Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 375 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 26

Chapter 375 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 26
From the interaction of these few people, it can be seen that the promise is actually more like being the head of the sect. At the beginning, the ancestor Xuantian also had plans in this regard, but the promise was not here, so Cheng Xi was allowed to be the master.

And she sometimes assists Chengxi, but most of the time she is doing her own affairs, eating, drinking or having fun.

The gifts given by the three were not only small stones, but also big eyes. Sang Wei did not refuse, and accepted them all.

Afterwards, as if she remembered something, she asked Chengbao to help clean up a place, and she wanted to take out the bodies of the two sky-swallowing pythons.

When she was about to enter the gate of Xuantianzong, Sang Wei asked Xiao Shitou to put the python that had eaten nearly 1/3 into her storage bag.

Now that he entered the sect, Xiao Shitou's identity needs to be concealed, so he can't open his accompanying space at will.

Secondly, her storage bag can also be filled, so there is no need to waste it.

So she released the swallowing python that ate first.

When the silver hill appeared in front of everyone, the few people who were fooled took out the magic weapon and the kneading formula, and almost hit it directly.

Don't blame them, for the sake of looking good, Sang Wei made the sky-swallowing python appear coiled, the part of the tail she ate was just under it, and the snake's head was placed on top, drooping, as if it was asleep.

A big boa constrictor suddenly appeared in front of him, the other end was still facing him, and they didn't greet directly because they were in a good mood.

"Xiao De, this is?"

"Oh, I killed it in the boundless forest, and the taste is not bad."

The three of them have black lines on their heads, which means they can say hello loudly when they come out.

But it tastes good?


"Yes, we can try it at noon. By the way, I need to borrow the golden scissors from senior brother."

She is reluctant to use her Ruoshui sword.

Chengxi's natal magic weapon is different from other people's. It is a pair of large scissors, which can be disassembled into two pairs, which can be used for offense and defense, very easy to use.

Of course, Chengxi has other magic weapons, and the scissors will not be easily shown.

In fact, everyone knows that he is afraid that others will laugh at him.

"no problem."

"This boa constrictor is about to reach the ninth rank, and it is about to turn into a dragon. If you can handle it, it means that you have not slacked off for more than a year."

Promise with an expression that didn't disappoint me.

Over there, Chengxi and Chengbao had already wandered around the Tuntian Python.

The promise side couldn't stand the temptation, so after they finished speaking, they followed suit.

"This meat contains a lot of spiritual energy, and then it is paired with the spiritual plants in the Herb Garden to make a soup, which is probably comparable to a pill." Cheng Bao is still concerned about eating.

"This leather is not bad. If you use it well, add ice silk and seven-color spider silk, and you can make a few vestments."

Chengxi is more interested in making clothes, otherwise the magic weapon of life would not be a pair of golden scissors.

"If it weren't for the fact that the blood is almost bleeding, with the inner alchemy and other antidote medicinal materials, several batches of antidote pills can be refined."

Promise is also a little itchy, she likes alchemy, although sometimes the fryer will make her face ashamed, but she doesn't care at all.I haven't turned on the furnace for more than a year in retreat, and I can't help it.

Sang Wei was silent, and then said: "Brothers and sisters, step back a little."

"What are you doing?" Before the three could react, they reflexively took a few steps back according to Sang Wei's words.

Then they saw another silver-white thing piled up in front of them, the same, the snake's head was still drooping.

The three of them took a deep breath at the same time. Looking at this appearance, is this a pot of the other's wife and man?
Then the three looked at Sang Wei, could this one be too cruel?
Sang Wei smiled shyly: "This one was a sneak attack during the fight with Big Eye, and then let us kill it together, but Big Eye was seriously injured at that time, so I gave it the inner alchemy. One was completely accidental, I didn't intend for them to come together neatly, but in the end he guarded the good things over there, and then they were reunited together."

The three of them sighed at the same time, the junior sister (Second Senior Sister) said it simply, the process must be particularly dangerous, it is really difficult for her.

As for guarding something good, they don't care.

"These are your trophies, just show us, put them away quickly."

"Yes, even if you want to give us a little bit, there's no need to take it all out, we will take it."

Sang Wei shook her head: "I will give all of it to Xuantianzong, it can be regarded as a contribution to the sect, but one thing is, senior brother, you have to help our Shitou make a suit of clothes, and senior sister will get me a share of your detoxification pill. And your little five, then I will share more with you after eating."

Sang Wei decided not to do it herself, and her level of making clothes is limited to the level of two arms and one head. It is really wasteful for her to use such good materials, but it is too time-consuming to start from simple hands-on practice. , Sang Wei thought of Chengxi.

It is possible to make alchemy, but she doesn't plan to use these, she should use herbs. She has not practiced alchemy by herself after time travel, so let's not waste good things.

"Even if you don't say it, we won't forget you."

The four of them had another conversation, and then distributed the Tuntian Python. Except for the things they needed, the meat was put in the contract, and the rest was put in the sect, and the disciples were exchanged with the contribution of the sect.

They clearly realized that if a sect wants to develop, it can only be truly powerful if everyone is strong.

After another conversation, Sang Wei left. When she returned to Xuantianzong, she received a voice transmission to No. [-] Peak, and she hasn't returned to her chassis yet.

So she's going back to get some restorative work, at least she has to take a shower, right?

Even though she has the ability to dispel dust, it is still very clean, but Sang Wei always feels that it is incomparable to washing with water.

And she also wanted to see how Jing Chen was doing, the time-traveling girl had been coveting him, and she was away for two months, so she didn't know if she succeeded.

She wanted to seek revenge from the time-traveling girl, and if the two got married, Sang Wei had to take a good look at how to deal with this matter.

As soon as he returned to the third peak, Jing Chen sensed it, and immediately appeared in front of Sang Wei, and made a big gift.

"It's good that you didn't slack off in the two months I was away."

These words sound familiar, and Sang Wei just copied the promise.

She just looked at Jing Chen's cultivation level, and she has reached the late stage of Jindan.

"Don't dare to slack off in the slightest."

"Did anything happen in the past two months?"

Jing Chen picked some things and told them to Sang Wei. Sang Wei nodded, and then asked, "Is anyone here?"

She was still quite curious, whether the time-traveling girl came or not, and her absence happened to be the best time to get close to Jing Chen, and the time-traveling girl would definitely seize the opportunity.

Unsurprisingly, when Jing Chen thought of Jing Xin, and then thought of Jiji Beast, his expression changed.

Sang Wei saw that Jing Chen's expression was wrong: "What happened?"

Jing Xin is a good apprentice, knowing that she can't hide it from her master, she just told Sang Wei about it.

After listening to it, Sang Wei felt that the time-traveling girl had the smell of a chichi beast from now on.

(End of this chapter)

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