God of Healing

Chapter 293 Mother-in-law arrives

Ye Fanzhi, the principal of a high school, is a division-level cadre, and he is dignified and solemn.

Ayixiamu, a Uighur, housewife, good at singing and dancing, gentle and wise.

Wang Min, a beautiful mature woman from Shanghai, a housewife, fashionable and beautiful.

Tian Cuihua, the orchard owner, is hardworking and friendly.

When Lin Can thought that the four of them had come to the Magic City, the problem was that Miao Youxi, a fool, had forgotten about it and caught Lin Can off guard.

Just keep your tail between your legs and be a human being.

Don't dare to make mistakes.


Qiao Mina's house.

The three little ones were sitting on the sofa, watching their mothers eating fruit and chatting. Wang Min was greeting several mothers enthusiastically.

on the balcony.

Ye Fanzhi changed from the school leadership style and wore a floral dress. It was a long dress that covered just above the knees, a conservative style.

Talking on the phone from the balcony.

"Well, okay, I have something to do on a business trip in Shanghai and I won't be able to come back. Please tell the Education Bureau that I can't go today. There are also senior high school graduates who are currently in the sprint stage. If you are found to be in love, it will be recorded as a major demerit. Please Parents.”


Ayire is very afraid of Ye Fanzhi, because he is naturally afraid of teachers, let alone the principal, who is simply a terrifying existence.

"...Okay, that's it. I have something else to do. I'll hang up." Ye Fanzhi hung up the phone and turned around. Seeing that everyone was silent and staring at herself, Ye Fanzhi smiled and walked over with her sexy body swaying. , stroked her skirt, and sat elegantly next to Chu Qingning, "Moms, why are you looking at me?"

"Fanzhi, are you worried about being the principal?" Tian Cuihua asked. She and Miao Youxi are both cute. Really, one has a childlike face and the other a beautiful woman. Their eyes are exactly the same as Miao Youxi's. That kind of clarity is tinged with stupidity. Of course it is not a derogatory term, but it looks very innocent. After all, Tian Cuihua's life is very simple. She contacts few people every day and comes into contact with many orchard fruits. It is simple and simple.

"There are no big things. There are a lot of trivial matters. I am busy taking care of a group of little kids who are just starting to fall in love every day. Alas... I am so tired." Ye Fanzhi said, "By the way, Mother Yire, you have sprained your ankle last time. Are you okay? ?”

"It's done now, thank you for your concern~" Ayi Xiamu smiled softly. She and her daughter have completely different styles. Her daughter looks like a boy, but she is very gentle and feminine. Today she is wearing a dress with a Western style, and her facial features are three-dimensional. , eyes are blue, very beautiful, an exotic and beautiful woman.

"Come on, come on, the fruit is here, let's eat fruit." Wang Min brought the cut fruit from the kitchen and put it on the coffee table. He sat next to Tian Cuihua and touched her hand, "I really envy Cuihua's skin. , white and smooth, isn’t it said that Yunnan is a plateau, and the ultraviolet rays are strong, so Cuihua’s skin is not affected at all, which is great.”

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. My skin is very bad, your skin is also very good, and your figure is well maintained."

"I can't. Fanzhi and Natsuki have well-maintained figures, especially Fanzhi's waist, tsk tsk tsk...it's really amazing, as thin as a lime, I'm so envious."

Several beautiful women were complimenting each other here. Chu Qingning and Ayire were listening but didn't say a word. However, the mothers maintained their figures very well. I really don't brag about it. Due to genetic reasons, the fourth child is just a stunner. All four of them are great beauties.

When they arrived in Magic City in the morning, they first went to the school to learn about their daughters’ learning situation, and then went to the dormitory to check it out. It was not bad. The feedback from the teachers was very good. The daughters were very obedient in school. Naturally, the mothers were very pleased. , living up to their cultivation.

Then we went shopping together and had a meal outside. Now we returned to Wang Min's house to rest and chat, and started to care about the private lives of our daughters.

After you have taken care of your study matters, you must also take care of your life matters.

Of course, now is not the time, because the hero hasn't waited yet, and they are tacitly making things up.

Chu Qingning and Ayire were calm on the surface, but panicked inside. They were afraid that Cancan would come and not be able to handle the relationship between the mothers.

After half an hour.

The Mercedes-Benz G is parked in the basement.

Call ~
The wind is slack and the water is cold, and the strong men never return.

do my best.

"Hehehe~" Qiao Meina couldn't help but laugh when she saw Lin Can's expression.

"Laughing fart."

"I'm just laughing at you. Who told you to be a prodigal? Now the mothers are here. Cancan, you have to behave well. If you don't behave well and the mothers leave, you will really be dead."

"Come on, sisters, give me a loving hug."

"Come on and perform."

Qiao Meina and Miao Youxi hugged Lin Can in turn and gave them loving encouragement.


