God of Healing

Chapter 271

Chapter 271
In Daji Ancient Town, the sun is shining brightly, with local dogs basking in the sun, cats chasing butterflies, old people playing long cards, Lao Wang escaping naked through the window, and young lovers cuddling in the woods to see crickets.

There are all kinds of life and all kinds of people.

There was an open-air tea shop with a small square table, and three long-legged beauties in cheongsam were chatting and laughing.

Lin Can lazily leaned on the chair and soaked in the sunshine while looking at the three fair-skinned and beautiful sisters. The system said that seeing more beauties helps to make the body happy and heal the body. Seeing the three sisters Lin Can was very healing.

"Cancan, why don't you talk."

"Don't talk, I'll watch you talk."


The three sisters were puzzled. They felt that their younger brother had so many weird and eccentric habits that they couldn't count them. They didn't know what he was thinking, but they were too lazy to care about what he was thinking. The three sisters continued chatting for a while. When they saw that the time was almost up, they got up. I patted my cheongsam skirt, took Lin Can's arm, bought a hot water bottle, and started driving outside the ancient town while talking and laughing.

Next to the parking lot outside the ancient town, there is a lotus pond, and a small flat bridge connects to a pavilion in the middle.

Wang Xiaoxiao thought of something and had a little fun. He put his hands behind his back, turned his high heels, and smiled sweetly: "Cancan, do you still remember this place?"

Lin Can smiled and said, "Of course I remember. I came to take pictures of Lao Wang last year. I couldn't find the road when I passed by here. I saw a beautiful girl in a cheongsam holding an oil-paper umbrella. I thought I was going to jump into the river, but Sister Xiaoxiao, your jade bracelet fell on it. Went down there, to put it this way, where we first met.”

Wang Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled: "You still remember, so...we are the first to know each other, right?"

"Of course!" Lin Canxin answered straightforwardly. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt bad and had been tricked.

Everything has a sequence. Wang Xiaoxiao used Lin Can to say this to let the two sisters know, "Cancan and I get to know each other first, don't compete with my sister."

Since returning from the island trip, the relationship between Lin Can and the three sisters has taken on another dimension. It couldn't be better. Now they are all fighting for the custody of their younger brother?

Wang Wenwan and Wang Qingya were already very happy, but suddenly they were disturbed by their third sister. They had to admit that she was the one who met Cancan first, and they felt unbalanced.

"Where, where is the hero saving the beauty? In the pavilion?"

The two women were unhappy for a moment and strode towards Pingqiao. The bridge was not big and it was very crowded for two people walking side by side. When they walked to the middle of the bridge, Wang Wenwan's high heels slipped and she leaned towards Wang Qingya. Wang Qingya lost her center of gravity and fell to the right. Go, scared "ah~", and reached out to catch Wang Wenwan. Wang Wenwan stumbled and fell back because she couldn't stand firmly. Finally, with two "plop" sounds, the two women fell into the lotus pond, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Cancan save me——"

the two women shouted as they fell into the water.


Lin Can climbed up and jumped to Wang Wenwan's side on the left side of the bridge.

Oops!Something big is going to happen!

When Lin Can just started dancing, he realized something was wrong.

Because of the entanglement with men, the problem that women are most passionate about finally appeared, and it is a real version - she and I both fall into the water, who do you save?
Women care most.

Now because of Lin Can's jump, one woman will be happy and the other woman will be disappointed.

Lin Can quickly realized this problem, but when it was over, he jumped.


Wang Qingya shouted on the other side that the water was actually not deep, and the two women could swim, so there was no need to save them. However, Lin Can's crisis response was to rescue them, and they chose the nearest one. Wang Qingya was very angry and almost cried.


Lin Can jumped into the water and hugged Wang Wenwan.

"Sister Wen Wan, I'm dead."

"I'm happy."

Wang Wenwan hugged Lin Can with a happy look on her face, because Cancan chose herself as a woman's favorite multiple-choice question, and her life was worth it.

"Sister, get up, you're being sentimental." Wang Xiaoxiao reached out and pulled Wang Qingya up, taking the opportunity to add fuel to the fire.

The wet Wang Qingya glared angrily as Lin Can helped Wang Wenwan climb ashore.

"It turns out that the life and death of your second sister is what you care about most, right? Well, stop making excuses. I've seen it all. Your first reaction was not to save me, but to save her."

Wang Qingya shook off Wang Xiaoxiao's hand, turned around, winced, kicked off her high heels, and walked towards the rural concrete road with her bare feet wet.

Wang Xiaoxiao watched her eldest sister being angry and walked away. She turned around in amusement, clapped her hands and said: "Cancan, Cancan~ It turns out that you hide it deeply enough, and you care about my second sister so much. It's amazing~ Incredible Ah~"

Wang Wenwan is still happy.

"It's not your fault."

Lin Can walked up, reached out and slapped Wang Xiaoxiao on the butt, took the coat from the car, ran towards the path in large strides, caught up with Wang Qingya, and put it on her shoulders.

