Gou asks for longevity in another world

Chapter 635: Stay, Block the Road

In the sea of ​​clouds and sky among the immortals and demons, the old monster who spoke in the process of transcending tribulation seemed to also be from a certain race in the spiritual immortal world, one that possessed a semi-immortal weapon to suppress it.

In terms of power, they are almost as powerful as the Immortal Demon Clan! !

The question he asked calmed down many of the old monsters who were already very excited.


Even if we know the coordinates of another spiritual world in this boundary sea, if the distance between the Tianyuan world and the Lingxian world is too far, or if it is across the boundary sea between the two spiritual worlds, it will be very dangerous.

Whether this Tianyuan Realm is worth going to is another matter! !

If it were really easy to get there, how could the Immortal Demon Clan be willing to put the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm up for auction?
Therefore, there must be pitfalls here!

In this spiritual fairyland, no matter for what reason, anyone who can cultivate to the level of transcending tribulation is a human elite.

After a certain old monster asked just now, almost all the old monsters who were undergoing tribulation in the field understood and reacted at once.

It's just that understanding is understanding.

Just like before this exchange meeting started, the Immortal Demon Clan expressed their determination to clean up the sea of ​​immortal corpses.

Even though we know it, clearing the sea of ​​immortal corpses will definitely be extremely risky.

However, for many old monsters who came to the scene to overcome tribulation, it was difficult for them to resist being moved!

Now, the coordinates of this Tianyuan Realm are the same!!

After all, in this spiritual world, not every race or force has the ability to explore the sea of ​​​​worlds, or discover and master the coordinates of other spiritual worlds by chance!

If we could get the coordinates of this spiritual world called Tianyuan Realm.

Even if, as a last resort, we have to leave the spiritual fairyland, at least it is much better than being a headless fly with no specific goal!

Outside the world, in the sea of ​​nothingness that contains all kinds of creatures, big and small, as numerous as the infinite sands of the universe, there are countless visible and invisible dangers.

Even an old monster who is undergoing tribulation can wander freely in this sea of ​​​​world.

There is a high possibility of death!!

Therefore, these are the old monsters in the spiritual fairy world who are trying to overcome the tribulation. Unless the "deadline is approaching", if they do not leave, they will be completely finished.

On weekdays, there is an important reason why people rarely leave the spiritual world!
In this spiritual fairyland, generations of old monsters who have transcended tribulation, either actively or passively left the spiritual fairyland to explore, would discover and master the coordinates of several other spiritual realms. This is actually not surprising at all.

No matter what, the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm controlled by the Immortal Demon Clan are still of great value.

The Immortal Lord Huli from the Immortal Demon Clan could think of and understand these things, so his mentality for the auction was not affected by these old monsters who were transcending tribulation on Yunhai Tianque.

Some even took the initiative to answer or explain:

"The elders of my clan accidentally fell into a void crack in the sea of ​​​​boundaries and arrived at the Tianyuan Realm. I don’t know the exact distance between the two realms and whether there is any danger.


According to the coordinates, at the speed at which a normal old monster is traveling, the approximate distance between the two worlds will definitely not exceed one million years. "

A million years!
The sound of the explanation from the Immortal Master Huli startled many old monsters who were undergoing tribulation in the field.

You know, it only takes this many years for an old monster who is overcoming tribulation to practice step by step and overcome the nine levels of immortal tribulation and ascend to become an immortal.

Even if there is no thunder tribulation to worry about in the sea of ​​​​boundaries, but theoretically speaking, an old monster who is undergoing the tribulation will not be able to live for such a long time!

Even if we ignore the dangers on the road, the entire life span of an old monster who has just passed the tribulation may not be enough for just traveling? !
No wonder the Immortal Demon Clan would auction off the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm in the Lingxian Realm! !

There is indeed a trap here!
However, this does not mean that an old monster who is undergoing tribulation in this Lingxian world will never be able to make it to the Tianyuan world.

After all, the total lifespan of an old monster who has just crossed the tribulation barrier is at least hundreds of thousands of years in the sea of ​​​​boundaries. There is no need to consume and waste it all on the journey.

An old monster who is undergoing a tribulation has many ways to seal himself, pause directly, or greatly slow down the speed at which his lifespan is consumed and passed!

