Chapter 327
"The other house is in the opposite place to this one. It is close to the Daqing Mountain in the east. There is a river next to it, and the location is a little bit off."

Qiao Jiwan locked the door and took Sang Wei eastward. After about 5 minutes, he arrived at the place.

"The layout of our village is almost the same, so this house also has six houses and one yard, but the difference between this house and the previous one is that the yard is not paved with cement, but only paved with bluestone slabs in the middle. A small road, which is not very good when it rains."

Sang Wei followed Qiao Jiwan in and walked around. This house is the same as the first house, with three bedrooms and the rest are kitchens, and the area is similar.

Sang Wei went into the house and walked around by herself again, and had a comparison in her heart.

After reading here, the two returned to the village committee office.

"Girl, how do you look? Which one did you choose? Let me tell you that you will be heavy in the future and your child will be young. It is better to choose the first one. The yard of that one is concrete, and it will be more convenient. The second one is in front of the door. There is a river with a mountain behind it, so it will be somewhat hidden dangers for children in the future. Although the price is a little different, safety is the most important thing, right?"

On Qiao Jiwan's side, he analyzed the problem very thoroughly for Sang Wei, and he analyzed everything from Sang Wei's standpoint.

"Thank you, uncle. I will definitely choose one of these two houses. I will wait to go back and consider which one to choose before I will give you news."

Sang Wei will definitely choose one, but she needs to go back and discuss with Xiao Shitou which one to choose.

"Okay, you can leave me a phone number, give me a phone number after you've chosen, and I'll call the person back, and then we can go directly to the relevant department to go through the formalities."

"Okay uncle, I'll give you a message tomorrow at the latest." Xiao Xiao said while writing down the phone call.

The matter that came out has been resolved, and the time is approaching noon, and she plans to leave.

"You see, it's not convenient for you to have a big belly. It happens that my son is at home. Let him see you off!"

"That's so embarrassing. There is a bus at the entrance of our village. I can just take the bus."

"It's not a problem. The bus runs every ten, twenty, or ten minutes. The time is not fixed. It's okay if you go there just in time. If you don't make it, you have to wait there. It's too tiring. Let him take a trip." It only takes about 10 minutes, which is very fast."

After Qiao Jiwan finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and called his son, and Sang Wei didn't continue to refuse. She almost already knew Qiao Jiwan's plan.

It is necessary to guard against others.

Sang Wei didn't feel angry about not being trusted. Instead, she felt that the village secretary was very responsible. If she lived in this village in the future, she would feel at ease.

With a small car, the speed is naturally very fast, and it took less than 10 minutes to arrive at the compound.

This made Sang Wei decide to put the matter of buying a car on the agenda. If she plans to set up a stall to sell vegetables in the night market here in the future, this tricycle is a bit inappropriate. After all, this thing is charging, and the distance is estimated Can't keep going back and forth.

Cars can't pull food, so it's not bad to buy a van or pickup truck.

What?You mean I can put it in the space and move the car out when it is almost there, but pull it down, people come and go on the road, she is stupid to do this.

When Qiao Jiwan's son Qiao Hongbin came, his father told him, and he knew what the main purpose of this time was, so he sent him all the way to the courtyard, watching Sang Wei greet the people in the courtyard It wasn't over when I got home, I even found someone to inquire about Sang Wei's situation, and when I was sure that she wasn't lying, I went home with confidence.

I told Sang Wei about these small stones, but Sang Wei didn't care.

After returning home, Sang Wei decided to discuss with Xiao Shitou about which house to choose after first settling the major issue of eating.

"The layout of these two houses is similar, and they both left large pieces of furniture. I think either one is fine. If I have to choose one, I think it is more reliable to choose the one on the west side. The reason is the same as The village secretary said the same thing."

Xiao Shitou is actually very optimistic about the house on the east side. The house is close to the mountain, which is more attractive to him. No matter how sensible and human he is, he is still an animal, isn't he?So it is understandable to like mountains.

But what the secretary said was right, and the east side was indeed a safety hazard for Sang Wei, for Sang Wei he also chose the west side.

Unexpectedly, Sang Wei shook her head after listening to Xiao Shitou's words: "I prefer the house on the east side."

"Weiwei, is it because that house is cheaper? It's not much different, just buy a few more groceries and come out."

Xiao Shitou was a little puzzled, could it be because of this reason?

Sang Wei had a black line on her forehead: "Am I the one who cares about this?"

Little Stone nodded.

Sang Wei glanced at him and said: "I mainly think that the house on the east side is better from these points. First, the house on the west side is on the side, close to the main road. There are more vehicles going back and forth here. It's okay during the day. In case It affects sleep when you are on the bed."

Hearing what Sang Wei said, Xiao Shitou carefully recalled what he saw, and it was indeed so. The bus stop was not far from there when they went there.

"It was I who overlooked that."

"It doesn't matter whether the yard is made of cement or not. Isn't the east yard also paved with bluestone slabs? And I'm not a child. Who plays in the yard when it rains? So this is not a problem. .”

In fact, Sang Wei didn't say that it doesn't matter if the yard is dirt. She will move a fruit tree or a grape trellis from the space, and place a table and stool under the tree. It will be more emotional at that time.Then plant some flowers and vegetables around it. Doesn’t this solve the problem of no place to grow vegetables?
"That's what you said." Little Stone nodded.

"Another point, I don't think it matters that there is a river in front of the house on the east side. Then it will be enough to teach the children to swim, and isn't there still a little cotton? When the children are older, they will run out. At that time, the little cotton is already As an adult, don't forget that it is the originator of the dog planer. And don't you still have it?"

"What's more, relying on the mountain, I will take you up the mountain to hunt for treasures when you have nothing to do. Don't forget what kind of physique I am."

And don't think I didn't see it, you actually like the house on the east side.But Sang Wei did not say this.

"Of course, being cheaper is also an advantage."

After Sang Wei's analysis, all the disadvantages of the east house turned into advantages.

"According to your analysis, this house is really good. Let's settle on the east side?"

"It's settled. I'll call Uncle Qiao tomorrow, go through the formalities as soon as possible, and repair the house a little so we can move in."

The house is good everywhere, but the bathroom is a bit small. She settled down early and asked someone to redecorate the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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