All that is said is the situation at hand.

80 people, with unprecedented unanimity, vacated the chat area.

After Jiang Duoduo drew the dividing line on the map in her hand, she marked the first team, the second team and the third team. She only took four teams to move, and there were not many people, as long as it was useful.

[The first team is composed of players who are good at speed. Chase the blue player at the corresponding position on the map, only chase and not fight. Once you find that something is wrong, immediately speed up and run in the direction of the third team! 】

[Remember, don't love to fight, just drive or bring the red side to the position of the third team. 】

[Second team, all the long-distance attacking players belong to the second team, and the position is in the middle of the map. You can see that here you can weaken the enemy's strength for the first time. At that time, after your own people leave, they will give I hit hard, blind type, as long as I can be eliminated, I don't care what method I use! 】

[The three teams have only one task, and that is to use your respective abilities to defend the defense line. Once you find that the blue team is approaching, don't hesitate, just use the abilities, they can survive the first wave, can they still be able to resist? Countless waves? 】

[Remember, the area I drew is the combat area. After the blue team leaves, they immediately retreat, and finally gather at the camp. This wave will come tonight]

She wanted to arrange a second wave, but thinking that there was still a daytime battle, if she was too tired, her combat effectiveness would definitely be affected.

Immediate retreat is to prevent other players on the blue side from stealing the house.

She didn't know how many people would follow her, but there would definitely be people left in the camp. Don't they fight in the front and get kicked in the back.

After the plan was made, we started to set off as soon as the morning arrived.

The three teams headed in three directions. Since the exact location could not be found in the scene, Jiang Duoduo just arranged a rough range, as long as they gathered within the range.

She roughly calculated that the three teams gathered about [-] players, and the speed players had the largest number, followed by the supernatural players, and then the long-range attack team led by Jiang Duoduo.

This number is definitely not an advantage.

And it was impossible to determine how many people would be facing the blue side, so she made some extra arrangements before leaving.

The team quickly arrived at the corresponding position.

The players in the first team are holding the luminous props in their hands one by one, which is useless, but it is to disturb the enemy's sight and make them think that there are many people coming from the red side. This step will definitely not overturn, because at this time it is night.

They were lucky, there were quite a few blue players in the selected area.

After being awakened, they ran in a panic one by one, and many people fell into the hands of the red side. They got off to a good start and sent away a wave of enemies, and the morale of the red side was greatly boosted at this time.

But soon, the blue side began to fight back.

Although I don't know how many players, but it's right to play.

Unfortunately, the harvesting scene they imagined did not appear, and those people ran away!

It might be fine for a speed player to run, but when they kept fleeing one by one, the blue team noticed something unusual, confirmed that there were not many people, and immediately chased after them.

Since then, Jiang Duoduo's plan has been half successful.

She is not afraid of being surrounded, because the players of the first team have no rules of route at all in the eyes of the blue team, so they do not leave behind in the pursuit, and even notify other people to come to support, which is bound to eliminate these players.

The second team she led had a lot to do with the first team, so she soon saw the blue players chasing after them. When those people approached, she didn't give an order, and when they arrived, she still didn't give an order, but, As they all passed, she made dumplings directly from behind.

Don't worry?Of course, don't worry, long-distance attack is the most suitable for sneak attack. Once the enemies in the rear stop abnormally, and because the battle line is too long, they can't notify the front to turn back in time, then these people can only become fish and surrender.

And the result was exactly as she expected, the second team harvested 40.00% of the banned blue players.

When the blue team noticed the abnormality, it was already close to the area where the third team was located, and the defense line composed of supernatural powers cut off the way ahead. At this time, a quick battle was needed.

The three sides were encircling, trapping the remaining players on the blue side like making dumplings.

Those with supernatural powers released supernatural powers, and the speedy ones also stopped. While cleaning up the fish that slipped through the net, they kept an eye on their surroundings. The second team led by Jiang Duoduo became the main force for elimination. Eliminating people is definitely their incompetence.

After the three teams assembled, the number of players was actually about the same as that of the blue team's trapped players. However, due to their plan, the situation was one-sided. The blue team players were chased and intercepted, and they seemed helpless even when they resisted.

At the same time, the blue players in other places finally realized the problem after seeing the constantly changing points. They asked in the chat area one after another, and came here as soon as they got the specific coordinates.

How could Jiang Duoduo stand there and wait to be beaten?

The last one left behind successfully stopped some of the players from the blue team, and bought a full 10 minutes to allow them, the three teams, to clear 80.00% of the trapped players before retreating quickly.

Of course, the retreat means that all players withdraw, and those who attack from a distance stay behind.

The abilities of the players on the blue team were dispersed, giving them enough time to retreat, coupled with the strong resistance of the long-range attack, it was even more difficult for the blue team to move forward.

It was also at this time that the blue player finally realized the problem.

"Damn it, the red side has learned to use strategy!"

Yes, before that, there were several camp battles, and no one thought of uniting together to kill the enemy strategically.

In fact, it is not difficult to predict that before the faction war started, everyone lived independently on their own platform most of the time, who would obey whom?Impossible, everyone wants to prove their own strength, it is rare to have a large-scale group battle, even if they know that the target is a hostile force, it is too common here to face and heart disagreement.

Just like the scuffle when Jiang Duoduo just arrived at the camp, it was a real scuffle, some people met, so the nearby people came over one after another, colliding with each other according to the number of people, and in the end, both sides could only be hurt.

Of course, it is not that no one has thought of uniting together. However, in the faction war, there are not only players from one country, and even a country may not necessarily obey the command. What's more, all countries are blended together. Not bad.

Jiang Duoduo will succeed, it can only be said that the timing is just right.

Coincidentally, the red team has been losing all the time, and the players who entered this time instinctively lost their resolve, and a scuffle woke them up with points.

Coincidentally, it is the last day to decide victory or defeat, who wants to lose?No one thinks that if they want to win, they have too few advantages. However, everyone is a passionate player, and they are not really weak. If they just admit defeat, won't they be laughed at?

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