Even in Gu Changsheng's previous life, in a world where spiritual energy was not evident and transcendence did not exist, there was the so-called cryo-sleep technology. This was naturally not a problem for the old monsters who had survived the tribulation! !

So, a million years seems like a long time.

But, if you calculate carefully, even ten thousand years of lifespan does not need to be consumed at all.

The biggest problem is the various dangers that may be encountered while traveling in this sea of ​​​​boundaries! !
Even the immortals and demons cannot guarantee what might happen on this journey which would only take a million years at most.

Whether or not they can arrive safely is also a question.

From the Lingxian Realm to the Tianyuan Realm, it can almost be said that it is full of unknowns!!

For a moment, above the sea of ​​clouds and sky, many old monsters who were trying to overcome the tribulation were immersed in various thoughts.

Even Gu Changsheng is no exception.

However, unlike most monsters who are trying to overcome the tribulation, he only thought for a moment and had already made up his mind to get the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm.

After all, he has infinite lifespan, and he can reach the Tianyuan Realm even without falling into a deep sleep.

Moreover, to obtain the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm, he only needs to pay with the few spiritual objects on his body.

He had absolutely no reason not to take action.

And like most old monsters, once he left the Lingxian Realm, except for some small realms outside the Lingxian Realm, he had no other spiritual coordinates in the world.

And in the sea of ​​boundaries, there are so many small boundaries as numerous as the sands of the Ganges.

Even the pearl of the sea on his body may not be comparable to it! !
Naturally, he totally looked down upon them.

Although he had made up his mind, Gu Changsheng was not in a hurry to be the first to fight for it.

Anyway, there are so many Tianyuan Realm coordinates being auctioned this time, and it would be enough for him to just take one of them.

There's absolutely no need to be too conspicuous.

And finally, when the sixth coordinate of these Tianyuan Realm was auctioned, Gu Changsheng decisively took action and won it!
He was afraid that if he didn’t make a move, the auction for the few remaining items would become even more intense! !

Now that he had obtained the compass that could sense the location of the Tianyuan Realm, his mission in the Immortal Demon Clan this time was almost half completed.

For the remaining half, Gu Changsheng plans to exchange it for more spiritual objects at the exchange fair!
As for the subsequent exchange meeting and the operation to clean up the sea of ​​immortal corpses, there was no way he would participate in it.

Although he would not participate, he hoped that the action of the Immortal Demon Clan to clean up the sea of ​​immortal corpses would be successful. After all, if possible, he did not want to leave the Spiritual Immortal Realm.

After all, in the sea of ​​boundaries, it would be difficult to find another spiritual world like the Spiritual Immortal World! !
And if even the Immortal Demon Clan and the Haori Clan fail after using their two great immortal weapons, I am afraid that there will be nothing in the entire spiritual immortal world that can stop the expansion of the sea of ​​immortal corpses!
Then he should really consider leaving the spiritual fairyland.

As the coordinates of the Tianyuan Realm were auctioned off one by one, the old monsters who had transcended tribulation were also exchanged one after another.

This grand exchange meeting among the immortals and demons, which brought together dozens of old monsters who had transcended tribulation, finally came to an end.

And after the exchange meeting is over.

Almost half of the old monsters who were undergoing tribulation in the field chose to stay and were not in a hurry to leave.

However, Gu Changsheng was not included here. He controlled his own incarnation puppet and left without looking back.

Likewise, it does not include the Nine Saint Immortal Lords in the Lingxian Sea, and the Lingyue Fairy, the old monster who has transcended tribulation in the Eight Wastelands of the human race.

At this moment, above the sea of ​​clouds and sky, an extremely strange scene unfolded.

Behind him, there were many immortal masters standing tall, watching the figures of these old monsters who had transcended the tribulation leaving.

There is a clear distinction between the two.

Each expression has a different look.

It is truly a picture of all kinds of immortals.

It also seems like a sharp contrast between bravery and cowardice, or between salvation and escape.

If someone could record such a scene, it would probably be extremely valuable even in the history of the entire Spiritual Immortal Realm!!!
. .

Gu Changsheng, who was controlling his incarnation and had already left, was not affected by the situation behind him at all. His whole heart of Taoism was not shaken at all.

