At this time, there are still ten hours before the end of the secret realm.

Most of the cooling materials have been used, and the next step is the large ones. The air conditioners and systems are produced and must be high-quality products.

The cooling artifact that you carry with you only needs survival points to start working.

In the secret territory, the shopping mall cannot be opened, and survival points cannot be exchanged, so the only remaining survival points can only be used to support the air conditioner.

Breathing oxygen and blowing the air conditioner, any normal person would probably not do this kind of operation, but the current underground environment is still heating up, one air conditioner is not enough at all, and some players take out the air conditioner, but the consumption of the survival point is huge , quickly emptied one player after another.

When it was Jiang Duoduo's turn to recharge his survival points, he calculated the consumption and found that he needed 1 survival points in about 10 minute. In the past three hours, all the survival points in the players' hands were wiped out.

After all, it is usually only when you see something you want, you will exchange it with materials. Who is free to exchange materials for survival points and put them in the mall!

There are people!

Jiang Duoduo is that fool!
She hadn't found what she wanted before, but she was afraid that one day, if she found something, she would be a step behind and be preempted by others. Therefore, she would exchange some materials every day, and kept saving for a day or two. Now The survival points in her hand had already reached a terrifying number, at least the survival points consumed until the end of the secret realm were nothing more than a drop in the bucket for her.

They did not hesitate to renew the fee and bought all the next few hours. Others who saw the big money were dumbfounded. Compared with this, they are really too poor, and they have to rely on the boss to protect their lives!

After solving the temperature problem, everyone was relieved.

After several hours of not eating or drinking, everyone was exhausted. Who cares about eating and drinking at this time, it is better to wait until we go out to have a good meal.

The secret realm of country Q is definitely the most distinctive one this time.

Whether it is a game player or a person in real life, they are very interested in this secret realm. After all, a secret realm that can harvest half of the life at the beginning has only appeared so far.

Different from country Q, the secret places in other countries are also erupted by magma, and one tenth of them who survived are experiencing a situation where they will die if they are not careful.

They are different from people like Jiang Duoduo who dug a hole and covered themselves up. Most players chose to run to high places and finally survived the fusion of air currents, but they were constantly attacked by magma. In just a few hours, one floor of the building has disappeared.

One by one even cursed, what is wrong with the people in this small town, they build a house, but they want to pursue artistic conception and build a wooden house.

Encountering magma, let alone resisting it, they screamed in the fire. In order to survive, they had to run from one roof to the other, and the other turned back and ran on the roof. Fortunately, the house was close, on the roof It only takes one step to reach, which also caused the bottom of the house to be covered one by one.

A row of wooden houses, burning, no one can bear it, the players have no other chance to survive except for running around, finally found a stone house at a certain location in the town, it seems to be a storage room of a certain family, the threshold It was a little higher and successfully blocked the inflow of magma.

But the stones were scorched by the magma around them. Let alone touching them, they couldn’t even stand for a few seconds. They were so hot that they jumped, but they didn’t dare to go out. They could only take out the cooling things in the backpack and put them under their feet. .

After all, it is a system thing. Even if the cooling rod cannot cool down, standing on it can insulate the heat, and even if it falls into the magma, it will not be melted.

Finally taking a breath, looking at the remaining three hours, despair surged into my heart instantly.

Why is it so difficult to survive!
Standing like this one by one, looking at the flowing magma outside, weeping silently.

Qiao Yuanbao had remained motionless for several hours, and the surrounding temperature was constantly rising, but because of the Heart of the Secret Realm, the area around her became an isolated area, and the heat kept pouring into the bead. When it is full, the rate of absorption slows down.

She was in a hurry.

Why did this broken bead fall off the chain at a critical moment!
Watching the time go by little by little, she didn't care about the numbness in her feet, she stood on tiptoe, wanting to touch the heart of the secret realm, but it didn't let her touch it.

Anxiety can no longer describe her mood at this time.

Those companions in the ground were sealed by her below, with scarce air and high temperature, I don't know what happened to them, if I knew it, I wouldn't need so much effort!

Originally, they could run away before the magma came, at least they would not have to face the fate of being smothered to death by heat and suffocation, but she blamed her for having so many hands. It is obviously too late to say it now, so I hope they have enough supplies They survive until the end of the Rift.

The underground players are also waiting anxiously. It seems that all the problems have been solved, but only they know that their mood has changed.

Trapped underground for a long time, any normal person will have negative emotions such as anxiety, but with so many of them together, emotions are contagious.

Fortunately, these players are all Jiang Yuan's teammates. In terms of psychological quality, there is absolutely nothing to say. They are only a little irritable after so long. Compared with them, Jiang Duoduo seems to need comfort more.

So, everyone put away their negative emotions and talked to Jiang Duoduo one by one. Among them were not only comrade Jiang Yuan, but also people from brother departments, especially those law enforcement officers, who knew how to enlighten others.

At this time, Jiang Duoduo was talking to a JC sister. She seemed to have the same experience as Jiang Yuan and the others, and her temperament perfectly blended with them, without any sense of disobedience.

"Duoduo, I think you are in a good mood. Have you ever encountered such an environment before?"

Jiang Duoduo also has a crush on this young lady, and even has a faint sense of admiration. A young lady who can beat bad people is so admirable!
The young lady's name is Qi Siyun. Coincidentally, her place of duty is not far from where Jiang Duoduo lived before. Unfortunately, they have never met.

Due to her status, Qi Siyun's skills and mind are both upper-middle-class, so she can easily integrate into the small group.

She has neat short hair and wears the same combat uniform as Jiang Yuan and the others. Not to mention, she is definitely not inferior to those men over 1.8 meters in aura. She has seen her skills, which is quite good.

Such a person, it's hard not to let other people, especially her imaginative little girl like her, have a good impression!
Jiang Duoduo brightened up, "Yeah, I stayed longer than now, and it was dangerous, so Miss Sister, I'm fine, but I want to hear you tell those mysterious stories!"

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