Jiang Duoduo pondered for a while, and analyzed the current situation. The monsters are constantly strengthening, and they only have little time to defend on the city wall. Once they go to the bottom to fight, in front of those huge monsters, less than two Meter players are not enough to watch, so we still need to use auxiliary forces.

She can take over the job of arranging the war, but once she takes over, it is very difficult to let go.

Does she want to pick it up?

If you don't answer, according to the current situation, you can resist up to two waves, and the players will have to fight in close quarters.

"Brother Wang, do you think this is going to work? I'll just come up with ideas, how to arrange it is up to you, how about it?"

Hearing Jiang Duoduo's refusal, Wang Liang was somewhat disappointed, but he still agreed to the operation, "Okay, then let's go to the topographic map to determine the next step!"

Seeing his impatience, Jiang Duoduo nodded and agreed without hesitation this time.

Although it was only five days, the terrain map has been prepared. In fact, it is just a layout map of the camp. There is really nothing here, including the land under the feet. Little by little.

"I have an idea, let's dig a ditch, set fire in the ditch, and use vines as a trap above, at least we can't let those monsters attack the city so quickly!"

"Currently the monster attacks are only concentrated in one direction, so the current problems are only minor problems, but we need to start thinking about how to deal with the monsters if they spread out to attack other sides!"

"The camp is currently only a circular defense base, so my suggestion is to take advantage of the rest time, and the earth-type supernatural beings start to strengthen the walls in other directions, at least to a height of ten meters, so that they cannot be besieged!"

"What's more, players should start to act in batches. There are 30 people in each group. The superhumans will be distributed according to the number, and they will take turns to rest. If they continue to fight like this, their combat power will definitely be affected. One group should deal with a siege. .”

"Earth players don't make any arrangements. They will start digging pits and reinforcements from now on. We must hurry up. If we don't make arrangements for the next siege, I'm afraid we will have to go down and fight."

Speaking of this, someone took the order to go out and summoned the earth system players to dig a hole within a hundred meters below the city wall, and then strengthen the city wall until the other walls reached about 15 meters before stopping, leaving only The short 20-meter city wall they are currently facing the monster is still the same.

"The players who attack from a distance are in the first line of defense. Once those traps hinder the monster's footsteps, don't be stingy and use the biggest attack to fight. It is best to last until the end. If you can't support it, then go down and fight. Come on!" All players are not weak, and they must have some strength."

Every time she made a suggestion, someone went down to make arrangements, and soon, the three groups were divided.

Jiang Duoduo was in the first group, which was her own request. After being divided into groups, the role of the first group is very important. Both the style of play and coordination can set an example for the other two groups.

It doesn't matter whether you learn from it or improve it, as long as the latter two groups learn it, they will know how to do it when they defend.

Of course, these ideas are only based on the beginning. Once the time comes to fight, there is nothing to learn from the style of play except for strength.

Knowing that there is not enough time, everyone did their own things in silence. After the group was divided, the other two groups did not leave immediately, but helped the first group get ready before resting at ease.

Even the place to rest is near the city wall. Everyone knows that time is running out, so after lying down, without speaking too much, if you can rest for 1 minute, you can play for 1 minute later.

Soon, a new monster siege came.

The edge of the pit below has been arranged. When the monster reached the edge of the pit, the fire-type supernatural being set fire to ignite the pit. The ground here is also strange. It seems that there is something combustible. Once it is lit, it will not go out for a long time.

The monster seemed to be a little afraid of the fire, and was stopped on the other side of the fire, screaming at them.

Players who attack from a distance, whether they have bows and arrows or crossbows in their hands, some even make their own bows and arrows, and put them at the monsters, while the supernatural beings check for omissions and fill in the gaps.

The blocked monster quickly became irritable, waved its huge fist, and smashed towards the flames. After finding that there was no damage, it jumped over the deep pit and continued to move forward.

He just walked less than one meter and was stopped again, this time by vines.

The vines aren't set too high, only reaching the crook of the monster's legs, but it's enough.

The monster tripped over the vines, and its huge body fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time. This is a good time for the supernatural being to kill it.

It's very comfortable to pour one and destroy the other.

This wave of attacks was obviously effective, and the number of monsters quickly decreased to less than a hundred. Most of them were killed after falling, and the long-distance attack also dealt with a lot.

The remaining monsters are even easier to destroy.

The players who resisted another wave and won the battle were all very happy.

Jiang Duoduo couldn't help showing a smiling face, but then she restrained herself. Next time, the monster's figure will change again. Now it has reached three meters. It is impossible to guarantee that the next wave will not reach five meters. The pressure of the players in the second group will be big.

However, it seems that the pits dug and the vines arranged will still be used.

At the end of the first group, the width of the pit was increased, and the vines were arranged at the same time before going back to rest.

Jiang Duoduo didn't rest immediately, but walked around the camp. The bloodthirsty vine in his hand climbed up the perimeter of the wall little by little, which was perfect for vigilance.

She also met other players on the way. Everyone seemed to have plans for the heightened city wall. She didn't intervene too much. She just nodded and said hello, and then left.

At this time, the place where the players used to rest has changed. Tents have been set up one by one, and it is not suitable to build a house. After all, if the earth system supernatural power consumes a lot, it will not be good for the subsequent battles. Simply, it has reached the current situation. , The materials in the hands of players have accumulated a lot, it may not be enough to support others, but self-sufficiency is definitely enough.

In this defense battle, the mall was not closed, and many players chose to buy survival items in the mall, among them was a lamp, an ever-burning lamp.

As long as there are enough survival points, it can live forever, and the consumption of survival points is not too much. The lighting range is huge. One lamp can illuminate the entire camp as if it were daytime. The most important thing is that this lamp can be used as a timer tool.

The lamp can store up to five hours of survival points. As long as the data is recorded, the time can be calculated. Here, the problem of time is definitely the biggest headache for players.

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