"If you are of the right age to purchase social insurance for employees, I will also purchase insurance for you."

"If the fields are profitable, I will give you half-year bonuses or year-end bonuses like companies in the city. I will also give you subsidies during holidays."

Two thousand and five months is indeed a lot in the countryside of Nancheng.

After all, it is 2016 in China, and many jobs in the city are only about [-] a month.

The people she chose were all people who were on good terms with their old Qiao's family.

Or the person who gave generously to their family when He Yuanyang had leukemia.

She has immortal skills, making money is easier than others, and giving them some good benefits is considered a kindness.

The 26 people were overjoyed, they actually got their wages raised.

And they may also have insurance. After that, when they are old, they will no longer need their sons to support them, and they will be able to supplement their children.

"We promise."

"Thank you, Ning Xun."

"It's great to have a stable job right on your doorstep."

Gu Xiaoyan and Wei Facai were also very pleasantly surprised.

Two thousand five thousand a month, two people in their family work, that is five thousand a month, and their son can come to work during the summer vacation. Finally, he will not have to worry about the tuition fees for his son's future studies.


Qiao Ningxun said with a smile: "Everyone will work hard in the future, and we will earn money together in the future."

One of the purposes of God giving her immortal magic is probably to benefit mankind.

Moreover, she has the magic method in hand, so she will not need pesticides and fertilizers in the future, which can save a lot of money.

Qiao Kangsheng also said a few words and let them go to work.

They also felt sorry for Qiao Ningxun's generosity.

But it was Qiao Ningxun's own land, so they couldn't say much about it.


On this day, Qiao Ningxun brought some people to the fruit forest and walked under some peach trees.

She hasn't found the store yet, but since she promised the people in the group, she can deliver to them every day for the time being.

Anyway, there are not many people, she also has a car and someone is available, so it is not troublesome.

At this time, some people were very surprised when they saw Taozi in front of them.

Gu Xiaoyan was puzzled and said, "How come these peaches have grown a lot compared to three days ago? And they all look big and red, and they taste good when they look at them."

Qiao Kangsheng and his family members looked at each other, then they looked away knowingly.

Qiao Ningxun ordered someone to bring a bucket of water over, but did not directly answer Gu Xiaoyan's question, "I heard that if the climate is suitable, the fruit will be different every day, which is not surprising. I see that many of them are already ripe. If you want to try the taste, feel free to try it.”

Most of the people present were He Yuanhuai's classmates and their parents, and Qiao Shulan also knew how they were.

Qiao Ningxun also deliberately selected people to work, so she was not afraid that they would have any bad intentions.

For the time being, there are only eighteen people working in Guolin. As for the others, although they are all able to withstand her test, there is no need for so many people to work here, so they can only be left to farm.

She let those people plant Qiao Kangsheng's land, and Qiao Kangsheng and Ye Caixiang only need to do supervisory work every day in the future, so they won't be too tired.

Seeing that they were all stunned, Qiao Shulan stepped forward and picked a peach for each of them and put it in their hands, "Go and wash the hair on your face and try the smell."

Those people had no choice but to do as Qiao Shulan said.

After they all tasted the taste, everyone was stunned, and they all ate the peaches quickly.

Gu Xiaoyan said: "This taste is too good, but Zhang Fugui has also tasted it before, and it tastes terrible."

Wei Dongchen said: "Yes, I saw him last year, weeping bitterly around the peach trees. Many people have seen it and know that the peaches he grows are not tasty. Some people say that his peaches are not sweet. Taste, no sour taste."

Guan Qianfu said: "I have also seen that Zhang Fugui has aged a lot during that time. I heard that he thought he would have a good harvest in the fourth year, but he did not expect that the peaches would be extremely unpalatable."

Qiao Ningxun wrote lightly: "Maybe it's my luck."

After she finished speaking, she motioned for them to follow, and when they arrived under the plum tree, "Let's try these plums again and see if we can sell them."

Everyone nodded and began to taste again.

Sure enough, these plums are also very sweet, as if they have added sugar.

Qiao Ningxun asked: "What do you think?"

Qiao Kangsheng said: "Sweet, very sweet, if you sell it, you can definitely sell it."

Qiao Shulan said: "That's right."

He Yuanhuai looked at his cousin inquiringly, pretending to be puzzled, and said: "This plum is obviously not bad, but the people from the Zhang family can't sell it, and I don't know why."

The rest of the people also looked puzzled.

They didn't use any fertilizer on these fruit trees, and they also made sure that they hadn't been specially managed in the hands of the Zhang family before, and they didn't use any pesticides. Why did they grow so well this year?

Qiao Ningxun smiled and said: "Everyone, don't be too entangled, just think that I have the blessing of my ancestors. Ever since I had a car accident, good luck has been coming to me."

She has been promoting these fruits for the past few days, but each time she only makes them grow a little bit, unlike the loquats last time, which were not so obvious.

There is another way to use the formula to induce immortality. It is to cast the spell once, and it will grow rapidly every day in the future. The growth will not be too obvious all at once, allowing others to see the clues.

Gu Xiaoyan suddenly understood, "I heard that some fruit trees have to grow for several years before the fruit tastes good. The Zhang family may just change hands when the fruit is delicious."

Guan Qianfu nodded: "There is such a saying."

Qiao Ningxun said: "Okay, don't worry about it anymore. The peaches and plums are only partially ripe for the time being. We choose to pick the big ones. After picking, they will all be shipped to my house. I will contact the buyer."

Everyone nodded and started to get busy.

Qiao Ningxun took a few photos and sent them to the WeChat group.

After this period of time, everyone in the group knew that as long as it was from her family, the taste was the best.

Some people often eat the fungus from her place, and some minor problems in the body can be cured without medicine.

So as soon as she posts something to the group recently, it will be snatched up.

So she is not worried at all that the things in her orchard will not be sold out.

Qiao Ningxun took another video of the villagers picking fruit and sent it to the WeChat group, "These peaches and plums are freshly picked by the villagers, so they are guaranteed to be fresh and sweet. If you need them, you can place an order. Peaches cost fifteen yuan a catty, and plums cost ten yuan a catty, all of which have no sour taste and are guaranteed to be sweet."

The vegetable sellers were all excited when they saw the fresh and delicious peaches and plums.

"The peaches and plums grow really well. The peaches are big and round, and the plums look delicious."

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