Jiang Duoduo was also watching Zhuzhu, and Qiao Yuanbao followed her closely, fearing that she would leave her behind and run away in the next second.

"I always feel like there's something missing."

Qiao Yuanbao muttered to herself, but she couldn't say what was missing.

Jiang Duoduo heard the words, but was thoughtful.

When she got the Heart of the Secret Realm before, she had observed that the contents of each bead were different. It stands to reason that being able to open this secret realm means that the things in the player's hands are complete. At that time, the system said that there were 90.00% probability of repair.

In this situation, there is only one possibility. There is something missing from the round bead, but it is on the player.

At this moment, a ray of light flashed on the bead, as if something had melted into it.

And the player who released the ability looked at his hand in bewilderment, and then at the bead above.

"I swear, I really just used the ability!"

This sentence woke everyone up.

"That's right, the previous barrier was opened only after absorbing the ability. Does the round bead also have the ability?"

The players stepped forward to try, and sure enough, the colorful powers were integrated, but the players' powers were obviously not enough. Everyone input again and again, but the beads seemed to be a bottomless pit, directly sucking up the players' powers, but Still nothing.

Among them, the consumption of the water system ability is the largest, and the other abilities are slowly approaching saturation, but the water system is still sucking into the air. Those water system players are miserable, and the recovery is extremely slow, and the consumption only takes 1 minute.

Jiang Duoduo was also among them, and she clearly felt Yuanzhu's need for the water system.

After a long time of input, everyone was so exhausted that they couldn't even do battle strength, so they could only rely on stone pillars to input. After a few days passed like this, the players one by one exhausted too much energy and fell asleep one after another.

The other supernatural players took care of them, arranging the water players one by one to facilitate their recovery, while Qiao Yuanbao took care of Jiang Duoduo alone.

She couldn't bear it any longer.

But the effect is still significant, at least 20.00% of the cracks on the beads were repaired.

While supporting her, Qiao Yuanbao murmured, "I don't know what's going on with this bead. Why is it interested in the water system? Could it be a water polo in essence?"

These words made Jiang Duoduo stunned on the spot.

She instructed Qiao Yuanbao to place her on the narrow platform at the top of the stone pillar, and after observing the beads closely, she found that it was indeed the case.

I saw that the inside of the bead is equivalent to the microscopic world, which is completely consistent with the blue star's territory in reality.

It was also at this time that she suddenly realized.

No wonder there is such a great need for familiarity, because Blue Star is originally a water polo.

This guess, when she came down, informed the players.

The players suddenly realized.

"So all you need is water? Not just water players?"

Jiang Duoduo nodded and said, "Of course, this is just my guess. I'll have to try it out to know exactly what to do."

After speaking, he took out a bottle of water and handed it to Qiao Yuanbao to pour it on the beads.

Sure enough, as soon as the water touched the beads, it was absorbed instantly, and a bottle of water did not cause the slightest change at all.

After everyone saves enough water for survival, pour all the excess into it, but you must know that no matter how much water the players have in their hands, it will not consume as much water as the previous water-type abilities, so after pouring it in, only a slight change can be seen .

When Jiang Duoduo saw this, she knew that her Klein bottle would come in handy.

So after resting for a while and recovering a little strength, he climbed up and poured the water in the bottle onto the beads.

The water in the Klein bottle is ∞, so when it is poured, there is no consumption at all. It has filled the entire ocean before, and this bead can also be completely filled.

Sure enough, after using the Klein bottle, the restoration of the beads was quick.

20.00% five, 30.00%, half, 70.00%, until it stops at around 90.00% and the water no longer blends in.

She knew that there was enough water.

But there are still cracks on the beads.

In fact, up to now, it is completely enough to support Blue Star for a thousand years, but no one present wants to give up just like that.

No wonder the system said at the time that they only had a 90.00% success rate.

At this moment, the system appeared.

"Jiang Duoduo, do you believe it now? This system has said it before!"

The emergence of the system also made Jiang Duoduo's heart sink to the bottom. She couldn't help asking: "If I give up now, how long can Blue Star last?"

"1356, but the premise is that within this period of time, Blue Star's technology has developed enough to fight against those foreign civilizations, but after system calculations, Blue Star can't do it even if it doubles the time, so should you give up now? ?”

Jiang Duoduo didn't want to.

"What does it take to continue repairing?"


Hearing this, Jiang Duoduo fell to the ground, Qi Qi, maybe other things can be obtained, but Qi Qi, without the help of the system, these players can't even know about it.

"Where do you get the vitality?"

The silence of the system also represents its rejection.

"Then let me change the question, what will happen to Blue Star if there is no such vitality?"

This time the system gave an answer, "Because of the existence of vitality, Blue Star will automatically form a protective shield to isolate itself and prevent those powerful enemies from being discovered. There is no need for this system to say anything else!"

Jiang Duoduo was silent for a long time before saying, "What is there about me that represents vitality?"

A drop of spiritual liquid appeared in front of her.

"How much is needed to meet the needs of Blue Star?"

"Ten thousand drops!"

This number made Jiang Duoduo's eyes dark.

If 30 drops are fully expected to be produced daily, it will take nearly 15 years. Even if she doubles the Klein bottle, it will take about [-] years. She can afford to wait, but Lan Xing can't afford to wait. Now there are enemies watching. Once the system disappears, their artillery fire will be aimed at Blue Star immediately. At that time, they may even hope to live.

"Jiang Duoduo, this system is not afraid to tell you that the function of those fragments is to resist the attacks of those enemies, but all of this is based on the vitality of Blue Star. The higher the vitality, the higher the attack resistance of the barrier formed by the fragments, and vice versa. , I think you understand."

"So do you regret it now?"

Jiang Duoduo really thought about this question for a long time, so long that the system thought she was not going to answer it, and acquiesced.

"No regrets!"

"System, you probably don't understand. For Blue Star people, if their homes are destroyed, then everything is over. So, if you told everyone in the first game that there is a chance to save the world now, I think that At that time, all players will agree that even if what is needed to save the world is their life, there will be no complaints!"

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