Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 721 Silver and Copper Mine Profit Counting Pro-Military Academy Wins People’s Hearts

Chapter 721 Silver and Copper Mine Profit Counting Pro-Military Academy Wins People’s Hearts
  Dexing Copper Mine is the second largest copper mine in Guanzhou, the largest open-pit copper mine in Guanzhou, and the largest copper mine in China, with total reserves of more than [-] million tons.

In the Jingtai Dynasty, based on the usual calculation of one tael of silver being exchanged for copper coins, the total reserves of Dexing Copper Mine could be exchanged for two billion taels of silver.

Two billion taels of silver. Before the Dexing Copper Mine, the Ming Dynasty was short of copper. With the Dexing Copper Mine, Ming Dynasty had no shortage of copper at all.

What really limits the number of copper coins minted today is mining and smelting capabilities.

Zhu Qiyu himself estimated that shallow ore would be the easiest to dig and yield the highest yield at the beginning. Copper mines worth ten million taels of silver can be mined every year. If you dig deeper later, the yield will gradually decrease.

The peak silver production in Japan was more than five million taels.

Japan's Iwami Silver Mountain and Sado Gold and Silver Mountain each produce more than one million taels of silver each year.

The Ani Mine, Ashio Copper Mountain, and Besshi Copper Mountain together produce more than [-] tons of copper annually, equivalent to two million taels of silver.

These five large mines alone create a value of more than [-] million taels every year.

With so many minerals and a huge amount of arable land in the newly acquired territory, Zhu Qiyu's next focus is on Western trade and salt industry reform, and he doesn't want to compete hard on many other things.

For example, it doesn't make much sense to compete with the gentry over the land and property issues in Jiangnan. Even if the privileges of officials and gentry are reduced to the tiniest bit, how many tens of thousands more hectares of land can be produced?

The Red River Delta and the Mekong River Delta in Annan together form a world-class granary. With the ability to argue back and forth with the Jiangnan gentry, wouldn't it be nice to run Annan well?

Zhu Zhanji, Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, and Yang Pu always clamored that Annan was worthless. This view is simply unbelievable.

Using war and expansion to divert internal conflicts is a very mature governance model that has been used by countless people throughout the ages.

Zhu Qiyu was dreaming of doubling the court's income. Lin Xiangyu hugged Zhu Qiyu's arm and shook her twice: "Which woman do you want, my husband is drooling?"

It's time for us to set off. Didn't we have an appointment to go to Yingzhou Health School for horseback riding and archery today? "

When it came to horseback riding and archery, Zhu Qiyu suddenly lost his energy. The officers and men of the Yingzhou Central Guard are all my personal internal guards. Riding horses and shooting arrows in front of them is not making a fool of yourself publicly. Where will the dignity of the emperor be at that time?

I just have no choice but to go as I have already agreed. Zhu Qiyu took his five beloved concubines, the prince, and the princess, and under the protection of Liu Chang and others, left the Ganquan Gate and headed west to the Yingzhou Zhongwei Campus.

The other imperial concubines, princes, and princesses had been waiting in the school grounds for a long time. When they saw their father and mother coming, they quickly stepped forward to salute.

Zhu Qiyu told the commander Wang Lin: "Let the princes and princesses ride docile ponies. Each horse must be pulled by two sharp men. The princes and princesses are not allowed to run wildly on the horses."

Without the emperor's instructions, Wang Lin had already made arrangements and did not dare to slack off at all. If any prince or princess falls and falls, then everyone will have to go on the road to see their ancestors.

The first was archery. Zhu Qiyu shamelessly shot three arrows. Although he missed the target, luckily they were all on the target, not far from the red heart.

Zhu Qiyu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and ordered the princes to continue shooting arrows.

Prince Zhu Wenfang took a special small bow and was taught by Liu Chang himself in recent years. His archery skills were quite good. He also shot three arrows, one of which hit the red heart.

Next, the princes including the King of Han, King Wei, King Ning, and King Yue all practiced.

The king of Yue performed best, with two arrows hitting the red heart.

