God of Healing

Chapter 222: You have one face, I have one face

Chapter 222: You have a mouthful of noodles, I have a mouthful of noodles
The three sisters look harmonious on the surface, but when it comes to interests, they are absolutely not harmonious. It is not about money, but the favoritism of their father. What they compete for is not the family property, but the father's love. It is obvious that Wang Canglin loves his youngest daughter Wang Xiaoxiao the most.

The eldest sister and the second sister are naturally unhappy, and now they are being pointed out intentionally or unintentionally, with ulterior motives, just to cause discord among the three sisters.

Wang Canglin went about his business after the award ceremony and did not come to the party. He is also a sensible person. If he stayed, he might be annoyed by his two daughters, so he ran away.

Lin Can: ...

So they are left with a mess, and they need me to heal them, right?

Who calls himself a master of healing?

After walking out of the club, Lin Can got into the Lamborghini cab. Wang Wenwan came over angrily and pulled the co-pilot to get in. She closed the door with a bang and crossed her arms with her chest, looking angry.

Lin Can looked outside, and Wang Qingya also angrily got into the cab of her Mercedes-Benz and left.

Wang Xiaoxiao was different. She held the trophy, accepted everyone's congratulations, got into the Mercedes-Benz and left with a smile on her face.

Lin Can started the Lamborghini and followed behind without saying a word.

"Isn't it just winning a championship? What's so great? You're lucky, right?"

"Yes." Lin Can agreed. At this time, whatever the woman says, just follow her.

"The look in my dad's eyes just now, hehe, if I won the championship, he wouldn't be that happy, right?"



"No, no." Lin Can agreed too quickly and changed his words, "They are both his daughters. Whoever wins the championship will make your dad happy. Don't think like that, you know?"

"No, my dad has always disliked me. It's not like you don't know that everything I do is wrong."

The more Wang Wenwan talked, the more aggrieved she became, her eyes red.

Being the middle child, with the first daughter on top and the youngest daughter on the bottom, she was caught in the middle and was indeed less loved by her father.

Therefore, it is always the second child who gets hurt.

Lin Can reached out and touched Wang Wenwan's face and said, "Okay, don't be sad."

"Can I not be sad?"

"Then let me use an analogy. If you gave birth to three daughters for me, would you be able to balance a bowl of water?"

"If I gave birth to three children for you, I would have to give you a bowl of water, no!" Wang Wenwan turned around, blushing, "Who wants to give birth to your children?"

Lin Can smiled and said: "Of course I have to have a baby. It would be boring not to have a baby. Let's have one tonight!"

"Not interested." Wang Wenwan probably really wasn't interested today. She put her long white thigh-high legs together and continued to be sulky with her.

What can I do for you, a strong father
Accept the trivial concerns

At this time, the car music played "Father" by Chopstick Brothers, and Wang Wenwan reached out to turn off the music.

Lin Can couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"You laugh at me?"

"No no no."

"You just laugh at me. Do you think I'm funny? I'm a joke?"

This is good. Women are worried about not being able to find a punching bag in this situation. You succeeded.

Along the way, Wang Wenwan kept reading.


Man Tingfang.

Wang Wenwan opened the door and got out of the car, and walked in angrily.

Lin Can parked the car and when she came down, Wang Qingya's Mercedes-Benz also arrived. She walked up and continued to take over. Wang Wenwan complained: "I feel super uncomfortable. My second sister is also a waste. She is useless at all. She can't compare with anything else." Third sister, do you think so?"

"Oh, what's there to complain about? It's just a game."

"Is it about the competition? Didn't you hear what those people were talking about just now?"

"It doesn't matter if your mouth grows on someone else. You are sisters. Get along well and don't get into trouble later, you know?"

Lin Can didn't want them to have a quarrel, otherwise whoever they spend time alone with in the future would be a betrayal to the other two!
Then Lin Can would be the most miserable person.


Wang Xiaoxiao placed the trophy on the trophy wall in front of Man Tingfang Hall. There were many various trophies that Wang Xiaoxiao had received on it.

Wang Xiaoxiao: "I'm so happy today. The champion belongs to our Wang family."

Wang Qingya: "What do you mean, are you proud of our king?"

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Isn't it?"

Wang Qingya: "I..."

I hesitate to speak, but I can't find a point to criticize.

He simply glared at Wang Wenwan next to him: "You're useless!"

Wang Wenwan: ...

Wang Xiaoxiao: "I asked the kitchen to prepare the dishes. Let's celebrate tonight. I was sweating playing ball just now. Let's go swimming?"

Swimming is Wang Wenwan's strong point, and she immediately said: "Okay, we three sisters haven't competed in a long time, do you dare to compete in the swimming pool?"

"Are you afraid, Third Sister?" Wang Qingya.

