God of Healing

Chapter 230 Sister-in-law is so fierce

Chapter 230 Sister-in-law is so fierce
The entrance to Boqi Garden.

"Haohao, you have to call me uncle when you go in, but you can't call me Cancan, you know?"

Haohao said "Hmm~" in a milky voice.

"So nice."

Liu Qin fondly touched Haohao's little head and knocked on the courtyard door with "dong dong dong~".

Soon, the door opened.

"Cancan~~" As soon as Xiao Haohao saw Lin Can climb over the threshold, he ran up and hugged his thigh.

"This kid promised to call you uncle just now at the door, but when he saw you, he called you Cancan again." Liu Qin walked in and said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, calling me uncle makes me look too old, so Cancan is appropriate." Lin Can picked up his little nephew and said, "Where's Brother Chao?"

"There's still some work to be done, I'll come back later."

"Let's go, sit inside."

When he came to the house, Lin Can poured all the toys he bought before on the wooden floor for his nephew to play with, and then went to the kitchen.

"Do you need help?" Liu Qin came to the kitchen and asked.

"No, you go and have a rest." Lin Can didn't like other people to interfere in cooking.

Liu Qin leaned against the door of the kitchen and watched Lin Can focus on cooking food, giving people the image of a good family man who has always been very down-to-earth.

Except for the fact that he has a few more girlfriends, everything else is impeccable and he can't find any shortcomings.

Lin Can turned around and saw Liu Qin still at the door, and said, "Sister-in-law, why are you looking at me?"

"Sigh...I was thinking that Brother Chao used to go to the kitchen. Now let alone the kitchen, it's hard to go home to be with us, mother and son. We leave early and come back late every day."

Lin Can smiled and joked: "What you said makes me unable to complain. If Brother Chao goes home on time every day to be with you mother and son, and has a lot of time to spend with you, what are you going to say about him staying at home every day? We Mother and son are very good, you don't have to accompany us, you go out to make money. Now is the opportunity to make money, and you feel that he has no time to accompany you."

Liu Qin put her hands on her hips and said, "Are you saying something bad about me? Are you favoring your brother Chao?"

Lin Can said: "Look, I'm still impatient. I'm just saying a fact. You can't have your cake and eat it too. It's impossible to take care of both your career and your family. For example, I fell behind in my studies when I took care of my girlfriend. I'm still being punished today. The teacher called my name and said that the cherry blossoms at Jiming Temple were in bloom."

"What does the blooming cherry blossoms in Jiming Temple have to do with you? Are you going to become a monk?"

"It means that someone who is unlikely to come back comes back and accuses me of missing school every day."

Liu Qin smiled and said: "Acan, since you talked about studying, sister-in-law, I will tell you a few words. If you don't like it, just ignore it."

"Sister-in-law, please speak."

"Although you are rich, drive a million-dollar car and live in a million-dollar mansion, and your understanding is already at a level that 99% of the people in the world, including your brother Chao, can't reach in a lifetime of hard work, but I think you should have something new. Although I have a high school diploma, you have a good relationship with the president of Ningda University and donated another 800 million. The diploma is guaranteed to be obtained, and you will also become a famous alumnus of Ningda University in the future. Although the diploma is already important to you. There is no gold content, but I think you should still learn more knowledge and become a knowledgeable and educated person. This is very important for you to get in touch with richer and more powerful people in the future."

"Sister-in-law, what you said is exactly the same as that of our old professor today?"

"Hey, you said I'm old?"

"No, no, no, I don't mean that. You are right. If you don't study for money, then study for interest. This way there is no pressure. Happy learning method can supplement my knowledge in all aspects. Oh, by the way...yesterday I sang a song and found that I am still very interested in singing, but I am not good at all aspects of technique, so I started with music."

"You want to study music? Does your school offer this class?"

"There are clubs but they are too amateurish. I am an honorary alumnus of the Modu Conservatory of Music. I will go to Moyin to further my studies and improve my musical accomplishments."

Hearing this, Liu Qin chuckled, "After all, isn't it just to find Mina and the others?"

"You...sigh...sister-in-law, I am going to study the system formally, not to play with them. Women will only disturb my study."

"Hey! Studying will only disturb your relationship with a woman, right?"

"Sigh... It seems that you don't believe it. When I come back, I will play a good song for you, so that you can see how good I am, who was trained by the Music Hall. I will contact the person who bought the instrument and buy one. Come back with the piano.”

"Huh? You don't even know how to buy it first? I beg you not to. Often, people who buy it on impulse and then learn it will end up in ashes. You'd better learn it first and then buy it."

"Buy it and then learn it. It doesn't cost much anyway. Once I learn it, I will teach you how to play the piano well."

While the dishes were being cooked and waiting for Zhang Chao, Lin Can called Wang Wenwan in the yard.

"Little Wenwan."

