Chapter 127

In the bottle, there were twenty drops of psychic liquid that she specially filled. The bottle used was the same one that contained octopus poison. It has a self-cleaning function, so Jiang Duoduo filled it with confidence.

It's not that she is reluctant to use it, as long as there is space, she will have a continuous supply of psychic liquid. Although there is no Klein bottle to double it, [-] drops of psychic liquid plus the daily output is enough for five days.

However, no one thought that on the first day, more than a dozen teammates were injured. If these people were slowing down, she might have to consider whether to save them all at once, but these teammates were once soldiers who defended the country. Now the injury is also to protect her teammates, she can't ignore it.

Jiang Yuan looked at her suspiciously while holding the bottle.

"This is psychic fluid. I got it by accident. There are only twenty drops, and one drop can restore full blood. I don't know if it will have any effect on the wind and snow in their bodies. Let's save their lives first!"

The blood bars of those injured were continuously decreasing, and some of them were almost bottomed out.

Knowing that it was a life-saving thing, and it was Jiang Duoduo who took it out, Jiang Yuan quickly fed the spirit liquid into the mouth of the injured teammate.

Apparently, Jiang Duoduo still underestimated the effect of the spiritual liquid. I saw that those teammates who were still anemic returned to full blood in an instant. state.

Now everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Yuan returned the remaining spirit liquid and the bottle to Jiang Duoduo, and he said solemnly: "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, they might have to confess here."

People like them, with sacrifice in mind, face all danger head-on without fear and without flinching while keeping others safe.

Jiang Duoduo has always admired them. Even in the secret territory, she can still stand up for her teammates and others. She can't ignore them.

"When you were protecting them, did you ever think about asking for this thank you?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head firmly, since he put on the clothes, he never thought of shrinking back.

"So, no need to say thank you, you are saving others, and there are people who want to be your backing!"

In the past, their backing was the country, but when they entered the game and entered the secret realm, their backing was all the players from country Q, and she couldn't control the others, but she didn't allow herself to ignore their sacrifices and enjoy the stability they bought with peace of mind.

Jiang Duoduo's words not only made Jiang Yuan stunned in place, but also other people of the same background as him in the team were also stunned. Afterwards, everyone stood together, straight as a pine and cypress, even if they took off their clothes , still heroic.


Everyone groaned and raised their hands.

The end of the world, they are sharp knives cultivated by the country, they always keep in mind the responsibilities entrusted to them by the country, and never think of repaying them. In the secret realm, they have been betrayed and encountered isolation. In the end of the world, there is nothing wrong with self-interested thinking. Their comrades-in-arms have died and been injured, but they are nothing compared to the knife in the heart.

They didn't want to thank other players, but at least when they were injured, they could lend a helping hand. Why did they unite together instead of other players?
But it is because, together, the chances of survival increase.

Jiang Duoduo was not the first player to give them medicine, and certainly not the last, but he was the first to be their backing.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't seem to expect to see this scene. For a while, the screen that was originally tumbling seemed to be still, and then the two words swiped the screen.


Those are other Q country players like Jiang Yuan who have never entered the secret realm, and only they know their sadness.

This scene was also kept in mind by other players. When meeting this kind of player in the future, the ignorance is gone, the natural request disappeared, and the hearts of players in country Q also gathered together to form a solid shield to resist. danger faced.

Jiang Duoduo didn't know that her words would have such an impact.

After the injured teammate was treated, she was not stingy, and poured all the remaining three drops into the big pot of rice. Qiao Yuanbao cooked the meals for a hundred people by himself, just like Jiang Duoduo's love of adventure. She likes to cook, and even lights up her culinary abilities, and all the food in her hands will be somewhat beneficial.

Just like this pot of rice, after the people present ate it, they immediately felt that their bodies that were originally icy and eroded by the wind and snow had warmed up, and their physical strength had almost recovered.

Everyone thought it was Jiang Duoduo's credit, but she knew that the rice made by Yuan Bao also had a role.

She is not greedy for merit, and explained the benefits of the meal clearly.

Qiao Yuanbao obviously didn't expect Jiang Duoduo to say that, but since he had explained it, he admitted it openly.

Now that everyone has recovered, Jiang Duoduo also told the information about the secret realm. From the time she went out to the time she came back, everything she saw and heard along the way was clearly stated.

"In other words, the cold current here is only inside the barrier? Then the barrier will thicken, will it also become thinner?"

"Are there traces of human existence outside?"

"Would it be better to wear protective clothing next time you go out?"

Questions were raised one after another, and everyone brainstormed to discuss the most suitable solution. In this secret realm, the heavier the weight, the more the strength will be weakened. Therefore, power-type players have no advantage here.

Qiao Yuanbao obviously knew that he couldn't move an inch here, so he just listened and did the logistics work well.

In the afternoon, Jiang Duoduo decided to go out again, but this time she was not alone, but with a few teammates who were about the same speed as her. They put on protective clothing and shields, and when everything was ready, they went let's go.

This time she wanted to go to the other side. Before, the big troops and she went directly to the front. Even if she was looking for clues, she was in that direction, but she never set foot behind where they are now.

Although he just turned around, he could clearly feel the abnormality here. Jiang Duoduo looked at the house behind him, and it seemed that they really only took a few steps.

Not to mention that the temperature was higher than a few steps ago, it was still rising step by step. The higher they walked, the hotter they were sweating profusely, and the water in the protective clothing began to accumulate.

How could this be?
It's just separated by a wall, and when looking over from the window, it is clearly the same environment as the opposite direction, why is it like this after stepping out?

Everyone is puzzled.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Duoduo simply took off the protective clothing, but did not take off the protective cover. She felt it with her body first, and took off the protective cover only after finding that there was no abnormality.

Immediately, a pungent smell of volcanic lava was inhaled into her lungs, and she felt a burning sensation instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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