God of Healing

Chapter 212 Eavesdropping

Chapter 212 Eavesdropping
Night falls, courtyard, restaurant.

Aunt Zeng helped Lin Miaomiao sit down at the dining table. Several plates of delicious, delicious and delicious dishes were already placed on the table. Lin Can and Qin Kai were still busy in the kitchen. Lin Miaomiao rested her elbows on the table and rested her head, looking towards Lin Can is wearing an apron in the kitchen, making sweet and sour pork ribs.

"Aunt Zeng, look at how attentive and loving my Xiaochan is when cooking for me."

"Yes, yes, he loves cooking. I can't cook as a takeaway."

"I didn't mean that. What I meant was... the food you cooked is delicious, but it's just not filled with love, so it doesn't taste good."

"Why the hell...do I need to inject love into cooking? I cook for you every day and inject love every day. If your Xiaocan can do this every day, besides, I am just a nanny. You are so loving, why don't you give it to me?" I’ll give you a salary increase so that I can feel love too?”

"You mentioned money again. You are indeed different from Xiao Can. You are after my money, and he is after my... love."

"I said you, a woman, have a fever that has damaged your brain. You are speaking in a fog, and I can't understand you."

After a while, Lin Can and Qin Kai brought the dishes to their seats.

"Xiao Can, come and sit next to Auntie."

Lin Miaomiao pulled Lin Can down and sat next to her, and then said, "Xiao Kai, find a seat by yourself."

Qin Kai didn't dare to say anything and silently picked up the bowl to add food to everyone.

Seniority is very important in Beijing circles. In front of Lin Miaomiao, Qin Kai was just a junior serving tea and water.


Lin Can put a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs on Lin Miaomiao's plate: "I put a little too much vinegar. Try it and see if it works. If not, I will make it for you again tomorrow."

"Okay." Lin Miaomiao put on disposable gloves, picked up the sweet and sour pork ribs, took a small bite of a small piece, and nodded: "It's delicious, the taste is just right, it's the way I like to eat. "

Lin Can: "That's good. Just tell me what you want to eat these days. I'll make it if I know how. If I don't, I'll learn to make it online."

Lin Miaomiao: "Sure enough, family is the most reliable harbor and they won't talk about money with me."

Aunt Zeng:......

Qin Kai: "Aunt Lin, try this braised cabbage, I made it."

Lin Miaomiao shook her head: "Recently, avoid greasy food. It's too greasy. I like to eat it. Aunt Cancan wants to drink water. Pour me a glass."

Qin Kai:......

Lin Can poured a glass of milk and handed it to her. Lin Miaomiao drank a few sips like a lady and gently wiped the milk on the corner of her mouth with a tissue. Aunt Zeng looked at this detail and was stunned. This was not just a brain burn. It’s broken, it’s been taken away from you.

In the past, after drinking it in two sips, I would burp and say boldly: "It's great!"

Now chewing slowly, Lin Daiyu is so delicate.

Lin Miaomiao: "It tastes good."

Lin Can: "If it tastes good, drink more. High calcium milk is good for you."

Lin Miaomiao:! ! !

High calcium milk?
The corner of Lin Miaomiao's mouth twitched. In front of everyone, Lin Miaomiao did not dare to get angry, so she took off one of her gloves, put her hand under the table and groped for it, grabbed Lin Can's thigh hard, and whispered Said: "I told you, I don't drink high-calcium milk, are you sincere?"

Lin Can lowered his head and looked at the place under the table where Lin Miaomiao was grabbing her, and replied, "Auntie, you grabbed her in the wrong place!"

"???" Lin Miaomiao glanced at it and was frightened. She quickly retracted her hand, blushed, put on her gloves and continued to chew the sweet and sour pork ribs.


After the meal, Aunt Zeng poured a few cups of tea and sat for a while. Qin Kai said goodbye to Lin Miaomiao, and then looked at Lin Can: "Acan, it's still early, why don't you go out and play for a while?"

Lin Can looked at the time: "It's quite early. Aunt Lin, please go back to your room and rest. Brother Kai and I will go play for a while."

"Are you going... to play with women?" Lin Miaomiao calmly picked up the tea cup and blew on the foam, then tasted the tea in the cup.

Lin Can walked to Lin Miaomiao and sat down: "Aunt Lin, you are worrying too much. Brother Kai and I will go shopping and not do those ridiculous things."

Lin Miaomiao smiled and stroked the teacup with her finger: "Go, it's not easy to come to the imperial capital. It's a good thing to spend more time with friends."

"???" Lin Can looked at Lin Miaomiao's smiling expression. She didn't know whether she was sincere or said it against her conscience. She couldn't understand what she was thinking. Should she let me go or not?

Lin Can planned to find out her true feelings.

[Make sure to use eavesdropping (1/5)]

"OK." [Lin Miaomiao's voice is as follows:]

"Any reason why he put down his studies and came to the capital to take care of me is just an excuse. He doesn't care that I'm terminally ill. He just wants to go out and play with Qin Kai. Hehe, liar, Xiao Can is a big liar."

"Qin Kai, too. Go back to your house if you have nothing to do. You can play whatever you want. No one cares about you. Why do you have to call my Xiao Can? If you want to lead my Xiao Can into trouble, I'll beat him up later." The phone has stopped all his cards."

"If Xiao Can goes with him, I won't want you anymore."


Lin Can was confused.

Isn't it just to go out and play for a while, she complained so much?

When a woman is sick, do she really want someone to accompany her?

Lin Miaomiao smiled and said: "Why don't you go? You go ahead and have fun. Auntie can just rest at home. It's okay."

"it is good."

Lin Can stood up and left with Qin Kai without looking back.

Lin Miaomiao put the tea cup on the table, her chest heaving with anger.

Aunt Zeng was beside her and confused: "Your nephew is going out to play with his friends. Why are you so angry as an aunt?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Of course I'm angry. He came to the imperial capital to accompany me. What's the point of going to accompany those foxy friends?"

Aunt Zeng was stunned and touched Lin Miaomiao's forehead: "You are sick, you are really very sick."

Lin Miaomiao: "Have the dishes been washed? Has the floor been mopped? Has the electric blanket been plugged in for me?"

Aunt Zeng: "Okay, okay, eldest lady, please calm down, I'll go right away."


A moment later, the courtyard door closed, and Lin Can returned to the restaurant.

Lin Miaomiao smiled again and said, "Did you forget to take something?"

She put on another understanding expression.

Lin Can sat down next to him: "It's not that I forgot something, it's just that I don't want to go. I sent Brother Kai back and came back to stay with you."

"Stay with me, I have nothing to do with you, really."

"Are you sick? Besides, I came to the imperial capital this time just to accompany you. Well... I'll help you go back to your room to rest."

"I'm not going to sleep anymore. I've been sleeping for so long. Can you help me walk around the moat next to the Forbidden City?"

"Of course, I'll get you a coat."

"very nice."

The courtyard is adjacent to the Forbidden City, separated by a moat.

Under night, Lin Can supported Lin Miaomiao for a walk by the moat.

【Eavesdropping on the Heart 2/5】

"Xiao Can did not disappoint me. She knows that compared to those friends and friends, her aunt is the most important. I just misunderstood him. He is not a liar, he is a filial son."

"Are you tired from walking?"

"Well, kind of."

"Then I'll help you go back to rest."

"I can't walk anymore, so you can hug her. After all... you said, my aunt has osteoporosis as she gets older."


What is meant by learning now and applying it now?

(End of this chapter)

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