discovered that these test questions were actually just the simplest and most basic pharmacological knowledge. They were not only some information on medicinal materials involved in refining middle-level and lower-level elixirs, but also Covers information on the medicinal materials required for low-level elixirs.

As a result, the difficulty of the assessment seemed to be simpler than Chi Yunzhi expected.

With the corner of his lips slightly raised, Chi Yunzhi took up the pen and began to write rapidly. Chi Yunzhi's pen was flying like flying. He was able to write the answer almost immediately after reading the question, without any time to think or pause.

And Chi Yun was not the only one in the examination room to be like this, most of the candidates answered the questions at almost the same speed. After all, they came from a family that made medicine, and they still had a very solid grasp of these basic pharmacological knowledge.

In the quiet answering questions, time also passed quickly.

During this period, many people left the examination room early after answering the questions. Of course, Chi Yunzhi had also completed the examination questions long ago, but she had never been in the habit of handing in papers in advance. Just like before time travel, even if she wrote early in the exam After finishing the test paper, she would either check the answers she had written again, or she would lie on the table and wander in a fugue, and did not leave the examination room with everyone until the end of the examination.

An hour passed quickly, and the bell rang again in the examination room.

Chi Yunzhi stood up and relaxed the wrist that was holding his chin, which was aching. There were several figures in the examination room who were still scratching their heads and writing furiously. In the end, they were reluctant to do so under the urging of Elder Song and Elder Wu. Put down the pen.

As soon as Chi Yunzhi returned to the waiting room, she saw Lu Yunchu and Lu Yuxin, who had left the examination room early, waving to her eagerly.

Chi Yunzhi raised his eyebrows in surprise and walked over quickly.

As soon as he sat down, he heard Lu Yunchu ask anxiously: "How are you doing? I don't think those questions are too difficult. Why did you come out so late?"

Chi Yunzhi was about to answer, but an inappropriate voice sounded from the side.

"Master Lu, I have warned you a long time ago that the alchemists outside are not as good as the carefully cultivated disciples from the family of alchemists. If you still don't believe it, what about now? I say you are calling these self-proclaimed alchemists outside. In fact, he was deceived by a young man who doesn't know the slightest bit about alchemy. Otherwise, how could an alchemist who can truly refine mid-level elixirs have to struggle for so long when facing these simple test questions?"

Wang Lingling sneered and mocked.

Although Lu Yunchu ignored Wang Lingling's gloating, his eyes when looking at Chi Yunzhi were obviously more anxious. Logically speaking, Chi Yunzhi, who could get the guidance of the senior alchemy master, should not be He couldn't handle these test questions, but Chi Yunzhi was indeed the last person to walk out of the examination room, so Lu Yunchu couldn't help but hesitate. It wasn't that he didn't believe Chi Yunzhi, but he was just worried that something went wrong while she was answering the questions. .

Chi Yunzhi raised her eyes and glanced at Wang Lingling, who was looking at her with disdain. She remembered that when she was wandering out of boredom after answering the questions, she saw that the first person to walk out of the examination room was a disciple of Linyang Sect. It seemed that It was the man sitting next to Wang Lingling who had made Lu Yunchu embarrassed by his previous words. Wang Lingling followed closely behind and was the second person to walk out of the examination room.

It's no wonder that Wang Lingling was so proud, but Chi Yunzhi didn't expect that his habit of not handing in papers in advance would be interpreted as another meaning here.

Chi Yunzhi shook his head helplessly, and did not want to explain too much. He just said to Lu Yunchu and Lu Yuxin, who looked a little uneasy, "Don't worry."

Hearing this, Lu Yunchu and Lu Yuxin felt a little relieved.

However, Wang Lingling's mocking voice sounded again from the side. "Master Lu, let me tell you that the alchemist you hired from the Lu family is quite calm. The written exam is over and the results are about to come out. How can she still be so arrogant? If nothing else, just This kind of shame is really not something ordinary people can possess.”

