Jiang Duoduo finally saw the scene of the little robot cleaning up the player's dormant compartment.

I saw that after the little robot turned on the self-cleaning program of the dormant chamber, the players inside were immediately shrouded in a layer of thick fog. After a few minutes, they became a pile of dust, which was finally cleaned up by the purification system, and the dormant chamber sank again. into the ground.

It turns out that the players in the dormant cabin are not 100% safe.

She talked carefully, and found that there were only 75 people left in a hundred players, and the 35 people who disappeared were all dealt with in this way, but she still couldn't understand why they died in the loop?
As long as you find clues, you can break through the shackles of the brain, or are those who lost their lives not even found the shadow of the brain?
This conjecture is almost true.

Most of the players died in the initial torrential water, and some of them died in the impact. Unlike Jiang Duoduo, those people all lost their lives in it. After losing their lives, they will not be dealt with immediately. It is still necessary to go through the cycle, but it is the cycle before death, and the real death is not until all the spiritual power is exhausted.

After waiting for several hours, some players woke up at dusk.

Jiang Duoduo was nearby, and rushed over after noticing movement.

The man looked sluggish, even after he got out of the dormant chamber, he still seemed to be sucked dry, and collapsed on the ground without responding for a long time.

"Can you get up?"

Jiang Duoduo looked down at him.

"Let me slow down again! Slow down again! Hurrrrrrrrr!"

Just fell asleep like this!
Isn't this person in the cycle, did he go through the robbery?Didn't even have a break?

After waiting for several hours until the early hours of the morning, the man woke up.

"Hello, big brother, my name is Wang Yan, and it's an honor to be in a secret realm with you."

Wang Yan may have some talent for speech. In his words, Jiang Duoduo saw the suffering of an extremely unlucky guy in the cycle.

Like Jiang Duoduo, Wang Yan also entered the room, but he didn't notice the flood outside. The room he was looking for was too comfortable, and he slept until noon, but was woken up by the warning sound.

After being dazed for a long time, he was finally caught off guard by the impact, and bumped over and over in the whole room. When the impact process was over, he was ugly and passed out.

It was even weirder to wake up again, being carried away by those little robots, and the place was in a cell in the city hall.

So far I have not figured out why the cell is in the city hall.

But Jiang Duoduo remembered that when she went in to search for the first time, she seemed to see a door with iron bars inside the door, which seemed to be the so-called prison cell.

Imprisonment is not the worst thing, Wang Cheng is full of sadness when he thinks about it now.

After those little robots threw him in, they really didn't care about it, but this cell has a set procedure, and there will be an interrogation every hour. If he doesn't answer correctly, he will be tortured and tortured one by one. Really physically and mentally exhausted.

The most frightening thing was that he had gone through this process ten times. If he hadn't been unable to resist in the end, he might have stayed inside and endured the torture.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhang felt aggrieved. He didn't know why he had to go through such a thing. It's the 23rd century, and there is still torture!I cry when I think of it!Crying with snot and tears!
"So, you have no idea why this is happening here? Didn't you see Zhinao?"

Jiang Duoduo couldn't help interrupting his crying and asked.

"What brain? Is there a brain here? Is it those little robots? By the way, big brother, why did those robots imprison me?"

Well, this is someone who doesn't know anything. It is estimated that he was able to come out in the end because he was too close to the control room. When he counterattacked, he accidentally touched a weak point in the control room, so he had the chance to come out.

Jiang Duoduo's teammates were so ignorant, obviously, Jiang Duoduo didn't think of it, and she was not stingy, telling her discoveries one by one, including the shock, including the secret of Wuhui Mountain.

Wang Zhang opened his mouth wide with shock on his face.

When he could not survive but could not die, the big brother had already reached the position of 90.00% nine, and he was only one step away from touching the truth of the secret realm, but he was still being tortured, and after he came out, he was still dragging his feet. Not only did he not get any news, but he also had to popularize science.

what to do?Will the boss kick him out of the temporary team because he is too heavy to drag?
Seeing that this person didn't know what he was thinking about, and his eyes became more and more strange, Jiang Duoduo couldn't hold back, turned and left.

"Boss, big brother, wait for me, I, I, I promise not"

It's nothing, Wang Zhang himself can't say for sure, anyway, it's right to keep up.

The sky is green at this time, which means safety, and they only have a chance to find clues during this time. Jiang Duoduo wants to find Zhinao, and Wang Yan wants to see what Zhinao is.

So, the two separated and looked around.

Before Wang Yan woke up, Jiang Duoduo checked nearby. Unfortunately, this place is mainly residential buildings. The bracelets in the hands of these residents seem to have been destroyed by the impact, and the only bracelet she found was the non-owner. cannot be opened.

She wanted to follow the little robot to find the brain, but when she saw the way the robot appeared, she gave up.

When the big water comes, those robots will roll themselves into a ball, extend two tentacles from the ball, and firmly grasp the ground to prevent being washed away by the big water.

But after the flood disappears, they will return to the appearance of robots to complete their daily tasks.

These robots are too low-end, and they can't even find the brain through the connection. Once Jiang Duoduo touches it, the looming connection point will be disconnected immediately, making it impossible for her to even chase.

Zhinao has been on guard against her since she woke up.

Wang Yan, I wonder if he can find the control room?
There are too few people, just the two of them, even if they find the secret realm, they will end up with nothing, but how and when the players in the dormant cabin wake up, there is no way for the outside world to intervene.

In the heart of the secret realm, she has a place of suspicion, and she is not in a hurry, but the brain needs to find it quickly.

"Boss, help!"

Jiang Duoduo heard Wang Yan's call from a distance. She looked far away and saw him fleeing in front, and the robot behind kept shouting, "I found an outsider, please kill him!"

How miserable, how did you provoke these aggressive robots?
No, where did this attack command come from?
Jiang Duoduo suddenly remembered that she had never encountered this kind of robot since she woke up, and the only ones who found her were the little robots guarding the dormant chamber.

She narrowed her eyes and suddenly had an idea.

"Hurry up, bring those robots over!"

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