God of Healing

Chapter 275 Lin Can’s new toy

Chapter 275 Lin Can’s new toy
In the afternoon class, Lin Can passed by Zhou Xiaoxiao's class and saw her playing with her classmates. She smiled happier than before.

was healed.

Zhou Xiaoxiao is a pretty girl and kind-hearted.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Can stopped a taxi at the school gate to go to Yulongwan. On the way, he opened his circle of friends and saw a post posted by his sister-in-law two hours ago: [Good luck, Haohao is sensible now, and he even carried his mother's shoes. . ] + a selfie holding Haohao.

Liu Qin, Haohao's mother, is as good-looking and figure-wise as Haohao's mother in "Oops".

Lin Can liked + commented: [Haohao is so good. 】

I've been busy with my own business these days, so I haven't asked my sister-in-law and Brother Chao how they are. After thinking about it, I called Brother Chao. After all, it's been a few days and he should have calmed down.

Liu Qin is a sister-in-law, a biological sister. Lin Can said, "No one is worthy of Liu Qin." This is because Lin Can treats Liu Qin as a biological sister. Whether she is good or not is one thing. In Lin Can's heart, she is the best. , you don’t think anyone is worthy of your sister, do you?

Brother Chao is his biological brother, Lin Can won't think about whether he deserves it or not, because Liu Qin just likes him.



"Hey, what are you doing, Brother Chao?"

"Cough cough cough... I'm sleeping at home, I have a cold."

"No seriously, I'm here to see you."

"No, cough, cough, cough... take the medicine and have a good sleep."

"Didn't your girlfriend come to take care of you?"

"...Can you please stop mocking me, that bitch? I spent more than 20 on her and almost got divorced, but it turned out that I was not the only one, she also had sex with other men, damn it!"

"Hahaha... It's sad. It's the same when you think about it. A young and beautiful woman relies on her body to make a living. She has an extramarital affair with you. One of them is doing it, and the two of them are doing it. Of course, they want to make more money by doing it everywhere. Are you sincere about it? You can say you deserve it.”

"Okay, okay, stop scolding me. I should have listened to you at the beginning. Alas... It's okay now. Your sister-in-law is ignoring me. You can think of a way. It's worrying me to death."

"You have no idea?"

"After thinking about it, I posted on WeChat saying that I was sick and uncomfortable. Your sister-in-law said that I deserved to die."

"You are lucky that my sister-in-law hasn't been blocked yet. You should quickly go to my sister-in-law's house to admit your mistake."

"I wanted to go there, but...if I went there, the whole family would know about it, and the matter would be more serious."

"To put it bluntly, you just don't dare to face your sister-in-law?"

"Can you stop being so blunt?"


"stop laughing?"

"Of course you have to laugh. You have a good wife and you don't cherish it. Now you regret it. I'm so happy. It doesn't matter whether you dare to face it or not. Anyway, you can coax it yourself. Only you two can handle the matter between you two. Buy some. Hua, be sweeter with your mouth, follow her, don't talk back, coax her back, or you'll be a bachelor."

"I'm going to coax her back right now."

"Remember to go for your sister-in-law, not your son."


"You went to coax your sister-in-law, to make the woman feel that she is important, not to cause your future children."

"Oh...you still understand women. Got it. I'm going to coax your sister-in-law back. If she doesn't come back, I won't leave."

hang up the phone.

Lin Can shook his head and lamented that the divorce rate is too high now.

After a while, the taxi arrived at Yulongwan Community and was stopped by the security guard. Lin Can lowered the window and said with a smile: "Master, let me go in."

"Hey, Mr. Lin, hurry up, raise the pole." The security guard saluted and watched the taxi enter.

The new security guard said in confusion: "Old Zhao, didn't you say that everyone without an owner's card must register, and no one can be put in when he comes? This person is not from our community and does not have an owner's card."

Old security guard: "What do you know? Others can stop and register and notify the owner before letting him go. This is Mr. Lin."

Security guard: "Who is Mr. Lin? I don't know."

Old security guard: "Let's put it this way... Mr. Lin and the chairman are standing together. Mr. Lin can put his arms around and joke with the chairman casually, but the chairman must nod with a smile."

The little security guard was shocked: "Is it true?"

Old security guard: "Of course it's true, my savior, and the two of them have a very good relationship. My name is Mr. Wang, and Mr. Lin always talks about Mr. Wang. Sometimes he doesn't like him and even criticizes Mr. Wang."

