Chapter 540 Alibi

Zhao Qian: "But someone said they saw you. This video was given to the police by her. Judging from the video, this person's back does look like you."

Some curious students also came forward to take a look.

Yan Yixue: "I didn't see the face at all. It cannot prove that it is Ningxun."

Gan Xiaoyu: "Yes, it's just a silhouette. There are many similar people. Maybe someone framed her deliberately."

He Yuanhuai: "The back of this person is only slightly similar, and anyone who is familiar with my cousin knows that her dressing style is very ladylike. This person dresses like a boy, which is not my cousin's style."


Qiao Ningxun asked: "Who provided this video to you?"

Zhao Qian: "In order to protect the reporter, I can't say this for the time being."

He Yuanhuai: "Uncle policeman, my cousin must have been wrongly accused."

Zhao Qian: "If she intentionally wronged her, then she is guilty of frame-up and will be punished by law. Classmate Qiao Ningxun, what evidence do you have to prove that it is not you in the video?"

Qiao Ningxun glanced at the time on the video surveillance and asked, "Is the time here accurate?"

Zhao Qian: "Yes, that's right, we checked it, so where were you at ten o'clock yesterday?"

Qiao Ningxun: "I'm at home."

Zhao Qian: "Can anyone give you an alibi?"

He Yuanhuai said: "My eldest brother and I can do it. We live downstairs from her. At ten o'clock, we heard footsteps upstairs. She is the only one who lives in my cousin's house. Apart from her, there is no one else. Someone else."

The squad leader said: "You can also check the door control to see if she has gone out."

Zhao Qian: "This still doesn't completely prove that you are at home. The community where Qiao Ningxun lives uses an access card, but she is good at climbing over walls, and her footsteps can also be faked. Classmate Qiao Ningxun, Do you have a stronger alibi?"

Qiao Ningxun: "Yes, at ten o'clock yesterday, I was live broadcasting. All the fans in the live broadcast room can vouch for me."

Zhao Qian had long known that she would say this. Before he came, he also investigated Qiao Ningxun's online use yesterday.

But she kept her face covered, and he needed her to prove that the person in the live broadcast room was herself.

After Qiao Ningxun finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, opened Dolphin Video, and started the live broadcast.

Today is the first official day of class. Although many fans are in class or working, they still clicked in as soon as they received the broadcast notification of Chang Sheng You Chang Sheng.

Seeing the appearance of today's anchor, the water friends were shocked at the same time.

[This...what's going on? The anchor appeared with his real appearance? 】

[Wow, the anchor looks so young and good-looking, as if he is underage. 】

[The anchor just said yesterday that he would reveal his identity, and is he exposed today? This speed is too fast. 】

[The anchor is really pretty, but why do I think she looks familiar? 】

[Hey, your memory is too bad. Isn’t she the popular figure at Huaxia University’s welcome party last year, Qiao Ningxun? 】

[Is that the eldest lady of the Sox Group? 】

[Oh my god, she is so versatile. She knows musical instruments, martial arts, fortune telling, and has good grades. How do rich families raise their daughters? 】

[I won’t say anything else for now, but the background behind her seems to be a university classroom. 】

[Why did she suddenly live broadcast in the university classroom? 】

[Something must have happened. 】……

Most of the students in the classroom also looked at Qiao Ningxun in shock.

The fortune teller they like is actually their classmate Qiao Ningxun?
No wonder they always felt that the figure of Changsheng Yousheng was familiar. It turned out to be the person next to them.

Yan Yixue looked at her friend in shock: "Ningxun, are you actually immortal and immortal?"

Qiao Ningxun nodded: "Yes, Yi Xue, I've been hiding this from you all this time. I'm sorry. I just want to live a peaceful life."

Yan Yixue smiled and said, "No need to apologize. Everyone has their own secrets. I also have secrets that I am hiding from you, hehe."

Qian Duolai was a little embarrassed: "In other words, yesterday I actually asked my classmate to tell fortunes?"

Yi Xiaoxue was also a little uncomfortable: "I also looked for Changsheng and Changsheng yesterday. If I had known that such an accurate fortune teller was around me, I would have asked directly. I don't have to squat every time to live broadcast and compete for a spot."

Other students also looked at Qiao Ningxun in disbelief.

Ning Liuhan was on his way to the military training base and was also in the live broadcast room at this time.

Seeing Qiao Ningxun suddenly appearing in the live broadcast room, I suddenly doubted my life.

Yesterday, she clearly saw Qiao Ningxun going there and recorded the live broadcast in time, so she went to report the crime.

If she was in the live broadcast room at that time, who was there?

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Qiao Ningxun looked at the mobile phone camera: "Everyone, yesterday it was time to testify as I said. I was falsely accused of going out and hurting someone at ten o'clock yesterday morning, but at ten o'clock, I clearly I’m just chatting with you and asking you to testify for me.”

One person suddenly said: "Even if you said you were live broadcasting at 10 o'clock yesterday, but you always wore a mask, who knows if you found someone with the same body shape as you to live broadcast for you?"

Another person also said: "Yes, your voice now is different from the voice in the live broadcast room. It doesn't sound like the same person."

When Qiao Ningxun heard this, instead of being angry, he actually agreed with it.

"It is true that I covered my face during the live broadcast, but with current science and technology, it is enough to compare my face without a mask with my face with a mask. My eyes are also exposed. I believe it should be easy for the police uncle. Let’s compare, are we the same person?”

"If that doesn't work, there's also the figure of both of us. It's summer now. The summer clothes I wore yesterday, the police uncles can also compare my position above the shoulders."

Zhao Qian nodded: "Okay, please cooperate with us to record a video."

Qiao Ningxun: "Okay."

【What? Is the anchor really framed? 】

[It must be true, the police showed up. 】

[The person who framed the anchor is too stupid. She can count everything. Even if she can’t count herself, she can count others. 】

[That is, the person who made the false accusation has been kicked out of the iron today, and he will probably be imprisoned. 】

[Haha, you really overestimate your capabilities. 】

[The anchor is so good-looking, how could he possibly hurt someone? 】

[That is, there are people who help her stand up. 】

[Hey, there's something wrong with you. After knowing the anchor's true appearance, you seem to be a little bit brainless. 】

[Just be stupid if you are stupid, I just like beautiful people. 】

[I like her too. I am a loyal fan of the anchor. I have been her fan since she started broadcasting. Of course, I will defend her unconditionally.]

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