"Shout again if you can!"

"Sister Wen Wan."

"what's up?"

"Do you know anyone who sells pianos? Get me a good-sounding one and ship it to Boqiyuan."

"As a decoration, OK, no problem."

"What kind of decoration? I'll play it."

"Don't make trouble. You don't know how to play two tigers. Why don't you buy an electronic keyboard online and play with it first."

"Piano! The most expensive piano!"

"The starting point is too high."

"Don't worry about it. If you don't need money, buy one. I'll go learn piano for a week next week. After I'm successful, I'll come back and play "The Only One" for you every day."

The other end of the phone smiled sweetly: "Okay! I'll pay for it. If you don't play well then, you can pay me double the piano price."


Lin Can is super confident in his learning ability, especially handicrafts, because his nimble fingertips are not only used to play with women, but in any handicrafts, he can quickly pick up the skills with a touch of his nimble fingertips, and he can play the ball very quickly. , such as the so-called fastest piano piece in history, "Flight of the Bumblebee," once you learn it and get started with your fingertips, the piano will definitely smoke.

After chatting for a while, Lin Can returned to the restaurant together. Liu Qin fed Haohao food and fell asleep in the bedroom.

"Brother Chao of yours said he wanted to treat a client to dinner, but he won't come. Let's eat."

"If he doesn't come, let's eat more."

The two sat down and chatted while eating.

Liu Qin said: "Yesterday I told you about my work. Your brother Chao said he didn't care about me. I could do whatever I wanted."

Lin Can said: "Is he angry?"

Liu Qin said: "I think he's bored by me talking about work every day. Yesterday I checked Douyin and saw a clothing store recruiting people. It's 5000 a month and there's commission. I plan to give it a try later. If I get the job, I'll Let his parents come up and take care of the kids, and I’ll go to work. Why are you laughing? Do you think it’s a joke that I go to work?”

Lin Can smiled and said, "No, I think it's too sudden for you."

Liu Qin said: "I take care of my children at home every day. I don't even have any friends now, and I can still make money when I go to work."

Lin Can said: "It's up to you. I have two classes in the afternoon, and Haohao is also sleeping. You can take a rest later. I'll go with you after class to see if it's reliable."

Liu Qin said: "What's wrong with selling clothes? You don't need to go."

Lin Can said: "I'm not sure, I'll make the decision for Brother Chao. I'll accompany you after class later."

Liu Qin is a good-looking young married woman, but outsiders can't believe it. Just think that Lin Can has a dark heart. What if the owner of the clothing store is not a good person, or what if the clothes shop owner flirts with his sister-in-law? She hasn't worked for several years. She is a novice, so she must keep her eyes open to find a job.

After the meal, Liu Qin asked Lin Can to take a lunch break. She cleaned up the restaurant and went to the bedroom to sleep with her son.

The alarm woke Lin Can up. When he walked out of the room, the mother and son were still sleeping. Lin Can walked to school and ordered afternoon tea desserts on the way to be delivered to Boqi Garden in half an hour.

Lin Can didn't order from a takeout platform, but from some high-end dessert shops in Yunchuan. These were the phone numbers she had left for Zhou Xiaoxiao in the past to order afternoon tea.

To be honest, Lin Can spent more than [-] yuan on Zhou Xiaoxiao last semester, all of which were provided with high-end afternoon tea every day, and she directly developed a beautiful girl who is fair and tender, a little fleshy, but not greasy.

As a result, when people eat your food, their stomachs are satisfied and their hearts are moved.

After eating those high-end desserts for a long time, Zhou Xiaoxiao went to a dessert shop on the street and found that the ingredients and taste were really different.

She quickly returned to the mentality of eating at street dessert shops. This was her life.

Lin Can is the one who has her first love, which is deeper than first love and will be remembered for a lifetime.


Ningda playground, under the tree.

The big-breasted girl Li Rao was secretly making a phone call. Lin Can walked by behind her. She covered the phone and whispered: "Okay, 2000, you wait for me tonight."

After hanging up the phone, he turned around and said "Yeah~" in shock when he saw Lin Can walking by with a super calm look.

"What's wrong?" Lin Can asked calmly.

"No, it's nothing..." Li Rao looked at Lin Can carefully, trying to see from his calm expression whether he heard him calling.

"Look at me for what?"

"It's nothing."

After saying that, Li Rao left.

Lin Can looked at his back and murmured: "2000, wait for me tonight. Is this female classmate Li Rao really working part-time?"

I don’t know, I’m not sure. If so, Liu Ziyang is chasing her, Liu Ziyang will collapse.

Back in the dormitory, his roommates were playing games. They played games every day. Lin Can didn't know what their fun was. What was the point?
Lin Can sat down in front of Liu Ziyang, took off his headphones, and said, "How are you and Li Rao developing recently?"

"That's it, go up, go up, use your big move!"

