Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 371 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 22

Chapter 371 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 22
Sang Wei scratched her ring finger and tapped it on Bijinghu's forehead.

An obscure incantation was spit out from Sang Wei's mouth, and then a halo of light flashed, and a bell-like pattern appeared on Bijinghu's forehead, and he became Sang Wei's pet.

"Let's go now."

There should be no problem now, right?
"Let's go." After the little stone finished speaking, he floated up first.

Little Stone was originally a bird, even in human form he can fly, Sang Wei can fly with a sword, the two of them have no problem at all, but just received Big Eye (Big Eye Tiger), he can't fly.

No way, Sang Wei slipped him on the sword and put him behind her.

The pet that has recognized its owner will be one size smaller, and the enlarged Ruoshui sword can just fit the two of them.

But as soon as it flew away from the sky above the boundless forest, Sang Wei felt something whimpering behind her. Not long after, she began to tremble. The trembling sword was skewed, and Sang Wei almost couldn't steer it.

She turned her head and looked back, and it turned out to be Big Eyes, which is now curling itself up into a ball, holding its head in its paws and trembling there.

Come on, Sang Wei sighed slightly, after the appraisal, this person is afraid of heights.

Sang Wei had to land.

This big-eyed person is so frightened that he would probably faint from fright without waiting to fly to Xuantianzong. This is his own pet, so he must pamper him well.

In case there are any sequelae left, it will not be able to fly after advanced in the future, so that others will laugh at it.

Wait until you go back to the school to practice.

In this case, they can only walk back on foot, but fortunately, the three of them are not that slow, so they will be two days later than Yu Jianfei.

Then take the steps to measure it, and if you are tired, then sit on Big Eye. You have never ridden a tiger in so many worlds, so you can try how it feels.

It's really rare to see a pet owner who is as considerate as me.

The big eyes that came down from Ruoshuijian's legs were still weak at first, but they gradually got better.

Then it became a little shy, this was the first time it behaved after recognizing its master, and it didn't succeed in trying to screw itself up.

It never thought that this green-eyed tiger would be afraid of heights.

But it often goes up and down the mountain and plays happily, but I didn't realize this.

So Bijinghu was a little annoyed, and squatted quietly to the side.

But my heart has already started to mutter.

"Will the master not want me?" He was a little uneasy now, for fear that Sang Wei would terminate the contract.

Although Sang Wei has signed a contract here, it can be canceled again, and it will not cause any loss to Big Eye.

But there is one thing to pay attention to, that is, the spirit beast that was released from the contract will not want it again, and the monster will not want it either. In the end, both the mother-in-law's family and the mother's family abandoned it.

Therefore, Big Eyes was a little apprehensive, for fear that Sang Wei would cancel the contract.

Sang Wei is not that kind of person at all, and she can understand after a little thought after looking at the big-eyed expression.

"Dayan, let's go, let's set off quickly, we can't fly with the sword, we can only run back to Xuantianzong."

The master didn't want me, and I wasn't abandoned.

The big eyes instantly became emotional.

"Master, master, although I can't fly, I can run very fast, like a gust of wind, master can get on my back, and then I will hold master together."

After signing the contract, Sang Wei could hear the big-eyed words.

Its fear of heights is only temporary, and its inability to fly is only temporary. When it advances to a higher level, it will not be afraid.

Sang Wei glanced at the scarred fur with big eyes, curled her lips: "Wait until you grow hair."

To be honest, not only does it need to grow hair, but also the body needs to get bigger, otherwise how would she ride?
"Very soon." Big Eyes quickly responded.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he stopped Sang Wei: "Master, master, wait a while before leaving, I still have good things here."

When she heard that there were good things, Sang Wei's first reaction was that these should be Dayan's private collection, and she considered herself the master, like giving everything to herself to show her loyalty.

In fact, it's not necessary at all, she is not the kind of person who wants everyone to be the owner of everything, and Sang Wei thinks that as the owner, he should greet with big eyes.

I haven't prepared yet, so I will give a piece of python meat when I set up camp at night.

So Sang Wei replied: "You can keep your things yourself. After collecting for such a long time, you can still keep some. It looks like a wife."

"No, no, master, it's because Longzhu Guo is about to mature, and if it doesn't pass through, it will be stolen by other monsters."

"Long Zhu Guo?"

"Yes, it was because of this when we fought with the dead snake."

Since he has recognized the Lord, he will follow Sang Wei wholeheartedly, so he has no intention of taking the fruit for himself.

If the master gives me one at that time, then I will be grateful, if not, I have no complaints.

"Well, we are not in a hurry to get on the road now, let's go and have a look first."

This dragon vermilion fruit is quite precious, if he waits too much, I will give him a piece, if not, then after returning to Xuantian Sect, I will mix it with some things and start a furnace to make alchemy.

No matter how many there are, there will always be one with big eyes. After all, if there is no big eyes, she can't get it here.

"Dayan, lead the way."

So Big Eye led Sang Wei and the others around for almost a mile, and then stopped.

Sang Wei looked up and saw that the dragon vermilion fruit tree was growing on the edge of the cliff. It was a lonely tree with nothing around it. There were three bright red fruits on the tree, which were already ripe.

Sang Wei cast a wind control technique, and her body floated towards the dragon vermilion fruit tree.

The appearance of the dragon vermilion fruit is the same size and color as the small persimmons we eat now.

These three fruits grow very well, the skin is thin and big, you can see the lines inside, and when you sniff carefully, you can smell the fragrance of the fruit.

Sang Wei didn't pick the fruit directly, but floated around the fruit tree without finding any danger, and then picked three fruits and put them in the jade box.

Sang Wei turned around this time not because she was worried about big eyes lying or anything like that, but to see if there were any medicine-protecting spirit beasts and the like.

And the medicine-protecting divine beast doesn't necessarily mean that the bigger it is, the more powerful it is. Some of the smaller ones are more vicious.

This is all from experience, and Sang Wei has seen some of them here.

The middle of this forest is where Big Eye ranks the highest. It may be that Big Eye often walks around here, and the vicinity is contaminated with Big Eye's aura. Other monsters want to take advantage of it, but it dare not.

Sang Wei put the three fruits in the jade box, then floated down and stood still: "You can't eat this dragon vermilion fruit now, you can do it after refining the energy in the inner alchemy."

"Good master." Big Eye nodded, it knew that the master would not lie to him, and if it wanted to keep it for itself, it didn't need its consent at all.

After putting away the jade box, Sang Wei walked ahead in person: "Now we can go back properly.!"

(End of this chapter)

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