When Wang Qingya saw that it was Lin Can's coat, she turned around and said, "I don't want your coat, give it to my second sister, she is the one who needs it."

"Cancan, I want a coat, I'm cold, sneeze~" Wang Wenwan's provocative voice came from the distance behind, and these three sisters would not give in to the fight.

Hearing this, Wang Qingya didn't want Lin Can's coat anymore and continued to walk forward angrily.

Lin Can put his hands together and made an Amitabha gesture towards the back, hoping that the two sisters would not cause trouble, otherwise they would really not be able to coax my sister Qingya.

Then, Lin Can caught up with Wang Qingya again and kept coaxing her. After a while, Wang Xiaoxiao drove up in a Maybach, lowered the window and said: "Sister, the fact is that you are not important, so why are you angry? Get in the car and go home."

Wang Wenwan said: "Cancan, you jumped down to save me just now. You are so handsome. You are so handsome. It turns out that there are really men who make choices on the eternal puzzle of two women falling into the water. Cancan, you did the most right thing." My choice, Wang Wenwan, is so happy~"


Lin Can was about to vomit blood, and the two women sang in harmony, a rhythm that would make their eldest sister angry to death.

Wang Qingya didn't say anything, didn't take the car, and kept walking.

Wang Xiaoxiao said: "I will send the second sister back first, call her, and coax her. If you can't coax her, hehe~ Cancan, you are going to die tonight. My eldest sister will definitely make you noisy to death."

After saying that, Wang Xiaoxiao raised the car window and drove away.

Daji Ancient Town is not far from Dajiba Village. It is more than 2 kilometers of country roads. Wang Qingya couldn't get on the bus, and Wang Xiaoxiao had nothing to do. Anyway, he could get home in about [-] minutes, so it was not a problem, so he left first and stayed in the forest. Can coax.

Watching the Maybach go away, Lin Can wanted to fly up, press the two sisters on the stool, and spank them.

They are so bad.


Wang Qingya didn't even look at Lin Can beside her, she just kept looking straight ahead, walking with a cold face, her mouth slumped and she looked like she was about to cry at any moment. After all, when she just saw Lin Can running over and jumping down to save her second sister, the eldest sister My heart froze.

Women care about these the most.

How aggrieved and how aggrieved.

Wang Qingya accidentally stepped on a broken glass shard with her foot. She said "ah~" in pain. The sole of her foot was scratched. This pain was nothing, she didn't feel bad.

Wang Qingya continued walking, and the soles of her feet left traces of blood on the cement floor.

"Sister Qingya, your foot is scratched. Don't leave. Sit down and let me take a look."

"Don't be so kind, just go ahead and love the second sister."

Her tone was extremely sour. After taking two steps, it was indeed very painful. Wang Qingya squatted on the ground, holding her head and crying.

"..." Lin Can was numb, because Wang Qingya also loved Lin Can so much and treated her like her own child. She really cried because of this multiple choice question.

Lin Can knelt down and reached out. Wang Qingya pushed him away. Lin Can didn't care anymore, picked up Wang Qingya and placed her on the big rock next to her and sat down.

"I'm going to see if there are glass shards on your feet, don't move!" Lin Can emphasized, squatting next to her, lifting his feet, and there was a small cut on the sole of the foot. It was not a big problem, "I will carry you."

"Need not."

"Oh, don't be angry."

"Can I not be angry? You and Sanmei met there, and you jumped to save me there. What about me? I'm an outsider, right?"

"I didn't treat you as an outsider because I didn't think carefully. If you jumped down to save you, then the one sitting here now would be Wang Wenwan."

"She deserves to be sitting here. I don't care. Anyway, it was wrong for you to jump to save her just now."

Wang Qingya burst into tears.

"Sister Qingya, it was my lack of consideration that made me realize that you care about me so much. I was so touched." "Of course I care about you. I love you very much, okay? You don't care about me at all."

Wang Qingya made a lot of noises. Villagers passing by heard it and couldn't help but take a second look. Are the young lovers getting into trouble?
"What you said makes sense. I don't care about you too much. I will definitely care about you in the future. I called Sister Xiaoxiao to pick us up. Your clothes are all wet. Go back and take a shower and change clothes. Otherwise, you will catch a cold. I It will hurt."

"Now you know it hurts?"


"You carry me."

"Okay, okay, I'll carry you, come up."

Lin Can carried Wang Qingya on his back and walked along the path under the sunset.

"Sister Qingya, I cried just because of you. From now on, I, Lin Can, will love you forever and will never make you cry again."


"Of course it's true. A man who loves you won't let you slip away."

"what is that?"


"...Anyway, when you go home later, you are not allowed to talk to the second sister tonight."

"Huh? Not so good?"

"Why is it bad? I was angry when I saw her acting coquettishly. You choose to talk to her or me. It's your choice."


Lin Can was speechless, so childish!
"Okay, I won't talk to Sister Wen Wan tonight."

"It's almost there."

To coax a woman, just follow along.

Not far away, Wang Xiaoxiao drove up, picked up the two of them and turned around to leave.

