Dramatically, on the last day, the Heart of the Rift was found.

What's even more weird is that the players found were taken away as food reserves.

Who would have thought that the Heart of the Secret Realm would be in the mouse's nest, and would be worshiped by the mice as a sacred object. If it wasn't for the time when this person was caught, these mice would just go back to the ground, and they would simply take the two feet back home , Wait until dawn to eat.

The mice probably didn't know that their sacred object would follow a two-legged head and run away.

They roared and wanted to tear apart the players who were experiencing five steps of coercion, but unfortunately, under special conditions, they couldn't even get close.

The player who was caught was from a beautiful country. He had no hope of surviving. He was waiting for death, but he saw a strange red bead. The bead had been sending out a signal that made him want to get closer. .

Instinct told him that if he got the beads, he would be free.

Now that there is no hope of life, an early release is definitely what he needs most right now.

The mice attach great importance to this bead. Before going out every day, they will make movements similar to worshiping the bead around the bead, and they will reach the position of the bead first after returning.

That player was brought there at this time, knowing that this matter could not be delayed, so after affirming what he thought in his heart, he took advantage of the unsuspecting mice and ran to the range of the bead as fast as he could in his life.

But at a position five steps away, she was timid.

In the empty space in front of him, even those mice couldn't move forward, the mice behind him were looking at him with eyes that wanted to tear him apart, there was no way out for him to move forward or back, but he was a human being, in his eyes the mice were just a bunch of animals. Things that would hide in the dark were caught by them. He couldn't accept such a way of death.

So, step forward without hesitation.

Coercion, it was the first time he came into contact with it, but his desire to live prevailed, making him move forward desperately, and he never flinched even though the tortured bones were gone.

Finally, the beads came into his hands, and the dirty mice in front of him also disappeared with the disappearance of the secret realm, and only then did he feel as if he was born again.

At this time, he suddenly understood that a strange saying from country Q that he had heard before was put to death and reborn. He didn't understand it at that time, but now he thinks that colored glasses should not be placed on the people of country Q. They have some spirits. Even if they cast aside the compassionate and never-giving-up thoughts of the people of country Q in their hearts, they have to admit that the people of country Q, who have cultural heritage, are indeed incomparable to so-called foreigners like them at certain times.

In the end, in this secret realm, the heart of the secret realm was obtained by the players of the beautiful country, but in terms of the number of survivors, the Q country is the largest.

After returning, many players are not as active as they were the first time.

The word "secret realm" seems to be a taboo in the chat area, but the information shared by Jiang Duoduo has been circulated by players. Those players who have never entered the secret realm are like treasures.

Those who survived the secret realm treasured this guide.

Especially the news about the Heart of the Secret Realm finally lost its mystery in Jiang Duoduo's strategy, but even so, everyone didn't bother to find it.

The place where the Heart of the Secret Realm is located is basically the most dangerous place in the Secret Realm. Surviving is already difficult enough, and I really don't have the heart to find the so-called Heart of the Secret Realm.

Of course, those powerful players still have thoughts, so Jiang Duoduo's detailed introduction about the Heart of the Secret Realm is very precious.

Just like Jiang Duoduo, there are not only one player who wants to help the outside world, but on the one hand, luck does not allow it, and on the other hand, he feels weak in strength.

If you want to get the Heart of the Secret Realm, you must be able to withstand the coercion, and the game has already given them the way to improve, but they have never taken it to heart before.

Therefore, after this secret realm, the ladder was completely engraved in the hearts of the players. If it wasn't for it kicking people by itself, and only once a day, the steps would have been trampled to pieces.

Afterwards, when players entered the secret realm, they learned to act in batches, looking for the heart of the secret realm and surviving for five days.

It is precisely because of this that until the end of the month, all the hearts of the secret realms that were opened were obtained, but even so, the number was still only in single digits.

But obviously this result was excellent in the eyes of the game system, so in the early hours of the first day of the month, the player forum was opened.

This guide about Jiang Duoduo is set to the top of the system, anyone can see it when they open it, even in the secret realm, the player's death rate is reduced, and the rate of obtaining the heart of the secret realm is 100%. Everything seems to be moving towards the expectation Good direction.

The second time Jiang Duoduo entered the secret realm was 20 days later, still five days later, it was a world shrouded in a layer of mysterious enchantment, in which any negative emotions were infinitely magnified, but players experienced so many things Afterwards, normal life has become a luxury, so how can anyone put themselves in danger because of this short trip to the secret place?

This time, she did not focus on finding the heart of the secret realm, but integrated herself into those players. She gradually restrained the indifference in her body, began to exchange experience with other people, and obeyed the captain's arrangement.

During the second time in the secret realm, during everyone's survival, there were no disputes, no conspiracy, only mutual help, and even the heart of the secret realm was found together by everyone, but obviously the heart of the secret realm also had its own ideas, and it chose the captain as the contactor.

This time is probably the largest number of surviving players since the opening of the secret realm. All countries seem to have found a way to survive and learned to work as a team. Therefore, at the end of the day, the number of surviving players is not much different. The largest number is a certain country in the west. Because they are near the sea, they were not preserved in the disaster, and they were also the first developed country to be wiped out.

The only ones who are alive are those who were taken away by the game. It is for this reason that the players in their country are more united. Even if their strength is not outstanding, no one will want to provoke them.

In the end, the reward fell into the hands of the captain of that group of players. Looking at the resource extraction interface, the player was full of sarcasm. What's the point of winning the first place? The country is gone. What's the point of having resources? They are the last inheritance of the country. , Survival is more important than anything else. He knows that they are not strong enough, but they still have almost tens of millions of players in the game, and resources are not the only option.

After contacting players from his own country, he unanimously made a decision.

He took out a cross-district chat card, entered a name in it, and then waited for the other party to confirm.

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