Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 860: Reform of the 4 categories of division of labor in the health institute, the government

Chapter 860: The reform of the four categories of division of labor in the health institute, the government and the government jointly request the abolition of Tianshi

Of course Huang Pu has no objection. Jing Zhaoyin's jurisdiction is getting larger and larger, and his power is getting bigger and bigger.

Zhangbei County is said to be for farming, but in fact the cultivated land is less than 1,000 hectares. There are only two garrison stations under the direct supervision of Jingzhao Yin. The rest is pasture, which is divided equally between Yumajian and Taipu Temple for raising horses.

The one who really made the biggest profit was the Royal Horse Supervisor.

There are more and more pastures under the jurisdiction of the Royal Horse Supervisor, and a lot of farmland in the royal family has also been allocated to the Royal Horse Supervisor.

Nowadays, the income from the Royal Horse Prison can not only easily support Tiance Guard, but also provide Duoyan Guard with a lot of subsidies every year.

Zhu Qiyu has historical experience. The Beijing Camp will be corrupted and the Jinyi Guards will be in a mess. However, the Yuma Jian and the guards under the Yuma Jian can always maintain combat effectiveness.

Even at the end of the Chongzhen Year, the Yongwei Battalion adapted from the Four Guards of the Royal Horse Guards still had good combat power and was loyal to the emperor.

Unlike Jingying and Jinyiwei, they seemed to have disappeared and had no sense of existence.

Zhu Qiyu continued to add: "The Xuanfu has five branches of garrison, and Huailai has five branches of garrison. The garrison is transferred to the Ministry of War and the Dudu Mansion, but it is usually managed by Jing Zhaoyin.

In order to avoid the recurrence of tragedy, Zhu Qiyu made some arrangements and adjustments.

After the emperor and his ministers discussed political affairs for a long time, Zhu Qiyu started talking to Qiao Yi, the governor of Shuntian Mansion: "Qiao Aiqing, my tenth lady acted as matchmaker, are you satisfied with the marriage proposal for Qiao Feng?"

In principle, the proportion of guard posts under the direct jurisdiction of the imperial court is based on the ratio of five field guards to one combat guard.

The vassal princes had one to three guards for each prince. Important princes on the border receive three guards, and princes in the interior receive one guard, or there may be no guards at all.

"Satisfied, I'm so satisfied. The empress's great kindness and kindness are deeply felt by me and Quan Zi, and there is nothing I can do to repay you."

Qiao Yi continued to praise: "Unexpectedly, my daughter-in-law is the daughter of the Duke of the country, but she has no airs at all, she is very gentle, virtuous, and strict in running the house.

Moreover, from now on, the people stationed in Xuanfu and Huailai will be the Beijing camp and the emperor's personal guards, rotating every three or four years to avoid the emergence of Xuanfu Jiedu envoys like Yang Hong.

I am going to formally reform the guard system. From now on, the guard army will be divided into four types: the emperor's direct guard, the vassal guard, the court combat guard, and the court field guard.

It's a pity that when Zhu Qizhen figured it out and wanted to run away like the Shanxi Guardsmen, he was still a little slow after all. Juyongguan is clearly right in front of us, and we are only a hundred miles away before we can escape.

As long as Kaiping and Dongsheng are maintained, the farce of rushing directly into Shanxi will not happen again.

The five garrison camps of Xuanfu, the five garrison camps of Huailai, and the two garrison camps of Zhangbei County were all used to ensure Kaiping's food supply.

Zhu Qiyu's move was intended to provide some protection for the guardsmen, so that they would not be like Shanxi, where all the guardsmen were bullied and ran away. In particular, most of the soldiers in the garrison fled. So when Zhu Qizhen rushed to Shanxi excitedly, he was completely dumbfounded.

The garrison guards generally do not participate in battlefield fighting and are only responsible for garrisoning. The management of their rosters, promotions and rewards are returned to the Ministry of War and the Governor's Office.

The land of the Tuntian Guard Station was encroached upon, and local officials would be directly held accountable in the future. "

seeing is believing. Zhu Qizhen went to Shanxi in person and realized what a mess Shanxi had been run into by wise kings and wise ministers.

In addition, the imperial court allocated some grain to Kaiping and used policies to encourage merchants to transport grain to Kaiping.

