After all, this duel has developed into a confrontation between countries, and the other players are mainly watching the excitement.

Jiang Duoduo saw the opportunity and landed on the battlefield.

The big move is offered without money, anyway, except for the players in country Q, they are all enemies, and they are not afraid of hurting their own people.

The number of people on the opposite side has been decreasing. At first it was reduced from 100 to 80 people. Later, after Jiang Duoduo joined, the number of people consumed even more and became 50 people.

But the players on the opposite side were pissed off.

Apparently they also saw Jiang Duoduo, and they were very sure that they invited special interceptors, who were dealt with by Jiang Duoduo.

But at this time, it is obvious that the two sides are showing their anger. Even if there are casualties, they have reached the point of endless death. With the addition of Jiang Duoduo on the side of Country Q, it is obvious that there is an overwhelming strength crushing, retreat?That is absolutely not okay.

Anyway, the person carrying the fragments had already arrived at a safe place.

It is rare to encounter such an opportunity to vent one's anger, and no one wants to miss it!
Soon, people from both sides arrived.

The situation was out of control, all kinds of supernatural powers were flying, and there were countless casualties, and the points of each country began to rise rapidly. An hour later, most of the players gathered here.

Some came to support, and some came to watch the excitement.

Jiang Duoduo was already killing her madly at this time, there was no other way, these people were avoiding her before, and when they met her, they would definitely have to collect enough points, and the points were rising slowly, and the others were terrified to see it.

Can you be frightened?

In just a few minutes, Jiang Duoduo's score increased by tens of dozens, and after an hour, it had already crossed the [-] mark, ranking first on the list.

And the other players behind are also rising. Obviously, those people are also in the melee. As for whether they will help or not, it is not sure.

This big move seems to have alarmed the system.

But there was no valid reason for the interception, so he simply thought of a bad idea.

In the early hours of the morning, at the moment of zero o'clock, all players were cast randomly.

Jiang Duoduo was still harvesting points one moment, but was sent away the next second. Looking at the environment in front of her, she has every reason to believe that the system is messing with her.

The sea that can't be seen at a glance, and the land can be seen before, but this time it is a real sea, the endless kind.

Not only that, even a player can't see it, and there are not even creatures in the sea.

If it wasn't for guarding against her, she would stand upside down and eat.

Needless to say, the system does have an opinion on Jiang Duoduo, and it is a big opinion. In its view, it is entirely due to Jiang Duoduo that it can be done like this this time.

Compared with those players, her strength is too high. Entering the crowd is like no man's land. During the whole process, a total of [-] points were generated, and Jiang Duoduo monopolized [-] points.

How is this still playing?
Can't beat, can't fight luck!

If they don't intervene, I'm afraid this competition will end early.

Can only intervene forcibly!Moreover, Jiang Duoduo was locked in a small black room alone.

Don't be afraid of the player's strength, but be afraid of the player's unexpected actions, you must be on guard!
But no matter how angry Jiang Duoduo was, she had to find a way to get out. Unfortunately, this time the system obviously wanted to block her out. After swimming for several hours, she still couldn't see the land, and even the route information couldn't be displayed.

Well, since this is the case, then she can only lie down and wait for the end.

However, the scoreboard can still be checked. Seeing her [-] points, she seems to understand why the game is targeting her.

You made a mistake, you should restrain yourself a little.

There is only her here, she has no meaning, she can only float on the water to bask in the sun every day, she feels that she has tanned several degrees in just a few days.

The feeling of counting the days is really hard.

It's been No. 11 days, No. 12 days, well, I haven't found anything anyway, so I can't be free.

On the 13th, she was still basking in the sun, but she always felt that something was staring at her, her eyes were full of curiosity, but there was no malice.

what happened?

She couldn't call the system, so she went to find it by herself.

The sea is too big, even though she confirmed the direction, she swam for several hours, but still found nothing.

Jiang Duoduo became a little curious, and her determination to find became stronger. With the help of avoiding water drops, she was not comfortable in the water, especially in the water where there was nothing.

While observing the seabed environment, I searched for it, but I still couldn't find it.

Huh?Does it move when she moves?
It escaped her?
It flies extremely fast without wings.

After realizing that he couldn't keep up, Jiang Duoduo came up with an idea.

She simply took out the air mattress, placed it on the sea level, and waited quietly, waiting for the prey to take the bait.

Sure enough, on the morning of No.15, she saw a blue figure not far away.

That is?

Packed up the boat, entered the sea, and swam over directly.

"Ah, it's you, really long time no see!"

Laiyu is obviously the blue whale that took her on a day trip to the bottom of the sea. When she picked up the water-repellent beads, she thought it was an accident. Now that I think about it, it should have left the beads there on purpose.

Although we only got along for a day, Jiang Duoduo had a deep impression on it, except partly because he suspected that something happened to him, but more because he was really easy to satisfy.

It only needs a touch from her, and it will show a happy expression.

In order to get closer to her, she was even able to endure the attack of the bloodthirsty vine. At that time, she was very worried. Now it seems that it is really fine, and it has grown a lot.

After the blue whale found out that it was recognized, it responded to Jiang Duoduo's kindness with a loud cry.

Then he turned his head and signaled Jiang Duoduo to sit up.

Jiang Duoduo climbed up along the back of the whale. She really grew up, her back was much wider, and the water-repelling beads were still floating not far away. She always knew that she only had the right to use the water-repelling beads, so she also No need to hold it in your hand every time.

Sure enough, when it got to the back of the blue whale, what else could it hold, it just floated in mid-air without moving, protecting Jiang Duoduo steadily.

Seeing that she was sitting still, the blue whale let out another long cry and swam forward quickly.

For a whole day, I took Jiang Duoduo to see the scenery of the entire sea area. Jiang Duoduo, who had been trapped for several days, rarely met a companion. She was still the cutie before, and she was so happy that she didn't even have the time to pay attention. Movement in the game.

There are still no creatures in the sea, except for her and the blue whale, who are not at ease.

However, some players in the game are extremely irritable.

Jiang Duoduo's name is still at the top of the list. Although the points have not changed, they can't surpass them. After all, they don't have that strength or luck, so they can only watch.

Because of Jiang Duoduo's points, Shengsheng raised the points of country Q to an unmatched height. Seeing that the match was about to end, players from other countries were in a hurry, especially those from the beautiful country.

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