Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 743: 5 gold stored in the treasury, the southern governors discuss a truce

Chapter 743 Fifty thousand gold is put into the treasury and the southern governors discuss a cessation of troops

These three ministers of the Ministry of Finance have turned into die-hard supporters of Zhu Qiyu. Even the entire household department is a die-hard supporter of Zhu Qiyu.

The main reason is that the revenue of the Ministry of Revenue has been too much in the past few years. In the past, they ransacked homes and killed Buddhists, and made two windfalls. Several warehouses of the Ministry of Revenue were full, but this kind of income is not sustainable.

Facing the first batch of gold, silver, and copper coins shipped, the government and the public already believed that Japan was extremely rich in minerals.

Because Japan's mining and smelting technology is very backward, even with backward technology mining and smelting, so much gold, silver, and copper coins can be circulated.

If the Ming Dynasty's advanced smelting technology is passed on and large-scale prospecting is carried out throughout Japan, the future profits will be unimaginable.

Best of all, these gains are sustainable.

Along with the 50,000 taels of gold, there were also 3 million taels of silver and enough copper to cast two million coins.

In order to store these coins, six new large warehouses were built in the northwest corner of the imperial city, next to the Chengyun, Guangji and other warehouses. They are Tianzihao Yinku and Tongku, Dizihao Yinku and Tongku, and Renzihao Yinku and Tongku.

Shen Yi smiled at the other two ministers and said: "The copper shipped from the Dexing Copper Mine in Jiangxi has been minted for more than two million guan. Although it is somewhat different from the five million guan that the Holy Spirit said this year will be minted with Dexing copper, it has already been minted." Big surprise.”

Xiao Fan replied: "It's really evil. There is actually so much copper. I checked the historical data and found that although there were records of copper mining in Dexing before, it was far from the scale it is today."

Geng Jiuchou smiled and said: "This is God's will. It is destined that the Holy One will revive the Ming Dynasty and reopen the prosperous age."

Xiao Fan smiled and sighed: "No wonder the Holy One has been reducing taxes. Mining and minting money really brings in money too quickly. Not to mention the Holy One, even I, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, who is responsible for the work, are too lazy to collect those miscellaneous taxes. ."

Chen Yi smiled and said: "This is normal, even Taizu and Taizong didn't care much about commercial taxes and miscellaneous taxes.

If you are short of something, just print the treasure banknotes and use the treasure banknotes to buy whatever you want. It is much easier than having to collect taxes. "

When Xiao Tan and Geng Jiuchou heard this, they both smiled bitterly and shook their heads. No one dares to speak ill of Taizu and Taizong, but this treasure banknote system is really hard to describe.

The Song Dynasty also printed paper money, but the Song Dynasty could barely maintain the credibility of paper money. But in the Ming Dynasty, the value of treasure notes depreciated at an alarming rate.

If you save two thousand guan of treasure money this year, for example, you can buy two shi of rice. After saving for a year and taking out two thousand guan of treasure notes, it might only be enough to buy one kilo of rice.

This is still an optimistic estimate. Maybe it will only be enough to buy seven or eight buckets of rice.

Shen Yi himself estimated that if Jingtai had not abolished banknotes, the banknotes would have completely turned into waste paper in at most fifty years.

At that time, the imperial court will be forced to replace treasure banknotes with silver, and if the Ming Dynasty lacks silver mines, it will completely lose its right to mint coins.

This alone is enough to give future generations of monarchs and ministers a splitting headache.

Fortunately, today's Emperor Jingtai, in line with the attitude of being responsible for future generations of monarchs, ministers and people, has not only abolished treasure banknotes, but also acquired gold, silver, and copper mines.

It’s too late this year, and there will be a whole year next year to verify the size and effect of mining and minting.


Annam, Hanoi.

Xu Youzhen, Wang Lai, Yang Xinmin, Bai Gui, Xiang Zhong, Li Shulin, Huang Song, Liu Xiang and others gathered at the Governor's Mansion to discuss arrangements for Majapahit.

Because Annan and Hanoi are five thousand miles away from Beijing, and Majapahit is eight or nine thousand miles away from Beijing.

So Zhu Qiyu delegated power. It was too far away and he couldn't direct it, so he let several governors and governors discuss the matter.

