God of Healing

Chapter 245 Bao

Chapter 245 Bao

"Cancan, does this island have a name?"


"Then...how about a name?"

"Just call it...Love Island."

"...It's better not to have a name."

"All the supplies have been brought ashore. I will announce the gameplay of the island, cough cough cough..."

Lin Can coughed seriously, stared at the gameplay guide in the memo on his phone and said:
"First of all, the game time is two days and two nights, that is, we have to live on the island for two days and return the day after tomorrow. These two days on the island are mainly the survival mode of the nine of us, challenging the survival ability and improving everyone's tenacity and The spirit of not being afraid of hardship.”

"Secondly, in the spirit of a game that puts people first and does not force things, if someone in the atrium wants to quit, they can get on the boat."

"Finally, the luggage you each packed is the daily necessities for these two days. You can't go back to the ship to get them. If you don't have enough supplies, you can catch fish, touch shrimps, pick fruits, etc. It's such a simple rule of the game. Now open your luggage. , classify statistical materials.”

what! ! !
"We can't go back to the ship. It's over. I didn't bring anything to eat. I thought I could go back and get it at any time?"

"Me too, I just brought a few beautiful skirts and no underwear."

"Fortunately I brought a bag of potato chips."

"It's okay, it's only two days, I'm so hungry, it'll be over soon."

The eight women were now in a very stable state of mind. They all poured the contents of their bags onto the beach and began to sort and make statistics.

The statistical table is as follows:
Women's clothing: several
Women's cosmetics: several

Women's underwear: several
Rice: None
Meat: None
Snacks: potato chips, coffee, cat toys, cola, etc.

Kitchen utensils: pots, bowls, ladles, basins.

First-level essentials: diving equipment, backpacks, sleeping bags, food, drinking water, emergency medicine kits, etc.

Secondary necessities: flashlight, dry batteries, knife, raincoat, condoms, etc.

"Who brought this condom?"

"Miao Youxi brought it."

"Why did you bring this?"

"No, no, no... you misunderstood. I'm not here to bring it to Lin Can, I'm here to use it for everyone."


"You misunderstood. I brought all the spare items from the room. Haven't you guys watched the wilderness program? It was mentioned above that condoms play a very important role in survival in the wild. They can be used to hold water and be used as rubber bands. Things can also be used to make slingshots."

"Oh... I see, we thought we were here to experience desert island survival, and you had to be responsible for Lin Can's physical needs."

"No, sisters, please don't laugh at me."

Miao Youxi shyly rubbed her ears and hair, lowered her head, and muttered in her heart that it was originally taught in a wilderness survival program, and it was of great use.

Lin Can: "Sister Youxi is careful, this thing is really useful!"

"..." All the women rolled their eyes at Lin Can, feeling that the usefulness Lin Can mentioned was different from the usefulness of surviving on a deserted island mentioned by Miao Youxi.

"Cancan..." Chu Qingning asked, "We don't seem to have brought anything to eat. How about we each have a chance to go back and get it again?"

"Well..." Lin Can looked at the pile of materials on the ground, "The rules of the game have been decided. If we go back to get it, the meaning of the challenge will be lost. What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Lin Can said: "Okay, let's settle it. Anyway, we only have two days to survive without starving to death. We don't have to rely on self-sufficiency for food. There are rich products here and we can find food. But the problem I am most worried about right now is... Didn’t you bring a lighter?”


Everyone started rummaging through their luggage, and sure enough, they didn't bring any lighter.

"Here we are, we didn't bring a lighter. Cancan, did you bring one?"

"I don't smoke, and I didn't bring it with me. I wanted to bring it with me, but I forgot."

"Then how are we going to cook something to eat?"

"Hahaha..." Miao Youxi laughed and held up the condom, "Is this coming in handy? Fill it with water and it can be used as a convex mirror to collect sunlight and light firewood. How do you remove it like this?"

"It's useless. You won't be able to dismantle it like this. My sister will teach you and learn from it."

Ayire took it apart very skillfully, and then taught Miao Youxi: "You can put this end in. Ahem...it's used to hold water."

Lin Can covered his face and giggled, my Ayire is a talented person.

Tick ​​tock, time passed by, and it was 10 o'clock in the morning.

