Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 648: Han Minghui played tricks on Japan when he complained about his injustice.

Chapter 648: Han Minghui played tricks on Japan when he complained about his injustice.

Qiao Yi smiled and said: "Why don't we have it in the Ming Dynasty? The reason why you don't seem to be fighting hard is because the Ming Dynasty took the eight-part essay test and it is difficult to produce as many young scholars as in the Song Dynasty.

In every session of Jinshi, there are one or two unmarried Jinshi.Many times there is not even an unmarried Jinshi, so no one robs them.

As a result, everyone will rush to grab the unmarried candidates.

But think about it, you are 19 years old this year. If you get Jinshi next year, you will be [-] years old. By then, the powerful people in the capital will have to break their heads just to make ends meet. "

"Is it that serious?"

Qiao Yi smiled and said: "Of course, I am a Jinshi in the 13th year of Zhengtong. In the 14th year of Zhengtong, the current emperor first took power and selected young civil servants as his confidants.

He Yi and I are Jinshi in the same class. You see, the Holy One first went to him to win over him sincerely when he came up. You see, no one came to me.

This is human nature. Why should an unmarried Jinshi in his early twenties be able to spend 50 to [-] years and win over nobles through marriage?

As a 40-year-old Jinshi, I managed to reach the rank of Minister. It was time for me to return to my hometown due to old age and frailty, and there was no way for me to cultivate further. "

Qiao Feng nodded with understanding.

Qiao Yi added: "Before you pass the Jinshi exam, you should concentrate on studying, don't talk about marriage, and don't contact potential examiners.

When you pass the Jinshi exam, I'll go find He Yi and ask him to help you plan your career for the sake of being the same year as me.

I am just a small person, and my understanding of the political situation is far from adequate.But ministers like He Yi, who are close to the emperor, are definitely much more accurate than us in judging how to plan their official career and whom to marry.

Ask him to give you a few pointers, and he might even save you decades of detours.

And I have to say that He Yi is a very warm-hearted person with good character. It’s no wonder that the Holy One thinks so highly of him. "

Qiao Feng nodded and asked: "Then what does father think of the current emperor's inheritance? His son can feel the struggle for orthodoxy just among students of the same age.

Above the court, it's probably even more serious.Some smart students whispered that many civil servants who were loyal to orthodoxy died in mysterious circumstances.

What position should we take? "

Qiao Yi looked around, lowered his voice, and said sternly: "Those civil servants should just die, they deserve to die.

If they felt that His Majesty should not succeed to the throne, then you would have spoken out against His Majesty and made your position clear before His Majesty ascended the throne?

No, they didn't say that at that time, the Ora soldiers were pressing down on the country, and the country was in danger of being destroyed and the family was in danger. They all hoped to push the Holy One to take the blame.

When the Holy One tried to turn the tide and destroyed it, they refused to admit it again.

Since they supported the Holy Lord as their king, they were ministers and should be loyal to him.

As a result, the battle was over, the capital was safe, and they all returned to be loyal ministers of the emperor.

The key issue is that it was with the assistance of loyal ministers like them that Emperor Gongrang was able to carry out the Tumubao Incident.

Shouldn't the Holy Spirit kill such inexplicable rotten people who bring disaster to the country and the people? "

Qiao Yi added: "I have been in the service since the 14th year of my orthodoxy. From the seventh rank, the annual salary should be 84 dan. The actual salary I received was only [-] dan per year.

After the Holy Emperor succeeded to the throne, his salary was increased every year.My salary this year has increased to [-] dan.And these can be obtained in real terms, without missing a grain of rice.

I can also receive an additional ten stones of white grain every year, which is the best grain and rice, and I can keep it for myself.

Also, starting from the year before last, I could receive two taels of silver coins and two copper coins every month.

In other words, my current salary is about ten times the actual salary I received in 14.

Heaven's grace is so great. The meat we eat and the wine we drink are all stipends given by the Holy One.

Eat the emperor's salary and be loyal to the emperor. This is the teaching of the sage.How can you be so shameless when you are eating His Majesty's food, smashing His Majesty's pots, and demolishing His Majesty's platform?

