Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 127 The Emperor Receives Internal Response From Yang Jie's Surrender to Ara's Sacr

Chapter 127 The Emperor Receives Internal Response From Yang Jie's Surrender to Ara's Sacrifice

Everyone has their own aspirations and cannot be forced.

Zhu Qiyu didn't want to force Ye Sheng and Yao Xian to take a stand, and he could accept the fact that most civil servants and generals were still loyal to Zhu Qizhen.

Respect the reality, grasp the people and things that you can grasp, this is Zhu Qiyu's life strategy.

So Zhu Qiyu turned his head and smiled at Huang Pu: "Aiqing has made meritorious service in Oala, so I will promote you to Youchunfang Youyude, and your previous official position will still be concurrent."

In this way, Huang Pu held four positions: Youchunfang Youyude, Guangxi Taoist Supervisor, Honglu Temple Yousi Chancellor, and Zhongshusheren.Officially became the new king's side, ranked second close minister.

This official was also promoted very quickly. Before entering the vision of the new emperor, Huang Pu was the supervisory censor of Guangxi Dao, and he was the seventh rank.It's only been a while, and he has jumped three levels in a row, and has been promoted to You Yude from the fifth rank.

In Youchunfang of Zhan Shifu, the top three subordinate officials are the University Scholars of the Fifth Rank, the You Shuzi of the Fifth Rank, and You Yude of the Fifth Rank.

Now that He Yi has become the son of the right concubine, and Huang Pu has become the right-hand man, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the new king has cultivated them as his right-hand men.

Moreover, all the people in Zhan Shifu are officials of the prince in name. He Yi and Huang Pu were obviously trained as the future assistant ministers of the prince.

Zhu Qiyu chatted with several people for a while, then took He Yi and Huang Pu to Jiangyunxuan for dinner.Now Zhu Qiyu doesn't pretend anymore, and treats people who are clearly on his side and those who are vacillating, and treats them differently, showing obvious intimacy.

Moreover, Zhu Qiyu didn't dare to talk about real confidential matters with Bai Gui, Xiang Zhong, Ye Sheng, and Yao Xian, otherwise they would turn around and sell themselves.

When he came to Jiangyunxuan, without outsiders, Huang Pu reported the real confidential matter.

After Zhu Qiyu listened carefully, Xining was the first one he cared about: "I have already requested twice that the traitor Xining be bound to the capital first, and now that Yang Shan is on an envoy again, I will let him go again." Emphasize it again. I don't know if it has any effect?"

Huang Pu replied very positively: "It works. Now that Xining is deeply valued by Ye Xian, he can always stand beside the Supreme Emperor and Ye Xian to serve him personally. With His Majesty's reminder, Ye Xian will not be so stupid as to send Xining to be an envoy." Daming's."

Hearing this, Zhu Qiyu felt relieved.In the history of Zhu Qizhen, persuasion was also designed first, and Xining was sent to Beijing to ask for a reward. As a result, Xining was hacked into pieces.

Without Xining's help to come up with an idea, this idiot actually sent Zhu Qizhen back to Beijing.The final result was that within five years of the Civil Engineering Change, he was ruined and his head was cut off by the Ara Zhiyuan.

But just be a little bit smarter first, if you come to coerce the Supreme Emperor to make Mongolia and Daming fight against rats, you won't die in such a muddleheaded and useless way.

Huang Pu continued: "My minister's trip has already planted the seeds of jealousy of Boyan Timur in Yexian's heart. Then, with Xining by Yexian's side, he is constantly agitating. Your Majesty's secret move may not be successful in the future." There are unexpected effects.

Negotiations at the Prefect of Ara were the smoothest. Ara not only agreed to encircle the Xuanfu as the main goal, but also attack Juyongguan as a supplement.Moreover, he also sent his confidantes to Beijing to observe the battle among the missions. As long as we can achieve brilliant results, Ara will cooperate deeply with us and form a close offensive and defensive alliance. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded, all of this was expected.

Huang Pu smiled and said, "I have two unexpected gains from this trip."

When Zhu Qiyu heard about it, he immediately regained his energy and urged Huang Pu to speak quickly.