The sun was shining in the sky, it was at least 30°, so the eight women took off their coats and played on the sofa wearing only bikinis.

On this uninhabited island, I feel very comfortable and unrestrained, because there are no people within dozens of nautical miles, let alone worrying about bad guys, because our country’s aircraft carrier fleet is nearby to protect this sea area and every Chinese.

Lin Can said: "It's 10 o'clock. You can start looking for food to cook. Otherwise, you will starve at noon. Let's allocate the labor force and perform their duties. We should be able to have a delicious lunch at noon."

So after nine people discussed it, Miao Youxi and Ayire were responsible for living with the convex mirror.

Chu Qingning and Qiao Meina were collecting firewood under the coconut trees around the beach.

Wang Xiaoxiao and Wang Qingya were responsible for setting up the tent.

Lin Can, Wang Wenwan and Lin Miaomiao are responsible for catching fish.

"Cancan what are you doing?"

Wang Wenwan and Lin Miaomiao squatted slightly with their hands on their knees, curiously watching Lin Can sitting on the edge of the beach and rock, digging a hole with his bare hands.

"At once……"

Lin Can looked up and his eyes lit up.

The bright sunshine shines from the sky behind. The two bikini beauties are squatting slightly and looking at themselves like this. Especially when they put their hands on their knees and close their arms, the big melons are gathered together. The picture is really great.

"Dig a hole and make a channel leading to the sea. Put a smelly dead fish next to it. Maybe some fish will smell the smell and crawl in along the channel."

"Oh...then how do we catch fish?"

"This is not a lotus pond. What kind of fish can you catch? Bring the diving equipment over. Once I make the trap, don't worry about it. We will go to the sea and pick up some shellfish to eat. Oh, by the way... Sister Wenwan will take your stockings. Take two of them and make them into fishing nets. After you go into the sea later, you can net fish. The premise is that your stockings are of good quality, otherwise they will break as soon as the fish struggle."


Wang Wenwan rolled her eyes at Lin Can, don't you know whether the quality of my stockings is good or not?

None of my previous stockings were of high quality.

Ever since I got to know you, you want something of poor quality and easy to tear.

Lin Can reacted suddenly, coughed twice and said, "It's better to use Aunt Lin's, her quality is the best."

Wang Wenwan asked curiously: "How do you know Aunt Lin's quality is the best?"

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly said: "He guessed it. Is it possible that he still dares to be a little beast?"

Wang Wenwan: "Oh...that makes sense. Let's make two fishing nets."

The two turned around and left. Lin Miaomiao stretched her legs back and kicked Lin Can with her jade feet.

Tear it apart, of course Lin Can has never torn it apart.

But when she was with Lin Miaomiao, every time she asked Lin Can to help find a pair of stockings from the closet and hand them to her, Lin Can would tell if they were of good quality or not.

Just a stocking, but actually quite knowledgeable.

The sweeter the couple, the worse the quality.


"Ah!!! My hands are sore, why aren't they burning yet~"

Miao Youxi became impatient.

Lin Can said while digging the hole: "Sister Youxi, it's just that Ayire is a sand sculpture. Are you infected by her? Why are you raising your hands? You don't know how to find branches to support it so that it can be fixed." Yet?"

"It makes sense. Sister Xiaoxiao and Qingya, please ask these two beautiful sisters to pick up two branches, Crab~"

"it is good."

Ayi came over angrily, bit Lin Can's shoulder, and said, "You're not allowed to say that I'm a badass, you know?"

"I'm teasing you, just to make you come and bite me."

"You're a bitch, aren't you? Mua~ I'll reward you. I'll go over and try to turn wood to make fire, blah blah blah~"

Ayire was the most active, humming a little tune and jumping around.



Wang Wenwan and Lin Miaomiao took two stockings and made them into fishing nets and came back.

"It's not bad, it looks good. Just wait for me and it will be dug right away."

Lin Can dug a hole at high speed and dug a canal leading to the sea. The water kept flowing in and threw the smelly fish in.

He clapped his hands and said, "I'll leave it to fate. Anyway, that's how I see the traps used for fishing on the beach. Let's ignore it for now and cover the traps with leaves. We'll see the harvest later and go out with our equipment to fish for the sea."