"How would you say that?"

"Just ignore her. This woman is not easy to chase. Stay vigilant. Why do you ask? Do you want to chase her?"

"I'll just ask."

Lin Can patted him on the shoulder.

"!!!" Liu Ziyang was stunned and asked with a solemn expression: "What do you mean?"

"Means nothing."

"You thought otherwise. You thought you would just leave after saying that. You patted me on the shoulder today, and you felt like you were reluctant to speak. Patting on the shoulder is called comforting me psychologically. Is Li Rao in love?"

Lin Canxin said that this guy has pretty good psychological analysis skills.

"We're not in love, it's just...well...I don't know what to say. You guys play first, I'll go and get started."

Lin Can slipped away, fearing that Liu Ziyang would tell him if he asked again. After all, Lin Can didn't know why you were waiting for me for 2000 yuan tonight.

Lin Can plans to follow Li Rao tonight. It's not the best. What if it is?

During class in the afternoon, Zijin and Xie Wanlian kept noticing Lin Can staring at Li Rao in front of him on the right.

The look in his eyes was very sharp. I wanted to pluck Li Rao clean and study him thoroughly.

after class.

Li Rao stood up and left, and Lin Can followed him out.

Zijin, Xie Wanlian:? ? ?

Zijin: "What are these two fools doing today? They are staring at Li Rao, why are they flying?"

Xie Wanlian: "I'm not sure. Let's go up and take a look."

As a result, Lin Can appeared around Li Rao from far away intentionally or unintentionally, and Zijin and Xie Wanlian appeared around Li Chun intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Rao turned around and found that there was no one there.

Lin Can returned and also found that there was no one there.

The anti-investigation capabilities are very strong.


After the afternoon class, Lin Can looked solemn, and the data she tracked showed one fact - the price is very high, there are many customers, and she is busy every day.

"Hey!" Zijin patted Lin Can on the shoulder, "What are you doing?"

"What for?"

"Stop pretending. Wanlian and I have been following you all afternoon. You have been following Li Rao. What do you want to do?"

"No wonder I said there was always someone behind me. It turned out to be you two who were following me."

"You are very sneaky and deliberate. It is normal for us to follow you. Tell me, what do you think of Li Rao?"

"Uh... I don't have any ideas. I'll help Liu Ziyang pay attention to what Li Rao does and what he likes, so that we can prescribe the right medicine."

"Liu Ziyang likes Li Rao and he won't go there himself. Does he need your help?"

"Li Rao ignored him and he was embarrassed, so he let me go."

"Why don't you just go and ask them? Why are you following them?"

"You all know my charm. If I strike up a conversation with Li Rao and she falls in love with me, what will happen to Liu Ziyang?"

"Hey, it sounds like you are very charming."

"Isn't it?" Lin Can raised his hand, wearing a Richard Mille watch, and put it on Zijin's shoulder. "If I want to know you better, are you willing?"

"I, I, I..." Zijin hesitated and was very nervous. Lin Can was recognized as handsome, and he hit the ball straight. Zijin couldn't stop him, so he pushed him away and quickly took two steps back from his position, "I don't want you. I understand, you should get to know Xie Wanlian well, huh."

He grabbed his schoolbag and ran away.

Lin Can turned his head and looked at Xie Wanlian who was looking at him suspiciously. Lin Can smiled and said, "Don't think about it, I really don't mean that."

"Then why are you following people?"

"Just..." Lin Can put his arm around Xie Wanlian's shoulders, pulled her over, and whispered the truth into her ear. Xie Wanlian was one of her own, and she would not tell anyone in a tight-lipped manner.

Yes, Lin Can had experienced how tight Xie Wanlian's tone was, and he didn't leak it at all.

"Ah!" After hearing Lin Can's words, Xie Wanlian screamed in fright, covered her mouth, and moved closer, "2000? So expensive?"

"..." Lin Can said speechlessly, "No, why do you only see money?"

"No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that, I was just surprised, really?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, I'm not sure either. Let me tell you, I want to know the facts. It's only 4 o'clock and it's still early. You go back to the dormitory and pay attention. If she leaves school at night, tell me. ,I gonna go see."

"Well, I hope not."


"What if so? What would you do?"

Lin Can fell into deep thought. If it was true, it should be a very sad story.

I pay to try it out?
Bah, bah, bah, nonsense, I'm not that kind of person.

My classmate is not that kind of person either!
Lin Can paralyzed himself first, but because this woman Li Rao has been very suspicious since she went to college, and rumors were flying all over the place, in fact, the only thing missing was the fact that Lin Can was boring anyway, and my classmate must have had some reasons, so I went to find out the truth and be cruel Heal her!

Xie Wanlian went to play with Li Rao.

Lin Can had other things to do at the moment. When he returned to Bo Qiyuan, his sister-in-law was playing with Xiao Haohao in the yard.