When Xu Youzhen opened her mouth, she pointed out the current problem very succinctly: "It is no longer possible to attack Majapahit this year.

The war in Japan has lasted for too long, and the main force of the navy has been spent there.

The result is that we have strong enough infantry, but not enough naval warships to transport troops or land. "

When the governor came, he and the other three governors nodded. It was indeed a bit too hasty to start the war this year. Moreover, the grain in Annan and Champa was purchased by the Ministry of Revenue and shipped to Japan for resale. We don’t have enough military rations, so why fight?

Xu Youzhen looked at Liu Xiang again and asked for his opinion. This supervisor is the emperor's confidant and supervises several southern provinces and the hundreds of thousands of troops for the emperor.

There are 30,000 old Beijing camps led by Ning Guogong Chen Mao in Burma, Luchuan and other places. These people stayed in the south for fear of the emperor's liquidation.

There were tens of thousands of Miao troops led by Xinyi King Wei Tonglie in Siam and other places. In addition, there are one hundred thousand wolf soldiers led by Xu Youzhen, Wang Lai, Yang Xinmin, and Bai Gui.

These 100,000 wolf soldiers were gradually transformed by Xu Youzhen and others into regular guards that were completely obedient to the imperial court. They were used to check and balance Chen Mao, Wei Tonglie and others, and to intimidate local officials in these provinces.

Liu Xiang has secretly reported many times and praised Xu Youzhen and other governors for their transformation of 100,000 wolf soldiers.

One hundred thousand wolf soldiers have been transformed, but the reconstruction of the Nanjing camp has not yet been completed.

Liu Xiang compared Buddhism and expressed approval of Xu Youzhen's proposal to postpone the conquest of Majapayi.

This is the task Zhu Qiyu assigned to Liu Xiang. The governors must first agree to whatever decision they make, and then write secret reports and report them truthfully.

Xu Youzhen asked everyone again: "Next year, should we capture Palembang and occupy the shipping lanes of the strait, or should we completely capture Majapahit?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone fell silent.

After a year of reconnaissance by ships, it was found that the large and narrow islands occupied by Majapahit spanned thousands of miles from east to west. To be honest, no one wanted to completely occupy Majapahit.

Japan is three to four thousand miles from the south to the north. Being able to successfully defeat Japan is already a great achievement. The right time, the right location, and the right people were all on the side of the Ming Dynasty, so they managed to succeed.

It is difficult to repeat this success on Majapahit in a short period of time. It is difficult to reach the sky.

However, the emperor has been trying his best to expand his territory, and no one dares to mention the conservative strategy.

Wang Lai, Bai Gui and others did not dare to answer Xu Youzhen's words.

Xu Youzhen looked at Liu Xiang again.

Liu Xiang smiled understandingly: "Then let me write a letter and ask for your permission."

This was what they were waiting for. Everyone reached a consensus and clarified their respective duties again. Some were responsible for raising food and grass, some were responsible for building warships, and some were responsible for training troops. Prepare for a big fight next year.


Time flies to November 11th.

It was very cold, so Zhu Qiyu didn't go out anymore and slept until almost noon.

Sitting on the couch, flipping through the notebook.

Suddenly, Zhu Qiyu raised his head and asked: "Today seems to be my brother's birthday. I definitely didn't make a screen this year. Have you prepared a gift for him?"

Ningxiang smiled and said: "Dad looks down on our worldliness so much that we also made screens this year. This is called being prepared for a rainy day."

"Oh, then I underestimated my beloved concubine. What did you do this year?"

"The naval battle map of Chengshan Port reproduces the scene of the Ming Dynasty's 200 giant ships firing thousands of cannons."

"Okay, okay, go back and move the screen here, and I and the ministers will see what it will be like when a thousand cannons are fired in unison."

Ningxiang asked: "That's not possible. After your brother dies, his property must be passed on to Jianshen."

Zhu Qiyu nodded: "Yes."

After taking a look at the memorial, Zhu Qiyu exclaimed: "Zhang Feng, the Minister of Household Affairs in Nanjing, wrote that during the Hongwu period, the world collected more than 8.4 million hectares of grain, grass, fields, mountains and ponds, but now there are only It rained more than 4.28 million hectares, is it such an exaggeration?"

(End of this chapter)

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