Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 366 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 17

Chapter 366 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 17
The current appearance of Xiaoshi is very white and tender, and he is also very handsome. After all, he was transformed into the appearance of the male god. The male god was handsome when he grew up, and he was also very cute when he was young.

So Sang Wei's sinful little hand "touched" Xiaoshi's white and tender face.

Xiaoshi wanted to avoid it, but he accidentally stepped on his clothes and stumbled, almost fell down, so he had to stand obediently and let Sangwei "caress" him.

Sang Wei kneaded for a while, and then stopped: "In the past few worlds, I became a child. This time it's your turn, but you can be content. It didn't start with a milk baby. I didn't start with a baby. Played a mosaic."

Sang Wei felt that this fate was very fair, and both of them had the same experience.

"But you are a human, and you will grow up in ten years, but I am a beast, and it takes hundreds or thousands of years to grow up a little bit. I can't do anything with my short stature."

Little Shitou was a little frustrated, if he had known this, he would not have changed his form.

"Your appearance is transformed according to your level of cultivation. This is a world of comprehension. There is plenty of aura. Maybe I can ascend to the fairy world. The aura in the fairy world is even more abundant. Then if you follow me, you will become a handsome and miserable big man!" lad."

Although Sang Wei was comforting Xiao Shitou at this time, she was purely joking about his back pain.

The little stone glanced at Sang Wei, and Sang Wei couldn't help pinching its face for a while with this small look.

It was getting dark gradually, and now the center of the forest was the safest place, so the two decided not to go anywhere, but to rest here at night, and then go back the next day.

But the first thing to do before resting is to change Xiao Shitou's clothes. He has been so unsuitable all the time, and has been tripped and rolled several times.

Without scissors, Sang Wei could only take out the Ruoshui sword. If this sword had a sword spirit, she would probably cry.

It originally accompanied its owner to kill enemies, but it turned into scissors when it came to the forest, and it couldn't imagine what it would become after that.

After a meal, the clothes were changed by Xiao Shitou, which is similar to the beggar's outfit, but fortunately, it has two arms.

Sang Wei: I have never studied design and tailoring. It is already very good to have such a level.

Little Shitou doesn't dislike it either, as long as he doesn't let him wrestle again, although it doesn't hurt, it's embarrassing.

The night in the forest center was really safe, but Sang Wei still didn't rest, she decided to continue practicing.

Since her breakthrough in cultivation, she has tasted the benefits of cultivation, which feels like a Y, so she is unwilling to stop for a moment.

And in the center of the forest, I don't know if it's because of the transformation pool, the aura is particularly strong, much thicker than the outside.

Sang Wei actually called the Huaxing Pool's attention. She thought about whether she could also go to the bubble. It is estimated that only the butt can feel it.

What can this ass become?
It's not that she didn't think about taking it internally, but this is bath water, which has been stored for tens of thousands of years. Thinking about it, the taste is probably even more refreshing than when she broke through.

That's why it was decided to only rest next to the Transformation Pool.

Just take some breath.

The sunlight in the center of the forest seemed to be particularly strong. Sang Wei felt that she was awakened by the sunlight as soon as she entered the samadhi. The first time she opened her eyes, she saw a ray of purple air shooting out from the sunlight towards the transformation form. Chi rushed over.

Sang Wei understood in her heart that this was probably the primordial purple qi that was mentioned in many cultivation novels, and now she also knew why the Transformation Pond had such a great effect.

She looked over eagerly, but there was a voice in her heart that stopped her: bath water!
Sang Wei decided that she must withstand the temptation, so she turned her head to one side.

As a result, something happened that she didn't expect. When the wisp of purple air entered the Transformation Pool, probably because there was only a little water in the pool, it couldn't absorb so much, so a lot of it overflowed.

Sang Wei's actions were faster than her thoughts. With a spell and a few breaths, she absorbed the wisp of purple air into her body.

Then, what she didn't even expect was that the remaining water in the transformation pool also flew towards Sang Wei as if summoned.

This was a completely subconscious action. Before she could react, it would be too late when she reacted.

She couldn't wish for the primordial purple qi, but this bath water...

"Ugh!" Sang Wei didn't even think about it, her stomach was overwhelmed, and she bent down and vomited wildly.

But since she entered the boundless forest, she hadn't eaten anything, so she just retched.

But without vomiting twice, a strange feeling came from her body.

Now the left side of her body is hot and hot, as if a bucket of magma was poured on her left side from head to toe, while the right side was bitingly cold, just like immersing this half of her body in an ice hole, and these two feelings It comes from the inside out.

Sang Wei was so uncomfortable that she couldn't help "humming".

"What's the matter? Weiwei, what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Shitou saw Sang Wei's strangeness and ran over quickly. He hadn't seen those scenes, so he didn't know what happened to Sang Wei.

"Are you being plotted against?" He was very anxious, while supporting Sang Wei, he observed and sensed his surroundings, but there was nothing around.

"Weiwei, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? What should I do?"

Sang Wei clenched her teeth, her gums were cracked, and blood oozes from the corner of her mouth. She shook her head at the small stone hard, and then tried her best to put on a five-hearted posture.

She has to work hard to refine these two kinds of power, and she knows that this is an opportunity for herself.

Her consciousness gradually became blurred, only the kung fu was running there, and since people were no longer conscious, the running kung fu not only belonged to the Xuantian Sect, but also brought from the dream of Li.

The two kinds of exercises are the same as the division of labor and cooperation. Each of them occupies half of the body. After swimming around once, it moves towards the other side of the body.

Every time they exchange, they bring the temperature of their respective sites to the opposite side, and every time they exchange, Sang Wei feels better.

Xiao Shitou saw Sang Wei's posture and immediately understood. He knew that Sang Wei was cultivating. He didn't know the specific reason, but he knew that this was a very dangerous thing. It would be easy for someone to go crazy .

So he directly turned into his original appearance, flying above Sang Wei to guard him.

She has already transformed, and she is no longer the appearance of the little red bird, but the original appearance of the mythical beast Suzaku.

The feather crown on his head was raised high, and the tail feathers behind him were also spread out, and his whole body was accompanied by the firelight, soaring into the sky.

Not to mention how handsome he looks.

Although it was the first time Xiao Shitou had seen this appearance, he had no intention of taking a closer look at his own appearance. He was only worried about Sang Wei's safety now.

(End of this chapter)

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