"came back?"


Lin Can nodded, immediately turned his head and went straight back to the house, because his sister-in-law had changed into a OL professional attire. It was a small suit on the outside, a short skirt and stockings on the bottom, and she was wearing a white shirt and bent over to take care of Xiao Haohao. The collar was visible. Nothing left.

Lin Can, who shouldn't watch it, will never watch it, and will never blaspheme!
Although in Sunshine Village, every time my sister-in-law and Brother Chao fell in love, Lin Can would always appear in front of them as a 'single man', which was all a misunderstanding.


Lin Can put down his schoolbag and came to the garage: "Sister-in-law, what kind of car do you want to have, a Rolls-Royce, a Bentley, or a Lamborghini? I forget that you can't ride in a Lamborghini with your child."

Liu Qin smiled: "Rolls-Royce, that car is spacious."

"it is good."

Then Lin Can drove his mother and son in a Rolls-Royce and arrived outside a clothing store on Xinmin Road. Judging from the decoration, it seemed to sell high-end clothes. Luxury goods were not considered luxury goods. They cost between 1000 and [-] to [-] to [-]. Clothes.

Parking the car on the side of the road, Liu Qin took out the lipstick from her bag and applied it on, looked in the mirror and said, "Acan, do I look better with my hair tied up or with it on?"

"It's not a blind date."

"First impression is very important when applying for a job. Forget it, it's useless to ask. I'll tie up my hair and look more energetic. Then I'll go and wait for my good news."

Liu Qin opened the car door, straightened her skirt, and went to the clothing store in high heels.

In the past, Liu Qin took me with me every day. She dressed very casually and lost her appeal. Now she has changed into this professional attire, and her energy has returned. She is very capable, has a great figure, and has the charm of a young woman in it. .


When Xiao Haohao saw Liu Qin gone, he lay on the window and cried.

"Haohao, don't cry. Cancan will buy you candy."

Lin Can picked up little Haohao, locked the car door, and went to the nearby supermarket to buy lollipops to comfort his little nephew.

Lin Can took a selfie of herself hugging Haohao and posted it on WeChat Moments: [Is my son handsome? 】

There is no need to worry about Lin Canfa’s circle of friends, because the various groups basically don’t know each other.

Qiao Mina: [Haohao has grown so big and is so cute. I also want a son who is so cute. 】

Lin Can: [I’ll work hard. 】

Qiao Mina: [Get out! 】

Chu Qingning: [Children should eat less sugar. 】

Lin Can: [I keep crying and can’t be coaxed. Just buy a lollipop. 】

Chu Qingning: [Where is sister-in-law? 】

Lin Can: [Sister-in-law went to apply for a job. 】

Ayire: [Lin Can, when will you come to me? 】

Lin Can: [Let’s talk about it when we have time. 】

Ayire: [You are a liar. You agreed to buy a house and come here every week, but you came for a week and then stopped. 】

Ayire is the most direct girl and expresses her aunty most directly.

She is almost the voice of the four little ones!

Lin Can said this deliberately, because after this week, he will go to their school next week, carrying his schoolbag as their classmate, and going to class for a week. This is called a surprise.

Yang Wuluo: [Don’t you love me anymore? 】

We are all in the same city and we understand each other tacitly, so there is no need to meet every day, right?
But you can’t just stop seeing each other, right?

private chat!

Lin Can: [Aunt Lin fell ill in the imperial capital a few days ago. I went to take care of her for a few days before coming back from the front desk. Now I am a nanny again. I will come to accompany you tomorrow. 】

Yang Wuluo: [Whatever you want. 】

Yang Wuluo is my girlfriend, so it's normal for her to complain a little after not seeing her for so long.

Isn’t that what couples are like?
The disadvantage of having too many girlfriends has now appeared, and I can’t even send you warmth.

Sometimes, Lin Can feels like a perpetually moving chicken that keeps pumping out oil from everywhere.

Lin Can: [Call your husband to come and listen. 】

Yang Wuluo: [There is no one like you who leaves your wife at school and ignores her, so I won’t call you husband. 】

Lin Can: [Husband, I will love you very much tomorrow. 】

Yang Wuluo: [Don't do that, I'm not interested. 】

Lin Can: [(squints and smiles)]

After Lin Can finished chatting, he turned his head and said "fuck", and suddenly saw Xiao Haohao stuffing the entire Alps into his throat, and his face turned red.

Lin Can quickly pulled it out, and Xiao Haohao took a long breath.

Lin Can was almost scared to death. She really couldn't use her mobile phone when raising a child. If something happened to her, her sister-in-law would have to force her to give birth to him as compensation.

Haohao, let’s go find mom, okay? "


Little Haohao's head is growing little by little, and his pink and tender face is very cute.

