Chapter 544: Damn relative, she is my wife! (season finale)

Mrs. Chu was startled, "What? You said Chu Yanye is not your grandson?"

Mr. Chu: "No."

Mrs. Chu was puzzled: "Then why did you announce to the public that he is the young master of the Chu family?"

Her children had been worried for so many years, fearing that he would give all the family property to Chu Yanye.

If she had known otherwise, she wouldn't have had to suffer from insomnia at night.

The days when Chu Yanye just came back were really difficult for her.

Mr. Chu snorted, "That's what I begged him for. I just hope that after a hundred years of my life, others will not take action against the Chu family for his sake. How can I not offend others when doing business? I am doing this for him." You plan. Who knew you were all so stupid, rushing to offend people and make all my hard work go to waste!"

Mrs. Chu was immediately disappointed.

I originally thought that if Chu Yanye died, his company would be inherited by his brother.

Unexpectedly, it has nothing to do with their Chu family.

Mr. Chu looked at his other descendants again. He knew that they had always been dishonest, "Chu Yanye is a generous man. You haven't done anything irreversible before. I warn you. If you want the Chu family to develop smoothly in the future, "If you want to be safe in the future, you must not provoke Chu Yanye again. Whenever you see him, keep your attitude to a minimum. If you want everything to go smoothly in the future, you must respect him, do you understand?"

Several people said at the same time: "I know."

For such a big company, even if they were given a hundred courages, they would not dare to provoke Chu Yanye again.

Chu Zi was a little scared when he realized what he had done before.

If Chu Yanye wants him to disappear, he probably won't be able to see his family tomorrow.

Mr. Chu saw what Chu Ziyi was thinking, "What happened in the past is in the past. If you are really scared, if you see Chu Yanye in the future, just take a detour."

Chu Ziyi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

He should be fine.


Mrs. Chu left the study with a heavy heart. She didn't pay attention when she went downstairs. She suddenly stepped on the stairs and rolled down the stairs.


The others looked at Mrs. Chu who rolled down in horror, and quickly ran down to surround her.

Seeing that she was unconscious, she was rushed to the hospital.

After the doctor performed the surgery, he said it would affect the brain and was not life-threatening.

Sure enough, when Mrs. Chu woke up, she only had the memory of a three-year-old child.

You can't even take the initiative to talk about going to the toilet.

But the Chu family has servants, so it’s not too hard for the Chu family.

It's just that the servants have to wash Mrs. Chu's body with feces and urine every day. As time goes by, she becomes very tired of her and often abuses her. Anyway, she can't speak.

When the Chu family discovered the servant's little behavior, Mrs. Chu was almost tortured to death.

Of course, these are all things to follow.


Since Chu Yanye announced his identity, many people have secretly photographed him wherever he goes.

And he and Qiao Ningxun often went to various occasions in pairs, and many photos were taken.

Soon, there were rumors about them on the Internet.

"Is Chu Yanye, the richest man, actually together with Qiao Ningxun?"

"They are both rich people, so they are probably friends."

"Qiao Ningxun was on a hot search last time, and the two people exposed were her relatives. This person must be her relative again."

"Yes, they must be relatives."

"Then I can rest assured, I have just become a fan of Qiao Ningxun."

"Haha, I'm alive again."


Seeing that people on the Internet misunderstood his relationship with Qiao Ningxun, Chu Yanye couldn't sit still and directly used his own account to speak: "What a relative, she is my wife!"


Netizens exploded again.

"Oh my God, Qiao Ningxun is so lucky. Both his father and his partner's family are among the top three companies in the world. He is simply a winner in life."

"Haha, rich people are like this. They will only marry rich people."

"With the marriage of two giant companies, it is estimated that Junhua and Sox will become even stronger in the future."

... Qiao Ningxun saw the news on the Internet and called Chu Yanye: "What about your wife? I haven't married you yet? I haven't agreed to marry you yet?"

Chu Yanye said shamelessly: "Then I will marry you? I will marry you, is that okay?"