Feng'er, no matter what others think or do, our family has been a scholarly family for generations, so we can't do such shameless things. "

Qiao Feng nodded solemnly: "My son knows, but the Holy Father has increased his salary tenfold. Where does this money come from?"

Qiao Yi said with a smile: "You can grab it! Just by opening silver mines and copper mines and then minting money, the amount of money that can be added every year in the world is very limited.

If you want to maintain the operation of the court, there is no other good way except robbing.

For example, Buddhism used to exclusively exploit the Holy Spirit.Now the reverse is true. All monks have to work for the Holy Sage and pay taxes to the Holy Sage. Their property and wealth have also been taken over by the imperial court.

Those monasteries and monks were so rich that the income from destroying the Buddha alone was enough to support the operation of the court for several years. "

Qiao Feng nodded with understanding. Her father's words today gave her a clearer understanding of the court situation and the emperor.

In today's examinations, game theory attaches great importance.If you can't figure out the secrets of the court and understand the emperor's preferences, it's easy to fail the policy test.

The father and son drank and talked until late at night.


February [-]th, Anbiancheng, North Korea.

Hosokawa Katsumoto requested peace talks, and the brutal street fighting was temporarily suspended.

The Japanese army and the Korean army continued to confront each other, but the commanders of the Ming Dynasty, Japan, and North Korea started drinking in Wonsan Castle.

On the Ming Dynasty, there were Shenwuhou Fan Guang and Nanhe Hou Fangying; on the Japanese side, Hosokawa Katsumoto, Yamana Sozen, and Hatakeyama Yoshijo; on the Korean side, Han Minghui.

Fan Guang and Fang Ying are both pure military generals and are not good at negotiation.Jiang Yuan was so busy in Seoul that he could not get away; Li Chun, the governor of Liaodong, was impeached and dismissed from office by his chief minister Wang Wen.

Fan Guang didn't know what conditions to negotiate. He only wanted the Japanese troops to lay down their weapons and surrender in Kaicheng.

Hosokawa Katsumoto asked: "What happens after we surrender? Will you let us go back to Japan?"

This sentence stopped Fan Guang from questioning, and the emperor would be furious if he sent them back to Japan.But if they are not released, there must be an explanation. These people cannot be locked up in North Korea for a lifetime.

Upon seeing this, Han Minghui asked Fan Guang and Fang Ying for instructions: "The Holy Emperor has decreed that Xiaguan be appointed as the Minister of the Ministry of Rites of Nanjing and also the governor of the south. Do you think it is possible for Xiaguan to preside over the negotiations?"

Fan Guang and Fang Ying exchanged a look and replied with a smile: "That's right. We are all generals. It is best for you, the governor, to preside over the negotiations."

After receiving the authorization, Chao Minghui replied to Hosokawa Katsumoto: "You can surrender, but you need to hand over your fiefdom to the court as compensation.

The property and fiefdoms of all the 13 Japanese soldiers who entered the DPRK must be handed over to the imperial court.

Moreover, after you surrender, you will become the people of the Ming Dynasty and will be under the jurisdiction of the imperial court and loyal to the Holy One. "

Not only the Japanese commander was surprised when he heard this, but even Fan Guang and Fang Ying looked at Han Minghui in surprise. This former North Korean minister entered the drama too quickly. It had only been a few days since the surrender. I consider myself a loyal minister.

Han Minghui looked matter-of-fact and showed no signs of embarrassment under the attention of everyone's surprised eyes.

Hosokawa Katsumoto thought for a moment and then replied: "We cannot accept such surrender conditions. We would rather die in battle than betray our family."

Han Minghui nodded: "In that case, let's continue fighting. In the end, as you wish, you will all die on the battlefield.

After the war, the court will bury you properly, but it will definitely be impossible to transport your remains back to Japan.If you can accept cremation, we can send your ashes back to Japan. "

Seeing Han Minghui solemnly arranging the funeral arrangements for the Japanese army, Hosokawa Katsumoto and Yamana Sozen were almost so angry that they vomited blood.

(End of this chapter)

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