"What am I afraid of? I won't lose."

After saying that, Wang Xiaoxiao turned around and went to change into a bikini.

"Look at this!" Wang Qingya pointed at the back and said, "Second sister, if you lose to her again later, will you accept your fate?"

"I will never lose!"

Lin Can said: "I'm looking forward to your competition. I'm going to change into swimming trunks too. By the way, wear a nicer bikini."

Lin Can doesn't care how the three sisters compare, anyway, he can just watch the bikini show.


Indoor heated swimming pool.

Lin Can was a boy and it was very easy to change into swimming trunks. After swimming two laps in the swimming pool, the three sisters came out of the locker room.

One in a red bikini, one in a green bikini, and one in a white bikini.

She walked on the floor with her bare legs and feet, showing off her perfect fair figure.

Lin Can admired their figures, but they were not interested in Lin Can's figures at all today, and they only saw fighting among themselves.

Lin Can climbed ashore and stood between them: "I will be the referee. You will warm up for 5 minutes. This swimming pool is 60 meters. You are competing in the 300-meter breaststroke. Is there any problem?"

The three sisters shook their heads and said it was okay.

"Okay, no problem, that's settled."

Wang Qingya and Wang Wenwan put on their goggles, plunged into the water, and swam forward very fast to get a feel for it.

These two cannot afford to lose and must win against the third sister once.

In fact, many of these rich girls are well-educated, and their academic qualifications are from famous universities. This is the most basic. Even if they cannot get into famous domestic universities, they can often go abroad to study in more top universities abroad with money.

Even if their grades are poor, many students go to Tsinghua University and Peking University, because as long as they have a foreign registered permanent residence and take a simple Chinese language test at Tsinghua University, they can study at Tsinghua University as an international student.

This is the reason why so many rich people want to make their children foreign. It is not that the moon in foreign countries is round, but that when foreigners come back to study, there is a green light everywhere.

And they have many talents, including music, sports, etc.

Rich people like to educate their children.

Super involution.

It's almost killing ordinary people.

Wang Xiaoxiao did not go swimming, but stretched his muscles on the shore.

Lin Can: "Third sister, why don't you go down?"

Wang Xiaoxiao twisted her waist and said: "I swim in this swimming pool every day, and I am very familiar with it. I have never lost in this swimming pool. Come on, give me a massage, and I will beat them later."

Wang Xiaoxiao was lying on the recliner, and Lin Can sat next to her. He stretched out his hands and massaged her shoulders bit by bit. When it came to the bikini, it was a little curled. Lin Canlan smoothed it with his fingers and continued to massage her thighs.

"Third sister, is your butt real?"

"Nonsense, of course it's true, it's not high-tech."

"I don't believe it, let me take a look."

Lin Can stretched out his hand and pinched it twice, "It's true."

"..." Wang Xiaoxiao turned around and glared at Lin Can, "You are not childish. You will never play such tricks again."

"Are the breasts real?"




At this time, Wang Wenwan and Wang Qingya climbed out of the swimming pool. Lin Can walked over to them and pulled them over and pressed them on the lounge chairs. "You two sisters, lie down. I'll be covered in rain and dew. I've massaged the third sister, and I'll massage you again."

Wang Qingya felt inspired and said: "Chancan is still the best, the best one knows that a bowl of water is level."

Lin Can: "No, Sister Qingya, you are so memorized, it would be a pity not to have a cupping pot."

Wang Qingya: "It just disappeared a few days ago. I'll go for cupping in a few days. It will be very comfortable."

Lin Can massaged for a minute, stood up, slapped her buttocks with a "pop~", went over and sat down next to Wang Wenwan, and continued the massage.

Wang Qingya stretched out her legs and lightly kicked Lin Can.

When massaging Wang Wenwan, Lin Can was not so honest. Anyway, his back was turned to Wang Qingya and Wang Xiaoxiao, and his hands were careless.

Wang Wenwan pinched Lin Can and whispered a warning: "Do you want me to lose?"

"No, let me relax for you."

"If you mess with your hands again, I won't have the strength to swim anymore. If I lose, it's your fault."

"OK, I'm going to massage you honestly."

"It's almost there."

"Lots of water."

"Pfft~ That's swimming pool water, okay?"

"I didn't say no."



In 5 minutes, Lin Can was sitting on a high stool, and the three sisters were standing on the shore, eager to try.

As soon as Lin Can's whistle sounded, plop!thump!thump!
The three sisters jumped up, drew a beautiful arc in the air, plunged into the water, and first swam for a distance in the water, then emerged and breaststroked forward.

All this was recorded by the camera nearby.

Lin Can likes to use cameras to record every bit of life, which are worth taking out and recalling later.

