Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 357 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 8

Chapter 357 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 8
Sang Wei chose a direction where there was no one to move on, and released the small stone.

Since Xiaoshi has feelings, let him lead the way.

In reality, it is much more convenient than in the sea of ​​consciousness.

In fact, Sang Wei didn't know if she was influenced by the original owner, but her sense of direction was a bit poor, and the small stones in her consciousness confused her completely.

As soon as the little stone came out, he took a deep breath and said, "It's so comfortable." Then he stretched himself.

"This place feels more comfortable than it did in Li Dreamland."

It is estimated that he is no longer a photo stone, but a divine beast, which makes him feel better than when he was in Limeng.

"Then get on the road quickly and end early. After that, we have to go to other places in the forest. In the memory of the original owner, there are still many good things in this forest. Calculate the date, and it happens to be mature during this time. Since we have the intention to come out, we It can't be wasted, can it?"

"Okay, then let's go first."

Sang Wei followed Xiao Shitou's guidance and headed in another direction. Although she would meet people from other sects along the way, no one was involved, so there was no conflict yet.

There is also a curious one, there is a bird squatting on Sang Wei's shoulder, it should be her battle pet, but seeing that this bird is ordinary except for its bright color, I am not very interested .

This follower is for the purpose of winning the treasure. Sang Wei puts the ordinary bird on her shoulder as a battle pet. I guess there is nothing good about it.

But there are people who think otherwise.

Sang Wei is alone here, and she is still a single woman. Although she can't see anything from the equipment on her body, it can isolate the probe of the monk's spiritual sense, indicating that she has something good on her body, which will attract others' attention .

For those who dare to think wrongly about her, it is natural not to let them go for a little bit, it just so happens that she has not done anything since time travel, so it's just right to practice with them.

It's not that he hasn't killed people before. Compared with the bloodshot scene on the battlefield, using magic is relatively more civilized.

Sang Wei also saw a group of people fighting with another group of people in order to snatch the corpse of a monster. This monster is considered a small best outside, and anything on its body can be used for alchemy and medicine. Sell ​​for a good price.

Not only that, after one side won, they also searched the body of the other side, but judging from the clothes, these are all casual cultivators.

As long as the disciples of the great sect enter the inner sect, they all keep their identity badges in their respective sects, and they also carry the tokens given by their masters on their bodies. Whenever something happens to someone, their respective masters will know.

If he is more favored, he will definitely be hunted down to the ends of the earth to avenge him, and if he is not favored, he will demand compensation.

Of course, this is not to say that the disciples of the Grand Sect do not have these behaviors, they just do it more secretly.

Standing aside for a while and taking a look, she instantly understood that this was turning against each other, but she didn't intend to intervene in this situation. Cultivation is basically going against the sky, even if something is involved, it can only be done. Blame you for being inferior to others.

Sang Wei only cast a few glances, and then chose to leave. She still has her own work to do, so she continued to follow the little stone.

The winning side watched as they left slightly, and heaved a sigh of relief.Sang Wei's exposed cultivation base is in the middle stage of Golden Core, which is considered high among them, especially because they have suffered different injuries. If Sang Wei wants to kill people and seize treasures, her group of people can only go to everyone The point of fish meat.

After Sang Wei left, these people quickly disposed of the corpses, divided up the spoils and dispersed, and they wanted to find a place to recuperate for the time being.Hide and hide by the way.

But the killers are always killing, but they don't know how long these people can wait.

The distance to the center of the forest is quite far. Sang Wei walked all afternoon, but she still hadn't reached her destination. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, she decided to find a cave for recuperation.

Sleeping in a tent in this forest is too insecure.

The night in this boundless forest is several times more dangerous than the daytime. Sang Wei and Xiaoshitou don't plan to hurry, although with his current actual cultivation level, as long as they don't enter the center, they decide to take a good rest.

In fact, pitching a tent is also okay, but she has been on guard all the time along the way, and after two disputes, her spiritual power has also been consumed, so she wants to meditate at night to recover her recovery ability, so that she can continue on the road the next day .

The more she goes in, the more dangerous she is, and she has to cheer up 12 points.

Sang Wei scanned with her spiritual sense, and found a cave without any small stones to remind her.This cave is quite hidden. There are two big trees at the entrance, which just block the entrance of the cave. If you don't scan it with your mind, you can't find it with your naked eyes.

Sang Wei summoned the Ruoshui sword and held it in her hand, and slowly approached the cave. This is already the middle of the boundless forest. Be vigilant.

She didn't want to be pulled out the next day.

As he moved forward, he used his spiritual sense to scan, but when he walked into the cave, he didn't find any monsters. He only found a small pile of bones in the cave, and the bones seemed to be shining.

But in the memory of the original owner, it is not clear what monsters can emit light.

Sang Wei gestured to Xiaoshi with her eyes: "What should I do about this?"

Xiao Shitou also restored her gaze: "Think about your physique."

Sang Wei then stopped talking, put the pile of bones into a storage bag, and went back to Xuantianzong to ask Brother Chengxi and the others for advice.

Sang Wei waited for a while, but did not find any monsters coming in, and then guessed that the owner of the cave was probably the one she put away.

That's easy to say.

Sang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, and because of her relaxed expression, she smelled a fishy smell from the tip of her nose
Needless to say, it belonged to the one who was put away.

Sang Wei directly squeezed a wind-dispelling technique plus a dust-removing technique, and rolled up this breath and threw it outside Shandong.

But it wasn't far away. In order to prevent other monsters from coming to the door, she put this breath outside and didn't want to be far away, just to scare other monsters.

After the air was fresh, Sang Wei was unambiguous. She didn't plan to eat when she went out, so she took out a futon from the storage bag, and used a small stone as a warning to him, and she started to practice.

This futon is also a magic weapon, but it is indeed made of God-returning grass. Although it is not as good as the jade bed in the cave, it can absorb more spiritual energy than ordinary practice.

Because Sang Wei consumed some during the day, she began to settle down as soon as she sat down, and the spiritual energy began to gather on her body.

Xiao Shitou also felt that the aura around her was particularly abundant, so he squatted on her shoulders as before, and practiced together.

He also has to hurry up and bring his cultivation level closer when he reaches the center of the great forest.

(End of this chapter)

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