Security guard: "Damn it! Even the richest man criticizes you?"

Old security guard: "Young Master Lin is not bad, he is also very rich, and there is a woman as powerful as Miss Wang Qingya. Young Master Lin picked her up and threw her into the trash can."

The little security guard was shocked: "Ah, so exaggerated?"

Old security guard: "This is all old history. In the past, the second young lady was drunk and insisted on Mr. Lin carrying him back to the house. The son-in-law Jiang didn't dare to say a word because of his heavy responsibility."

Security guard: "Damn it, it's so exciting, so the divorce is because of him?"

Old security guard: "Of course not, they are siblings. The divorce was due to Jiang Renzhong's cheating and the mistress got pregnant. There is also the third lady Wang Xiaoxiao, the future richest woman. They are very strong outside, but docile in front of Mr. Lin, 61 Building, Building 62, Building 63, Mr. Lin can sleep in whichever building he wants."

Little security guard: "Damn, this guy is so awesome."

Old security guard: "The ultimate idol of men, Mr. Lin is so happy that we can't imagine. Okay, the taxi is out, let's go to the pole."

As soon as the young security guard entered the society, he heard about Mr. Lin's tough life, and he also wanted to become such a powerful big shot.


62 buildings.

Lin Can changed her shoes and entered the house. She smelled the aroma and couldn't help but swallowed: "It smells so good. Sister Wen Wan, did you cook the hot pot base yourself?"

Wang Wenwan was busy in the kitchen: "Don't worry about it. You go and sit down for a while. I'll cut the potatoes. We can start dinner when they come back later."

"You prepared all the dishes on the table. You are tired too. Go and rest. I will do the rest." Lin Can untied Wang Wenwan's apron and tied it around herself.

Wang Wenwan felt warm in her heart: "You feel so sorry for your sister?"


"mua~ reward me."

Wang Wenwan kissed Lin Can's face, beat her sore arm, and went to rest on the sofa.



Wang Xiaoxiao and Wang Qingya came back. They went back to their houses and changed into home clothes and came to Building 62. As soon as they walked into the house, they also smelled the fragrant aroma.

"It smells so good, my mouth is watering. Second sister, did you make it?"

"I made these, and there are two side dishes made by Cancan."

Lin Can came out with two dishes: "They're all here, let's eat. I'm hungry too."

Four people sat at the dining table, cooking hot pot and chatting.

"Ahem..." Wang Wenwan deliberately coughed twice. Wang Qingya said "Oh~" and took out a small gift box from her bag and pushed it in front of Lin Can, "This is a May Day gift from your three sisters. .”

Lin Can: "Are there any May Day gifts?"

Wang Qingya: "Of course. If you do farm work, of course you will get a gift, and there will also be gifts from our three sisters. You have to accept them~"

"Can I take it apart and look at it?"

"of course can."

Lin Can opened the small gift box and found an exquisite watch inside.

The brand is called Patek Philippe.

The model is - Ref.2458PJ.B Champion customized version of the observatory chronograph.

Although there is no price list, Lin Can has seen an introduction to this watch online before, and it is among the top ten most expensive series of Patek Philippe.

Price: 3153 million.

Patek Philippe ranks fifth in the price list. The main value of this watch is that it uses one of the only two N861 chronometer competition movements in the world, and the platinum model is specially customized for the famous lawyer JB CHAMPION.The dial of the watch has JB Champion's name engraved at 6 o'clock and the observatory's movement number at 3 o'clock.

This unique custom-made watch with an observatory movement also comes with a platinum bracelet and a diamond-set dial.

This watch has been bought by someone a long time ago. It is a treasured and handed down product.

After all, Patek Philippe’s slogan is – no one can truly own a Patek Philippe, you are just keeping it for the next generation.

Lin Can: "Isn't it too expensive?"

Wang Qingya: "No, no, no. Each of your three sisters paid more than 1000 million and found connections to buy it from a collector. Do you like it?"

"Of course I do." Lin Can smiled. In fact, Lin Can was not very enthusiastic about watches. He owned a Richard Mille and often forgot to bring it with him.

But this was their wish. Lin Can was moved and accepted it. It didn't matter whether it was money or not. After all, Lin Can was not short of money. He had several hundred million in the beginning, so he was just moved and not scared or surprised.

