Chapter 110 A Glorious Friendship

Xuan Yuan is still thinking.

I heard Marcellina next to me, holding the handle of the sledgehammer with both hands, gritted her teeth:

"Big liar! This big man is a nasty big bad!"

Xuan Yuan turned to look at Marcellina curiously:

"what happened?"

"Why do you say that?"

Marcellina said angrily:

"Since the emergence of the dungeon, many jurisdictions have obviously fallen, including the hometown of our Taku clan."

"Our Taku family is still fighting on the front line to regain our hometown from the damned dungeon monsters to this day."

"Most members of the Taku clan are members of the glorious exploration team in the occupied areas."

After all, Marcellina said angrily:

"Also, this person exudes some kind of uncomfortable melody, I hate him!"

Xuan Yuan nodded in approval.

to be frank.

do not know why.

Since the Belial examiner came back.

Xuan Yuan felt a little uneasy for no reason, and couldn't explain why he felt uneasy.

In any case, he has quietly raised his vigilance in his heart.

At this time, the adventurers present had already made a decision, and it could be seen that most of the adventurers chose to give up the assessment.

Xuan Yuan understood.

After all, everyone is not a stunned young man who has just entered the dungeon, and knows that when facing monsters in the dungeon, you must not be overwhelmed.

Many times, the result of choosing a head iron is death.

Always doing what you can is the key to ordinary people successfully surviving in the crisis-ridden dungeon.

In addition, the rewards that were too generous made people wonder whether they were being used as bait for fishing by the upper echelon?
However, there are still about 40% of the adventurers who choose to continue standing in front of the chief examiner of Belial.

This is because the temptation is too great, the profit is too high, and everyone understands the truth of seeking wealth and insurance.

Whether you choose to study at the Adventurer University, buy more powerful weapons and equipment, or even eat, drink and entertain, the expenses of adventurers are not small.

More money often represents better equipment, stronger profitability and higher survival rate.

If you choose to be an adventurer, you will live a life of licking blood, how can you not take risks?

Even entering the dungeon every time is a life-threatening gamble.

Therefore, there are naturally many adventurers who choose to seize this opportunity to get rich and want to take a gamble.

Xuan Yuan tried to stand in the middle, and when he walked towards the deputy examiner who gave up, he clearly felt an inexplicable discomfort, discomfort and a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

On the contrary, when he chose to walk in front of the chief examiner Belial, who represented the continuing assessment, he only felt a slight sense of uneasiness, but he didn't have that sense of crisis.

Having already participated in battles beyond the standard, Xuan Yuan became more courageous.

Now he has the talent of [Automatic Guide] and the early warning of the power of the heart, so he can choose to fight or flee if there is any danger.

According to the danger signs of the power of the heart, he chose to continue to participate in the newcomer assessment.

Marcellina also walked to Xuan Yuan's side.

Xuan Yuan asked her curiously:

"Are you confident?"

Marcellina hammered her chest hard and made a muffled sound:
"Taku Clan, never afraid of any challenge!"

Soon, a group of adventurers were divided into two groups, and the chief examiner of Belial said to everyone:
"Since the team has been divided, if you want to register to continue participating, come to me and pay the registration fee of 1 Jinnar first."

"Others, leave with the deputy examiner!"

At this time, there was a muscular giant who had been standing next to the two examiners without any reaction.

Suddenly, he stretched out his big hand and pulled the sleeve of the chief examiner of La Belliard hard, dragging the chief examiner of Belliard staggering on the spot, almost falling to the ground.

"what happened?"

The muscular giant shouted loudly:
"I, participate, fight monsters!"

The chief examiner of Belial shook his head and said:
"You are also a bold one. You survived with difficulty, but you still dare to continue participating."

"Okay, give me 1 kinnar, and I'll let you sign up."

The muscular giant looked happy.

He touched the pocket on his body, but his big hand went straight through it, protruding from under the pocket.

He panicked:
"Money? Money?"

The chief examiner of Belial glanced at the tattered beggar's outfit on the muscular giant:
"It seems that your registration fee has been lost."

"I suggest you go back and save money to participate in the next assessment!"

It seems that the muscular giant should be able to understand other people's speech, but there seems to be some problems in expressive ability.

After listening to the chief examiner's words, the muscular man instantly burst into tears.

He was rescued by the chief examiner just now.

Even the bruises all over his body didn't seem to cause any fluctuations in his mood, but now he burst into tears.

Sitting on the ground crying.

Seeing this, some adventurers couldn't bear it, and said:

"Examiner Belial, you can't be so heartless?"

"After all, people also encountered emergencies, and it is normal to lose money."

"Since he survived and has the courage to continue fighting, what's the point of making an exception and letting him participate?"

"Anyway, there are so many people who signed up, so it would be good to have a strong fighting force!"

"When you get the reward, let him pay you back."

Other adventurers also echoed:


"That makes sense!"

"Examiner, let him participate! Don't be so heartless!"

The chief examiner of Belial turned his head and said in a cold tone:

"Rules are rules!"

"If I don't charge his registration fee, I have to pay it out of my own pocket."

"Besides, he was already eliminated because he couldn't find the correct registration place."

"It's just to see that his strength is not bad, and he can survive to be sent back by us."

"That's why I made an exception and gave him a chance to pay and sign up."

"It's impossible to ask me to make up for the registration fee, right?"

"Is it his exam, or my exam?"

"You talk about doing good deeds, but I am the one who pays the bill in the end!"

"Want to do something good? OK!"

"Whoever is willing to help him pay the registration fee, I can also accept 1 kinnar."

As soon as this remark came out, the adventurers who were still filled with righteous indignation just now fell silent.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and the quietness seemed a little ridiculous.

The muscular giant, who seemed to have a low IQ, looked expectantly at the person who spoke for him just now.

As a result, the adventurer blushed and ducked into the crowd, not daring to look at him.

Xuanyuan saw it.

It cannot be said that everyone is indifferent, 1 Kinner is indeed a considerable expense.

The equivalent of high school students having trouble finding a group of average families.

It’s okay for friends to help one or two hundred, and some friends who have saved money since childhood and have a strong relationship can barely afford one or two thousand.

No matter how strong the relationship is, using 1 yuan for the exam fee to help the other party is a bit beyond the standard.

Moreover, it is impossible to ask a high school student to pay 1 yuan without any return for a stranger who does not know the details.

This is the case in peaceful times, not to mention that every penny earned by the adventurers here is equivalent to fighting on the battlefield.

Asking them to come up with such a large amount of money for a stranger, but still a stranger who doesn't know the details, is indeed a bit difficult.

In the silence, Marcellina beside her said loudly:

"Registration fee! I paid for him!"

A group of adventurers got out of the way after hearing the sound.

With a petite body and a huge hammer on her back, Marcellina strutted out of the crowd, came to the front of the desperately muscular giant, and slammed 1 quinnar into the arms of the chief examiner of Belial.

Then, under the surprised gaze of the other party, she strode towards the adjutant's team like a general returning from victory.

After a few steps, a hand was held on the shoulder:

She turned around angrily, and found Xuan Yuan standing behind her, so she asked calmly:
"Friend, what are you looking for me for?"

Xuan Yuan turned around and casually played 1 kinnar to the chief examiner of Belial:

"I paid her registration fee!"

Marcellina looked astonished:

Xuan Yuan smiled and said:

"Could it be that honorable enough, the friendship of Marcellina of the Taku tribe."

"Isn't it even worth a kinnar?"

(End of this chapter)

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