This clothing store is very luxuriously decorated, with a European style interior. It registered a fancy name and said it was a European brand. When I checked, it was indeed a European brand. Because it was registered in a foreign country, many people thought it was fancy when they came back. , in fact, it is just a miscellaneous brand abroad.

The main thing is to open a store in China and sell it to Chinese people, and then decorate it more luxuriously, and the grade will go up. People who don't know it can understand that it is expensive. Plus it is a European brand, so it is worth it.

After all, quality is the most basic thing about clothing. It does not mean that it can be worn for a long time without breaking, but it means the brand effect.

Lin Can wears all luxury clothes and buys them in a package every time. T-shirts cost tens of thousands of dollars each. If you have to talk about the feeling of wearing them, in fact, regardless of the psychological effect, it is just one piece of clothing.

It’s just that when you have money, you buy luxury goods for daily life.

Some people have said that encouraging the rich to buy luxury goods will prevent the hoarding of assets by consuming more, and consuming luxury goods will stimulate the circulation of money. Otherwise, if they have the same food, clothing, and clothing as ordinary people, the more money the rich will hoard, the more money they will have. Local officials, in the end, a vicious cycle will lead to ordinary people becoming poorer and poorer.

Because there are no luxury clothes, bags, yachts, airplanes, etc. to spend money on, factories have fewer orders, fewer orders, workers have no work to do, clothing stores, luxury car factories, yacht factories, etc. are facing closure, and people are laid off.

It is an ecological chain, and no link is missing.

"Welcome, the kid is so cute." As soon as he entered the door, a female shopping guide in black business attire came up and complimented the kid, "Sir, are you selling tops or pants? We have both in the men's clothing section." "Let me take a look first."

"Okay, there are toys over there for the kids. Can my sister take you to play with the toys?"

"it is good?"

The female shopping guide lured Xiao Haohao in with a bald toy. Most of these places have a children's area. When children come, the shopping guide goes to accompany the children, so that the parents have time to take care of them in the store, otherwise the children will cry all the time. No, I originally planned to buy clothes, but I didn’t even have time to leave.

Lin Can was wandering around the store, and the shopping guide followed him while introducing the clothes in the store while looking at Lin Can's clothes. Balenciaga's ready-to-wear, LV shoes, and the Richard Mille on his wrist. It was impossible to pretend to be a rich second generation. Full set, right?

And Richard Mille, then this is the man.

"Young Master Lin?"

The female shopping guide asked tentatively.

"You know me?"

"This row of shops are all owned by Wang Wenwan, and ours is the same. We were talking about contract renewal a few days ago. You happened to be on the phone with Wang Wenwan. We talked privately. I know you are really you. I am your fan."

Lin Can's popularity in Yunchuan is due to Lu Jia's loaned car to take a Lamborghini review, and his relationship with the Wang family.

Relationship is also a type of strength.

After all, uh... Lin Can and Wang Canglin have almost become sons-in-law from being good friends for many years.

There is not just one son-in-law, but three.


This group must be destroyed!
"Mr. Lin, I am your fan and like you very much."

Mr. Lin's fans are all women. At best, they are fans, but at worst, what they admire is not Mr. Lin, but money.

It's a pity that Lin Can is not a fan, otherwise a lot of girls will suffer.

"Why did Mr. Lin come to our store? I didn't mean that, I was just curious?"

Knowing that it was Mr. Lin, I felt that my store was not worthy of Mr. Lin's quality. People browsed goods just like they did at the wet market when visiting Raffles City.

"Come by and have a look."

Lin Can came to see how this store was and whether it would be suitable for his sister-in-law.

"Is that your child?"

"I will take my brother's child out to play with."

Lin Can must answer this question, otherwise there will be rumors and rumors about the illegitimate child as soon as he leaves.

Well, Lin Can cherishes feathers very much.

Lin Can walked to the men's underwear area. There was an arched passage between here and the women's clothing area opposite. He saw Liu Qin and a middle-aged man, the store manager, sitting on the sofa talking about applying for jobs. Liu Qin was sitting diagonally, with her hips covered under her skirt. Her long black stocking legs were draped together diagonally, and she confidently introduced herself to the store manager.

A career-oriented woman has her own shining points. Lin Can thinks her sister-in-law is the most beautiful now.

Being a housewife and raising children every day is really unattractive.

Liu Qin noticed Lin Can over there, came back to her senses and continued to answer the store manager's questions with a smile.

at this time.

Xiao Haohao's toy rolled down to the interview area. Xiao Haohao crawled over, saw Liu Qin, shouted "Mom~", got up, ran over, and hugged Liu Qin's long black stocking legs.

"Sorry, sorry store manager, this is my son." Liu Qin apologized, then glanced at Lin Can over there angrily, and said, "Acan, come here and play with me, why are you causing trouble?"

"Okay..." Lin Can came over and pushed Haohao away from Liu Qin's long black stockings, "Haohao, don't hug me. Cancan is taking you to buy candy. You hold on so tightly that your mother's stockings are all wet." Scratched."

