God of Healing

Chapter 220 Celebrity Golf Final

Chapter 220 Celebrity Golf Final
He just leaned on Lin Can until he got a seat. Lin Miaomiao wanted to sit down, but Lin Can didn't let go of her hand. "Oh, stop making trouble, there is a seat." Lin Can still didn't let go. Lin Miaomiao naturally Understood, so he forced Lin Can to sit down and put his hand back on his waist. Lin Can stared at the phone and smiled. Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes and said, "Why do you like to hug me?" waist?"

"Isn't it normal to hug your own woman's waist?"

"Who is your woman? The seniority is confusing, do you know?"

"it's the same."

"It's different, ah~" Lin Miaomiao hit Lin Can, "If you're going to die, pinch my waist."

"Oh, be gentle, don't get angry every now and then. Come on, take a picture." Lin Can moved his hand from her waist to her shoulder, raised her chin with his fingers, and looked at the camera of her phone. Lin Miaomiao smiled cooperatively. , left a group photo.

"Kiss my face and take another photo."


"Then I'll kiss you?"

"Lin Guohua, if your son wants to bully me, please show up quickly."


Lin Can almost spit out old blood to death.

"Lin Miaomiao, you have no friends like this."

Lin Miaomiao smiled and said: "No matter, if you mess around, my name will be Lin Guohua."

"Take advantage of me, right? Then you have to answer a question for me. Have you...ever had a boyfriend?"

Lin Miaomiao flicked Lin Can's forehead: "Don't think that I don't know what you want to ask. I won't tell you. Don't ask what you can't tell. Okay, we've arrived at the station. Let's go and visit the Summer Palace."

"I don't want to go."

"must go."

Lin Miaomiao dragged Lin Can out of the subway, bought two bottles of water at a roadside supermarket, and went to the Summer Palace.

The spring breeze is warm, the wicker branches are hanging down, and the scenery is pleasant.

Lin Miaomiao was walking while looking for scenic spots for Lin Can to take photos of her.

"The cheongsam style you are wearing today, which is the 'flower of wealth and honor on earth', is very suitable for the beautiful scenery of the Summer Palace. I finally understand. You didn't ask me to accompany you to the Summer Palace, but you asked me to be your tool to take photos for you."

"You're still complaining. Let's take a picture of it for Auntie. Auntie will definitely give you some benefits."

"What's the benefit?"

"Shoot first and then talk."

"It is said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie. I have been fooled by you so many times that I no longer believe in you as a woman."

Lin Miaomiao stood on the stone by the lake and smiled: "Hey, you are praising me in a different way. Okay, come here."

"Not coming."

"come over!"


Lin Can walked up and jumped on the stone. It was not very big at first. As soon as Lin Can jumped up, Lin Miaomiao subconsciously moved her high heels back. The stones were bumpy and uneven. Her high heels swayed and she moved back. Lifting up, Lin Can didn't panic. He put his arms around his waist and pulled her back to fall on top of him. His head fell on Lin Can's chest. When he raised his head, he found a red lip print on the T-shirt.

"I know I wear high heels when I go out to play. Look at my Versace. How many lip prints have you made since I got on the subway? My wife would divorce me if she knew it."

"???" When people passing by heard this, they were suspicious. What happened? This cheongsam beauty is a mistress?
Lin Can's T-shirt did have a few of Lin Miaomiao's red lip prints, but the boss was the boss and would not panic because of Lin Can's few words. Lin Miaomiao smiled and said: "I am your father's woman, how can you If you have the nerve to ask me out in private, if your father finds out, I will have your legs broken."

Damn it!The elder brother passing by said he was awesome.

Lin Can said awkwardly: "Tai, Tai, Tai, I can't afford to offend you, you are the boss."

"That's pretty much it." Lin Miaomiao took out a wet tissue and wiped it, "It can't be wiped off. I'll buy you a few when I get out."

"The boss is very generous, please support me."

"I can't afford to support you. You have so many women in your family. If I support you, I'm raising a group of women. The few coffin boards I have will be eaten up."

"Hahaha..." Lin Can smiled, Lin Miaomiao was very humorous.

Lin Miaomiao snatched the pen-hold stick from his hand, grabbed Lin Can's other hand and put it around her waist. The two leaned their heads together and took a group photo. Lin Can helped her down and continued to walk around and take pictures.

I took a lot of photos, half of them, half of them together.

They continued to play until the afterglow of the sunset set, and the two took a photo by the lake before leaving.

We had dinner outside and went to see a movie, then we took a taxi home. After a day of traveling, Lin Miaomiao was tired and fell asleep on Lin Can's shoulder. Only when she finally got off did Lin Can wake her up and get out of the car.

Lin Miaomiao stretched, Lin Can paid the fare, and the two returned to the courtyard.

The next two days were spent traveling around, until on the weekend morning, Lin Can was going back to Yunchuan.

Lin Can sent a message to Gulirena saying that he was leaving. This was the first time he sent a message since the last meeting in Deyun Club. Gulirena said that they would have dinner together next time in the imperial capital.

A very reserved girl.

After all, he is the boyfriend of a young boy, so Gulirena knows the scale very well.

Of course, the main reason is that Lin Can is rich, handsome and charming. It is easy for girls to fall in love with such a boy, so Gulizhena is more conscious and needs to keep a distance.


Lin Miaomiao sent Lin Can to the door of the courtyard, leaned against the door, and said, "I have other things to deal with these days. When I'm done, I'll go to Yunchuan to find you."

