Chapter 139 Predicting Dreams

"A grown man brings the elderly in his family to defraud money. He is really thick-skinned."

"No wonder he can't give birth to a child. No wonder he's so unlucky. This is all his retribution!"

"Everyone recorded all their ugly faces and posted them online for everyone to see."

When Yuan Deshan and others saw that the onlookers all took out their mobile phones, they hurriedly covered their faces and left.

It would be really embarrassing for people to know that he could not have children before.

The three of them ran into an alley and saw that no one was chasing them. They suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but their breathing was still short.

Yuan Deshan gritted his teeth and said: "Qiao Ningxun actually knows that I am not her biological father. If I ask her for money in the future, she will definitely not give it again."

Li Shuyu didn't expect that something unexpected would happen today, "There is indeed something bad."

Yuan Deli didn't think the matter was that serious, "I've seen the news. My eldest brother is considered Qiao Ningxun's adoptive father. He raised her from a young age, just like his biological father. If he asks her for alimony, that's for sure." Yes, the court also supports it.”

Yuan Deshan said: "But the problem is that Qiao Ningxun is still a minor. Even if I sue her, it will be useless. If outsiders know that I, a man with hands and feet, actually found an underage daughter who cannot make money. If you want money, you can’t make people laugh to death.”

Li Shuyu said: "We are not looking for Qiao Ningxun, we will continue to look for Qiao Shulan."

"It's useless." Yuan Deshan picked his scalp depressedly, "If we go too far, she will call the police, and then we will only go to jail."

Li Shuyu choked, it was true, she didn't want to go to jail.

For a moment, none of the three could think of a way to get money, so they could only sigh.

Yuan Deli said: "If it really doesn't work, just wait a few years. When she starts working, brother, you can ask her for alimony."

Yuan Deshan sighed: "This is the only thing we can do for the time being."

Qiao Ningxun thanked those who spoke uprightly and turned around and said, "Mom, if you encounter this kind of situation again in the future, you should contact me as soon as possible and don't confront them head-on."

Qiao Shulan nodded and asked curiously: "Ningxun, is it true that Yuan Deshan has been defrauded of all his money? Is what you just said true?"

"It's indeed true." Qiao Ningxun thought about Yuan Deshan's future that she had just calculated and said with a smile: "Don't worry, he won't have time to come here to make trouble in the future."

He Yuanhuai's eyes lit up, could his cousin have calculated something else?
When Qiao Shulan heard this, she didn't think much about it. She thought that after Yuan Deshan's child was born, his family would have no money again and they would be working hard to make a living.

Two hours later, Qiao Ningxun returned to Daguo Village.

She asked He Yuanhuai to continue reading, while she sat at the door and began to test her fortune-telling ability.

She had already counted several times today, so Qiao Ningxun sat at the door and counted two people passing by, and she felt extremely tired.

In order to verify her conjecture, she spent the next few days at the door, quietly telling fortunes to the villagers.

After a few days, she finally found a pattern.

Her current spiritual power is not very strong. If only three people are counted, it will not affect her normal life.

Go to bed at eight o'clock and go to practice after twelve o'clock. Then come back at four o'clock in the morning and sleep until six o'clock. You will still be energetic during the day.

But if there are more than three a day, you can still persist before eight o'clock, but after eight o'clock, people will be particularly sleepy and fall asleep as soon as they touch the bed.

Although she could wake up at twelve o'clock in the evening to practice, she would still be very sleepy even if she did nothing the next day.She is still a student, so in order not to affect her classes in the future, even if she wants to make a living from fortune telling in the future, she cannot exceed three fortune tellings a day.

If you count five or six times in a row, you will soon become tired and must sleep, otherwise it will affect your normal life and health.

She also tried to figure out where Qiao Shuqing went.

But her fortune-telling still has limitations. Between relatives who are related by blood, she cannot calculate everything. She can only calculate some fragments like in a movie.

At present, she only knows that Qiao Shuqing was not trafficked, but she left on her own, and she left willingly.

She is still alive now, but her life is not very good.

But the specific location couldn't be determined yet, so she couldn't bring her family there to find her.

But no one was abducted, which is good news.

August [-]

As soon as ten o'clock arrived, He Yuanhuai came to Qiao Ningxun's room with his mobile phone and said, "Cousin, look, the police have issued a report, saying that the tomb robbers that day were a group of people who had been arrested before and had slipped through the net. They have all been caught. Each of them had a lot of lives on their hands, especially the members of the archaeological team. Several people died in their hands. Someone who knows the law on the Internet said that based on their crimes, 90.00% Jiuhui will be shot, and he will never come out to harm others again in this life."

Qiao Ningxun raised his eyebrows and said, "Look, I was right."

"Well." He Yuanhuai stood in front of his cousin like a puppy, with bright eyes, and asked: "Cousin, since you can tell fortunes, why not take a look at my future?"

Qiao Ningxun smiled and said: "You belong to the people who are related to me. You can calculate the recent things, but you can't calculate the specific things that are too far away, but you can calculate the important things. For example, you will be able to pass the exam smoothly in the future. If you go to college, you will have a good job.”

She has already done all these things in the past few days.

He Yuanhuai was immediately relieved, it would be great if he could get into college.

Suddenly thinking of something, He Yuanhuai asked again: "Then can you calculate what will happen to me today? I had a dream last night that I fell into the river and couldn't climb up, and then I was killed. I woke up with a fright.”

Qiao Ningxun frowned, thinking about his early death in his previous life. That was a long time later, wouldn't it be earlier now?

And He Yuanhuai didn't die in the water in his previous life?

Just in case, she could only let He Yuanhuai figure it out.

Seeing his cousin's face getting more serious, He Yuanhuai's heart skipped a beat. Could he be in trouble today?
Qiao Ningxun frowned and said, "Cousin, your dream does have some omens. Don't go near the water today."

He Yuanhuai nodded: "Well, I listen to you. I will study at home today."

After He Yuanhuai left his room, Qiao Ningxun opened the space manual and flipped through hundreds of pages before he finally had the answer in his heart.

It seems that the increase in her spiritual power has also affected her cousin, so that he can also have precognitive dreams.

The space instructions also say that there is no need to intervene on the affected people.

For people who are not destined to the space, even if they are affected, having precognitive dreams is already their limit.

And after a period of separation, ordinary people will return to normal.

School will start in more than ten days, and she doesn't know if she can unlock some magical formulas that can help her practice in the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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