Naturally, there is no regret in my heart!
The most important thing for him now is time!!

As long as he is given enough time, he can cultivate to become an immortal step by step. Naturally, there is no need to take any risks in the sea of ​​immortal corpses.

In the following period of time, he planned to make preparations for both situations. On the one hand, he would continue to search for various spiritual objects in this spiritual fairyland and make full preparations to leave the spiritual fairyland.

On the other hand, if the opportunity is right, he wants to occupy an eighth-level spiritual vein cave in this spiritual fairyland and speed up his cultivation as much as possible.

After all, relying solely on the many top-grade spirit stones he had and those he had plundered in this spiritual world, the speed of cultivation was undoubtedly too slow.

Now, perhaps it is because the number of old monsters who have left the Lingxian Realm and the number of individual races have increased.

Top-grade spirit stones are becoming more and more valued in this spiritual fairy world.

For example, at the exchange meeting of the immortals and demons, many spiritual objects held by old monsters were exchanged for top-grade spirit stones.

It’s just that the amount of exchange is exaggerated!
Even Gu Changsheng took out some spiritual objects to exchange for spirit stones.

After all, as long as there are enough of these things, even if one leaves the spiritual fairyland and loses the eighth-level spiritual vein, they can still be used for practice and recovery of spiritual energy.

It is no wonder that these old monsters who are transcending tribulations in the spiritual fairy world would begin to accumulate consciously.

Top-grade spiritual stones can actually be exchanged for eighth-level spiritual objects? !

This was almost impossible in the past.

And now, as time goes by, it is not ruled out that the value of the top-grade spirit stones will continue to increase in the entire spirit world! !
This naturally had some impact on Gu Changsheng's collection of spirit stones for cultivation and practice.

That was when Gu Changsheng was thinking in his heart.

The incarnation he controlled seemed to suddenly sense some crisis.

The thoughts in the main body were suddenly interrupted.

At the same time, almost the next moment after he sensed something, a voice sounded behind his incarnation puppet.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

Hearing this voice, Gu Changsheng, who was controlling the incarnation puppet, felt a little depressed in his heart. Then, without hesitation, he controlled his incarnation puppet and started to move forward with all his strength.

And behind him, the figure who had just spoken was still chasing him relentlessly!
"Fellow Daoist, I have no ill intentions. I am just interested in the Tianyuan coordinates on your body. If you are willing to give it up, I will definitely give you enough compensation."

Feeling the aura of the figure behind him getting closer and closer, Gu Changsheng completely ignored it. However, the expression on the face of his puppet became increasingly ugly.

After all, what he controlled was just an incarnation, and a mere seventh-level incarnation at that!

Compared to a real tribulation-crossing monster, no matter how powerful his burst is, it is normal that his speed is not as good.

However, what he couldn't figure out was how did this old monster who was chasing after him know that he had the Tianyuan coordinates? !
coincide? !
still is……

Gu Changsheng felt a slight chill in his heart.

No matter what, he has already remembered the old monster who was undergoing the tribulation and the immortal demon clan behind him.

At the same time, his incarnation did not stop at all and continued to move forward.

However, in terms of speed, he was still not as good as the old monster who was undergoing tribulation behind him. As time passed, the distance between the two people, one in front and one behind, was getting closer and closer.

It was even so close that with Gu Changsheng's spiritual sense, he could almost clearly see the figure behind him.

His spiritual sense was already able to see the other party, so the old monster who was undergoing tribulation behind him would naturally not be much of an exception.

Soon, the distance was shortened and his entire incarnation was locked onto.

The next moment, Gu Changsheng only felt an extremely strong energy fluctuation coming from behind his incarnation.

If touched, his entire incarnation would probably be completely destroyed.

Gu Changsheng didn't hesitate at all.

He pushed the rules of time on his body to an extreme and finally managed to solve the problem. Then, without hesitation, he stopped and faced the figure behind him seriously.

Because he knew that no matter how fast he ran, he, a mere seventh-level incarnation puppet, could not match the speed of a real tribulation-crossing monster chasing him.

It would be better to let this incarnation of his face it with all his strength, and at the same time, rush over to his own real body to buy as much time as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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