Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 547 The Stars Are Still Brilliant 32

Chapter 547 The Stars Are Still Brilliant 32
With money as a guarantee, Sang Wei began to live in retirement again. After she became lazy, she gave Xiaoyu a holiday directly, and she squatted at home for several days without going out.

However, she has not forgotten her own job in this world. When she occasionally thinks of it, she will also show her face in an online business. She is very Buddhist.

As for her fans, they all accompanied her through the wind and rain. Most of them are hard fans who have been fans for more than ten years, and some are parents. They are more reserved and not like young people. , will not urge Sang Wei to open the business, which makes Sang Wei very comfortable, and when she is interested, she will post a Jiugongge on Weibo.

Xiao Shitou said that this should be the most carefree experience in the world she has experienced, and she doesn't have to worry about anything, except her age.

Yes, Sang Wei really wants to stay in this world longer, but after all, this body is over half a hundred years old. Even if the original owner was good at maintaining it before, after she came, she would use all kinds of supplements produced by the space, but at most she could only live longer A few years, so this is also the reason why she started retirement life early.

She has thought about it, and she can just live the rest of the time like this, until she returns to Limengjing. As for the cheap son, he is the protagonist and has his own wonderful life, so she doesn't intervene much.

But this retirement period only lasted for half a month, and Sang Wei received a call. The call was not from someone else, but from his cheap son Xie Hong.

It turns out that Xie Hong spent a lot of energy on his last album, and it turned out to be a huge success, so he wants to take a break for a while, but he is a career-oriented hero, so he can't be idle during this break, so let his agent give it to him. He found an outdoor variety show, which was considered a rest.

Xie Hongka is here, so it is naturally impossible for the manager to find those messy spoof variety shows, so he found a variety show with good reputation and ratings for him.

This variety show is relatively slow, called "Let's Travel Together". Every season, the show will choose a place that many people don't know but has a particularly beautiful scenery, such as deep mountains and old forests, such as small seaside villages.

As for the invited guests, they were actually there to have fun. Therefore, the guests who participated were relatively well-known and had a certain right to speak in their respective companies. They were not short of money or works, and they were all here for self-cultivation.

The guests don’t have any mandatory tasks, they just get together to chat, gossip, and occasionally play a game or something, but the program has regulations, except for some hardware facilities, they need to be self-sufficient, which is why this program is popular reason.

The agent told Xie Hong the content of the program, and he agreed without much consideration.

According to the agent, the places the program team found were not well developed. The local customs and customs in these places must be very simple, and the scenery must be back to nature, so that they can rest and increase inspiration.

Xie Career Hong never forgets his career wherever he goes.

After participating in the variety show, Xie Hong knew that the place he was going this time was a small village near the sea in the south, and the name of this village was Seaside Village.

The village is not big, with only a hundred or so households, but although the village is not in the urban area, there are network signals and everything. Xie Hong's guests this season are also very well-known, and everyone in the village knows them. Arrived, showing twelve points of enthusiasm.

However, after arriving at Kaohai Village, Xie Hong and the others encountered the first difficulty and needed to build a house by themselves.

That's right, building a house.

Clothes, food, housing and transportation are the major plans for human survival. The guests bring their own clothes and don’t need to do it themselves. The food is also convenient near the sea. At worst, it can be exchanged with the villagers. They need to stay in the village for a long time and don’t need to go anywhere. The seaside road is not easy to walk, but every household has a small e-Donkey, so there is no need to worry about traveling.

The only problem is living.

If there are only one or two people, it is enough to borrow a villager's house or rent one or two houses, but they have only five guests this time, not including the staff of the program group.

Moreover, the program group is not a human being, and they borrowed the houses vacated in the village by their staff, and let the guests figure out their own ways, which is called self-reliance.

In the previous seasons of the program, the program team will more or less prepare some "little surprises" for the guests, which is also a major attraction of "Traveling Together", and the program team also prepared tents for them, and there are no dogs too thorough.

The temperature in the south is high, and it is early summer, so there is no need to worry about whether it is cold or not. If there are no mosquitoes, they can sleep in the open air. Therefore, Xie Hong and the others not only have no complaints, but are also very happy to do it themselves, as if they are experiencing life.

The first night was spent very peacefully. The guests who woke up in the morning were still in high spirits. They all said that the sound of the waves was the best lullaby. Even Xie Hong said that people here feel a lot of sublimation.

But the problem came the next night when they ignored the high tide, which in the middle of the night flooded their tent.

Xin Hao and the others reacted quickly, they were only a little wet, but as the sea water rose and wanted to continue to rest, they could only float on the water, and everyone could only hold their own handles until dawn.

The most urgent thing after dawn is to build a house. There is no way, the extra houses in the village are occupied by the dog program group, and the guests can only rely on themselves.

But what comforts them is that, fortunately, foreign aid can be accepted, and the materials for building the house can also be exchanged with the program group or villagers, and then only the guests need to do it manually.

Although the guests found a lot of pictures and strategies from the Internet before, the reality is cruel. This house is not something that ordinary people can build. This is not a simple Lego building. There is no prototype, and a few people can only make do for one night.

It's not that I haven't thought about setting up a tent in another place, but the dog program group doesn't allow it. For the effect of the program, I can only do it myself.

So on the third day, everyone stared at the dark circles under their eyes and started calling for foreign aid.

If there is anything to do, I will call my mother, so the first thing Xie Hong thinks of is his own mother, that is, Sang Wei. Naturally, the content of the call is to ask how to build the house.

Recently, many people around me have become sheep people. Now I feel that the most uncomfortable thing is not to become a sheep person, but to wait for this time to become a sheep person. Every day I always feel that my throat hurts, my head hurts and I feel uncomfortable (cover my face).

PS: My cat is currently at 37.5°C. My body is a little sore, but it’s not serious, and my throat is also a little uncomfortable. I didn’t dare to go out to test and there is no antigen. I don’t know if it’s a sheep or a cold. I’m afraid I’ll get a fever in the middle of the night, so I ate a piece of Bulo Fern, sleep now, good night.

Whether it is possible or not is the best, we must do a good job of protection, and hope that everyone can practice a set of "Nine Yin Manual".

(End of this chapter)

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