"I'll put it on for you." Wang Xiaoxiao took off the Richard Mille. This watch is not cheap. Lin Can bought it for nearly 1000 million. Wang Xiaoxiao put on Lin Can this 3000 million Patek Philippe, " It’s pretty good-looking and suits you very well. You can wear these two watches interchangeably in the future.”

Lin Can: "I don't wear that Richard Mille anymore. From now on I will always wear this one given by my three sisters."

The three sisters smiled: "You are so sweet~ I love you so much."

Lin Can thought for a while and said, "It's embarrassing to say that you have all prepared gifts for me, but I haven't given you any gifts yet. Well...I want to give them to you."

Wang Xiaoxiao touched Lin Can's face: "Don't think about it. Your presence beside us is the best gift. We are very happy."

Lin Can: "That's not possible, I have to give it to you. Well...I thought about it. You are not short of others. I will give it to you later. Today you gave me a gift, and I must give one to you. Let's do it...I will give it to you later. I’ll paint an oil painting for you.”

"Oil painting? You?" The three sisters looked at Lin Can questioningly.

Lin Can smiled: "No, why do you all have this expression when I say painting? Qing Ning and the others also don't believe that I can paint?"

Wang Wenwan: "You said it, but do you really know how to do it? Aren't you a photographer?"

Lin Can: "I can draw, but I seldom draw. I learned to draw from my classmate, who is very good at drawing."

Wang Wenwan: "Who is your classmate?"

Lin Can: "My surname is also Lin. Even if I tell you, you wouldn't know. Anyway, I really know how to do it."

Wang Wenwan: "Okay, I'll let you paint one for us later. Just don't make it ugly. It's an oil painting, right? I'll call my assistant to buy everything."

Lin Can said OK.

"Okay, let's eat. Here, I'll boil the belly for you." Wang Xiaoxiao gave Lin Can the belly.

Now the relationship between the four of them is getting better and better. They eat and chat together and feel like a family.

After the meal, the nanny clears the table.

Wang Qingya and Wang Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable with the smell of hot pot, so they went back to change clothes.

Lin Can wanted to go to sister Xiaoxiao's house to take a bath and change clothes together, but Wang Wenwan was behind her. Lin Can could only watch them walk out of Building 62, and then obediently followed Wang Wenwan into the elevator.

Ding~The elevator door opens.

The two of them walked out of the room. Lin Can saw people fighting next to them and asked, "Where is the room next to it?"

It used to be two rooms, a male master's bedroom and a female master's bedroom.

Wang Wenwan said: "I have found a decoration company and plan to turn it into an outdoor terrace and build a swimming pool. Don't you like swimming at Xiaoxiao's house? I will have it here in the future, so you don't have to go."

Lin Can smiled, my sister Wen Wan is very jealous now.

"I won't live here tomorrow. It's too dusty. I'll move to an apartment for a while."

Wang Wenwan came to the bathroom, took off her stockings, and said, "My hands are sore, please help me zip up the back."

"it is good."

tear it up-

Lin Can grabbed the skirt with both hands and pulled hard. The Louis Vuitton haute couture dress was ruined.

"Ouch~" Wang Wenwan was startled, turned around and hit Lin Can, "Why are you so rude?"

"I'll buy you a new one. Let's go and take a bath." Lin Can took Wang Wenwan's hand and walked into the bathtub.

"No that."

"Okay, let's change it. Sister Wenwan, you have a pretty mouth."


An hour later, the three sisters all put on makeup and dressed up carefully, and came to the living room decorated in French palace style on the first floor of Wang Wenwan's house. The three sisters were dressed in beautiful dresses, sitting on the sofa dignifiedly and virtuously, looking forward.

Lin Can stood in front of a drawing board, wearing an apron to prevent paint from getting on his body. He sat on a high stool, holding a paint tray in one hand and a paintbrush in the other, wandering around the drawing board with a focused and extremely serious expression.

With the help of my fingertips, I can draw very quickly.

The nanny looked admiringly next to her.

Wang Wenwan asked without moving: "Sister Zhang, how's the painting going?"

The nanny gave a thumbs up: "That's great."

Wang Wenwan: "Real or false?"

Nanny: "It's really beautiful."

Wang Qingya: "My thigh is itchy, can I move it?"

"You can't move. If you move, you won't be able to find your state. I'll scratch it for you." Lin Can walked up to Wang Qingya, "Where?"