Liu Qin:......

Lin Can picked up Haohao and whispered, "Let's chat for a while. We'll wait for you outside."

Liu Qin was speechless. This brother-in-law didn't understand the sadness of ordinary people looking for jobs.

But when he looked down, he saw that there was indeed a scratch on the black silk stockings. It was not scratched by Haohao, but the black silk silk scratched by Lin Can's watch when he hugged Haohao. Liu Qin tightened her legs and covered her calves perfectly. Living in scratches, she is a woman who pays attention to details.

Then he flipped his ears and hair and continued chatting with the store manager with a smile.

Shaofa flipped up his hair, and the store manager in front of him felt a surge in his heart.

"Ms. Liu, you just introduced that you were married. I thought you were just married, but I didn't expect you to have children."

"Well, one year and two months old, do you have this application requirement?"

"There is no requirement, as long as it doesn't affect work."

"Don't worry, it won't affect my work if my grandparents take care of the children."

"That's good. Is that man just now your husband?"

"It's my brother."

The store manager said "Oh~", thought for a moment and said, "Your child is still so young, why are you looking for a job?"

"In order to make a living, you can't just sit at home and live in vain."

The store manager thought about it. If he abandoned his child at such a young age and went out to find a job, and his younger brother helped to take care of it, he would either get divorced, or his husband would not make any money and would not care about the mother and son.

This middle-aged man's surname is Cao, and he is Cao's store manager.

I felt happy when I found out that Liu Qin was a married woman, and that she came out to look for a job after noticing that the couple was not in good terms with each other.

"The basic salary here is 5000 yuan, plus commission, and social security. The average salary we get in a month is [-] yuan."

"Ten thousand?"

Liu Qin's eyes lit up. She had never received such a high salary in her life, so she was naturally very excited.

Manager Cao saw the wife's face beaming with joy. She must have calmed down. Without saying anything, he picked up the wolfberry thermos cup and took a sip.

This person is not in the wealthy circle of Yunchuan, he is just a franchised clothing store owner.

"Manager Cao, do you think I'm suitable?"

"You just said that you have sold in Delhui before and have been a store manager for two years. It is very suitable. You are a veteran. However, we are an international high-end brand and your professional knowledge is relatively poor. If you join the job..."

Manager Cao hesitated to speak, looking very embarrassed.

"I'm fine, I can endure hardship, and I can learn anything."

Liu Qin didn't want to let go of a clothing store with such good treatment. With social security and a monthly income of over [-] yuan, she could buy a lot of milk powder for Haohao.

"You have children, I believe you can endure hardship, but we have a diploma requirement."

"Diploma, do you people who buy clothes still need to look at this?"

"Of course, we are a high-end brand after all, and we only come into contact with wealthy people."


Liu Qin's excitement was immediately extinguished. She only had a high school diploma, and as expected, there was nothing she could do if her monthly income exceeded [-] yuan.

"But, I think you can."

Hearing this, Liu Qin's dashed hopes were rekindled, "Really, thank you, Manager Cao, thank you, Manager Cao."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, I haven't agreed yet."

"Does Manager Cao want to hire me or not?"

"Well..." Store Manager Cao moved his position and sat closer, "I can make an exception and recruit you to work. We also opened a store in the new district and can let you intern as a store manager."


"Of course it's true. The store manager's salary is to improve the performance of the entire store. He can easily earn [-] to [-] yuan a month."

Hearing this, Liu Qin was overjoyed.

"Am I suitable to be a store manager?"

Liu Qin couldn't wait to ask. In the past, Liu Qin was still a veteran. Later, she got married and had children. She was raising children at home and had no contact with society. She became simple and simple when she heard about the high salary.

"Appropriate, I think it is appropriate."

Manager Cao took the opportunity to reach out and hold Liu Qin's hand.

The meaning is obvious, being a store manager requires a lot of effort.


Liu Qin was shocked and realized that she had been fooled, so she tried hard to pull her hand out.

"Why don't you want to be a store manager and earn [-] to [-] yuan a month?"

Store manager Cao didn't let go and continued to seduce.

"I don't need your high salary, please let me go."

Because the clothing store is not empty, it is divided into men's and women's clothing, and there are many people in rows. The place to apply for jobs is a sofa in a separate corner, and other people cannot see it.

How could Liu Qin have imagined that when she was looking for a job for the first time after giving birth, she would meet an old pervert who would hold her hand and try to trick her.

Liu Qin saw that he wouldn't let go and kept tempting her with high wages. Liu Qin got angry and stepped on the instep of Manager Cao with her high heels, which was so painful that Manager Cao immediately let go of his hand.

Liu Qin grabbed her bag and left in a panic.

