Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 818 Ha La Ku came out to attack the Ming camp at night and successfully entered the camp wit

Chapter 818 Ha La Ku came out to attack the Ming camp at night and successfully entered the camp with sound from the east and west.

Ha La KuChu remembered his father Khan's words: "Don't look down on Zhao Kuo. A commander can pull an army of 500,000 people and hold on despite being surrounded by a heavy siege and without food for more than 40 days. The army did not collapse. This is a great achievement." It’s already amazing.”

At first, Hara Kuchu sneered at this sentence. Now that I have led the army around in a circle, I can finally understand how difficult it is to lead an army.

There were many factions and mountains in the Zhao army back then.

Le Yi and Zhao She were part of the faction of King Zhao Wuling who had participated in Hufu riding and shooting.

Le Yi may not be trusted by King Zhao, or he may be unwilling to fight Bai Qi. He returned to Zhao for many years and has been a high-ranking official with good salary and honor, and has not led troops to fight.

Zhao Kuo inherited the title of Lord of Mafu, and by the time of the Battle of Changping, he had become a representative figure of the military generals of King Zhao Wuling.

Lian Po is obviously a conservative, and the concrete proof is that he hates fighting with the Qin army.

After leading the army back and forth for three to four thousand miles, Hara Kuchu also figured it out: his subordinates were also divided into many factions.

Most of the direct descendants of his father and son take the lead in fighting; other tribes are fine when the wind is favorable, but become timid when the wind is against them.

The old tribes of Totuo Buhua and Ala not only did not want to fight with the Ming army, but also harbored resentment and the desire to avenge Totuo Buhua and Ala.

They are not necessarily colluding in series behind the scenes.

In addition, there are also the old troops of Yexian in the army. Because Hara Kuchu was Ye Xian's son-in-law, this person was more loyal.

In short, Hara Kuchu's army was complex and not easy to command at all. Surrendering to the enemy on the battlefield, mutiny and bombing the camp are all very possible.

The Ming army is much more comfortable. Xiaoqiying, Shenjiying, and Duoyanwei are all the emperor's own troops. Everyone eats from the same pot, and everyone has a share, so there is no conflict of interest.

During the day, Tao Jin, Wang Yue and other generals were sleeping in their respective camps. At night, everyone gathered in the central army and waited for the Mongolian army to attack the camp.

Sure enough, late at night, there were loud shouts of killing from the north, and it seemed like thousands of troops and horses were rushing towards them.

Tao Jin looked at Wang Yue and asked for countermeasures with his eyes.

Wang Yue was amused: "The Holy Father often said that if a dog bites, it will not bark, and if it barks, it will not bite. This earth-shattering cry of killing is obviously an attack in the east and an attack in the west.

Our fortifications were impregnable to the west, and the Ursun River was to the east.

Since the north is a bluff, the enemy will naturally attack the camp from the south.

We can gather our elite troops and head south to resist the enemy. "

When all the generals heard this, they all felt admiration. The civil servant in front of me could often chat and joke with the Holy Emperor.

Who doesn’t want to drink fine wine and give advice with the Holy One?

But now is not the time for gossip. A small half of the generals continue to stay in the central army to guard, while the other half command the elite to go to the south camp to wait and wait.

Several generals, commanding their subordinates, went to the north to resist the Mongolian army's feint attack with great fanfare.

Hara Kuchu wanted to gain authority in the army, so he personally led his army to attack the camp.

Hearing the roar of artillery from the north and the constant shouts of killing from the Ming army, Hara Kuchu was extremely proud: The Ming army must have never imagined that the Ming army would not rest peacefully on his first night back, but would instead come to rob the camp.

Even if they had thought of it by mistake, they would never have guessed that they would bluff on the north side first and then lead their elite troops to attack from the south side.

After waiting patiently for another moment, it was estimated that the Ming army's attention had been concentrated on the north side, and Hara Kuchu just led his troops to fight out.