The three of them walked into the water, and gradually the water covered their chests. They put on oxygen masks and plunged into the water. Only three splashes appeared, and they quickly disappeared on the vast sea level.

goo goo goo...

Three strings of bubbles continued to rise from the sea on the sparkling sea.

The sea is magnificent, colorful and extremely clear.Lin Can only wore a pair of beach shorts and a camera on his head, covered with waterproof equipment to record the diving events.

It mainly records Wang Wenwan and Lin Miaomiao.

Bikini diving among the corals in the clear blue sea is like a mermaid in a fairy tale.


Lin Miaomiao pointed at the red coral reef in front of her. Wang Wenwan swam over and saw a lot of shellfish. She excitedly gave Lin Miaomiao a thumbs up and waved. Lin Can swam up from behind and squeezed in between the two of them. In the middle, he opened his hands, one on the left and one on the right, to hug the slender waists of the two beauties in bikinis and pull them back against their acquaintance's chests.

Wang Wenwan and Lin Miaomiao looked at each other with shy faces, and stretched out their hands to hit Lin Can, telling him to let go and stop messing around. Don't you know the relationship between the three of them? Is it appropriate for you to hold them like this?

Lin Can kept hugging their smooth, delicate and soft waists and never let go. He raised his head to indicate that there was a shark swimming above his head.

Witnessing, Lin Miaomiao and Wang Wenwan were so frightened that they could not move and hugged Lin Can tightly.

Regardless of whether sharks eat humans or not, anyone who sees one will be scared, and they will not dare to be arrogant in front of sharks.

Lin Can looked around at the two beauties in bikinis and could feel that Wang Wenwan on the left was softer and Lin Miaomiao on the right was bigger.

After a while, the shark swam away and a school of fish swam out from behind the coral.

Wang Wenwan let go of Lin Can, swam above her head, and raised the fishing net to catch it.

Lin Miaomiao was about to go up to witness. Lin Can stretched out his hand, grabbed Lin Miaomiao's jade feet and pulled them down. He put his arms around her waist and fell softly onto Lin Can's chest. He also tightened his grip so tightly that Lin Miaomiao was stunned. There were fewer bubbles coming out of the Miaomiaodu oxygen mask because it was too tight and the air could not be released.

Lin Miaomiao struggled for two times to no avail. She raised her head and glanced at Wang Wenwan who was fishing upstream. Then she glared at Lin Can, as if to say: "What are you doing? This is the bottom of the sea. Stop messing around. If you don't supply food, everyone will be dead at noon." Gonna starve."

He couldn't speak in the water, but Lin Can brought his mobile phone and put it on the protective case. There was a line written on the outlet of the case: [We agreed not to close the door last night, but you locked the door. As an elder, how can you not keep your word? ? 】

Lin Miaomiao clenched her fists and really wanted to beat him to death. I didn't dare to keep my word on this kind of thing. I deliberately left the door open waiting for you to come in and get under the covers.

Well, Lin Miaomiao, this woman, could at most turn a blind eye. Lin Can fell asleep wrongly when they were sleeping in the bed, so he could just hold her.But she didn't dare to leave the door, because in the past, if Lin Miaomiao dared to leave the door, she would still be intact after a sleep.

He didn't dare to do it now, especially when he was playing games that day, he said that he had never had a boyfriend and was pure. From that day on, he found that something was getting more and more wrong with Lin Can.

At this time, I let you flirt with me in the water. There is sea water everywhere in the sea, and you can't notice Lin Miaomiao's flaw.

But at this time, Lin Can was very stubborn and refused to let go. He had to make some compensation from Lin Miaomiao to comfort his broken heart.

Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes angrily, quickly took off the oxygen mask, kissed Lin Can on the chin like a dragonfly, then put on the oxygen mask, rubbed Lin Can's face with both hands, and looked directly at Lin Can's. The eyes seemed to be saying: "Be obedient, you know? If I hadn't been disobedient, I would no longer be dependent on you no matter what you asked me to do in the future."

Lin Can nodded after receiving the little sweet treat, and Lin Miaomiao poked his forehead, thinking that he really should coax him like a little puppy, and give him some sweet treats from time to time, otherwise the puppy would not be able to Be obedient and keep pestering you to ask for it.

