Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 627 Big Distribution 27

This time Sangwei got the feeling when she went out to help find food.

She asked Xiao Shitou to monitor her, and after finding no one there, she found a hidden place and slipped into the pet shop.

Du Aiguo was very frightened. His face full of grooves and cloudy eyes all showed how scared he was.

He didn't know that he just went out to pick up some food, why did he change his place?

Although the end of the world has come and so many man-eating monsters have appeared, life has not changed much for him.

Those man-eating monsters seemed to avoid him.

Should he continue to pick up trash, but there will be more trash to use.

That big leather sofa and that big color TV were things he didn't even dare to think about before, but now they were thrown all over the street.

Although he likes it, Du Aiguo is not stupid. If he has that thing, he might as well pick up something practical.

Yes, to put it nicely, Du Aiguo is a scavenger.

But in fact, he has another identity.

Before the end of the world, he lived in an abandoned building on the outskirts of a small southern town, relying on picking up cardboard cans and tin sheets.

In fact, he originally lived a happy life. Although he was poorer, he saved his money and sent his son to the police academy.

The son also lived up to his expectations, graduated with excellent results, and later became a glorious anti-narcotics policeman.

Unfortunately, his son was betrayed by a traitor and died heroically during an undercover mission.

Although he and his wife were protected by the state, those crazy dealers could not do anything to them, but his only son died, and his wife could not bear the blow. She passed away after a serious illness, leaving Du Aiguo alone. One person is suffering in this world.

Du Aiguo's heart was filled with despair. His son and wife were gone, so he was left alone. What was the point of living? It's better to go along and have a companion on the road to Huangquan.

But he was unwilling to give in. His son's revenge had not been avenged, those drug dealers were still rampant, and more people who were tortured by drugs were struggling in hell, so he made a decision.

Although the house is simple, it is full of beautiful memories for their family of three. It is impossible for Du Aiguo to continue to stay here.

He refused the state's subsidy and ruthlessly sold his house and property and donated them all to a drug rehabilitation institution. He only left a little traveling expenses and went to the south alone.

He wanted to see the last place where his son stayed before his death. He even thought that he could avenge his son by killing his enemies.

Anyway, his life was saved.

Although Du Aiguo is an honest farmer, he is very smart, otherwise he would not be able to provide a college student.

He felt that by being a garbage picker, he could hide his identity, so he did not find a serious job and just lived a life of picking up garbage in the streets.

In this way, a few years later, he visited every alley in this border town in the south, and he even knew which sewer contained a few rats.

Because of the identity disguise of picking up trash, and the fact that Du Aiguo's image was indeed too deceptive, he really found a hiding place. After carefully weighing the reality of the situation, he gave up the idea of ​​taking revenge himself. Made a phone call.

The phone number he kept in mind

That phone number belonged to his son’s immediate boss, the person who held his hand after his son’s death and said he was his son.

At first, the son's leader wanted to take Du Aiguo to live with him, but Du Aiguo disagreed. In the end, he had to leave his phone number in order to take care of the old man regularly.

Du Aiguo left secretly, and by the time the leader found out, he had already arrived in the south. He couldn't follow him, so he had to pay attention to Du Aiguo's situation occasionally.

As a result, he did not expect that the old man contacted him for the first time and brought him such a big piece of information.

The final result of the matter was that the den was destroyed. Although he did not know whether they were the murderers of his son, Du Aiguo felt that his son's revenge had been avenged. The leader of Du Aiguo's son once again wanted to take the old man home, but he was rejected again. He still insisted on staying in this border town.

He knew that the destroyed den was just one of them, and he wanted to continue to shine here.

So Du Aiguo became a non-staff member.

He continued to collect scraps in the streets, and he donated all the subsidies given to him by the state.

Du Aiguo likes his "job" very much. He feels that he has been helping his son complete his tasks. With his help, two more dens were destroyed, and then the end came.

Fortunately, Du Aiguo lived in a remote suburb for the convenience of storing his things, so there were not many people around him. When the apocalypse came, he survived without being chased by zombies.

Then, he entered the pet store.

Looking at everything in the unfamiliar environment, Du Aiguo's body trembled slightly.

He had never been afraid when facing the vicious drug dealers, but now he was a little scared.

Also, it is not an exaggeration for people in their sixties to be a little afraid of some supernatural phenomena. If the apocalypse hadn't come, he might have thought that he might have been exposed and locked up by dealer D. However, with the foreshadowing of the man-eating monster outside, Du Aiguo only felt that he might have encountered something.

Especially when Sang Wei suddenly appeared in the pet shop wearing a black cloak, Du Aiguo took a big step back in shock.

Is this Black Impermanence?

Unbeknownst to Sang Wei, she became a staff member of the underworld.

She could see that the old man with a vicissitudes of life in front of her was a little afraid of her, so she tried to keep her voice as soft as possible: "Welcome to Qiyuan Pet Shop."

But it was originally a male and female voice, and no matter how soft she sounded, it was still the same.

Du Aiguo was still stunned.

Sang Wei had no choice but to shout again: "Welcome to Qiyuan Pet Store, what pet do you want to buy?"

Only then did Du Aiguo react: "Pets? I don't want to buy pets, and I don't need them either."

When talking about pets, Du Aiguo thought of his son's favorite local dog when he was a child. He grew up with him, but he was tricked into eating it. From then on, he never raised anything in his house.

Thinking of his son, Du Aiguo was no longer so afraid.

"Let's take a look. Since you came in, it means you are destined to our pet store."

Although Du Aiguo was no longer afraid, he still obeyed Sang Wei's words.

Then he looked towards the shelf.

Not to mention, this pet shop is very user-friendly. Knowing that Du Aiguo is not very literate, he directly projected the pet's skills into his mind.

Du Aiguo originally wanted to take a casual look, but his eyes stopped.

Tao Wan followed his gaze and was slightly surprised. She didn't expect that this was the one the old man chose.

That ant with space skills.

She turned around and took the ant off the shelf and handed it to Du Aiguo: "Are you interested in it?"

Du Aiguo nodded. This ant has space. If he gets it, he will have a place to put all the things he picked up. When everything is restored to its original state, he can sell it and donate more money to the JD Institute.

So Du Aiguo exchanged his most precious things for Ant Space.

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