Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 381 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 32

Chapter 381 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 32
Jing Chen is not the kind of person who can only practice desperately, he actually has a lot of ideas of his own.

In his dictionary, he did think about finding a Taoist companion in the future, but not now.

His life has already been planned by him, and he will only consider this important matter after the Nascent Soul Stage, because he is afraid that it will be too early to hinder his cultivation.

Because the master once mentioned that if Yuan Yang is lost early, it will hinder the cultivation process.

Sang Wei: When did I mention it? ?

But now Jing Xin wants to ruin his cultivation, which is absolutely not allowed.

And as long as he is with Jing Xin, he will smell the feces of the Chi Chi beast.

He is not as beautiful as he seems on the surface, and there is a little darkness in his heart. I will treat you as you treat me.

But I didn't kill them all, the time of the fixation technique is limited, it just depends on how well you luck it.

After Jing Chen took the detoxification pill to clean up the traces on his body, he returned to the meeting place.

Everyone else was practicing hard, so they didn't find Jing Chen.

Jing Chen followed suit and continued.

Jing Xin listened to the roar of beasts getting closer and closer to her ears, and saw the blood-red eyes and bright features of monster beasts, she was completely panicked.

This is a monster. Although she wanted to push Jing Chen down, she never thought of being pushed by a monster.

But now she can't move.

Seeing the monsters so close, she kept shouting in her heart: "Ao Lu, Ao Lu, what should I do in this situation? Hurry up and save me!"

Ao Lu had no choice but to remind her: "Invert the spiritual energy, start from the Yongquan point on the sole of the foot! Then..."

He didn't want to give this formula to Jing Xin, but the gender of this body was already female and couldn't be changed. When he didn't want to accept it, it was still a body crushed by monsters, so he could only ask to help.

In an emergency, Jing Xin also played super long. When the monster's saliva was about to drip onto her skin, she finally got rid of the immobilization spell, and then ran away while screaming.

I completely forgot that I was a monk, and I could use spells and summon magic weapons.

In fact, if she felt it carefully, she could feel that the beast-inducing fragrance on her body had already dissipated.

If she didn't run away, these monsters would actually stop chasing her. After all, there was no scent of attracting beasts, and she was really not as attractive as female monsters.

"Help! Someone help me!"

But Jing Chen didn't know this, he just ran back like a girl.

The other senior brothers who were meditating over there naturally heard the movement, and quickly woke up from the meditation: "What's going on? What's the movement?"

Jing Chen also pretended to have just woken up and said, "I don't know, I seem to have heard someone calling for help?"


At this time, Jing Xin's voice came again.

"It's Senior Sister Jing Xin, she seems to be in danger."

Jing Xin is usually good at being a person, but there are still people in this school who have a good impression of her, so her popularity is not bad.

"Isn't she still here just now? What is she doing running out?"

"Don't talk about it first, go and see what's going on, and call for help over there."

"Let's go, go and have a look, Junior Sister Jing Xin's cultivation is limited, don't be some high-level monster."

After all, we are all brothers and sisters, so naturally we have to take care of each other when we come out.

Everyone quickly took out their magic tools, and then looked for the place where there was a shout.

In order not to be suspected, Jing Chen naturally followed.

At this time, the responsibility of going out to investigate the situation also rushed back.

Jing Xin is his apprentice, she has good aptitude, but she is a little restless, but she is more knowledgable, and she often gives him some delicious food on the hour, so she can be regarded as one of the disciples.

Hearing his disciples calling for help, of course he also went to see it.

Just arrived with the others.

At this moment, Jing Xin was already crying because of the monster behind her that kept chasing her. Even though Grandpa Ao Lu kept secretly yelling for her to use spells, she couldn't react at all.

The most original are often the most useful.

It's not her fault, after the time travel, Jing Xin hasn't hunted monsters very much, at most she just competed with her seniors, so when she got serious, her claws became numb.

She only knows how to run now. When she saw Jing Chen and the others appearing, she thought she was saved, but when she relaxed, she fell down.

This is the law, as long as you run away, you will fall down.

But when the monsters behind were about to pounce, a flying sword ended their lives, and it was their responsibility to do it.

After all, he is his own apprentice, no matter whether he is favored or not, a master cannot hurt his apprentice, especially in front of disciples from other sects.

The monster's corpse lay on Jing Xin's body with a "click" sound, spraying blood all over her head and face.It's the same with Jing Xin, after knowing that she was rescued, she cried out loudly.

Naturally, there were other female disciples who came out to portray the teleportation formation together. Seeing her appearance, disheveled and disheveled, she would naturally feel pity in her heart, and she stepped forward to help her up.

Jing Xin knew that she was rescued, and gradually calmed down.

"Junior Sister Jing Xin, why are you being chased by Gugua Beast?"

"The Guqua beasts are only at the fourth level, and Junior Sister Jing Xin should be able to counter-kill them, but in this situation, it can't be because of any injuries."

Jing Xin glanced at Jing Chen, thinking about whether to tell the story, but how?How did she drug Jing Chen?How can people throw them into the pile of monsters if they say that drugging will not work?
She glanced at Jing Chen again: "That... I'm just... I'm a little... anxious" In the end, Jing Xin directly used her breath, which was a little inaudible.

After Jing Xin finished speaking, her eyes were a little sad, but she didn't think about it, her current image, making such an expression, was really off-putting.

Especially Jing Chen, his mind is now full of disgrace and beast feces.

And what they eat when they go out are bigu pills. If they don't eat, naturally there will be no reincarnation of the five grains. She just heard this as an excuse.

But she couldn't think of any excuse for the time being.

Naturally, everyone didn't believe it, but the monks all had their own little secrets, maybe they just saw some precious elixir when they were resting and came out to pick it.

These are all my own chances, so I naturally don't want others to know.

"Junior Sister Jing Xin hurry up and deal with yourself, this body must be uncomfortable."

"That's right, hurry up and change into the sword clothes. If the smell of blood attracts any monsters, it will be bad."

"Go, deal with your own poster."

The burden also spoke: "This blood thorn hula all over the body, the smell is really unpleasant."

Jing Xin realized how embarrassed she was when she heard what others said. No wonder the other people looked at her wrongly just now, so she quickly got up and replied, "It's Master!"

Then run away quickly.

But before she could take a few steps, Jing Xin called out to her shoulders, "What is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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