"I'm leaving now. The weather is changing a lot. Be careful not to catch a cold."

Lin Miaomiao said OK.

"Aunt Zeng, I'm leaving."

"Okay, let's say it's safe."


Lin Can returned to Yunchuan with Wang Canglin. On the plane, Lin Can asked: "Old Wang, do you still like Lin Miaomiao?"

Lin Miao asked without hesitation. There was nothing to avoid about this. Before Lin Can knew Lin Miaomiao, he first knew Wang Canglin and knew that Lin Miaomiao was Bai Yueguang. Almost everyone in the Yunchuan rich circle knew this. . "I admire her very much. She is not like other women who only have good skin. She has a charming personality. She is not inferior to men at all in her career, and even does better than many men. With such a beautiful and talented woman, what man can Don’t you appreciate it?”

"Yes." Lin Can nodded.

"Like is the shortest thing. After all, it's just a skin, but the inner talent and the charm that is stronger than others are permanent. It's the same with you. Of course, being handsome and rich is very popular with girls, but the like will change over time. It doesn’t matter, if a person wants to be outstanding forever, he must enrich his inner self, and have a leadership position in his career and field. Only the most lasting one, and if your liking turns into appreciation, it means you have done it.”

"It makes sense. I understand. Listening to you is worth ten years of reading."

"Come on, your three sisters are all so good, you have to be better than them."

"That's necessary. How can I lose to three women?"


Wang Canglin smiled.

Lin Can understands that at a certain stage, money is just data. If you only have data, others will only say you have money. If you want to become better, you must break away from the expression of money and become a strong person in a certain field. Others It will not say that you are rich, but that such and such an outstanding entrepreneur, such and such an outstanding entrepreneur deserves everyone to learn and appreciate.

Of course, Lin Can can show off. Anyway, he is a powerful person. If he has money, he can play, but playing is the initial stage of becoming a powerful person - from having no money to having money, from having never tried the world of flowers to entering the world of flowers. Go and enjoy.

After enjoying it, a new world view will actually open up, which means you have to do something practical.

It's the second stage.

The ultimate stage, without a doubt, is to become an excellent entrepreneur and truly a great person.


Arrive at Yunchuan Airport at [-] noon.

Lin Can's Bentley had been parked in the parking lot. After driving Wang Canglin to the company, Lin Can returned to Boqi Garden.

Opening the door, the yard was clean and tidy. Xie Wanlian had tidied it up.

During this time in class, Lin Can did not go to school, but contacted a car beauty shop to come and wash the car.

There are these services. Rich people usually have a lot of cars. If they are used occasionally but are very dirty, these high-end car beauty shops will come to wash the cars. It is just a little more expensive, but fortunately, Lin Can booked it. The Gulfstream private jet is not Qin Kai's model, but a Gulfstream G780. It costs 8000 million U.S. dollars. Including interior decoration, it works out to [-] million, and there is still [-] million left on the card.

When he was poor, Lin Can felt that he couldn't help but spend money.

Now that he is rich, Lin Can feels like he can't spend all his money.

A plane worth hundreds of millions is probably the most expensive product in private life.

Lin Can plans to spend the rest of the money on company operations.

If you don't have any money, you can make money by collecting healing values.

The mission of healing has always been there, but Lin Can is someone who doesn’t make money every day for the sake of money, but does it in stages. After he earns enough, he spends it before going.

Enjoying the process is most important.


Five or six car washers were washing three luxury cars for Lin Can in the garage.

While washing, he gritted his teeth and boasted that he was so rich.

There were dumplings made by Xie Wanlian in the refrigerator. Lin Can cooked all the dumplings at noon and invited the workers to eat dumplings together in the yard.

The dumplings were delicious and heart-warming. The workers kept praising Lin Can and had a good impression of Lin Can, a second-generation rich man. Just one plate of dumplings made him feel that Lin Can was approachable.

And a dumpling fell on the stone table. Lin Can picked it up, blew on it, and ate it.

With this move, the workers took action. This rich second generation is very simple.

Anyway, the rich do everything right. It is very simple to close the distance with ordinary people, just wear a pair of cloth shoes, or put the dumplings on the table, pick them up, and eat them without disgust.

After lunch, the workers washed the three cars until they were shiny.

After Lin Can paid the car wash fee, he hesitated and drove off in his Lamborghini Aventador to watch the Yunchuan Ladies Golf Finals.


At Yulongwan Golf Villa Community, many luxury cars were parked today, and many rich second generations and rich girls came, all of whom are the top people in the province.

Spring is here and everything is revived.

The rich girls came one by one wearing beautiful sexy little dresses.

Some are here to participate in the finals, and some are here to cheer for our good sisters.


A tearing roar.

The royal blue Lamborghini Aventador drove from the green residential road and parked in the parking space outside the golf club.

The scissor door opened and Lin Can got out of the car. There were people whispering and looking at Lin Can.

Some knew Lin Can, some didn't.

A beautiful rich girl whispered: "This is Lin Can. Didn't you say 160? This is obviously 180."

This was heard by Lin Can who was passing by. He paused and said, "I need to correct it. It's not 180, it's 183.2."

After saying that, Lin Can walked into the club.

Rich girl Lanhua covered her mouth with her fingers and laughed, looking at the handsome back, "It's quite humorous."

"Lu Jing, you're sober, that's the master who only eats people but doesn't spit out bones."

Lu Jia passed by and gave a friendly reminder.

"Lu Jia, how do you know?"

Lu Jia said nothing and went straight to change clothes to prepare for the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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