On the contrary, some players brought binoculars, looked at the mouth shape, and translated it.

"The man asked if all of us had obtained the Heart of the Secret Realm, and asked how many of us there are now!"

There is no hiding here, and the answer is shouted loudly, regardless of whether the other side can hear it, anyway, they have given the answer, and whether they can get it is their problem.

It was another few days of waiting, and everyone who waited was upset. For the first time, they felt that the time in the secret realm was too long.

Counting with their fingers, hey, it's really not short. It's been about six days since they came here, but not only did they not find the key problem, they didn't even get the players together.

It's still waiting for them to save them outside, so what's the point of going on like this?
So, on the seventh day, everyone started to spontaneously organize players to search for those players who couldn't find the organization, and they really found three players, and these three players were also miserable.

Not to mention completely looking in the wrong direction, I was almost tortured crazy in the grass.

Jiang Duoduo didn't care about those players, she would drive the motorboat to see the airflow every day, for fear of missing the opportunity, and she would not let up when she returned to the shore. In the past few days, she has been so tense, Causing other players around to do everything carefully.

There was no movement for the next few days.

In the middle of the night, she couldn't bear it any longer, so she decided to sleep for a while.

Her mind seemed to be a step slower than her body. When she just had the thought of sleeping, her body had already relaxed, her eyes closed spontaneously, and she fell into a deep sleep.

But she didn't see that at the moment she fell asleep, all the players fell to the ground.

In Jiang Duoduo's strange sense of gaze, his consciousness returned to his body, and his mind began to wake up. That gaze did not come from human beings, or in other words, did not resemble creatures.

She was still wondering why the players suddenly woke up without any sound, no, she was already conscious, why didn't she open her eyes?

Her body seemed to be derailed from her consciousness. She desperately wanted to wake up, but she couldn't do it. When she was extremely anxious, she suddenly saw the bloodthirsty vine on her wrist, and she had an idea.

The bloodthirsty vine stretched out a small spike and stabbed it into her arm, and the blood flowed out instantly. The bloodthirsty vine was very anxious, it couldn't hurt its owner, it just did it as a last resort Do it, cover the bleeding place with the leaf, not to mention, the bleeding effect is actually good.

In the moment of pain, Jiang Duoduo returned to her body consciously, opened her eyes, held Xuanyuan Bow, and looked around vigilantly.

Nothing at all!

But she trusted her intuition, and when she saw the players lying on the ground, she woke them up one by one.

The other players regained consciousness the moment she touched them, and then took a short while before they could act. Like Jiang Duoduo, they were also forced to fall asleep. Some players were even talking to others a second ago. In the next second, he fell asleep directly.

The worst was the player who was near the fire, whose black hair was directly burned into curly hair, and that player touched his hair wanting to cry without tears.

After all the players woke up, everyone looked around vigilantly. It must be something extraordinary to make so many of them fall asleep.

After this inspection, it was discovered that not only them, but the entire space was in a state of dissociation. The wind stopped, the grass withered, and even the trees seemed to have lost their vitality.

Even the plants are under control.

Everyone was shocked, and quickly looked up at the companions opposite. In the telescope, none of the people there woke up. If Jiang Duoduo didn't wake up, they would have the same fate as them.

A player took out the collected fireworks and set them off. The loud noise was deafening, but the other side still didn't wake up.

Jiang Duoduo knew how to wake people up, so she took out the Xuanyuan Bow and shot an arrow at the person opposite. The arrow reached the player, and after touching the player, the severe pain woke him up, and he had no time to think Because of the severe pain, she hurriedly woke up all her companions.

When I looked up, I realized that it was the players on the opposite side who called them.

There are also binoculars, and the familiar bow and arrow on the opposite side, except for Jiang Duoduo, doesn't think about it.

Qiao Yuanbao exclaimed in surprise.

"Dodo! Dodo!"

It's a pity that Jiang Duoduo on the opposite side can only see a jumping figure, but can't hear the sound, and because the people on the opposite side are in a state of facing down in their eyes, they can't even confirm their figure.

A player with a telescope seems to have noticed something unusual.

"Hey, boss, the other side seems to be calling your name!"

He just noticed the word Duo Duo, and he didn't know whether the word Jiang was said or not.

"Isn't this nonsense? As long as the boss holds the artifact in his hand, he can recognize it even if he doesn't know it!"

It was said that the man put down the binoculars, and it was true.

Jiang Duoduo, who didn't know that the voice on the other side was hoarse, was looking at the airflow in the distance with a serious face.

In her perception, the air flow was obviously stronger than before, and she took a breath of cold air instantly. It was not weak but strong. This was a bit unreasonable!
So, she rode the motorboat over.

Seeing this, the players took out their water vehicles and followed behind her.

When he got there, Jiang Duoduo noticed something unusual.

The previous soft barrier disappeared, and it became the current transparent barrier, which is extremely hard and cuts off the water flow.

The other players have never known this existence here. They are just playing by the river at most. They often see Jiang Duoduo coming here, but seeing that she will come back here, they think it is a dividing line. Who knows that there will be such a thing? The stuff is there, and always has been!
The faces of other players who realized this problem were extremely ugly.

Of course not to Jiang Duoduo, but to themselves.

At this time, they have never noticed any abnormalities. If Jiang Duoduo hadn't woken them up this time, it would be a question of whether they could wake up or not.

Jiang Duoduo still fell into the river, turned around the barrier, and even took out a pen to leave marks on it, so a circular circle came into view.

The barrier seems to be much smaller, more easily broken than soft.

She tried to turn her body into a battle armor, and hit the barrier. Although it didn't shake, it left traces, which made people see hope.

The players on the opposite side, after seeing them entering the water one by one, followed them in, came to the same place, and were blocked by the same thing.

His face changed in an instant. At this time, they still left such an important thing behind, no wonder they fell asleep to death!

Qiao Yuanbao tried to attack with his fists, but found that there was no trace left, like an enchantment. Everyone guessed what the opening conditions would be, and Jiang Duoduo began to change places to attack.

There are traces of her on the barrier, and the entire barrier is like broken glass, which can be broken with just a light force.

Some players stepped forward to try and found that the light force was not something they could use!

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