Qiao Ningxun smiled and said, "One time for 6, two times for [-], three times for [-], the deal is made. Congratulations, Lu Jingyi."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lu Jingyi's mouth, he didn't take the ganoderma for the time being, and asked Qiao Ningxun to give her the bank account number, and transferred the money to her.

He took the Ganoderma lucidum, "If there are any good ones in the future, we will give them a suitable price even if they are posted in the vegetable sales group."

Qiao Ningxun nodded: "Okay."

At this moment, a voice came from Li Quan's phone, "Group leader, do you still have wild Ganoderma lucidum? There is an elderly person in my family, I think I should prepare it for him just in case."

"This... I can think of a way for you."

The other four people got it, but he didn't get it alone, and it was indeed an offense.

Li Quan was overjoyed for a moment, but before he could speak, there was a knock on the door.

"Everyone, wait a moment, I will come as I go."


Qiao Ningxun opened the iron door, saw someone coming, and asked, "Grandpa Liu, are you here?"

Liu Fuxiang said with a dejected face: "Ning Xun, I know I shouldn't bother you, but such a good Ganoderma lucidum, I really can't bear to sell it cheaply, you told me not to sell it for less than [-], but the people in the town Just give me five hundred, it's really a big difference. Your ganoderma must also be sold, I don't know if you have any channels, can you help me sell mine along the way?"

Li Quan had been following Qiao Ningxun on the phone, when a voice suddenly came from the phone, "Li Quan, how about the quality?"

Li Quan took a closer look, "Compared with the little one just now, its appearance should be a little bit worse. I wonder how much the old man wants to sell it for?"

After all, Qiao Ningxun was picked and then ripened, and the effect of ripening it before it was picked is definitely not as good.

Liu Fuxiang looked at Qiao Ningxun with some embarrassment.

If you say less, he will regret it; if you talk too much, he is afraid that others will not buy it.

Qiao Ningxun raised her eyebrows and said, "In my opinion, it's only three thousand."

She didn't know that these people could bid before, and the price of her smallest flower was [-] yuan, and someone raised the price, so this flower should also be able to raise the price.

Another voice came from the phone: "Three thousand? I bought it."


Qiao Ningxun looked at Liu Fuxiang, "They offered [-] to buy it, I wonder if you are willing to sell it?"

Liu Fuxiang's eyes lit up immediately, he turned to look at Li Quan, and said excitedly, "Three thousand? Are you really willing to pay three thousand for it?"

Li Quan nodded: "Yes, you should have heard what my boss said just now, we will not lie."

Seeing that Qiao Ningxun hadn't come back, the people in the living room thought she was in some trouble, so they walked to the door and heard their conversation.

"Three thousand? What three thousand?"

Qiao Ningxun also wanted them to come and have a look. If they could also bid, then the Liu family could get more money.

However, the one Liu Yufeng found was smaller than hers, and each of these people had sparkling eyes, and they already had one, so they should have given up bidding.

"It's like this... This grandfather also has a Ganoderma lucidum... That's it. Just now Li Quan has already said that he wants it, and the price is [-]."

The others immediately stepped forward to have a look, three thousand for this Ganoderma lucidum was too much.

Their superiors didn't give orders, and they already had one flower, so they didn't intend to bid.

Qiao Ningxun asked, "You all don't want it?"

The others shook their heads.

Qiao Ningxun turned her head and said, "Grandpa Liu, then you can sell it to this person. His name is Li Quan."

Liu Fuxiang nodded.

Seeing that the others did not argue with him, Li Quan breathed a sigh of relief, took out [-] cash from his wallet, and handed it to Liu Fuxiang.

Liu Fuxiang quickly passed the Ganoderma lucidum over, and said excitedly, "Thank you."

After speaking, he looked at Qiao Ningxun again, and said gratefully: "Ningxun, thank you very much, if it weren't for you, I might have sold two thousand five less."

"It's okay, it should be."

Seeing that there were still guests at Lao Qiao's house, Liu Fuxiang didn't bother, and left quickly.

As soon as he got home, the whole family surrounded him.

"Old man, how much did you sell for?"

Liu Fuxiang smiled and said: "It sold for three thousand, and the person who happened to buy Ningxun Ganoderma came over and saw it, so he bought mine."

The members of the Liu family were immediately overjoyed. With the three thousand, at least Liu Yufeng would have enough money to study in elementary school next year.


Qiao Ningxun led people to the corridor again, her eyes fell on the dishes that had been arranged, "These dishes are yours, and the quantity and weight of each serving are the same as last time, so take them away. If you brought it for someone else, just tell me."

Everyone didn't delay after hearing the words, and after taking the food and paying the money, they planned to leave.

Yan Jiaxuan walked last, glanced at the fruit trees in the yard, "Group leader..."

Qiao Ningxun smiled and said, "Just call me by my name, Qiao Ningxun."

"Okay." Yan Jiaxuan said: "Qiao Ningxun, if you have something good in the future, whether it's vegetables or fruits, you must inform us again."

"Yes, certainly."

After the people left, Qiao Ningxun put the more than 1 cash in her hands into the room of her grandparents, and the rest of the food money was bank transfer.

She didn't waste time, so she took the time to go to the roof to make various medicines.

When Qiao Kangsheng and Ye Caixiang came back, they saw the money in the room and didn't ask much. They just asked how much the Ganoderma lucidum was sold for during the meal.

Qiao Ningxun said with a smile: "It was sold for a total of 16."

The second elder nodded.

In the past few days, the family has received hundreds of thousands of income, but they don't even think that the 16 is more than 1000.

At night, Qiao Ningxun still went to bed early in the morning, and came back at five o'clock in the morning.

Although there are lights on the top floor, it is still not as good as the daytime sight, and staying up late is not good for your health, so she always puts her pharmaceutical work in the daytime.

Although the medicine in hand is temporarily sufficient for the family, it is far from enough to be sold.

Therefore, after she finished her practice, she would search for a large amount of herbs every day from five to six o'clock.

Fortunately, the herbal medicines on the mountain are extremely rich. Every time she spawns, some of them will grow until its seeds fall, so even if she collects a large number of herbs, she will not be able to harvest all the medicinal materials on the mountain.

I just don't know why, but the fourth sentence of the mantra has not been unlocked yet.

On the way down the mountain, she met many people again.

Originally, many people failed to find the fungus these days, but gradually everyone gave up.

But yesterday the Liu family suddenly reported that they found Ganoderma lucidum and sold it for 3000 yuan, and more people went up the mountain today.

Qiao Ningxun didn't want to waste time, so she avoided those people going down the mountain, so no one noticed her.

When passing by the river, Qiao Ningxun thought that the pond at home hadn't put any living things into it, so she went to the river.

Seeing that no one noticed her, she took out the bucket from the space, which she had prepared before.

She came to the river, saw a fish by the side, and said the mantra of temperature control to the fish.

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