The emperor's direct guards, namely Tiance Guard, Yingzhou Guard, Duoyan Guard and Xiaoling Guard, will not be increased easily.

However, local officials are responsible for organizing production and paying taxes and grain on weekdays.

Zhu Qiyu quickly waved his hand to stop Qiao Yi from continuing. This is too high-level, just being a matchmaker, and it has reached a level where a great kindness cannot be repaid.

As the saying goes, a good wife brings prosperity to three generations. Why is it not a great kindness for the empress to arrange such a good marriage? "

Zhu Qiyu smiled and said: "Okay, when my sister gives birth to a child, you can set up a special wine table to thank the matchmaker."

"Definitely, definitely, I'll ask you to honor me when the time comes." Qiao Yike was happy. His son married Xu Ting. She was not only the sister of Ding Guogong, but also the emperor's sister.

The emperor didn't have many relatives, so he obviously doted on his little sister, Duke Dingguo.

After chatting for a while, Zhu Qiyu saw everyone off.

The next group of people will be successful in all six subjects.

The six subjects are all given priority, with low status and weight. And the further back, the greater the power. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was no longer a matter of calling the wind and rain.

Zhu Qiyu called these officials to listen to their opinions on the recent situation in the court.

Other officials were frightened by the emperor's authority and no longer dared to speak out and give advice. Only these things can be said.

To Zhu Qiyu's surprise, Li Zan took the lead in proposing the abolition of the Tianshi Mansion, and several others expressed support.

If the officials hadn't mentioned it, Zhu Qiyu would have almost forgotten Zhang Yuanji, the great master of the Zhengyi Sect. This man set up a private prison and killed civilians indiscriminately, and was reported by the people of Jiangxi.

The Third Judiciary Division has verified Zhang Yuanji's criminal evidence. Zhu Qiyu has suppressed the case for a long time and has not carried out the final verdict and sentencing.

Now that the decisive battle with Mongolia has been fought, it is time to free up our hands to deal with internal affairs.

The officials demanded that Zhang Yuanji be sentenced to death, beheaded in public, and the Tianshi Mansion be abolished.

Zhu Qiyu was still very confused. That was the Tianshi Mansion. If he was really crippled by others, it would offend Taoism to death.

Let's not abolish it. The Taoist people have no scruples, they also cause trouble all day long, and they dare to do anything.

Although Zhu Qiyu admires Taoism very much, he is also quite tired of the Taoists who play with talismans and dance with gods.

Taoism is Taoism, and Taoism is Taoism.

After thinking for a long time, Zhu Qiyu relaxed and said, "Please explain your reasons in detail. I will listen carefully."

When Li Zan and others heard this, they immediately became energetic. The emperor's meaning is very clear. I can consider executing Zhang Yuanji and abolishing the Tianshi Mansion, but you have to find enough reasons for me.

As long as the reasons are sufficient, I will pretend to be convinced by you.

After a joint trial by three departments, the evidence of Zhang Yuanji's guilt was conclusive. The key question now is whether Zhang Yuanji should be responsible for all the work alone, or should the entire Tianshi Mansion be implicated?
Li Zan gave the reason quite firmly: "The reason why Zhang Yuanji was able to act against the will and arouse the anger of heaven and people is all because of his status as a descendant of the Heavenly Master.

Killing only Zhang Yuanji would treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

As long as the Tianshi Mansion still exists and the privileges of the Tianshi Mansion still exist, the Zhang family will still do all kinds of illegal things.

To completely eradicate it, the only way is to completely abolish Tianshi Mansion.

Besides, the heroes of the Ming Dynasty fought bloody battles and killed countless enemies before they could be ranked as princes.

What did the Tianshi Mansion do for the Ming Dynasty? The Tianshi Mansion in the past dynasties was more respected than the Duke. He is even above the law and can do whatever he wants, causing harm to the people without being punished.

The sage has said that when a prince breaks the law, he is guilty of the same crime as the common people.

Now that the Tianshi Mansion is superior to the laws of the Ming Dynasty, where is the sanctity of the imperial power? Where does the authority of the Third Division lie? Where is the fairness of the law?

Not killing Zhang Yuanji would not be enough to revitalize the court, not killing him would not make the people angry, not killing him would not be enough to face the public.

The ministers insisted on killing Zhang Yuanji and abolishing the Tianshi Mansion. "

(End of this chapter)

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