In the end, the sky ladder left a shadow in her heart, making her be careful when going in it.

After the rest, continue to catch narwhals.

After one night, she didn't find any trace of it, and it seemed that it really never appeared.

It was impossible to wait like this, so Jiang Duoduo simply went into the water.

She still doesn't believe it, the affinity will have no effect on the narwhal.

As usual, she was surrounded by small fish as soon as she entered the water, and it was the first time she entered the water for a long time. The creatures in the sea have returned to their former vitality, and there are many more types.

Jiang Duoduo has been wondering, where is the source of this sea water?
It's a pity that there is no way to go to far places now, mainly because the means of transportation are not allowed. It would be great if Xiaoyi came again, but even if she had a koi bonus that day, she didn't get it.

If only I could get the help of the narwhal!The little whale is really too shy.

She soaked in the water for a while, surrounded by little fishes, but she still couldn't see the narwhal. After all, it was so huge that she would definitely find it if it appeared.

At a certain moment, she felt that curious gaze again, and after searching around, she never found it.

Suddenly, she found that the school of fish around her was scattered by an inexplicable force, and she also felt something touched by her hand. Is this the narwhal sticking to her?

Or change color?

It kept touching her hand with its mouth, and the joyful mood was transmitted to her through this brief contact. After Jiang Duoduo thought it was going to hide to the end, it finally appeared.

And it doesn't seem to know that it's active, squinting its small eyes, feeling extremely comfortable.

Suddenly she raised her head and saw Jiang Duoduo's surprised gaze. Only then did she realize that the invisibility had failed, and she was so frightened that she was about to run away. As a result, Jiang Duoduo took a quick step, grabbed her by the horn, and was instantly taken away.

The frightened narwhal wanted to throw Jiang Duoduo off, swimming in the sea at top speed, and the nearby small fish gave way one after another.

She thought it would calm down soon, but obviously, the narwhal didn't think so. It even faintly regarded Jiang Duoduo as an enemy, and was bound to throw her off, and it was about to hit the rocks on the bottom of the sea. She was so frightened that she quickly took out a drop of spiritual liquid, put it near the narwhal's mouth, and put it into its mouth the moment it opened its mouth.

The speed dropped sharply.

After Jiang Duoduo watched her calm down, she fell off the narwhal's back, floated directly opposite it, reached out and touched its mouth, and was not rejected this time.

Then she took out another drop and put it near its mouth, and the narwhal swallowed it voluntarily, sticking to her happily.

Sure enough, there is no small animal that doesn't like ectoplasm, just a small drop can increase the favorability, even narwhals are no exception.

"Little whale, let's go exploring together!"

The narwhal let out a joyful cry, and after Jiang Duoduo hugged its horn, it swam quickly.

It seemed to know her destination well, and took her all the way to the place where it stayed before, and swam until dark. It seemed that its status in the sea was not low, and some fishes avoided it after seeing it.

The sea area where the narwhal stays is wider. It swims up and down non-stop, as if introducing her home to Jiang Duoduo. There are no other creatures around it. It really is the overlord's territory, and nothing is allowed to approach it.

The seabed is covered with a thick layer of beads, and in the deep seabed, there is a soft light shining.

The narwhals seem to love this place very much. They keep touching the beads on the bottom of the sea, and they can even stay on the beads safely without moving for a long time.

Seeing this, Jiang Duoduo slid down from the back of the whale and stepped on the beads. The surface of the beads had been polished to a smooth surface, and he could only feel the coolness and silkiness. It seemed that the narwhal really liked it.

"Your home is really beautiful!"

She touched its mouth and said with a smile.

The water-repelling beads are floating nearby, and the place where she is is no different from the land, even if it is covered by water, it still does not affect breathing and speaking.

Since meeting the blue whale again, the water avoiding beads have been bound to her, making it more convenient to use.

The narwhal obviously understood what she meant, and circled around her. Layers of small bubbles surrounded Jiang Duoduo and continued to rise, which seemed a little more illusory. The passage rises all the way to the sea surface, and the narwhals are exposed to the sea surface. Taking advantage of the moonlight, you can quietly enjoy this unique beauty.

No wonder she didn't wait for it all night before, it took so long to reach her at this distance.

The speed of the narwhal is also fast enough, otherwise, whether it can go back and forth in a day is a problem.

This is indeed the boundary outside the previous barrier, but it is still not the boundary of the sea. When she motioned for the narwhal to move on, it refused.

what happened?

The narwhal led her back to the bottom of the sea, looking at something ahead with a frightened expression.

"Is there danger there?"

The narwhal called back to her.

"Did you fight any creatures there?"

As soon as the words came out, the narwhal immediately looked at her with aggrieved eyes.

Well, she got it, it fought the stuff there and lost!
He stroked its big head comfortingly, "When it comes over, I'll fight it for you!"

The narwhal whimpered at her, as if expressing its grievances.

"Want to go home with me? There are other little friends there, and you will have a good time getting along!"

The narwhal hesitated. It seemed that it was really afraid of getting along with other creatures, but it wanted to leave with Jiang Duoduo, but it was still fear that prevailed in the end, and it refused.

But it wants to take Jiang Duoduo to play in the sea.

Jiang Duoduo looked at the time, it was early morning anyway, how late can it be, let's play!

In this way, the narwhal took her to swim east and west in the sea, turning around the entire sea area. It didn't know or was afraid of any places it didn't reach, and Jiang Duoduo also followed it. The reaction to judge the strength of those unknown creatures.

When it reaches a certain place, if it swims slowly, it means that the things there are about the same strength as it, but it's just too lazy to fight, but if it runs away quickly, there are definitely strong enemies there, just like the previous place.

She silently remembered that this is all experience, and if she encounters it one day, she will have a countermeasure.

At dusk, they returned to her home.

The narwhal wanted to post again, but was frightened by Qing Yi who suddenly appeared, and jumped into the sea to escape.

Jiang Duoduo didn't even say goodbye to it, and just ran away without a trace.

"Hiss! What did you bring back?"

Qing Yi only saw a huge figure, what exactly it was, this thing was running too fast, so he didn't see it clearly.

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