Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 771 The Jiangnan provinces are ready to move the cabinet ministers to adjust their strategie

Chapter 771 The Jiangnan provinces are ready to move the cabinet ministers to adjust their strategies

Although the Ming Dynasty did not seem to have changed rice into mulberry, the people really did a lot of work.

It is said that by the end of the Ming Dynasty, in the absence of natural disasters, southern Zhili, Zhejiang and other places still needed to borrow grain from Jiangxi and Huguang.

Because a lot of land has been used to plant mulberry trees.

Once the maritime ban is lifted, great development of the handicraft industry will inevitably occur.

It’s a completely new situation and there is no mature experience to refer to. Anyway, if productivity develops too fast, something will happen.

Qianxue asked again: "There is another similar one. The censor who patrolled Fujian reported that he recently held a meeting with the Second Department of Bu'an. It was found that Fujian is surrounded by mountains and seaside and produces little grain.

The original appointment of the chief of grain was harmful to the people and not beneficial to the cause, so he should be dismissed. From now on, the tax and grain orders will be collected by the Lijia of each subordinate. "

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "I can see that the spring breeze of reform is blowing all over the south of the Yangtze River, and South Zhili, Zhejiang, and Fujian are all rushing to implement the New Deal.

Try it out in small ways first, then move on to bigger things later.

But I don’t like to hear that Fujian is short of land. There is so much arable land in Xiaoliuqiu, but you go and grab it.

The conservative attitude of the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty towards the expansion of territory really made me lose my confidence.

Letting them grab a piece of land is like killing their parents.

If the land is too far away and they don't want to go, I don't blame them. But Xiaoliuqiu, the nearest place is more than 200 miles away from Fujian. With the capabilities of the Ming Navy, it can be reached in one day.

Even if they tell the truth, these grandfathers still have to guard their two capitals and thirteen provinces, and their wives and children are on the hot bed behind closed doors.

The memorial just now is correct. Go to sleep. I won’t read it anymore. I’m tired of it. "

It was still bright, so Zhu Qiyu hugged one on his left, one on his right, and two on his lap, and fell asleep.

In the cabinet, ministers gathered together to discuss military and political matters.

Nowadays, the process of handling military and political affairs is very long. After receiving the memorial or military report, the cabinet will give an opinion and Feng Pavilion will give an opinion.

Then the emperor or the prince approves once, and then the ceremonial officer finally approves the red seal.

Fortunately, the emperor only approved a small part of the matter, leaving most matters to the cabinet for decision-making.

The emperor did not easily reject the proposals of the cabinet.

Now the cabinet is facing a new problem: the Ming Dynasty once again started war between the north and the south at the same time.

The chieftains of Yunnan and Guizhou rebelled. The emperor was timid in this direction and wanted to focus on appeasement.

Further south, the original Xuanwei Department of Old Port must be brought back. Without occupying that area, there would be no way to ensure the safety of the Western Route.

In Fujian and Zhejiang, the two provinces will concentrate their naval forces to capture the islands.

In one book, the imperial court's army of more than 100,000 people will not be able to be mobilized for a while.

In Mongolia, the enemy is ready to move, and many border towns are threatened.

Luo Tong, Minister of the Ministry of War, was under the greatest pressure. He sighed repeatedly: "This is the tenth year since Your Majesty ascended the throne. At that time, there were wars everywhere. Ten years have almost passed, and there are still wars everywhere.

I'm old and can't do anything anymore. I, the Minister of War, have to retire. "

He Wenyuan smiled and said: "I can't do it anymore. I will have to retire in a year or two at most. But your Ministry of War can discuss with the Holy One to reduce the war effort."

Luo Tong shook his head: "The war in Fujian can be postponed, but if we bring it up, the Holy Father will definitely curse people, so let's forget it."

He Wenyuan asked again: "Can we stop hoarding supplies for Dongshengwei and fully defend the north?"

Luo Tong shook his head again: "Don't say that the Holy One can't agree, even the Ministry of War itself can't agree.

