Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 360 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 11

Chapter 360 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 11
With fewer and fewer monks, Sang Wei knew that this was approaching the center of the boundless forest, but she still hadn't encountered any monsters along the way.

Not to mention Mao, there is not even a shadow.

Sang Wei's original idea of ​​finding a monster to practice her skills could not be realized now.

Could it be that as Xiao Shitou guessed, these monsters couldn't hide because of his coercion?

Don't come out if you don't come out, Sang Wei said that it's easy for her.

In fact, she guessed about the same. The two of them didn't wait for the monsters to come to the middle and outer areas of the forest because of the little stone, but it was not necessarily the case when they reached the center of the inner forest.

But even so, the two of them did not let down their vigilance. The legend of this boundless forest said that no one came out safely from its center, so Sang Wei was extra vigilant.

Little Shitou is no exception, it also has the spirit of 12 points, it doesn't matter if it doesn't change, but we must ensure the safety of him and Weiwei, how to get out is how to get in, the front must be full, so this His monitor was always on.

The two of them were still led by the little stone flying in front.

As a result, after working hard for a long time, the little stone stopped.

He had to stop because he found that two monsters were fighting a hundred meters in front of him.

This fight is simply a dry fight, nothing else.

It was a silver-white boa constrictor and a big tiger with eye-catching eyes fighting together.

The silver snake was as thick as a bucket, and more than ten meters long. The tiger was even more impressive, as long as an elephant, with its sharp canine teeth turned outward.

This was the first monster they saw in the boundless forest. To be honest, Sang Wei was a little excited, even though the two were of a high rank.

They are the eighth-order monster, the swallowing python and the green-eyed tiger.

They are now rolling together regardless of you and me, the tail of the swallowing python is tightly wrapped around the waist of the blue eyed tiger, and the teeth of the tiger are also firmly embedded in the body of the python.

The two monsters obviously abandoned their own techniques and switched to the most primitive fighting techniques.

The two of them rolled back and forth for a while, causing a cloud of smoke and dust around them, and many elixir on the ground were crushed to pieces.

When encountering this kind of situation, Sang Wei is naturally not easy to go forward. This monster has reached the eighth level, which is already equivalent to the cultivation level of a human monk in the early stage of deification. Two, if I come forward and let them fight the enemy together, the situation will be bad. Although there are small stones, but I have no experience in fighting the enemy in this cultivation world, I am afraid that I will be hindered.

So Sang Wei took the small stone and hid behind a big rock, watching the changes.

If you can, pick up a leak or something by the way.

In Sang Wei's memory, these two monsters each have their own territories, and they have always been inseparable from each other. For some reason, the two of them came together and started fighting.

Unsurprisingly, Sang Wei thought of four words: Tiancaidibao.

Whether it is true or not, we have to observe carefully, she can still afford to wait here.

In fact, as soon as Sang Wei appeared, the two monsters who were fighting had already discovered it.

When the monster reaches the eighth level, it has already developed intelligence, and it is not low, so the green-eyed tiger signaled the swallowing python with its eyes, let it loosen its tail first, and then the two of them went out together, and waited until the external enemy was dealt with before engaging in internal affairs. fight.

Especially the cultivation base of the blue-eyed tiger is a little higher than that of the swallowing python, he can feel that the little stone gives him a different feeling, not because of fear, but because of a trace of fear.

But can the swallowing python agree?Snakes are inherently insidious animals, so we have the same idea when looking at other animals or people.

I let the tail loose, your teeth can bite through my skin in an instant, I'm not that stupid, so it also made a gesture with its eyes, asking Bijinghu to loosen its teeth first.

Now that the big tiger has developed a sense of wisdom, it will naturally not let go first, and the two of them are still deadlocked.

Well, that being the case, let's see who consumes who in the end.

So the two monsters rolled and rolled again, but neither of them relaxed.

Sang Wei and Xiao Shitou waited quietly, not only that, Sang Wei also activated the defensive magic weapon, covering her and Xiao Shitou together.

I don't know when these two monsters will roll away. I will practice in the magic weapon for a while to replenish my spiritual power. Even if one of them wins in the end, it will still go through a fierce battle.

With the little stone, she doesn't have to worry about the two monsters spreading the war to her place.

Sang Wei didn't leave, so the two monsters could naturally see it. Seeing Sang Wei meditating over there, she obviously didn't take them seriously, and she still hasn't left. If you want to reap the benefits of being a fisherman, this is not acceptable!

So the two monsters exchanged eye contact again.

"The people over there obviously don't think much of us. If we continue, not only will we not be able to get Long Zhuguo, but maybe we will both get involved."

It was the Bijinghu who squeaked first, it was a little bit higher than the Sky Swallowing Python, and it could think a little more, especially this brain, its brain capacity was larger than that of the little boa constrictor.

So comments first.

"Then what do you want to do?" It's really not a problem if it goes on like this. It can feel the blood dripping out of the place where the old cat's teeth bite. Although it is a cold-blooded animal, it But I can feel my blood is warm.

Especially the tail, which has been licking the dead tiger's waist, is a little numb when stretched.

But let it give up the dragon vermilion fruit, it is not reconciled, eating one of this thing can increase the skill for a hundred years, there are three on the tree, eating it will increase at least one level, and by then it will almost be able to transform into a dragon.

So it doesn't want to give up.

But if it goes on like this, either it will hurt both sides, or it will kill them here, so what to do.

"We both want to get that fruit, so let's share one each, and use the remaining one according to our ability. The current plan is to remove the potential threat first."

The vertical pupils of the swallowing python narrowed: "Okay, I agree."

"Then I call 1.2.3 and we both let go of each other at the same time."


"1! 2! 3!" Bijinghu kept his word and loosened his teeth.

It is clever, but it believed in this snake too much, he did not think that this swallowing python is very villainous.

I saw the giant swallowing python took advantage of the time when the blue-eyed tiger loosened its teeth, and when its snake head was able to move, it immediately turned over and bit the back of the blue-eye tiger's neck, and wanted to slowly bite the big tiger into its belly. Riton.

This is the famous snake swallow elephant.

"Oh woo!" With a sound, the earth shook and the mountains shook!

"You villain is not trustworthy!" Bi Jinghu wanted to take another bite of the Tuntian Python, but he couldn't use his strength, so he grabbed the body of the Tuntian Python with his claws to prevent him from swallowing himself.

The roar of the tiger woke up Sang Wei who was meditating. After finishing her work, she looked at the scene in front of her and was puzzled. She could see that the tiger's cultivation was higher than that of the python, but why was it turned upside down now?

"Stone, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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