Wang Qingya: "Just a little bit inside the skirt on the left thigh."

"Okay." Lin Can reached in, "Is this here?"

"Well, please be gentle, it hurts~"

Lin Can scratched it a few times and said, "Do you still have any?"

Wang Qingya: "I'm a little thirsty and want to drink some milk."

"Right away." Lin Can brought the milk and fed it in small sips. Wang Xiaoxiao said "Ah~", "Why did you feed it? It leaked and it was handed to my chest."

The gift Wang Xiaoxiao wore was a deep V.

"Don't move, don't move, I'll wipe it for you." Lin Can took out a tissue and carefully wiped her soft heart.

Wang Xiaoxiao was speechless: "You wiped it wrong, it was on the left side, not the right side."

"Oh, sorry, I feel a bit sorry for this milk, can I lick it?"

"Hehehe~" Wang Xiaoxiao, "You are going to die, don't lick me."

Lin Can smiled, wiped away the drop of milk, and returned to his position to continue painting.

two hours later.

"OK, the painting is done."

"Let's see, ah~ I can't straighten my waist."

"My legs are cramped."

"My butt is numb."

"Cancan, turn around and show us."

"Okay!" Lin Can said, "Be careful not to blind your eyes~"

Lin Can turned around to paint, but blocked it with his body.

Three sisters: "Why are you blocking me?"

"It's not that interesting. After all, this environment is a French palace, resplendent. Wait a minute." Lin Can rubbed the gold foil paper prepared for the matter. This is not expensive, only a few dollars a piece.

Lin Can rubbed a lot of it, turned around, and sprinkled it on the oil painting.

The gold powder shone brightly under the light of the crystal chandelier, some fell on the ground, and some was attached to the oil painting.

In the oil painting, the three daughters of the Wang family are lifelike, noble and elegant, with gentle and expressive eyes and a refreshing smile.

The three sisters looked at the painting in disbelief. They were stunned for a moment, and then moved to tears.

Lin Can stood next to the oil painting and said, "How about, let's say something, okay?"

Wang Qingya: "So beautiful, so good-looking. Cancan, you are really amazing."

Wang Wenwan: "It turns out that you can not only take pictures, but also draw. You are really good at it. I love you so much."

Wang Xiaoxiao: "It's good, but there's something missing. You're not in the painting. It's not perfect."

Wang Qingya and Wang Wenwan nodded in agreement with this big regret.

Lin Can smiled: "I'm in the painting. If you don't believe me, look behind you."

The three sisters looked back at the background wall behind them. The beige marble wall was reflective, so they realized something and gathered around to look at the marble painted behind the three sisters in the oil painting. Lin Can painted the reflective surface and took a closer look. You can see the reflection on the wall, and on the wall behind the three sisters - Lin Can is vaguely painting.

Lin Can: "I'm always behind you."

The three sisters nodded excitedly: "Yes."

Lin Can: "Where...is this painting hanging?"

"Hehe, of course the paintings painted in my house are mine~" Wang Wenwan smiled and accepted.

Wang Qingya felt unbalanced and said, "Don't we have one? No, Cancan, come home with me and draw me a picture."

Wang Xiaoxiao: "I also want to draw one."

Lin Can: "Let's wait another day."

"No, just today, tonight, right away, let's go to my house first."

Wang Qingya dragged Lin Can towards the door and said, "Sister Zhang, please bring the paint over here."

Wang Wenwan: "Cancan, you have finished painting the two sisters. Remember to come to my house. I will also paint one."

"...Oh, I'm so tired." Lin Can thought to himself. Now he knows why he doesn't dare to show off his painting skills easily. It's not like taking a photo, where you click the shutter button and it's done. Painting is a technical and physical job.

I'm going to risk my life tonight. As long as I can't die in painting, I'll paint to the death.

After all, they paid for a watch worth more than 3000 million yuan for Lin Can, worked overtime, and painted a few paintings. It was only fair.


Lin Can turned on the painting mode and went from house to house to paint. At the last house, he painted until 1 o'clock in the evening and threw away the pen.

"I'm exhausted."

He threw himself on Wang Wenwan's bed and fell asleep.

Wang Wenwan admired her heavenly beauty in the oil painting for a moment, "Cancan you..."

Just when I was about to praise him, he was already fast asleep.