The loopholes in our northern defense line are one in Ningxia and the other in Shenyang and Liaoyang. If you just defend passively, the Mongolian cavalry will definitely attack from Ningxia and invade Hetao. Or we can capture Liaoyang and Shenyang and cut off our control over Nuergandusi, the Jurchen tribes, and the two provinces further south. "

The cabinet ministers were all frowning, and only three old gods, the Minister of Household Affairs, were there, drinking tea leisurely.

Shen Yi also showed off: "This year, the Ministry of Revenue will get eight million taels of silver and six million taels of copper coins from the coinage alone. You guys, please fight hard. We, the Ministry of Revenue, will provide support and we will never let anything slip."

He Wenyuan asked: "Where did you get so much money?"

Chen Yi smiled and said: "The navy has just shipped the third batch of gold and silver jewelry from a certain country. The silver alone is three million taels. If the jewelry, calligraphy and paintings are sold in the capital, you can get a lot of silver."

There is also the Dexing Copper Mine in Jiangxi, whose output has increased this year. This mine alone will have to mint four million copper coins this year.

You always didn't believe the Holy Spirit's estimate of the mines before, but now the facts have proved that the output of these mines can be converted into silver at least ten million taels per year. "

He Wenyuan was surprised when he heard this. In the past, the Ming Dynasty's annual cash receipts reached four million taels, and high incense was burned.

Nowadays, mining income exceeds 10 million taels a year, which is too exaggerated.

Everyone discussed for a long time, and the only change to the status quo was to increase the number of troops in Shenyang and Liaoyang.

The civil servants did not want to see anything unexpected happen to the Zhou vassal. Although the civil servants and the vassal king had never dealt with each other, there had already been a Beishou Emperor. If there was another Beishou Prince, the government and the public must not spray the ministers to death. .


February 15th, early morning.

Zhu Qiyu woke up from a good dream and sat on the couch. Before he could get dressed, the five beloved concubines were already kneeling under the couch.

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "Forget it, today is your birthday, there is no reason for you to kowtow."

Lin Xiangyu shook her head: "That won't work. If we hadn't met my husband, we sisters would still be lying around and being bullied.

Being able to give a woman a husband is a blessing that many people cannot dream of.

We have to be grateful. This head must be kowtowed. It is impossible not to kowtow. "

When Zhu Qiyu heard this, he no longer gave in, but got off the couch and stood upright.

Lin Xiangyu knelt down at Zhu Qiyu's feet and knelt three times and kowtowed nine times, and the other beloved concubines also followed suit.

After the salute, Zhu Qiyu sighed: "It feels so good to see such a charming woman kneeling at my feet. To be honest, I really like you kowtow to me."

When Lin Xiangyu and Ningxiang heard this, they both knelt down, opened their hands and said with a smile: "Master, please give me a reward."

Zhu Qiyu took the jade box and placed the objects in the hands of the beautiful woman: "Two for each person, put them in yourself, and don't let me do anything. I'm very rude."

Lin Xiangyu couldn't laugh or cry while holding the gift, but Ningxiang kowtowed: "Thunder and rain, could it be God's grace? I thank your majesty for the reward."

An hour later, several people finally packed up and took a chariot to the Yingzhou Zuowei Camp.

Because they wanted to ride horses and watch the rocket launch, this time everyone came to the Yingzhou Zuowei Camp Campus near Baiwang Mountain.

Zhu Qiyu is sitting high in the front seat, with Qianxue and Suxi accompanying him on the left and right.

Ningxiang sat on the lower left side, sitting on the same bench as Zhu Wenfang and Xu Qing, chatting very animatedly.

Lin Xiangyu and Duke Mu Cong of Guizhou sat at the lower right side. Although Mu Cong was still young, Lin Xiangyu still chatted with him about serious matters:

"After riding the horse for a while, we have to review the military formation. Your brother selected more than 5,000 people from the old Yunnan army to form a guard for you.

Take advantage of today's opportunity to meet them and say a few words. In a few years, you will take this guard army back to Yunnan, so that it will be easier to take over the government of Guizhou. "

Mu Cong panicked when he heard this: "Sister-in-law, how can I teach five thousand soldiers? Can they listen to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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