When Jiang Duoduo woke up again, she was awakened by the energy in the sky that day. Not only her, but all the players stared at the 'sun' in the sky dumbfounded. Even she herself didn't expect that the effect would be so good.

Like the sun, it exudes orange-red light, hangs high in mid-air, and illuminates the surroundings. It is only at this time that everyone can see the surrounding scene clearly, which is really unexpected.

It was barren, with no grass growing, and the ground was full of large and small pits. It was their luck that they found the only land that was fairly flat.

"Is this really the sun?"

"No, it should be props. It seems to be the [-] million one energy source. I can't even imagine the price, and only the bosses can afford it!"

The player who said this glanced at Jiang Duoduo without a trace, and when he found that she was not surprised, he basically confirmed that it was hers.

However, as soon as his words came out, the others also realized that among the hundred of them, except for Jiang Duoduo, the others seemed not qualified enough to be called big bosses.

Wang Liang came over with someone, leaned close to Jiang Duoduo, and asked in a low voice, "Is this prop yours?"

Jiang Duoduo nodded, there is nothing to hide.

Wang Liang looked at her happily, and said, "You've helped me a lot. Just talk about your daily consumption, and we, the beneficiary players, will give it to you."

Jiang Duoduo didn't think so. This item was different from the ever-burning lamp. It was completely bound to the player. The daily consumption could only be deducted from her own survival points, not others.

After she explained the situation, Wang Liang felt even more guilty.

"Otherwise, if you need anything in the future, just order, you have the priority to use everything in the camp, including players."

After all, here is a unified reward and unified punishment, and he really can't give specific things in exchange. After all, except for Jiang Duoduo, other people here can't even afford the energy item.

"Brother Wang, don't say these outlandish words. After all, everyone is not good, and I will follow suit. This thing is expensive when you buy it, and it is very cheap when you use it. It is not even one-tenth of the ever-burning lamp. Everyone Just protect yourself, live together until the end, and keep the flag.”

She is indeed not short of survival points, nor is she short of supplies, and this thing will be available for a long time in the future, it is just a prop, it is really unnecessary.

Hearing what she said, although Wang Liang didn't say anything more, his eyes became firmer, and even the other players around looked at Jiang Duoduo with admiration.

Strength is one thing, being a person is another.

This energy alone made Jiang Duoduo's reputation rise to the peak in this small camp.

It seems that because of this pseudo-sun, the long-term depression in the dark disappeared completely. Even during the daily maintenance of the camp facilities, everyone’s smiling faces increased, and the whole camp was filled with a sense of vacation. Relaxation.

This kind of emotion, when the siege battle started, the effect was vividly reflected.

The time set by Jiang Duoduo is exactly the same as in reality. Even if the countdown of the upper system ends, the energy will count by itself and rise on time. That is to say, they have a concept of time when this thing is there.

The program setting is exactly the same as the real sun, which rises from one side and sets on the other side. In just one day, everyone has mastered the time.

Of course, many people bought time props when they went out this time, but the system didn't know what to think. That thing is huge, it takes up space, and it's inconvenient to carry it. It's completely useless.

It is said to be an alarm clock, but it is really an alarm clock, an alarm clock taller than one person.

Simply hang it on the wall, there is an alarm clock almost everywhere, and the whole camp is filled with the sound of ticking hands.

With the 'sun' and time, it would be perfect if there is a moon.

"Pa" was slapped on the head, and the player opposite that person woke up, "What nonsense are you talking about? After a day of relaxation, I started dreaming. I really thought I was on vacation. Hurry up and work, later Kill a lot of monsters!"

well!I can't even dream.

The player touched his head, continued to control the fire, and slowly roasted the city wall.

The countdown will soon be over.

Players are on the alert, waiting for new monsters to arrive.

The monster this time is much smaller than the previous ones. It is a reptile with hard armor. Its appearance is somewhat similar to Xiaoqiang in reality, but its size is ten times that of Xiaoqiang. It crawls extremely fast and has a large number. Those with intensive phobia will definitely faint when they see it. The players tried to attack with supernatural powers, but found that except for the fire element, everything else was ineffective.

So the pressure was put on the fire-type abilities.

The ability is issued continuously, and the cleaning speed is very fast, but the consumption is also huge.

For this reason, Jiang Duoduo deliberately contributed ten drops of spiritual liquid, mixed them with the water in the base, and distributed them to the supernatural beings. They were stored in [-]ml bottles, and one sip would last half an hour. .

Simply, the first wave ended soon, and those monsters had no other abilities except their large numbers, so it was easy to eliminate them.

However, they would rather face those large monsters than see these densely packed little things.

The fire-type power user consumes a lot, three hours, almost emptying out all the players.

So after everyone discussed it, they continued to dig pits to make a defense line. Interception must be intercepted, and it cannot be done in the previous way. It was feasible to intercept large monsters before, but it would definitely be useless to use it on this monster.

The siege time is over, and it is almost time for the energy to fall, and the night is coming. This time, we directly dig pits and set fires to illuminate the darkness. Starting from the monster's refresh point, the fire pits are next to each other, pour combustibles, and ignite. The combustibles are shopping malls. Bought here, one drop can burn for 24 hours, consumes less, and lasts a long time.

The fire pit was dug all the way to the gate of the camp. Looking from the sky, it is definitely more spectacular than the starry sky in reality.

The siege was almost in the middle of the night, and there were still three teams, and the fire players were reassigned. In the first half of the night, everyone could rest more or less.

The previous dark environment, after being illuminated by the current energy source, the day and night also become more obvious. Everyone's schedule adjustment is much faster than expected. After all, they have adapted to the daily life for decades. After time, recovering is only a matter of one day.

The city defense at night, with the existence of the fire pit, it is much easier for everyone to deal with it. The wood system even promotes vines, sticks combustible objects, and surrounds those monsters in the fire circle. Although it is impossible to eliminate them, they are completely trapped It's still possible, but everyone has also discovered that the monsters this time are still the same as last time, and the waves are getting bigger and bigger.

When they attacked the city again at sunrise, it was obvious that their size was three times larger than before, and they were still only [-] to [-] centimeters in size. Now they have grown by one meter, and the fire damage to them has also decreased. , on the contrary, the thunder element has been strengthened.

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