Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 156 An Can Tell I Am Male and Female 28

Chapter 156 An Can Tell I Am Male and Female 28
Sang Wei not only dried the mutton, but also moved the braised mutton into the ancient Northwest.

Back then, Li Chunju's ability to marinate meat had already been learned by Xiao Shitou, but now he just replaced pig's offal with sheep's offal, and the stewed meat still tastes good.

You can see how popular it is from the fact that Song Siqin cuts a plate for every meal, and it is no worse than the original [Aunt Li].

Sang Wei's series of measures are all based on the people's livelihood, economy and personal safety of the people in the Northwest, and they are all for them to have a better life.

Especially during the Chinese New Year this year, not only did none of the people in the northwest freeze to death, but they also had a rich income, which allowed them to have a good year.

The common people are so simple, and whoever treats them well will remember you firmly, so every household has a long life tablet for Sang Wei.

It is almost three sticks of incense a day, and what's more, in order to make their newborn child easy to support, they will let the child recognize Sang Wei as a godfather.

If it wasn't for Sang Wei's different soul and being a divine beast, if this made people worship like this, it would probably take a few days for her to return to the dreamland of Li.

As for being a father

... just fine.

Sang Wei herself didn't feel any discomfort, since she couldn't stop it, let them worship, she still had something in her heart, and a hope.

Let’s talk about this fat man again. After Sang Wei handed over the jerky business to him, he was still very good at doing business. First, he distributed the jerky to several fur traders from the Northwest and asked them to help sell it on a consignment basis.

These merchants were unsure about the market for this jerky at first. Although they had already eaten it, it tasted really good, but whether it was as long as Fatty Shen said was not sure about the shelf life, so each person only needed to eat it. A few kilograms of goods.

They have made a plan, if it is found to be broken on the road, they can eat it themselves, and even if it is compensated, it will only be a matter of a few taels of silver.

This is definitely not possible. Due to the expansion of the production scale, the amount of dried mutton produced is very considerable. If it cannot be sold, it will only be sold domestically in the northwest region. How is this different from before?
Then Fatty Shen tried to think and think, not to mention, since he got mixed up with Sang Wei, his brain has become more flexible, which really made him think of a way.

Didn't the boss (Sang Wei) come up with some woolen sweaters and woolen carpets?This is a good thing, and it must be a hot item in other places, so I put these two together and make a bundle sale.

If not, you can lower the price of the sheepskin a little bit. He is the son of the governor's mansion, and the common people will still save face.

Citizens: We are looking at the face of Xiao Shizi.

This trick really worked. After the merchants calculated the account carefully, they began to buy goods. The fifty catties and the eighty catties were directly distributed among the batches of dried mutton.

Then the merchants rushed to the inland, and they were also very disturbed, not knowing what the return would be this time.

Li Tianping was lucky. When his dried mutton was shipped to the north on the eve of Spring Festival, he thought of the benefits of the dried mutton and woolen sweaters, so he started to promote it.

Although Chunwei is in spring, the spring in the north is no better than that in the northwest, and you have to stay in the number room for eight or nine days. It is really unbearable without a good physique.

So he relied on his own channels to start publicity.

Since they are all new things, there are quite a few people who eat melons, but there are not many who spend money, and they are still on the sidelines.

"Master, what is the Yipinxuan in front of you doing? Why are there so many people around?"

asked a man dressed as a servant.

"It is said that the boss brought good things back from the Northwest. What are you trying to eat there?"

"Try it? What do you mean? It's free?"

"It should be, otherwise it would be impossible to surround so many people."

"Our wife likes Yipinxuan's products very much. I have to try this new product and tell my wife about it."

This boy is a clever person at first glance, and he can still show his face in front of his master.

So like a slippery loach, he twisted and squeezed to the front.

The kid stared carefully, and saw a table at the door of Yipinxuan, with a white porcelain plate on it, and some dried meat cut into small pieces neatly placed on the plate.

He sniffed it carefully, and it tasted good.

Two guys are busy distributing to everyone: "Our Yipinxuan just brought back from the northwest. It tastes mellow, delicious and chewy. It contains a variety of precious medicinal materials. Eat it in your stomach and you will be warmed up."

"Our Yipinxuan is the only one in the whole city that has this new product, and this tasting event is only this morning. If you have an idea, you can try it."

It has to be said that Li Tianping is very good at business, and he actually came up with such a modern way of tasting to promote his new products.

Those who can visit Yipinxuan are those who are not short of money at home. There are not many people who can fish in troubled waters and get cheap ones.

It was said before that this boy was clever. After he squeezed to the front, he didn't start to eat, but after carefully observing the facial expressions of those who tried to eat, he did so.

Then he finally understood why these people had such happy expressions on their faces.

And what this guy said was not fake at all.

So he didn't hesitate to pay for a catty, and then hurried back to the mansion.

After returning home, he went directly to his wife's courtyard, and was led to his wife by the maidservant.

"My wife, when Gou'er was out on errands, he saw new items in Yipinxuan. He knew that his wife was proud of Yipinxuan, so he bought some to honor his wife."

Liu Yuan, his wife, was drinking tea there. Hearing this, she put down her teacup and took a handkerchief to imprint the corners of her lips: "I don't know how such a stable person like Steward Lu gave birth to such a monkey."

After finishing speaking, he motioned to the big maid beside him to bring up the things the dog bought.

"This is my wife's good training." Gou'er gave Liu Yuan a hug, and then said seriously: "The guy at Yipinxuan said that this new jerky mutton is made of a variety of precious medicinal materials. After eating it, people will feel special. It’s so hot. Gou’er thinks that in a few days it will be the time when the young master will end, if this jerky is really as good as it says, then prepare more for the young master.”

When Liu Yuan heard it, she put away the carelessness on her face: "Really?"

"The dog doesn't dare to lie to his wife, but he still needs to ask the doctor to show him."

"If it's really what you said, I'll give you a head start!"

Her son has real materials, but because of the insufficiency brought by his mother's womb, he is a little afraid of the cold and weak, which makes him unable to persevere until the end of the scientific examination.

But her son never gave up.

She saw the child reading day by day and night, and felt very uncomfortable. If this thing is really as magical as it is said, maybe...

"Hurry up and invite Dr. Mao to Renxin Hall!"

The doctor was invited in not long after, he thought it was some kind of emergency in the Lu family, but he didn't expect to ask him to try something.

But this food is really delicious, and his teeth can bite it badly.

(End of this chapter)

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