"Damn it, you came to cause trouble and you stepped on me!" Store manager Cao complained first, roared, grabbed the thermos cup on the table and threw it at it. Liu Qin was not hit, but the water splashed all over Liu Qin's white shirt. .

The clerk who came after hearing the news was shocked when he saw this scene: "What's going on? You were fine just now?"

Manager Cao was so angry that he pulled his tie and said angrily: "You guys are letting all the cats and dogs apply for jobs, don't you want to do it? This woman has a high school diploma, don't you know the recruitment information I posted outside?"

A clerk said: "Don't be angry, Manager Cao. You said that veterans can relax the conditions. You won't be like this, right?"

Manager Cao: "Why not? I already have a son. If he doesn't meet the requirements, he will think of other ways to do something to me."

"Huh?" the clerk said in surprise.

"I didn't, you're talking nonsense!" Liu Qin, who was splashed with water and looked like a drowned rat, cried anxiously.

"Ha, I framed you for no reason. Rolling, rolling, it makes me sick to see you."

Manager Cao waved Liu Qin to get out.

There were rumors around her, and Liu Qin, an ordinary little woman, couldn't help but talk about it, so she covered her face and ran out in grievance.


outside the store.

Lin Can took little Haohao on a stroller in front of a nearby milk powder store.

[Happy and warm, Big Big Wolf]

At this time, Liu Qin was seen running out of the store next door crying.


Before she finished speaking, Liu Qin ran forward, trying to find a place where no one was around to cry.

【Blissful and beautiful...】

Before the rocking car finished singing, little Haohao felt like he was flying, and was being hugged by Cancan to chase his mother.

Lin Can ran up and stopped Liu Qin.

"what happened?"

"Am I okay?"

Liu Qin lowered her head and her body was wet, and her white shirt was slightly transparent.

Lin Can put Haohao down, took off his coat and put it on her body.

"Who splashed it?"

"It's okay, let's go." Liu Qin dragged Lin Can to leave. After all, she had suffered a loss for no reason. There was a lot of helplessness in society, but she didn't want to involve Lin Can to vent her anger. This was what a sister-in-law had to do. Some are mature.

"Mom, woo woo woo~"

Xiao Haohao started crying when he saw his mother's eyes were red and she was hugging Liu Qin's thigh.

It's better now, the older one is choking with grievance, and the younger one is wailing.

Lin Can, who was a brother-in-law, was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Lin Can turned around and walked towards the clothing store.

"Acan, if you don't come back, you..."

Liu Qin picked up the child and chased after him.


"Huan... Hey, Mr. Lin, are you back?" The shopping guide just saw Lin Can was back and walked up.

Lin Can walked into the store and said coldly: "Where is your store manager?"

Shopping guide: "What can I do for Mr. Lin?"

Lin Can: "Call your store manager to come out."

At this time, store manager Cao came out, looking like a gentleman: "Sir, what do you want from me?"

Seeing Liu Qin coming in with her child in her arms, store manager Cao said, "Oh~ I remember, you are her brother, right?"

Liu Qin came up to pull Lin Can. Lin Can put his arm around Liu Qin's shoulders and said, "Manager Cao, my sister-in-law applied for the job well. Why did she run out crying and covered in water? She refused to tell me. You need to explain. .”

"Forget it, I don't care, you go."

Store Manager Cao has a high attitude of being merciful and forgiving, but he feels aggrieved and does not need to argue with these ordinary people, so as not to affect our business.

At this time, a clerk next to him couldn't help but said in a weird voice: "Looking for a job, my academic qualifications are not enough, and I want a high salary, so I started to seduce the store manager, it's shameless."

"I didn't!" Liu Qin burst into tears. "It was him who touched my hand. I couldn't push him away, so I stepped on him. Then he poured water on me and falsely accused me of seducing him."

"Hey, hey, hey, don't talk nonsense. I finally understand. You two and your children are here to extort money, right? I have no grudge against you. Get out."

Store Manager Cao did a really good job.

"I believe my sister-in-law. Others don't believe it. Once the surveillance is done, the truth will be revealed."

Lin Can endured his anger. The most important thing was to clear his sister-in-law's innocence. Let's talk about the rest. Store manager Cao Lin Can had to deal with him anyway.

There was only one shopping guide in the whole store who knew Lin Can. He came up and said, "Mr. Lin, that is a blind spot, and there are clothes lined up around it, so you can't see it."

She picked up Xiao Hao and coaxed her because she believed Lin Can's sister-in-law unconditionally. Without him, Mr. Lin's sister-in-law would seduce store manager Cao, a greasy middle-aged man, for that little money?

People come to work to experience life.

This shopping guide was right to choose a team. At least after this incident, he would no longer buy clothes here. His life might just change and he would go to work at Mr. Lin's company.

Lin Can: "What a coincidence, it happens to be a blind spot. Manager Cao, you know how to recruit."