"Hugger again."

"That's enough, you're cheating."


Panic, Lin Can is there, it's impossible not to panic, mainly because it was too sudden and unprepared, but it doesn't matter, just receive him well when he comes, be normal, be sweeter, be more attentive, and learn more about flattering like Tiffany. .

Ding~ The elevator is here.

"so fast?"

"Pfft~ Are you scared?"


Lin Can followed him out of the elevator. Qiao Meina paused, unlocked the door with her fingerprint, opened it, and smiled: "We are back~"

In the living room, all the women looked over.

"Mom~" Miao Youxi ran up to hug Tian Cuihua and shouted sweetly, "Aunt Fanzhi, Aunt Xiamu, hello."

"Okay, really cute."

Soon, the daughters were sitting in a row around their mothers.

Lin Can walked over with a smile as bright as the morning breeze and glanced at Ye Fanzhi, Tian Cuihua, Ayi Xiamu and Wang Min.

"Hello, four aunties." Lin Can greeted her not very enthusiastically, but in a calm tone.

Four little ones:? ? ?

Ye Fanzhi's long legs were stacked together under her skirt. Seeing Lin Can's expression, she asked: "What's wrong, Mr. Lin, we are here, are you not happy?"

"Yes, I'm very unhappy. I told you that I bought a private plane. If you want to come, I will send a plane to pick you up. One is in Chengdu, one is in the Western Region, and one is in Yunnan. The distance between the three parties is not far. We can pick them up together. No, the private jet I bought is of no use, and I am not qualified to pick up three beautiful aunts. Alas... I will sell the private jet tomorrow and keep it useless."

Lin Can said with a tone of resentment that he didn't live up to expectations.

This seems to be an overstatement, but in fact, if you look at it carefully, it is saying, "People buy private jets just for a few aunts to use. The aunts don't use it, so Acan feels useless, just to pick up and drop off the aunts." '

Naturally, the mothers understood what Lin Can meant. When he was showing off his private jet before, Lin Can said he would pick them up, and their daughter's return to Shanghai this time was also picked up by a private jet.

It shows that Ah Can is really not just talking, he is a man of action. If you don’t let him do it, of course he will not be happy~
Ye Fanzhi glanced at Lin Can angrily, "Okay, okay, you're not happy about saving you money, are you?"

"You don't need to save, you don't use my money, I feel uncomfortable all over." Listen to this, which son-in-law dares to say such a domineering thing, this is not domineering, this is confidence!

As a result, I quickly revived my relationship with several aunts upon meeting.


The four aunts laughed, sincerely. Although they knew Lin Can's words were rude, they sounded heartwarming.

Ye Fanzhi poured a glass of water and pushed it to the opposite side of the coffee table: "Sit down and drink some water, and drink it as soon as you come. I know you have a good heart, okay?"

Lin Can: "I can just stand."

Wang Min smiled, stood up, walked over with swaying waist, pushed Lin Can down and sat on the stool: "How can I let you stand? If the news spreads, we will make Mr. Lin stand still, and your fans on the Internet will be punished. What a shame."

Judging from what this means, the four aunts must also like to follow Mr. Lin’s news online.

"What's wrong with being a fan? In my case, I'm just a big fan of the four aunts. I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing?"

"Okay, this time I mainly came to see them. I heard that you took Youxi to Yunchuan to take promotional photos. We will wait for you when you come back today." Tian Cuihua said sitting next to Lin Can.

Lin Can turned around, faced Tian Cuihua, and said politely: "Aunt Cuihua, Youxi is the image ambassador of our company. I am honored to have the opportunity to invite her."

The four little ones made "chi" noises and suppressed their laughter. Lin Can could see Lin Can's full desire for survival. He first stated the theme - I am not asking your daughter for a private meeting, but she is the image ambassador of my company. She went to the cloud Sichuan is a business matter.

"Thank you Acan for giving Youxi this opportunity. Auntie, thank you."

"Don't, don't, don't, aunt, you are out of touch when you say this. After all, Youxi is my sister, and I am good to her, as I should. Aunt Cuihua, we haven't seen each other for almost a year. You are getting more and more beautiful, and your skin is good. And your figure is getting better and better. If you and Youxi were walking together, if I didn't know you, I would recognize you as sisters."

"It's not as exaggerated as you say."

"I, Lin Can, will not lie."

"Tsk~hehehe~ Okay, okay, stop it, stop boasting."

Lin Can turned around and looked at Ayi Xiamu, the exotic and beautiful woman, and clicked her tongue, "Aunt Xiamu, the wind from the Western Region has taken away the moisture of the grapes, but it has not taken away the water of Auntie Xiamu."

Ayi Xiamu squirted out a mouthful of water, smiled and slapped Lin Can lightly, "I can't stand your mouth. I don't have any water. My water has been blown dry by the wind."