Wang Lingling chuckled twice as she spoke, and then said: "But yes, she is here to take the assessment on behalf of your Lu family. Even if she fails in the end, it will be your Lu family's face that will be humiliated. What does it have to do with herself? Lu Young Master, as the saying goes, you should keep your eyes peeled in the future, and don’t rush to the doctor again when you are sick, and let all the cats and dogs into the family at will, ruining the family’s reputation.”

Lu Yunchu glanced at Wang Lingling obscurely, then turned to Chi Yunzhi and said: "Miss Xuanyu, Linyang Sect is very hostile to my Lu family, and Wang Lingling is famous for being hypocritical in Linyang Sect. Just think of her as a mad dog that bites people, don't be like her, lest you dirty your mouth."

Chi Yunzhi looked at Lu Yunchu with some admiration, nodded, and said that with Lu Yunchu's temperament, even the head of Linyang Sect dared to scold him at the recruitment meeting for the various academy competitions that day, how could he really tolerate Wang Lingling's repeated attacks? provocative.

What Lu Yunchu said without deliberately lowering his voice was naturally heard by Wang Lingling, who was sitting not far from them. She immediately raised her eyebrows and was about to get angry.

At this time, someone in the seat suddenly shouted softly: "It's Elder Wu and Elder Song! It seems that the results of the written examination are out!"

Wang Lingling's anger subsided. She glared at Lu Yunchu and Chi Yunzhi with disdain and said, "The results of the written examination are out. Some people may not be able to pretend anymore."

Beside her, Wang Xiaoxiao helped: "How can those clowns compare to us? By the way, my sister left the examination room almost at the same time as Qichuan this time. Can she get full marks?"

Wang Lingling smiled shyly and said: "How can I compete with Brother Qichuan? There is one question in the exam that I am not very sure about. I might lose points on that question."

"But you lost one point, and you are the best among all the candidates. Thinking about the results of this written test, you and Qichuan should be the first and second." Wang Xiaojie said.

Wang Lingling had a smile on her lips and did not refute.

Seeing this, Wang Xiaoxiao turned his eyes slightly, glanced in the direction of the Lu family, stood up immediately, and said before Elder Wu announced the results of the written examination: "Elder Wu, is it Wang Qichuan of Linyang Sect who got full marks in this written examination? Is the second place winner also Wang Lingling from Linyang Sect?"

Wang Xiaoxiao's words that stole the limelight attracted everyone's attention in an instant.

Elder Wu did not disappoint him and nodded under his ecstatic eyes.

Suddenly, everyone in the seats had different expressions.

Wang Qichuan's expression remained as usual, maintaining his usual calm and aloof attitude.

But the confidence and pride on Wang Lingling's face could no longer be hidden. She raised her lips slightly and immediately counterattacked Lu Yunchu: "Just now, Master Lu said that our Linyang Sect is very hostile to your Lu family, and he even slandered me. , It’s really ridiculous. Look at the assessment results of our Linyang Sect disciples, and then look at your Lu family. Are your Lu family worthy of our Linyang Sect’s hatred? Sure enough, people without any real ability can only This is a display of fast-talking and sensationalism."

"Cough cough."

In front of the hall, Elder Wu coughed twice, and Wang Lingling, who was in a good mood after the counterattack, immediately stopped her smile and pretended to be obedient and said: "Sorry to interrupt Elder Wu, please continue to announce the list of other candidates who have passed the examination. "

Elder Wu glanced at Wang Lingling with a slightly strange expression, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "The first and second scores in this written test are indeed Wang Qichuan and Wang Lingling from Linyang Sect, but..."

Elder Wu paused and then said: "It's just that in addition to Wang Qichuan of Linyang Sect, there are also Feng Ying of the Feng family, Lu Yuxin and Xuan Yu of the Lu family who got perfect marks in this written examination. These four people tied for first place! "


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