Lin Can was numb, and he got a sweet treat here. He reached out and patted Lin Miaomiao's buttocks. The next second, he kicked his legs upstream and went to Wang Wenwan to ask for a sweet treat.

"!!!" Lin Miaomiao was dumbfounded. Is this person here for seafood or for fun?
Lin Miaomiao was speechless, ignored them, and turned around to pick up shellfish on the coral reef.

Of course Lin Miaomiao knew something was wrong with Lin Can and Wang Wenwan. On the surface, they looked like siblings, but in fact they often flirted with each other. Moreover, that night in the Magic City, Lin Miaomiao did not fall asleep. She kept her eyes wide open and stared at the wall. The figure floating slightly above him, and the tiny tickles behind him that were as small as mosquito bites.

As for what Lin Miaomiao was thinking while staring at the wall, whether she felt hot or not, I don't know, she knew it best.


Wang Wenwan was netting fish, and suddenly she felt that Lin Can behind him seemed to have a huge octopus attached to his back, and it stretched out many tentacles to wrap around his body.

I was originally going to catch a big fish in my net, but Lin Can's naughty egg got me into trouble and the big fish ran away.

Often her legs would become twisted into a knot, and she would twist her body and turn her head, glancing at Lin Miaomiao in front of the coral reef below, and then at Lin Can in front of her. I really didn't expect that this person was not honest even in the sea, and kept being so close to her. stick.

Wang Wenwan dotes on Lin Can even more than Lin Miaomiao, and she still relies on him to do nonsense. This has to mention the role of the younger brother in the love relationship. If you want to stick to each other, kiss and act coquettishly, that's it. The older sister will follow him. , it can stimulate the maternal nature of the other person, doting him as a son and loving him as a boyfriend.

So, Wang Wenwan took the initiative to kiss her, and the next second, she felt that she was kissing the back of a fish.

Wang Wenwan opened her eyes and saw Lin Can blocking her mouth with a tropical fish to prevent Wang Wenwan from kissing her.

Wang Wenwan couldn't stand it now, she glared at Lin Can and thought to herself: "You want a kiss, I take the initiative to kiss you, and you refuse, what are you going to do?"

Hurry and swim away.

Is he really going crazy these days?
Wang Wenwan looked around at the swarms of fish in the sea. Hey... goosebumps arose. If she were here, I wouldn't even dare to kill her.


Lin Miaomiao saw Wang Wenwan coming over with a blushing face. She took a second look and didn't know what Lin Can had done to her. She was so red.

He ignored it and pointed over there. Wang Wenwan nodded, and the two of them went around the coral reef to pick up seafood.

Soon, the two people swam from the coral reef to Lin Can in a panic. They pointed to the left and right of the coral reef. Lin Can looked over and saw a group of sharks swimming towards this side. He was frightened. The two women hugged Lin Can tightly and did not dare to move. Then, a group of sharks swam over and circled around the three of them. The two women were so frightened that they buried their heads in Lin Can's arms.

Lin Can reached out and patted Lin Miaomiao's buttocks. Lin Miaomiao was aroused and raised her head with shame and anger. Lin Can pointed behind her. Lin Miaomiao turned around and saw that it was a shark swimming behind her. , Lin Can was reminding her not to raise her butt so high.

As a result, Lin Miaomiao pressed her whole body against Lin Can's body, and raised her legs to wrap around Lin Can's waist. She was really afraid of sharks, so she didn't shy away from it, and she didn't consider it indecent. Anyway, she hugged her very much. It was so tight that Lin Can felt like her waist was being pinched by her legs.

Not to mention, Wang Wenwan next to her was holding Lin Can from behind.

In this way, one behind the other, they are like two octopuses attached to the body, with one head on the left shoulder and the other on the right shoulder.

Of course, Lin Can wants to protect their safety. Although sharks are scary, Lin Can is not afraid of this thing, because this thing rarely attacks people actively. Even if it does attack, Lin Can will bear the brunt of pushing the two women away. Fighting with sharks is what a man is. If you bring them to the island to play, you must be responsible for safety.

Lin Miaomiao shook Lin Can and motioned for us to swim upstream and away from these sharks. Wang Wenwan also nodded in agreement.

Lin Can looked around and pointed at both sides of his face.