When they entered the camp from the south, the Mongolian army saw that they had succeeded, so they shouted loudly, burning the Ming army's tents and killing them bravely.

But not long after, an accident occurred.

There is a tent on a slightly higher ground, which is obviously taller than other tents around it.

The Mongolian army originally wanted to fight to a high place, observe the situation, and then decide on the direction of the attack. But when I rushed up, I discovered that this tall tent was filled with gold and silver jewelry, which were so shiny that they almost blinded everyone.

Seeing the wealth, all the soldiers suddenly forgot about killing the enemy and rushed forward to fight for it.

Hara Kuchu was surprised when he saw this. Okay, what a coincidence, I led my own soldiers with their heads covered and rushed to kill them, and they happened to kill the place where the Ming army stored their treasures.

After pondering for a moment, Hara Kuchu finally figured out what was wrong: If this was the property of the Ming army soldiers, it should be packed in separate boxes and stored. Why were they piled together in such a haphazard way?

If it is the loot that has just been snatched, it has not yet been distributed, but the Mongolian tribes do not have so much gold, silver and jewelry in their hands.

The wealth of the Mongolian nobles was quite a lot, but most of it was taken with the army to Hetao along with the main force.

In other words, the Ming army deliberately piled treasures in conspicuous tents, waiting for the Mongolian troops to fight for them.

Hara Kuchu was also convinced, and couldn't help but cursed angrily: "These damn Han people, they wish they had 800 evil intentions. Everyone, stop it, retreat quickly, and exit the Ming army camp."

The Mongolian army was already obsessed with robbing treasures, so they couldn't care less about the general's orders.

By the time all the treasures were robbed, it was already too late.

Thousands of Ming Army infantrymen had pulled crossbows to block the gap in the camp, and more than 3,000 cavalrymen lined up behind the infantry to protect their flanks and rear.

The Mongolian army knew that they were panicking now, and Harakuchu shouted repeatedly: "Throw away the gold and silver treasures quickly and rush out with all your strength."

They shouted more than 20 times, but the Mongolian army remained unmoved. Anyway, the law does not punish the people, and the chaos was so chaotic that the general could not control himself.

Hara Kuchu lamented in his heart that the current Mongolian army is really incomparable with the iron army that had strict orders and prohibitions during the Genghis Khan era.

In fact, it cannot be entirely blamed on the current Mongolian army's greed for money, but in the Jingtai Dynasty, the purchasing power of gold and silver was too tempting.

Once the market opens, you can buy almost anything you want with gold and silver.

Businessmen pursue profit. As long as there is demand for something and there is profit, they can find ways to provide it.

Just as the Mongolian army was stunned by the ballista at the gap in the camp, there were tens of thousands of Ming troops behind them, approaching with their ballistas.

This is really a dilemma with a wolf in front and a tiger behind.

Halakuchu quickly instructed his confidants: "Send the arrows quickly and call for reinforcements."

The confidant lit the arrow and threw it into the air with all his strength, flashing across the sky like a shooting star.

Harakuchu believed that the Mongolian cavalry received a signal from a distance and would immediately come to respond.

Seeing this, the Ming army on the south side gave up guarding the gap in the camp and pushed the ballista forward. Not long after, the Mongolian troops in the camp entered the range of the crossbows.

The Mongolian army could not retreat because there were also Ming army's ballistas behind them.

Hara Kuchu let out a long sigh and commanded the soldiers to rush forward.

At the same time, the Ming army fired their bows and crossbows.

A single volley took the lives of hundreds of Mongolian soldiers.

Next, there was a melee.

The Ming army all wore heavy armor. Even if they could not hurt the enemy, they were more than enough to protect themselves.

A full quarter of an hour passed before the Mongolian reinforcements arrived. Thousands of Mongolian cavalry should not be underestimated, and the Ming army was not willing to fight and allowed Hara Ku to break out of the encirclement.

(End of this chapter)

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