"Haha~" Wang Min smiled inexplicably, realizing that his thoughts were no longer pure, and immediately stopped.

Lin Can sat next to Wang Min again: "Aunt Minmin, we meet often, and I'm tired of praising you. I just want to say one more thing that you warmly receive me every time I come to Magic City. I'm very touched. like you very much."

"I like you too~" Wang Min has a little girly personality. She has a good life in the city, and she speaks with a very serious accent in the city. What she said is true. She really likes Lin Can. This is my future son-in-law. look like.

If you want to praise, you must praise them all, not even one less, because they will be unhappy, and their daughters will be unhappy too.

A bowl of water must be level.

Finally, there are leafy branches.

Ye Fanzhi sat firmly on the sofa, her red lips slightly opened, she blew a sip of tea gently, and took a sip. The tea cup was stained with lipstick, and she placed it on the coffee table, sitting elegantly.

Coax Ye Fanzhi to focus on skills, because this is a leader, a division-level cadre, who hears too many flattery words, and Ye Fanzhi doesn't like to listen to those high-sounding words. Like Lin Can, she is a practical person.

Lin Can sat down next to Ye Fanzhi: "Aunt Fanzhi, can you give me your hand?"


Everyone turned and looked over, what was going on?
Ye Fanzhi put down the tea cup and spread out his fair and slender hands.

Ye Fanzhi didn't panic at all, and even if Lin Can had a hundred courage, he wouldn't dare to touch my hand.

Indeed, Lin Can did not dare.

Lin Can took out a USB flash drive and placed it in Ye Fanzhi's palm.

"This is?"

"These are all good things, take care. Your blood will be pumping and you will be excited after reading them."


"I have entrusted my connections to ask well-known entrepreneurs across the country to record a cheering video for the college entrance examination for the seniors of your school. I wish your school will set new highs in the college entrance examination this year, surpass No. [-] Middle School, and become the high school with the most exports to key universities. I originally planned to see you in Chengdu next time. I'll give it to you when the time comes. Now that you're here, I'll give you the same thing now. I wonder if Aunt Fanzhi thinks that's okay?"

"Thank you~" Ye Fanzhi, a very steady woman, showed a smile, "I'm interested."

"Yes, I support Aunt Fanzhi's work."

Taking the right medicine, Ye Fanzhi cared most about the high school where she worked. Lin Canzheng's sexual gifts were in line with Ye Fanzhi's wishes. At the same time, she also felt that Lin Can was very caring, so she naturally recognized Lin Can in her heart.

For Lin Can, it is a trivial matter to ask Wang Canglin, Qin Kai and his father to record a video to cheer for the college entrance examination. Every year, Wang Canglin and other big guys will record videos to cheer for the college entrance examination students. After all, it is the future of the motherland. Entrepreneurs are very concerned about these leeks, bah. , is talent.

Wang Min nodded and said: "Acan is a thoughtful child. Although he likes to joke, it does not mean that others are impetuous. I still have to praise Acan for his work. He is very careful and serious in his work. I This is what I have seen through long-term contact.”

Lin Can: "Aunt Minmin, if you know how to praise, just praise me more, so that all the aunties can hear how good I am."

"That's enough for you, you're getting more and more motivated."

Several aunties smiled, relaxed and happy.

Lin Can controls the rhythm very well.

Some people are serious all the time, and the atmosphere is very serious. Some people are always hip-hop, and the atmosphere is very exaggerated. Some people say they like to play with so-and-so. With them, even if they don't go to play, they feel very comfortable when they sit down and chat together - -Lin Can is this kind of person. The most important thing in getting along with others is what makes others like you. Most of the time, it’s not how good you are, and you know the rhythm of getting along.

You have a good sense of rhythm, and other people will feel comfortable getting along with you. After separation, if you don't have that sense of rhythm when getting along with others, they will feel that you are more nice, like to play with you, and they will ask you out next time.

The rhythm of getting along is very important.

Lin Can, rhythm master.

Wang Min stood up and said: "Since Acan and Youxi are back, let's go out for dinner."

Lin Can stood up and said, "I'll make a reservation at the restaurant."

Wang Min hurriedly said: "No, no, we have a few aunts here, so how can you pay for it? Come to the Magic City, my host, I'll treat you, let's go, some big beauties, little beauties and handsome guys."


Lin Can hurriedly walked out of the house, pressed the elevator button, and made an invitation gesture: "Moms, please come inside."

Wang Min smiled: "If I had a son like you, I would wake up laughing in my dreams."

Several mothers walked into the elevator.

The fourth child only gave Lin Can a thumbs up, and his performance was very beautiful.

Of course, Lin Can knew that this was just the beginning, and he didn't know whether he would be polite before fighting.

When nine people walked into the elevator, it was already full. One more person would make it overloaded. (End of chapter)

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