After saying that, she took her husband and prepared to run away.

Qiao Ningxun: "Stop them and they will tell the truth soon."

Her magical formulas of telling the truth are as effective across the screen.

Sun Shitou hurriedly followed the instructions and stood in front of his adoptive parents, "Tell me, whose child am I?"

Zheng Honghua frowned. She wanted to say that Sun Shitou was her biological son, but when her words came to her lips, she changed again, "You are indeed not my child, you are just the child I stole."

Sun Dazhuang looked at his wife in shock, "What are you talking about? The stone is our biological child!"

Zheng Honghua said: "Husband, I can only tell you now. He has already suspected it. If he goes for a paternity test in the future, he will still know his life experience. It is better for me to tell him myself and sell him out."

The onlookers immediately looked at Sun Shitou with sympathy.

These two people are really not his biological parents. They were not bought or adopted from an orphanage. They were actually stolen by his adoptive mother?

This is too explosive!

Zheng Honghua continued: "Shitou, let me tell you your life experience. You are originally a child from Nancheng City. I came here to work part-time when I was young. I went to your biological parents' house that year, but your biological parents are really... It’s too much. Just because I didn’t clean the toilet, I was deducted five yuan.”

"Five yuan, more than 20 years ago, could buy several kilograms of meat."

"I'm really angry. I happened to have been married for five years and didn't have any children, so I secretly stole you back home and wanted to make your biological parents angry to death."

"Your biological parents, I used a false identity to work, so they couldn't find me."

"I originally planned to be nice to you, because you may be my only child, and I need someone to support you in the old age. I also bought you milk powder."

"But then my biological child was born, and I didn't want to be nice to you. The better I treated you, the more aggrieved my biological child would be."

"That's why I don't want you to study. I just want you to work to make money for my biological daughters and provide for us in our old age."

Sun Shitou clenched his fists, everything was the same as what Changsheng and Changsheng said.

[Let me go, the anchor is really right. 】

[The anchor is really amazing. 】

[You just came here, did you know that the anchor is so powerful?I've always known it. 】

The onlookers could not help but curse:
"You are really vicious, stealing other people's children and not treating others well."

"That is, those who could afford part-time workers more than 20 years ago must have good conditions. If you live with you and don't let others study, you will change other people's lives."

"I am a colleague of Sun Shitou. When I usually get along with him, I feel that he has a good temper and is completely different from his parents. It seems that the genes of Sun Shitou's parents are still very strong, which makes him have no problem in that situation. Being raised crooked, you can still strive for self-improvement and graduate from college."

"That's right, if he didn't even go to elementary school and is still working hard somewhere, his biological parents will definitely feel sorry for themselves and blame themselves to death if they find out."

Sun Shitou suppressed the anger in his heart and asked: "Then who are my biological parents? Where do they live?"

Zheng Honghua said: "I don't know now. After I stole from you, I didn't dare to go back for fear of being recognized by your parents. It wasn't until you went to college that I dared to go back and take a look. It's just that it was demolished and they had moved there long ago. Gone. As for where to move, I don't have the ability to find out."

[Oh my God, others should have dismantled the second generation. 】

[Yeah, it’s really miserable to be someone else’s blood-sucking tool now. 】

[Anchor, help him, help him find his biological parents. 】

[Don’t worry, the anchor will definitely help him. He has already paid for it. 】

The onlookers looked at Sun Shitou with even more sympathy. "This man is really miserable."

"Looking at his clothes, they are all very cheap. If he were around his biological parents, he would definitely not be so poorly dressed."

"Yeah, but now that the truth is out, they can be reunited as a family in the future."

"I just don't know if his parents are still alive. It would be such a shame if they are gone."

Zheng Honghua suddenly trembled. Thinking of what she had just said, her face turned pale and she explained anxiously: "Shitou, don't believe what I just said. I was talking nonsense."

What happened to her just now?

Why did she say all those words!
Sun Dazhuang looked at his wife as if he were a fool, "Why are you so crazy?"

A colleague of Sun Shitou said: "I think she is insane, but what she said is definitely true."

At this moment, two policemen suddenly walked over.

The old policeman shouted: "Someone called the police just now. Someone stole the child here. Who stole the child?"

The security guard immediately pointed at Sun Dazhuang and Zheng Honghua excitedly, "It's just the two of them. They stole someone else's child and they didn't treat the child well. They said it themselves just now."

The rest also echoed.

"Yes, we all heard it just now."

"I heard it too, and I recorded the video, so we can all testify."

"Catch them, steal other people's children, and abuse others. They should go to jail!"

"Yes, yes."

The old policeman had no choice but to handcuff the Sun couple and ask anyone who was willing to testify to go to the police station.

Zheng Honghua was really angry as she was being escorted away. She turned around and said angrily: "Sun Shitou, you just don't want to support us, so you deliberately disown us. If you wait, you will definitely be struck by lightning!"

Sun Shitou felt a pain in his heart. He should have discovered that Zheng Honghua was not his biological mother.

She had said this countless times before. How could she curse her biological child to be struck by lightning if she were her biological mother?
The crowd dispersed quickly.

Sun Shitou came to a secluded place and asked: "Anchor, do you know where my biological parents live?"

Qiao Ningxun: "Of course I know, and they have been looking for you. You go to Xingfuyuan now. Once there, you can meet your biological parents."

Sun Shitou suddenly became excited and immediately did as Qiao Ningxun said.

【Happiness Garden?I live there. This community is an old community. Aren't his parents a generation removed?How come you live there? 】

[There is nothing strange about this. They must be anxious if their child is lost. They must spend a lot of money to find someone. Once the money is used up, they will have no choice but to sell the house and then replace it with a worse one. 】

[The person above is right, it’s pitiful. He should have been blessed since he was a child. 】

[His parents were also dragged down by those two people. 】

[It's so miserable. 】

Sun Shitou continued to live broadcast the entire process, and 10 minutes later, he got off the car at the main entrance of Xingfuyuan.

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