Wang Wenwan and Lin Miaomiao were speechless. At this time, you were still... What the hell, both women didn't know what to say about him.

Wang Wenwan pushed Lin Miaomiao, but Lin Miaomiao couldn't stand it anymore. She pushed her back and made two gestures: Are you crazy for pushing me?

Wang Wenwan gestured twice: Your nephew, you taught him, but you don’t care?
Lin Miaomiao gestured twice: Your brother is your favorite, but you don't care?
At this time, there were more and more sharks.

The two of them didn't dare to spend any more time, so they kissed each other.

Lin Can kicked off his legs, carried the weight of two people, and swam toward the water. A turtle swam past Wang Wenwan, accidentally touched the bow on Lin Miaomiao's back, and swam away again.


On the sparkling sea level, with a "pop--", three people emerged from the water. Lin Miaomiao and Wang Wenwan took off their masks and took a few breaths of "huhuhu~", and then one of them reached out. A long leg kicked Lin Can down just as he emerged from the water. He ignored him and walked to the shore with the seafood in his arms.

"Hey, Sister Wen Wan, where's your bikini?"


Wang Wenwan lowered her head, screamed "Ah~", covered her chest, and strode towards the tent on the beach.

"???" Everyone on the shore stared at this scene blankly, "It was fine just now, but why did my second sister's bikini disappear when you three went fishing?"

Lin Miaomiao came ashore and said, "What are you thinking? It must have happened to the turtle when it was swimming by and it dispersed. Your second sister didn't pay attention."

Wang Xiaoxiao said "Oh~", "Let me see what you caught. Wow...it's so rich. I'm not hungry at noon today. Should we just go to the sea and catch whatever we want to eat next?"

Lin Miaomiao said: "There are only three oxygen tubes, and there is no air left. We can only dive for a few more minutes at most. After eating, we still have to find a way to resupply. Oh, by the way, Cancan, are there any fish when you are so stuck?"

On the other side of the reef, Lin Can opened the leaves. The water was very clear and said, "We have some octopuses. We can grill them for lunch. I'll dig a few more traps."

"Cancan, please stop digging now. Come over and light a fire. My hands are going to be useless."

Ayire is turning wood to make fire.

Miao Youxi had given up the method of making fire with a convex mirror because of the wind. As expected, there was a difference between the book and the actual operation, so Miao Youxi and Qiao Mina were playing with coconuts on the tree.

Chu Qingning, Wang Qingya and the others were washing the seafood and preparing to light a fire to cook lunch.

Lin Can walked over and sat down, took Ayire's wood-turning fire and looked at it.

"You can't do this. Who said that when you turn wood to make a fire and drill wood, you have to chip some sawdust into the hole and then drill it. Give me the knife and I'll do it."

"Here." Ayire handed over the knife and squatted next to Lin Can to watch him operate it.

Lin Can asked while drilling wood to make a fire, "Are your hands sore?"

"It took so long, what do you think?"

"Go and rest, I'll give you a massage later."

Ayire felt sweet in her heart: "Cancan, you care about me so much, I thought you didn't like me."

"How could I not like you?"

"Because you are cruel to me every time." Ayire drew a turtle on the ground.

Lin Can: "I won't be cruel to you anymore."

Ayi hot nodded, wiped the turtle, and happily went to the coconut tree to help Miao Youxi.


With the help of his fingertips, Lin Can successfully made fire by drilling wood in about 10 minutes, and a spark ignited.

"Quick, quick, it's burning. Please pass the firewood quickly."

Hearing that they had succeeded in making fire, the eight women dropped what they were doing and ran over to take a look at the fire Lin Can carefully guarded in his hand.

After setting up a fire, Lin Can put the sparks in and blew them as carefully as he was caring for a baby. Soon the fire became more and more intense, and finally he heard a "crackling" sound and the fire finally lit up.

"Yeah~ Cancan, you are so awesome."

Eight women jumped with excitement.

Lin Can patted his head and pointed at his face: "Come on, come on, why don't you just say you're awesome and don't reward me? Come on, come on, one by one."

"I'll boil the water."

"I'll grill the fish."

"I'll go pick up some more firewood."

The eight women did not give any reward, each performed their duties and started a busy lunch...

(End of this chapter)

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