He Yuanyang was shocked. She knew that her cousin treated people, but she didn't expect that there were patients who paid her millions for treatment.

Last time, Mr. Qi also offered a price of 100 million. Are all these rich people spending money like water?

Qiao Ningxun: "So, accept it with peace of mind. This is what you deserve. You are almost an adult. You can buy whatever you want and eat whatever you want. This is just your money this month. Next month I will also send you money, don’t be reluctant to part with it. I will also send you a separate payment for the tuition fees for the semester that officially starts on September [-]st.”

"When others invite you to dinner or something, you go too. Next time you invite me back, just try to enhance the friendship between classmates."

"Also, it's hard work in the third year of high school. You bought me the best food to eat in school and the best milk to drink. My mother is also in front of the school. If you continue to save as before, I will see you next time when you come back. If you lose weight, I will ask the Joe's Fresh employees to prepare meals for you and send them to your school every day."

He Yuanyang's body stiffened, how troublesome it was.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, thank you cousin."

"you are welcome."

He Yuanyang secretly made up his mind, now that his family conditions are better, he can study without distraction, he must work hard.

As soon as He Yuanhuai saw his cousin return home, he sat down and started tinkering with his cell phone.

After a while, his mobile phone also received a text message of [-] yuan.

He Yuanhuai jumped up in shock and trembled: "Cousin...cousin, why did you give me so much money?"

Qiao Ningxun repeated what he said to He Yuanyang.

"That's it. You can buy whatever you want in the future. As a big boy, you must have some hobbies, but you are not allowed to top up money in games, and you are not allowed to go to the game arcade casually. Also, you are not allowed to smoke or drink while studying. When you are rich, you are like an enemy, treating your friends to dinner all day long. You are not allowed to borrow money casually. Before you lend it out, ask me first. If I find out, I will confiscate your mobile phone and computer. In the next month I will only give you five hundred living expenses."

He Yuanhuai is also a person who is used to thrift, nodded, "But this money is too much, so my elder brother and I will find some herbs."

Qiao Ningxun raised her eyebrows and said, "If you really don't know how to spend it, just save it to marry a wife in the future. Getting married requires a lot of money."

He Yuanhuai's face turned red with embarrassment and he couldn't say no.

After a long time, He Yuanyang returned to school.

He had known about his dormitory allocation on the campus website before.

We used to live in a dormitory for eight people, but now we live in a dormitory for six people.

He is very lucky. His roommates are all from his previous class, so he doesn't have to adapt again.

His roommates either live in the city, have cars at home, or are far away from the school. Those who came last night have already arrived.

After He Yuanyang greeted them warmly, he began to pack his things.

Today's beds are much better than before. There is a bed above, a desk below, bookshelves and a wardrobe. There are more places to put things than before.

In the past, when we lived in an eight-person dormitory, there were no wardrobes, desks or bookshelves. The upper and lower bunks were beds. If there was a slight noise above, it would be as if there was an earthquake below.

Everyone is very satisfied with the current bed.

There is also air conditioning in the dormitory, so everyone can have a better rest in the future.

Feng Zhikai is also considered a poor household in this dormitory, and he is also from the countryside.Seeing that the things He Yuanyang brought over this time, as well as the regular clothes, were all famous brands, he was surprised and said: "He Yuanyang, is your family rich? These things of yours are all good things."

After saying that, he saw the snack bag not far away, opened it, looked at it, and said with a complicated face: "These snacks are all high-end snacks. Is your family really rich?"

Isn't He Yuanyang an orphan without a father and a mother?
I heard that he lived with his second aunt and grandparents. They were not He Yuanyang's biological parents, so why were they willing to spend so much money on him?

Wouldn’t it be nice to give flowers to your own son or grandson?

He Yuanyang took the snack bag and said, neither salty nor blandly: "You can't be considered rich. My second aunt who adopted me contracted some land and made some money selling fruits and vegetables. She also loves me and wants me to live a better life. Her daughter, my cousin, has a good relationship with me and was willing to spend money on me, so she bought a lot of good things for the family."

This is what his cousin told him before. It's all true anyway. Even if others investigate, they can't find out the problem.

But it is estimated that no one is so free to investigate the authenticity of what he, a common man, said.

He distributed some snacks to everyone, "This is a gift from me to everyone. It's a celebration of my second aunt's contracting the land."

Feng Zhikai looked at the snacks in his hand and said with envy: "So that's it."

He Yuanyang opened the suitcase again, took out all the peaches in the suitcase, and put two on everyone's table. "This is the fruit from my second aunt's house. My cousin also asked me to bring some." come over."

Looking at the peach that was bigger than his fist, Feng Zhikai said: "Your cousin is too kind to let you bring such a good peach."

Others also spoke up:
"Yes, this peach looks great."

"It looks delicious."

"Lao He, your second aunt is so kind to you. I heard that in ordinary fruit farmers' homes, the best fruits are kept for sale, and the fruits are eaten to pieces by themselves, or they grow weirdly."

"I've also heard that, Lao He, you should treat your second aunt well in the future. They are really good to you."

He Yuanyang smiled and said: "You don't think I can do it. My second aunt is my mother, and my cousin is my biological sister. I will definitely be good to them."

Without delay, the young men hurried to wash the peaches, and they ate up both peaches in a short while.

Shen Boyu touched his belly and said with a satisfied look on his face: "This peach is really delicious. The peach flavor is very rich. It feels like the best peach I have ever eaten."

He Yuanyang smiled and said: "All the fruits and vegetables in our family do not use pesticides, and insist on making organic fruits and vegetables, so the taste should be better."

Shen Boyu said in surprise: "No medicine at all?"

He Yuanyang nodded: "Yes, no beating at all. My second aunt and cousin told me that this is better for the body."

Shen Boyu looked at the remaining peaches in the suitcase with greedy eyes, "Yuan Yang, why don't you sell all these peaches to me, I really like eating them."

Fruits without pesticides, according to my parents, are very rare nowadays.

Although his family also grows some organic fruits and vegetables in the countryside for their own family to eat, the taste is not as good as the peaches brought by He Yuanyan.

The things that the fruit growers themselves eat must be good things.

When the three people next to him heard this, they also rushed to say that they wanted to buy his peaches.

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