The swimming styles of the three sisters are very standard. They are not as fast as Olympic athletes, but they are definitely not slow.

When they swam to the other side, the three sisters turned over and pushed their legs off the shore, swimming back like three mermaids.

Pleasant to the eyes is not an overstatement.

There is a reason why Lin Can's aesthetics are getting higher and higher, and his playing skills are becoming more and more classy.

Which woman around you is not a leader in all walks of life?
Once this eye goes up, it really can't come down anymore. As for beauties, they have their own set of standards for identification.

Beauty is basic, no matter how beautiful it is, it is just a vase. Lin Can is not interested.

Lin Can likes women who have personality, not just skin.

300 laps of 5 meters.

By the fifth lap, the three sisters were neck and neck.

reach the finish line.

The three sisters popped their heads and looked at Lin Can: "Who is the champion?"

"Ah?" Lin Can put down the phone, "What? I..."

"Are you looking at your phone?"

"I just replied to WeChat. Are you finished competing?"


The three sisters were speechless.

Wang Xiaoxiao: “I touched the finish line first, I won, yeah~”

Wang Wenwan: "I was the first to reach the finish line, and you were second."

Wang Qingya: "She's third best, I'm first."

"It's a lie, isn't it?"

"Whoever cheats is me first. If you don't believe me, watch the replay."

Lin Can called up the replay for them to watch. Because it was not a bird's-eye view, they couldn't see who was first. The three sisters were chattering for first place while complaining about Lin Can, the referee.

In fact, Lin Can knows who is first.

Wang Xiaoxiao!
As for why they didn't say anything, it was because if they knew that Wang Xiaoxiao was number one again, the two sisters' hearts would really break.

Originally, the three sisters were fighting among themselves. Lin Can didn't need to be so serious about who would lose and who would win. She just left it suspense. They all came first. Each of the three sisters felt that they were powerful.

However, Lin Can really admired Wang Xiaoxiao in his heart, he really crushed the two sisters in all directions and without any blind spots.

We argued for a long time with no outcome.

Then they changed into pajamas and went to the Peony Hall to eat together. The three sisters were still arguing.

Fighting for first place is better than not fighting and sulking.

There was no drinking at dinner because Lin Can had to sleep next to her sister after drinking, so she couldn't drink.

After dinner, while they were still arguing, Lin Can made an excuse and slipped back to Boqi Garden for some peace and quiet.


The next morning, Lin Can was still asleep when he was woken up by his mobile phone. He took it over and saw that it was Wang Xiaoxiao. Lin Can answered the call: "Hello~"

"Open the door! I'm at your door."


Lin Can hung up the phone, shirtless and wearing only a pair of shorts, walked out of the yard and opened the door: "Why are you here so early in the morning?"

"Don't you have any clothes on?"

Wang Xiaoxiao glanced at his eight-pack abs, pushed him away with her arms, and strode into the yard on high heels.

Wang Xiaoxiao was wearing a GUCCI dress today and flesh-colored stockings underneath. After walking a few steps, she stopped and turned around: "Let me ask you, who won yesterday."

Lin Can stretched out and put his hand on her shoulder: "Why do you care so much?"

"You mean you know who won? Tell me, did I win?"

"Go inside first, I'll go get dressed."

"No." Wang Xiaoxiao stopped Lin Can, "I'll put on my clothes before I tell you."

"Let's do this, Sister Xiaoxiao. Make me breakfast and I will tell you. Otherwise, I will kill you without telling you."

"it is good!"

Wang Xiaoxiao strode into the kitchen, "Where are the instant noodles?"

"Instead of instant noodles, I want to eat the breakfast you made yourself."

"You!" Wang Xiaoxiao endured it, "Okay, if you lie to me later, you will be dead."


Lin Can returned to the room to wash up and sat down at the dining table. After a while, Wang Xiaoxiao sat down opposite the dining table with a bowl of omelette noodles.

"It can be said now."

"feed me."

"Hey, don't push yourself too far."

"feed me."

Wang Xiaoxiao took a long breath, endured it, put the noodles into a spoon, and handed it to Lin Can's mouth, "Open your mouth."

"Hot hot hot."

"Huhuhu~ Okay, it's cool now, it's not hot anymore, open your mouth."

"It's delicious. Sister Xiaoxiao's omelette noodles are the best. I want more."

"I've convinced you. I'll finish feeding you this bowl of noodles. If you don't tell me, I'll make you spit it out."

"Don't worry, I will tell you. By the way, have you had breakfast?"

"No, I'm so angry that I can't think of having breakfast."

"Then like this, you have one cup of noodles and I have one cup of noodles."

"No, what you have eaten is your saliva."

"If you don't eat, don't wonder who won."

"You're too much!"


"...Is this how you play with your sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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