Huang Pu smiled and said: "First, we came to besiege the capital this time. The troops were hasty and insufficiently prepared, and we failed to recruit enough troops for our headquarters.

Therefore, in order to make up for the [-] main force that besieged the capital, [-] elite soldiers were mobilized from Ala's headquarters.

Among the 500 elite soldiers, [-] are confidants who are absolutely loyal to the Ara Zhiyuan.

Ah La said that if His Majesty can inflict heavy damage under the city of Beijing, he will first raise the army, and he is willing to hand over the five hundred dead soldiers to His Majesty as an internal response. "

"Good! Good! Good! Aiqing is really talented. I sent five missions to Oala, and only Aiqing made great achievements. With these five hundred dead soldiers as internal support, our chances of success in the night attack have increased by three times." point."

"This is the result of His Majesty controlling the overall situation and strategizing. There is another harvest. Yang Jie, the son of Yang Hong, has come to Beijing, saying that he is going to ask Yu Qian to find a way out for the Yang family.

Weichen happened to be on the same road with him, and they often chatted together these few days.Listening to the meaning of Yang Jie's words, I really have a tendency to surrender to His Majesty.

I wonder if His Majesty will accept his surrender? "

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "It's not impossible to talk about it. What valuable things can he provide me?"

Huang Pu replied: "He can provide evidence and a list of officials, generals, and merchants in Shanxi colluding with each other to sell information and transport arms to Oala."

Zhu Qiyu was silent when he heard the words.

Upon seeing this, Huang Pu added: "Yang Jie said he was willing to guarantee that after confiscating these rebellious properties, it would be enough to support the imperial court for a year or two. If there are false statements, Yang Jie is willing to die."

Zhu Qiyu was a little moved when he heard this, and turned to look at He Yi.

He Yi smiled and said: "Your Majesty can order Yang Jie to be responsible for searching the property of these criminals, if there are fewer copies, it will not be too late to kill Yang Jie.

If you can really copy as much as he said, His Majesty can use the money to meet the expenses of the court, and at the same time announce that the world will be exempted from taxes for one year, wouldn't it be a big win for the people at that time.

His Majesty didn't pay anything, just letting Yang Jie's life go, he could raise his prestige to a higher level, this deal is too cost-effective. "

Zhu Qiyu nodded with a smile when he heard the words: "Yang Hong and Yang Jun wrote a letter confessing the crime of concealing the military situation, abandoning the city and losing land, and then executed themselves to thank the world, and offered to donate all their family property to the court to atone for their sins.

I think that Yang Hong has been guarding the border for 40 years. He has worked hard without merit, so he made his son Yang Jie the earl.

Let's forget about this matter, and I won't punish the Yang family.This is the bottom line I can accept, Huang Aiqing told Yang Jie not to bargain. "

Huang Pu quickly agreed, and Zhu Qiyu asked He Yi again: "What kind of uncle should I give Yang Jie?"

He Yi replied without thinking, "Uncle Ying Yang."

Hearing this, Zhu Qiyu praised repeatedly: "Oh, that's right, that's Uncle Yingyang. It's better that you talented people who have read poetry and books have a good memory. Let me remember, even if I am killed, I can't remember."

He Yi immediately flattered: "It is the duty of a courtier to record trivial matters in case of inquiries. Your Majesty pretends in his heart that there are all nations in Kyushu and billions of people, so he shouldn't be thinking about these trivial matters every day. "

Zhu Qiyu smiled and waved his hands: "No, no, you don't have to work hard to restore my dignity. That's it, let's go, I'll go back and show off to my concubines.

I don't believe it anymore, I can't compare with you, could it be that I can't compare with these little girls and their families.Let's get back to business tomorrow when I regain my confidence in them. "

He Yi gave the emperor a sympathetic look, and pulled Huang Pu to leave.


While Zhu Qiyu went back to his room to flirt with the beautiful woman easily, Yexian's army also came to camp outside the Bauhinia Pass.

What puzzled the general of the Zijing Pass was that to the east of the Zijing Pass, on the side of the Baoding Mansion in the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty, there was also a group of thousands of soldiers who came to camp outside the Zijing Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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