Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 368 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 19

Chapter 368 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 19
In order to achieve the purpose of exercise, Xiaoshi directly used the appearance of a child, and took away the coercion on his body.

If you don't accept it, he is a veritable beast now. If the coercion is not accepted, no monster will dare to come out.

Not only that, but Sang Wei frantically used the small stone as bait.

The small stones are white and tender, but also a little bit, a small one, the taste is particularly delicious at first glance, it is a rare delicacy in the mouths of many monsters.

Although the flesh and blood of a monk is a great supplement to a monster, isn't that going to have to go through a fight?Small stones look harmless to humans and animals, and they are delicious, so this has become the first choice.

Little Shitou complained a little at first, but when Sang Wei agreed that he was the first to attack after discovering the monster, he was happy.

Since his transformation, he has learned a lot of spells and inherited a lot of exercises, which is just the time to master them.

However, Xiao Shitou likes to speak with his fists the most, especially in the eyes of monsters. He, who originally existed as food, was hammered by a pair of white and chubby fists when they cried for father and mother. At that time, Xiao Shitou was Very happy.

But he had to restrain himself, otherwise he wouldn't need Sang Wei to attack the dimensionality reduction strike, and he would be able to fight all over the forest with invincible opponents alone.

And Sang Wei also needs to practice, right?

So a scene appeared in the forest: Sang Wei was just like a thug who kicked other people's fields, with her younger brother, Xiao Shishi, to strike when she found a site.

She has a lot in her hands, and the ones who are killed are those with blood on their bodies. For those who covet small stones, these must be killed.

For example, those who don't have long eyes and feel that the small stones are delicious and bump into the muzzle of the gun, naturally all go into Sang Wei's storage bag.

Others, that is, everyone cuts and learns from each other.

Sang Wei is not someone who kills everything.

Of course, this is closer to the center of the forest, and the level of monsters is relatively high. Of course, there are not a few of them who are smart. Seeing these two people walking out from the center, there is no injury at all. It is not a soft persimmon at first glance, so Just shrink up as much as possible.

Now is not the time to be brave.

For these, if their cave is on the only way for Sang Wei and the others, then I'm sorry, let's relax together, if luck is not good, then we will see you next time.

Along the way, the speed of spell operation, the speed of magic weapon summoning and the accuracy of conversion, as well as the proficiency of tricks have all improved significantly.

Otherwise, actual combat is the best practice.

If there was another sky-swallowing python now, Sang Wei felt that she would press down on it just by moving her little finger.

As a result, one really came.

As I said before, when the original owner came to the Boundless Forest, he had marked the location of many treasures.When she came, she had business to do, so she didn't have time to pick them. Now some of them just matured recently, and Sang Wei took the small stones to find them.

As a result, next to a seven-color flower, I saw another sky-swallowing python.

This one looks thicker than the previous one, and there is a faint silver light on its body. Not only that, there is a small bump on its snake head, as if it is about to grow horns.

When Sang Wei found it, it was curled up next to the seven-color flower and breathing, and as it breathed, the flower was also swaying.

But the boa constrictor was very careful, because he was afraid that his movements would be too big and the flowers would be blown out.

Because one of the petals of this flower is half-opened, it is not mature yet, but judging by its appearance, it has only been two days.

The two of them hid aside and looked at the sky-swallowing python: "Weiwei, I'll go up first and beat him up. Look at the little snake, and it's full of blood and anger. It's the same as the one that died before. It's probably the same as the one that died. Humans and snakes are husband and wife, we want them to be neat and tidy."

He always remembers the time when the sky-swallowing python played tricks on the two of them. Since the other one is dead, he should get it back from this one. The wife should pay the debt. on this relationship.

Anyway, this is not a good thing.

"Then you have to be careful, this snake is obviously bigger than that one, and it seems to be about to turn into a dragon, so it must be stronger than that one."

Sang Wei thought for a while and continued: "You guide it here, away from the seven-color flower. This is a rare and good thing, don't destroy it."

The seven-color flower is an eighth-level elixir, and each petal has a color. Although it is not like in a fairy tale, each flower can fulfill a wish, but each flower corresponds to this kind of spiritual root, no matter what kind of spiritual root you are. All kinds of spiritual roots have the effect of refining spiritual roots.

And at the same time, it can increase power.

This is also the reason why the Heaven Swallowing Python has been waiting there. When it eats the Seven Color Flower, it will probably turn into a dragon.

But the seven-color flower was discovered by the original owner after he came to the Boundless Forest decades ago. The original owner is not there, and now it is equivalent to Sang Wei's.

Therefore, it is necessary to turn over the swallowing python.

"Understood, you look at mine."

As soon as Xiaoshi finished speaking, he transformed himself into a child who was a little smaller than he is now, with a red string tied around his head, a red bellyband in front, and a fat body like a little lotus root with bare limbs.

Needless to say, almost everyone knows this image, it is a ginseng doll.

This is a spell that Xiaoshi just got, Transfiguration, and this is the first time he uses it. It is an honor for this Sky Swallowing Python to be a witness.

The breath of the divine beast itself is very pure, just like those elixir, Sang Wei can't tell the difference here, let alone the Heaven Swallowing Python.

When Xiaoshi shook his little Jiujiu and appeared ten meters away from the Sky Swallowing Python, the python hadn't found him yet, so he could only "ah" to attract its attention.

Then the Sky Swallowing Python aimed a pair of cold vertical pupils at the small stone.

Xiao Shitou also hurriedly pretended to be trembling, dutifully performing this image of straying into a bandit, trying to run but having weak legs.

Now the little stone smells like a roast chicken in front of a beggar who has been hungry for three days.

So, the swallowing python slowly slid down and swam towards the small stone.

It will take a few days for this flower to be ready, but this ginseng doll can be eaten now.

As it swims, it wonders whether it should start from the head or the legs.

There are ginseng fruits on the head and ginseng whiskers on the legs, both are very good and nourishing, but it is best to swallow them in one bite.

The little stone here seemed to be frightened, and slowly backed away, actually leading it away from the colorful flower.

The boa constrictor's eyes were all on the little stone now, just as the fat was struggling for the last time, but he didn't realize that he was being led away from the colorful flower.

When it was about five or sixty meters away, the snake seemed to lose patience, and opened its big mouth to bite down on the small stone.

As for the fist raised by the fat, it was the same as the last struggle, it didn't take it seriously at all.

As a result, what Tuntian Python didn't expect was that the fist came towards it and hit its eyes directly.

(End of this chapter)

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