So, Wang Wenwan turned off the lights and got into bed. Lin Can hugged her and continued to sleep.

It was not until 3 o'clock in the morning that Lin Can regained his strength and started to work!

early morning.

Lin Can woke up, stretched out, and shook Wang Wenwan next to him.

"Get up and go to work."

"I won't go in the morning. I'm too tired. Why are you tossing me in the middle of the night? My bones are all falling apart. I'm going to sleep."

"Is it great?"

Wang Wenwan grabbed Lin Can and huddled under the quilt to sleep.

Lin Can came out after washing up and said, "Sister Wen Wan, please go to sleep slowly. I'm leaving. I'm going to Yichun today and Mr. Wang will get married tomorrow."

"Hmm~" Wang Wenwan weakly stretched out her hand and waved.

Lin Can went downstairs, and the owners of Buildings 61 and 63 also went to work.

Lin Can took a taxi back to Boqiyuan and called Brother Chao on the way: "Brother Chao, have you coaxed your sister-in-law back? Where should I wait for you?"

Brother Chao and his family were also invited, and Lin Can planned to go together.

"Wait for me at the gate of the community."

Brother Chao's voice was low, and he didn't say whether his sister-in-law was back.

Lin Can didn't ask any more questions, he would know later.

I went back to Boqiyuan first and put a suit into my backpack. The rest was my camera and other digital equipment.

There was no need to bring other clothes, because Lin Can had gone somewhere and bought new ones when he needed to change, and was too lazy to bring them.

The suit was customized by Wang Xiaoxiao for Lin Can. It was very suitable. When he was the best man, he had to bring it with him.

I took a taxi and came to the downstairs of Chaoge's community.

After waiting for a while, Lin Can felt relieved when he saw a family of three coming out.

"Sister-in-law, good morning."

"Okay, Acan~" Liu Qin forced a smile, her eyes looked like she had been crying, and she kept a distance from Zhang Chao from her position. She must have returned, but she did not forgive him.

Lin Can stopped the taxi without asking any more questions, and the four of them got in the car and set off all the way to the airport. His sister-in-law sat in her seat and looked out the window, silent.

The atmosphere is stiff.

Arriving at the airport, getting off the car and walking towards the terminal, Lin Can and Brother Chao walked behind. Lin Can asked, "What's going on?"

"Alas..." Brother Chao frowned, "If I hadn't said that I was going to attend Mr. Wang's wedding, your sister-in-law wouldn't have come back."

Lin Can understands that Wang Bolun has requirements for his employees. If he has an extramarital affair, he may be fired.

Brother Chao: "Your sister-in-law has no intention of forgiving me. I just have to kneel down and admit my mistake."

Lin Can: "Why didn't you kneel down?"

Brother Chao: "I... alas..."

Lin Can: "Good luck."

Approached the terminal, waited for a while, boarded the plane, business class.

"My wife, sit down." Zhang Chao bought a seat for the two of them.

Liu Qin walked to Lin Can without even looking.

"Acan, you go sit with your brother Chao, Haohao and I will sit here."

"Haohao and I sit here, you go sit with Brother Chao."

Liu Qin glared, and Lin Can quickly stood up: "Sister-in-law, please sit down."

Lin Can returned to sit next to Brother Chao: "Brother Chao, you... are finished."

"I know, I'm in a hurry now. Brother, you have to help me. You don't want to have a sister-in-law, right?"

"I no longer have a sister-in-law, but I have a biological sister. It's the same, just a different name."

"You're still making fun of me."

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. If you can help me, I will definitely help you. If you know you're wrong, just correct it. Don't think too much. I'll think of a solution when I get to Yichun."


At this moment, Lin Can's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Mr. Joseph, oh, I know you are from Gulfstream, really? Okay, after the formalities are completed, contact me and I will ask you to drive over. Goodbye."

Lin Can hung up the phone and turned off the phone.

Zhang Chao asked: "What's the matter?"

Lin Can said: "My private jet has been renovated and I am flying back. When we return to Yunchuan in two days, we will make our own private jet."

Hearing this, the people around him couldn't help but turn their heads and glance at the young man.

Zhang Chao: "Ah Chan, you are still awesome. I am happy for you."

Lin Can: "Don't be happy for me yet. I'm going to feel sad for you soon. Find a way, my dear brother."

Chao Zhang: ...

(End of this chapter)

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