Jiang Duoduo picked it up with both hands and touched its emaciated body. For more than 100 days, it is unknown how Qing Yi and other friends in the family got here.

"How long have you been there?"

Jiang Duoduo was taken aback for asking this question, Qing Yi didn't seem to know how much time had passed.

"One hundred days!"

Hearing this, Qing Yi stared with her small eyes.

"Dare to plot against Master Qinglong!"

Then it told Jiang Duoduo what happened after she left.

It turned out that after she left that day, Qingyi was not taken away. After being stunned for a moment, she passed out directly. In a haze, it seemed to see the moment when the platform was covered by a layer of mysterious power, even bloodthirsty. The vines were forced into a state of stillness.

After that, it fell into a coma and didn't wake up until now when Jiang Duoduo came back.

In fact, if you open the perspective of God, you will find that before Jiang Duoduo came back, everything here, including the sea, was in a static state, and the moment she got down on the ground, it returned to normal.

Knowing that Qing Yi was being tricked, she was very angry.

In the end, it was Jiang Duoduo who prepared some food to coax him.

When she was about to go to bed, Jiang Duoduo also found that the house was indeed stilled, otherwise why other players said that it was too hot, the sea water was dry or something, only her here, the waves were still hitting the platform pillars.

After replying to Qiao Yuanbao's message, he went to bed.

This time, she always had the feeling that she had slept forever, not only physically exhausted, but also mentally exhausted. In the past few days in the camp battle, she held on until the last moment. Counting, she never The last wave of silver wolves has not fallen asleep for almost half a month.

When he woke up, he still drank a drop of psychic liquid to barely recover, but even so, his head was still dizzy.

After going out for a lap, I was so hot that I was sweating all over, so I quickly took out the water-proof beads and went to the sea to cool off for a while.

In this situation, maybe a few days later, the sea water here will dry up.

It's a pity that she can intervene in other things, but she can't change the climate. She can only cherish it day by day.

At noon, Dapeng brought his friends to follow the taste.


Although he didn't know what it was talking about, but seeing the eager expression, Jiang Duoduo automatically understood that it missed her.

"Oh Dapeng, I miss you so much!"

Jiang Duoduo hugged him, and he didn't know where Dapeng had been these days, but he was hungry and thin.

Ai?Her area here has been sealed off. Could it be that Dapeng went to other places?

Ah, she didn't understand, so she turned to look at Qing Yi.

"It said, let you save it, it is starving to death!"

Seeing this, Jiang Duoduo didn't hesitate, just did what he had, and soon fed Dapeng and his friends.

After eating and drinking enough, Dapeng began to act like a baby.

With such a big body, leaning against Jiang Duoduo, he kept rubbing back and forth, making all kinds of strange sounds from his mouth.

Jiang Duoduo couldn't understand, but Qing could too, the expression on its little face was extremely weird.

"what happened?"

Qing Yi glanced at Dapeng inexplicably, and said: "It said, after you left, it kept flying and flying, and flew to a certain place, bumped into something, kept hitting, and finally smashed away. , passed, and closed again.

After that, I couldn't come out from that place, starved to death, and also died of heat. After finally coming back, the whole bird was starved and skinny! "

Jiang Duoduo suddenly realized that it was no wonder that she was so hungry and skinny, but her heart ached so badly that she hugged and comforted her for a long time before Dapeng regained his vitality.

It seems that the environment here is better. After Dapeng and his friends are full, they go out and fly around.

After playing, she wanted to take her to fly, Jiang Duoduo didn't refuse, she sat on the back of Dapeng, she ran on the ice, swam and dived in the sea, but she never flew in the sky.

Flying unprotected for the first time was completely different from the feeling of flying. The feeling of freedom was simply fascinating. She opened her arms and let the wind whistling through her arms.

Dapeng also seemed to be extremely happy, and roared loudly. If it wasn't for Jiang Duoduo on his back, he might have spun up.

From the top down, the world below is spectacular.

The deep blue sea looks at everything above and embraces everything. The fish in the sea roll out of the sea from time to time. The blue whale opens its mouth wide and swallows the whole group of small fish. It is the endless despair.

Dapeng seems to be very familiar with the path, flying in all directions, but can accurately send her back home.

Jiang Duoduo is a little bit unfinished, the feeling of flying is really great, there is an illusion that everything is under control, I really look forward to one day, she can fly by herself.

Of course, just thinking about it.

After returning home, she calmed down, and after salvaging all the boxes in the sea, she found that she was only a few boxes away from being able to upgrade, so she quickly opened them.

Up to level seven, nothing seems to have changed.

After walking around the house, she realized that her house seemed ready to move.

She manipulated the platform to rise slowly until it reached ten meters, but it stopped moving, but it could move sideways. After moving ten meters in all directions, it stopped moving.

It can be seen that after the seventh level, horizontal movement was not possible before. It is not difficult to guess, and it will be upgraded in the future.

After playing for a while, Jiang Duoduo lost interest, and directly lowered the platform to the lowest point, taking advantage of the sea water, and enjoying it again, with the sea breeze blowing in the afternoon, he prepared a bucket of crayfish, a group of beasts, which was not enough at all Divided, simply took another bucket, put it in the kitchen to cook, and divided the finished ones first.

Twenty beasts, all of them are foodies, they dare to eat so spicy, and they taste so delicious, Jiang Duoduo is the only one who suffers, they keep peeling, there is no way, they are all missing a few fingers, and there is another Not a single one, peeling a bucket and feeding none.

The rare free time seems to pass extremely quickly.

These days, Dapeng is really suffering, and he doesn't leave at night, just nests in the corner, pitifully, Jiang Duoduo simply made a nest for it, but it's not small.

On the other hand, its little friends looked eagerly and wanted to stay, but they were yelled away by Dapeng.

I didn't realize it, but I still know how to occupy a lot of land!
After sending away these behemoths, Jiang Duoduo was free. She suddenly thought of one thing. It is very easy to trigger the lucky stone now. Can the box that was replaced by the system be opened?
After the trigger, she opened the box immediately.

A burst of colorful light flashed, and two pieces of paper appeared in front of my eyes.

Jiang Duoduo stepped forward with some doubts, took a look in his hand, and was immediately surprised, what is really missing!

When she saw the step-up stone before, she was still wondering where to get the drawings of rare weapons, but she didn't expect that the blueprints were obtained before the step-up stone, which was really a big surprise.

Another one, even more surprising.

It is outrageous to have two items in one box, but also two rare items!
Is it because it was changed by the system?

It needs to know that Jiang Duoduo can get these two things directly, and would rather fool her than let her choose the box by herself!

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