"...Who wants you to marry me!" Qiao Ningxun was helpless, "By the way, I suddenly want to ask you, I was reborn in this life, why was I reborn?"

Chu Yanye: "Your last life is very important. If you were burned to death like that, you would probably never be reincarnated again. It was me who reversed time and space, otherwise I, who had been reincarnated for thousands of years, would not have lost all my magic power. ”

Qiao Ningxun frowned: "Then why did my dimension appear so late in the last life?"

Her space was of her own creation and filled with books that she collected herself.

There are also fairy formulas, all of which were created by her.

Therefore, she was the only one who could understand those books, and she was the only one who could practice using the immortal formulas.

Chu Yanye thought for a while, "This is probably the arrangement of Heaven. I want you to go through some things and gain space. After all, your reincarnation is about to end."

Qiao Ningxun asked again: "What's going on with Lu Jingyi? Does he also know your true identity?"

Chu Yanye: "He was my former guard. After we entered reincarnation, it was meaningless for him to live and he also reincarnated."

Qiao Ningxun nodded, "So that's it."


On this day, Yan Mengrui asked He Yuanyang out.

Yan Mengrui was sitting in the coffee shop. When she saw He Yuanyang coming, she said excitedly: "Yuan Yang, if you are willing to come to see me, you have me in your heart, right?"

He Yuanyang: "Don't pester me anymore. I don't like you, and I even hate people like you who are obsessed with you."

Yan Mengrui was startled, her face full of sadness and despair, "You hate me?"

He Yuanyang: "That's right, for the sake of your classmates, you'd better go home quickly. Your company has closed down and your parents can't stay in the country anymore and have to go abroad. If you go back later, they will Leave yourself alone and run away."

Yan Mengrui was shocked. She knew that there was indeed something wrong with her company, but how could her parents abandon her?

She didn't dare to bet that He Yuanyang had lied to her, so she ran home quickly.

Sure enough, her parents were packing their things and asked her to pack them quickly too. They wanted to leave immediately.

Therefore, a family of three got on a plane leaving China two hours later, heading to a foreign country.

In this life, I have never returned to China again.

He Yuanyang changed his contact information, and Yan Mengrui completely disappeared from his life.


a few days later

Qiao Ningxun returned to Daguo Village to visit her parents, family and Xiao Ha.

At this time, except for the newly built part of Lao Qiao's house in Daguo Village, all the rest were demolished and rebuilt to look like a villa.

After talking to her family, she went out to find Xiaoha.

Xiao Ha was running back. When he saw the new owner, he quickly stepped forward excitedly and waggled his tail.

Qiao Ningxun originally wanted to restore Xiao Ha's memory from thousands of years ago, but seeing it so happy in this life, he let it go.

Let’s talk about it later.

I have too many memories and am very tired.

Anyway, she has magical power. With her current ability, the people and animals she cares about will no longer enter reincarnation. They will only live forever and have a long future.

One person and one dog returned home. As soon as they arrived at the door, Qiao Ningxun saw Suo Jingwu and Qiao Shulan coming in from outside holding hands.

Qiao Ningxun was shocked and said: "Dad, Mom, when did you get together?"

Suo Jingwu coughed lightly and said, "In the past year, it's normal for your parents to be together. Don't panic."

Qiao Shulan quickly let go of her hand, "Ningxun, if you don't agree, my mother will break up with him."

Suo Jingwu's face was filled with resentment.

Qiao Ningxun smiled and said, "Why don't I agree? Dad is right. It's normal for mom and dad to be together. I'm just afraid that my eldest brother will mind."

Suo Jing Martial Arts: "Don't worry, your elder brother has known about it a long time ago and he has no objection."

Qiao Ningxun smiled, "Congratulations."

After a while, all the guests arrived.

After eating, everyone took photos in the yard and smiled happily.


This book is finished today. It has been written for several months. If there are any gaps that I have not filled in, you can remind me here and I will consider whether to fill them in. The new book "Little Fisher Girl from Space: Catching Fish in the Sea to Get Rich" has been released. Those who like it can read it. Thank you for your continued support. Take a bow~~

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