Store Manager Cao: "Hey, hey, hey, don't talk nonsense."

Lin Can: "Without monitoring, you think what you say is what it is. I, Lin Can's sister-in-law, will seduce you for a small salary. If word spreads, how many people at Far EasTone will believe it?"

Store manager Cao didn't know Lin Can, so he said: "Young man, what I told you is true. You are deliberately trying to find trouble with me, right? OK, OK, OK, I'll give you 200 yuan and leave quickly. Don't disturb our business."

Store manager Cao is very crazy, and he looks down on people as if he only has a few coins.

Lin Can didn't need to show off his verbal skills to him.

Lin Can turned around and asked: "Beauty, you said that your store is owned by Wang Wenwan and we are negotiating to renew the contract. Are you done with it?"

Shopping guide: "Basically the deal is settled."

Lin Can: "I understand."

Give him a fatal blow directly first, and then slowly let him know the pain.

Store manager Cao was suspicious and didn't understand what it meant, and the shopping guide didn't accept it, so all the money you had worked so hard to earn would be wiped out overnight.

Who asked you to deduct 300 yuan from my performance company?

This female shopping guide born in the 00s has a personality.

300 yuan to hold a grudge, and this grudge can bring Cao Dian's elders to their nest.


the phone is ringing.

Lin Can: "Hey, Sister Wen Wan."

When store manager Cao heard this, he yelled, "Who are you scaring? Get out of here. If you don't, I'll call the police."

Lin Can ignored him. What's the point of trying to show off with such a person? The top rich people are just trying to reduce their dimensions.

Lin Can: "That's the store manager Cao from the clothing store on Xinmin Street. Do you know him?"

Wang Wenwan: "We know each other very well. I have lived there for several years. It was renovated last year. We are negotiating to renew the lease."

Lin Can: "How much did it cost to renovate?"

Wang Wenwan: "Last time he said more than 400 million. The store he rented in the new district was a big sister's store. It was a flagship store. He said he invested 700 million in it. He was familiar with it, so I asked the eldest sister to rent it to him. The contract is signed."

Lin Can: "Is the store next door in the new district also owned by Sister Qingya?"

Wang Wenwan: "That row belongs to the eldest sister, and the two houses on the left and right are empty. Why do you ask?"

Lin Can: "I'll rent it."

Wang Wenwan: "Don't make trouble, what are you renting for, buying clothes? Hahaha~"

Lin Can: "No kidding, I rent. The one on Mr. Cao's right will be used to sell shrouds, and the one on the left will be used to sell urns."

"!!!" Everyone was stunned. It cost 700 million to renovate a high-end clothing store. It sells shrouds on the left and urns on the right. It's scary to hear it now, let alone rich people going to Manager Cao's store. Shopping for clothes.

This is directly heartbreaking!

The shopping guide thought it was beautiful, so he killed him like this.

And if you do this, store manager Cao can only be anxious, because they operate legally, you sell your clothes for living people, and they sell clothes for dead people, so you are taboo to move out.

Manager Cao: "Sabi, let me get rid of you, so that you don't get high here."

After saying that, Manager Cao felt unlucky and turned back to the sofa over there to drink Kung Fu tea.

on the phone.

Wang Wenwan: "Ah? But why are you doing this business?"

Lin Can: "It's okay. Everyone is destined to die. Buy some shrouds and urns. I'm not taboo about those. That's it. Don't renew the contract with this store on Xinmin Street. I'll bear your losses."

Wang Wenwan: "Wait a minute, did Store Manager Cao offend you?"

Lin Can: "No, I just want to do the business of selling dead people, and I'm done with it."

Lin Can hung up the phone.


Canglin Insurance Building.


Wang Wenwan hung up the phone.

"What's wrong with A-can?" Zhang Chao, who was sitting opposite, asked.

He came to the company today to discuss business. His company mainly deals in crude oil futures, and he wanted to maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with Wang Wenwan and sell her company's insurance.

In terms of work, Zhang Chao came out from here and was a former employee of Wang Wenwan.

In life, Wang Wenwan is Zhang Chao's sister-in-law.

"It's nothing..." Wang Wenwan held the phone and paused, "Did he suddenly say he wanted to deal with dead people?"

"Dead business?"

"I am the only tenant Cao Hongbing. His Xinmin store has just been renovated for 400 million yuan. Lin Can asked me not to rent to him. The flagship store in Xincheng District has just been renovated for 700 million yuan. After signing the contract, Lin Can said he would sell it on the left. There is an urn, and shrouds are sold on the right.”

"It's obvious that store manager Cao offended Lin Can. A-Can usually doesn't mess with other people. He's always nice and friendly and won't kill anyone. What's going on?"

"I didn't tell you. I'll call and ask first."

"Turn on the amplifier."


Wang Wenwan called store manager Cao and put it on the coffee table.

(End of this chapter)

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