Zhu Qiyu clapped his hands and praised: "Okay, okay, everything is very good. Each person will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver and pocket money, and each person's master will also be rewarded with a hundred taels."

Lao Wu, you are the best. You can make a small request to your father. "

The King of Yue smiled and said, "Then please ask Father to lead my horse for two laps in person."

Zhu Qiyu smiled at Mu Yu and said, "The good son you gave birth to is really good at calling people." Mu Yu hurriedly stood up and replied, "I am guilty, my fifth son is too young."

Zhu Qiyu waved his hand: "Okay, my dear, don't be so serious, I'm just kidding. Just hold her, you are cold-blooded and cold-blooded, and you are willing to be a bully."

After that, Zhu Qiyu personally chose a bay-red horse and carried the King of Yue up.

The King of Yue whipped the horse's butt with a whip, and the bay-red horse accelerated and jumped out.

Fortunately, he chose a tame pony. Zhu Qiyu pulled the reins and was walked by the King of Yue, trotting all the way around the school grounds.

Lin Xiangyu licked her fragrance, covered her mouth and smiled sweetly: "Our majestic Emperor Jingtai still thinks about being the ancestor of the world every day, but in the end he is walked around like a monkey by the King of Yue.

If the ministers see this, their jaws will drop. "

Ningxiang smiled and said: "Although our men often behave absurdly, they are often funny. And they are both gentle and funny."

Zhu Qiyu was walked four or five times, and finally returned to the starting point and stopped. He saw that all the concubines were covering their mouths and laughing softly. As soon as I looked at it, I was gloating crazily.

Only Qianxue and Su Xi hurriedly stepped forward, one on the left and the other on the right to wipe Zhu Qiyu's sweat.

Zhu Qiyu was also active today. When he was almost rested, he led Mu Cong's horse and protected him for several laps.

Ningxiang also pulled Lin Xiangyu and said with a smile: "Look, our husbands are also very understanding of human nature, and the second one took our little Qianguo to run away."

Lin Xiangyu replied: "Of course, our husband is usually a bit lazy, but he is not stupid. There are not many people in this world who understand the world better than my husband. If he wasn't so good at coaxing people, how could we be so loyal?"

Mu Cong rarely has the opportunity to go out for activities, let alone ride a horse. Mu Cong was extremely happy to have the emperor personally lead the horse for a few laps today.

There were many people here today. After Zhu Qiyu led Mu Cong's horse, he walked several times with Zhu Wenjing, the young Han king, and Guo Liang, the uncle of the country, before returning to his seat sweating profusely.

The rest is for them to play by themselves. Zhu Qiyu wiped his sweat and sighed, this is the future of Ming Dynasty. In addition to dealing with military and national affairs, the training of the next generation is also a top priority. It is important not to have the tragedy of selling the father's land.

At noon, Zhu Qiyu had dinner with the soldiers at Yingzhou Guard. You also need to take good care of your own personal guards.

Zhu Qiyu told Wang Lin and other commanders, governors, and thousands of households: "In more than ten years, when the prince reaches adulthood and has the ability to fully control the government, I will abdicate.

In a few days, I will arrange East Palace subordinate officials for the prince. Before that, I have also formed a young army of the Shenshu Battalion.

From now on, you must protect and support the prince more properly.

From now on, the prince's words are my words, and the prince's thoughts are my thoughts. In the future, you must follow the prince and build a good career.

As our monarch and his ministers know each other, the prince and I must find a good future for each of you. "

When everyone heard this, they all stood up and knelt down.

Zhu Qiyu waved his hand: "Today is just an ordinary dinner. There is no need to be so serious. You just understand what I mean."

Everyone quickly accepted the order and sat down one after another.

This emphasis is necessary, although Zhu Qiyu has long been vigorously arranging a team for the prince, which is known to everyone in the government and the public. However, as the emperor's most direct relatives, the Yingzhou Guards must obtain the emperor's personal permission before they can get close to the prince without any worries.

(End of this chapter)

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