Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 387 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 38

Chapter 387 Finally It’s the Turn of the Cultivation World 38
When the time-traveling girl finished eating the dozen or so Hunyuan Pills, fortunately, the place where she was injured by Sang Wei was almost healed, and her cultivation base also increased, reaching the middle stage of foundation establishment.

The time-traveling girl was not only a little complacent: "Let's just say, as long as I calm down and cultivate, my cultivation will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. What old women, what Xuantian sects, they will have no future, just wait for my aunt to call me go!"

After brainwashing herself for a while, she called Goldfinger a few more times, but after there was still no news, she decided to sneak out of the cave to explore the situation outside, and catch a rabbit and pheasant to improve the food.

In the past ten days or so, she had eaten three bigu pills, and her mouth was so pale and tasteless.

After this series of events, she became more cautious, so she didn't go out as soon as she decided to go out, but observed at the entrance of the cave for a full ten minutes to make sure there was nothing unusual It was time to go out.

After continuing to cover the cave with twigs and weeds, the woman who traveled through made a little direction and set off.

She first quietly touched the village down the mountain, she needed to understand the situation first.

The mountain village is full of ordinary people, and the time-traveling girl didn't hide much, and got the news she wanted.

Sure enough, it was the right choice for me to stay in the secular world for the time being. I learned from the villagers that they had never seen a fairy appear.

The time-traveling girl was relieved, and then found a relatively old-looking family that was quite wealthy, and then ordered two pieces of clothes from their family, and went to the kitchen to get some oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and other seasonings.

The reason why she picked a wealthy family was not because this family was not short of such things, but because this family was rich and used good things. She didn't want to be like the clothes she got for the first time.

The first time, because she was running for her life, she picked a random dress. Not to mention the patches on it, it was very attractive. This time, she picked a pink floral dress.

But the time-traveling girl decided that she would definitely not give up that family's things, and when she became a grown-up and avenged her, she would definitely come back to repay them.

Quietly returning to the mountain, the crossing female rabbit and pheasant each caught one, and then found a hidden place to set up an enchantment, roasted them with a fire control technique, and then sprinkled the seasoning that came along, she I had a satisfying meal.

Then, she went back to the cave to continue practicing. The old man had been sleeping and did not wake up, so she was quite bored.

In the days that followed, she would come out every ten days and half a month, one was to inquire about the news, and the other was to beat the teeth.

What makes her happy is that no one has found this place, which also makes her feel relieved, and she can practice quietly.

Recently, she wants to retreat for a while.

Let's talk about Sang Wei, after she went out here, she began to investigate the whereabouts of the time-traveling girl.

This person was injured, so the first thing he did when he came out was to heal his wounds.

But since the way she escaped was a bit weird, maybe she practiced some evil technique. As far as she knew, if this kind of technique wanted to heal the wound, it should be to find a place with a lot of people to absorb the anger of others. The monk's anger should be more effective, so she searched in this direction.

The time-traveling girl's cultivation base is not high now, and she will definitely not attack those disciples who are protected by the sect, so the casual cultivators are the most likely to cause trouble.

So Sang Wei looked for places where casual cultivators could easily gather, which allowed her to perfectly avoid the place where the time-traveling girl was.

None of the other disciples in the sect thought that the time-traveling girl would hide in the secular world, so they searched for two or three months but did not get any news of the time-traveling girl.

In fact, it is not that no one has found this village. After all, Chengxi has issued a hunting order, and anyone who can provide information will be rewarded, so many people are looking for the time-traveling girl, and it is normal for someone to find the village.

But because the time-traveling girl never showed her face in the village, these people also returned without success.

It was this time that the time-traveling girl stayed in the cave for more than a month before she dared to come out. Similarly, it also made her a lot more cautious. Salt, some oil from his house.

After searching outside for more than half a year, there is still no trace of the time-traveling girl, so Sang Wei decided to return to the Xuantian School.It's not worth wasting time on cultivation for such a person.

And she had a premonition that this time-traveling woman was full of hostility towards her, and she would definitely come back to seek revenge on her at that time, so she just waited for her to come to her door.

So, Sang Wei and Xiao Shitou, who had been wandering outside for more than half a year, returned to Xuantianzong.

Not only that, but Sang Wei also asked Senior Brother Chengxi to order all the disciples of the Xuantian School who were looking for traces of the time-traveling girl outside. Since the time-traveling girl will come back to take revenge, everyone doesn't have to waste their training time outside.

As for the arrest warrant, just hang it up and let others find it.

Sang Wei, who returned to the Xuantian Sect, began to practice hard. She didn't want to be defeated by the time-traveling girl when she came back for revenge.

I learned from the time-traveling woman before that this should be a novel world. According to her analysis, the original book is equivalent to the first world. Jing Chen is the male protagonist. If I ascended with him, then I may be the first world. The heroine is gone.

After the time-traveling girl came, it was regarded as the second world, and she should be the one who succeeded in instigating trouble, and finally the time-traveling girl and the male protagonist succeeded in ascending, so the time-traveling girl is equivalent to the heroine of the second world.

But now this world has traveled back by itself, which is equivalent to the third world, which is equivalent to the heroines of the first and second worlds fighting, so she can't lose.

But Sang Wei is not blindly cultivating, she also goes to practice alchemy and blacksmithing occasionally, and he found that if these things are done well, it will only benefit and not harm the cultivation base.

Moreover, with the help of the universal instrument, she has made great progress in alchemy and invented many new pills by herself.

Five years have passed, and the time-traveling girl has been cultivating in that cave. Because of the quiet environment, her spiritual root is still relatively pure, and she still has luck in her body. In addition, she has been suffocating in her heart and wants to go back to Xuantianzong for revenge. , so soon reached the advanced level of the foundation building stage, ready to form a pill.

After Ao Lu knew this, he was very excited. He decided to seize the house at the moment when he succeeded in crossing the female knot pill.

At that time, she had just formed an alchemy and her cultivation base was still unstable, so it was the right time.

There will be a golden core robbery in the formation of alchemy, so it is not appropriate to stay in the cave. The woman who traveled through decided to take a walk in the deep mountains, and after the success of the alchemy, she will not be here, and she is going to find a place with plenty of spiritual energy to continue. Practice, so she tidied up a little and set off towards the deep mountains.

In fact, you didn't look at anything in his storage bag.

Not to mention, it really made her find a suitable place.

After two days, the time-traveling woman's cultivation could not be suppressed, so she had no choice but to let go of her cultivation and prepare to form an alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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