Wang Xiaoxiao: "What's wrong with eldest sister's feet?"

Lin Can: "I stepped on glass shards. It's not a big problem. Go back and clean it to see if there is any glass."

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Sister, have you forgiven Cancan?"

Wang Qingya: "I want you to take care of it!"

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Bang."

After a while, when they got home, Lin Can carried Wang Qingya into the yard. When he met Wang Canglin feeding pigs, he said, "What's wrong?"

"My foot was scratched, it's a minor matter." Lin Can replied, put Wang Qingya on a chair, and poured a basin of water from the well nearby to clean Wang Qingya's wound.

At this time, Wang Wenwan finished taking a bath in the room, put on her pajamas and came out. Because there was no place for bathing in this house, she washed them all in the house, and the water flowed out from under the door.

Wang Wenwan came out rubbing her wet hair. When she saw Lin Can, her eyes were filled with tenderness: "Cancan, you are back~"

Lin Can was about to answer when Wang Qingya turned her head and looked at Lin Can. Lin Can immediately shut up and nodded in response.

Wang Xiaoxiao:? ? ?

Wang Wenwan: "Cancan?"

Lin Can continued to smile and nod.

Wang Wenwan: "What do you mean by nodding? Are you talking?"

Lin Can nodded and smiled.

Wang Wenwan: "Cancan, are you mute?"

Lin Can nodded and smiled.

Wang Wenwan: "What's wrong with him?"

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Cancan?"

Lin Can: "What?"

Wang Wenwan: "Cancan."

Lin Can nodded and smiled.

Wang Wenwan's face fell: "What do you mean?"

Lin Can covered his face and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What the hell is going on? He's going crazy.

"La la la~" Wang Qingya hummed, enjoying the vanity of turning defeat into victory.

Wang Wenwan: "Sister, what are you doing?"

Wang Qingya: "It's nothing, just Cancan promised me...not to talk to you tonight."

Wang Xiaoxiao "Pfft~" laughed out loud: "Hahaha..."

"If you don't talk, I won't talk, and I won't talk to you." Wang Wenwan got angry and turned around to go back to the house.

"Don't, don't, don't..." Lin Can stood up and grabbed Wang Wenwan. As soon as Lin Can spoke, Wang Qingya couldn't sit still and stood up to leave. Lin Can grabbed Wang Qingya again. The two women were difficult to deal with.

Lin Can could only ask for foreign aid.

"Old Wang, take care of your daughter! I can't stand it anymore!"


Lao Wang said: "What's wrong with you? My two precious daughters are so good, why can't you resist them?"

Lin Can said: "Lao Wang wants to ask you a question. Their two daughters fell into the water. Which one should you save first? Answer immediately!"

Lao Wang said without even thinking: "I haven't fed my duck yet, I'll feed the duck."

Lao Wang ran away. Lao Wang was not a fool, so he would not answer this question and cause trouble for himself.

Wang Xiaoxiao walked up with a smile: "Okay, sisters, don't embarrass Cancan. There is no point in having to do multiple-choice questions. Second sister, you help the eldest sister take a bath, and I will get the bath water for Cancan."

This kind of competition for favor is a daily life between siblings, but it doesn't matter. Wang Xiaoxiao took Lin Can into his room and went to Lao Wang's room to find some Lin Can's clothes. There were Lin Can's clothes in the old house.

Lin Can took a shower, changed clothes, and walked out of the yard. Wang Xiaoxiao had already helped Lao Wang prepare dinner. It was just the leftovers from noon that could be heated up. Because Lin Can was here, there could not be any leftovers on the table. It doesn't matter now. It's not that I don't pay attention to it, but I don't care about it if we really treat them as a family. If Dundu still entertains me like that, it will make Lin Can look like an outsider, which is good.

We did not eat in the living room tonight, but set up tables and chairs in the yard, and five people sat around the dining table.

Lao Wang is on one side, Lin Can and Wang Xiaoxiao are on the other side, and Wang Wenwan and Wang Qingya are on the other side.

"Can he have a drink?" Lao Wang asked his three daughters instead of asking Lin Can, because Lin Can's drinking capacity was too bad and the three sisters were very strict.

"What do you mean!" Lin Can was unhappy and his manliness came out, "Old Wang, take out the Maotai and drink it!"

Wang Wenwan: "Cancan, you can't drink..."

Lin Can: "You can't say that men can't do it. Lao Wang, we two brothers won't come home until we're drunk today!"

Three sisters: ...


"Yes, we are brothers. I have been friends with Lao Wang for many years. Don't you remember? You used to call me Brother Lin. Did Lao Wang do this?"

When your younger brother can't cure you, Mr. Lin switches roles. My uncle can cure your three little nieces!
Lao Wang smiled and said: "It is true that I have been friends with Xiao Lin for many years. When I saw the introduction outside, he said he was my little brother. Well, well, drink, we two brothers will have a good time!"

Lin Can is going to drink tonight and get drunk. The three sisters are trembling and want to crawl into bed...

(End of this chapter)

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